304 HOOLE. CHESHIRE. [ KELLY'S Burges Robert Evans B..A.., M.D., Hoole Literary Institution (Frederick Phillips William Edwin, commission M.Ch., M . .A..O. surgeon, 3 Egerton T. Dinwoodie, sec.), Faulkner street agent, Hamilton Hey, Hamilton st terrace, Hoole road Holland Charles, builder, II Derby pi Pixton William, Blotlmfield A.rmsP.H. Butt Francis John M.B.,B.M. surgeon, Hughes Hugh Jones, commercial tra- 43 Faulkner street & public vaccinator, North East veller, Summerville, Hoole road Price George, painter, I2I Peploe at district, medical officer for North Hulse Jn.boot&ihoe ma.2I Faulkner st Prince Benjamin, yeast dealer, Sunny- Western district, Chester union, 3 Hunter Robert, com. trav. 8 Derby pl side, Hamilton street Allington terrace, Hoole road Irving James P. commercial traveller, Rees Thos. Hy.shopkpr.53 Faulkner si Cameron John, commercial traveller, Rosslyn, Hoole r{)ad Richardson Alexander, shopkeeper, sa :r Hamilwn terrace, Hoole road Jones Benjamin, beer retailer & pro- Faulkner street Carline John, post office clerk, I9 vision dealer, 46 Peploe street Roberts Charles, baker, 3 Charles at Hamilton street Jones John, master mariner, 5 .A.Iex- Roberts Wm. beer retailer,rgPeploe st Cooke James William, railway timber ander terrace, Hoole road Roberts William Morris, com. travllr. inspector, 23 Hamilton street Jones Thos. greengrocer, IS Walker st Hawthorn dean, Hoole road Cooper Chas.journalist, 31Hamilton st Lathom John &; Sons, boiler makers, Rowlands Alfred James, shopkeeper, Crimes Arthr.shopkeeper,I29 Peploe st 57 Peploe street 32 Faulkner street Davies Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Lewis Edwd.Rt.shopkeepr. 7Walker st Stalker Geo. cowkeeper, 24 Charles st 25 Faulkner street Lloyd Frank,hairdresser,g Faulkner st Stringer William, Fanlkner ArmsP.H. Dickinson David, chemist, Faulkner st Lockley Thomas, beer retailer, 8 40 Faulkner street Dinwoodie Mary Ann (Mrs.), butcher, Faulkner street Sumpter Henry, builder, 9 Panton rd 2 Faulkner street London & North Western Goods Dept>t Sutton Matilda (Mrs.), smallware Duck Fredk.Jas.com.trav.4Hamilton st (Joshua Taylor, agent), Ashby dealer, 7 Faulkner street Dntton William, farmer, Hoole Bank place, Hoole road Tasker Jn. potato dlr. I3 Bishop's st farm, Hoole Village Marsland George Wright, beer re- Taylor Olive (Mrs.), Royal Oak P.H. Eccles Ellis, blacksmith, Hoole road, tailer & shopkeeper, 13:;1 Peploe st Hoole Village Hoole Village Moore John, cowkeeper, 153 Peploe st Tenniers Charles Henry, sen. com- Francis Jas. corn. trav. 7 Hool& park Morgan Richd. coal mer.3 Faulkner st mercial traveller, 4 Hoole park Forester Albert, builder, ~o Derby pl Morris Wm. corn. trav. 8 Hamilton st Tenniers Charles Henry, jun. pro• Garratt Edward, telegraph lines in- Mott James, Quarter-Master-Ser- fessor of music, 4 Hoole park spector, 26 Hamilton street geant, 35 Hamilton street Tilson Fredk. butcher, 44 Peploe st Gerrard Chas.markt.gardnr.7 Derby pl Norbury Thomas, plumber, glazier & Timmis Albert, inspector of weights Goldstraw Clarissa (Mrs.), furniture gas fitter, 26 Charles st. See advt &; measures, 37 Hamilton street dealer, 21 Charles street Owen Clara (Mrs.), greengrocer & Watson Rt.Hy. corn. trav.30 Ha.miltn.st Goff Charles, cowkeeper, I7 Charles st fishmonger, I3u, Faulkner street Watts Alfred, commercial traveller, Gri:ffiths Sarah Jam~ (Mrs.), shop- Pay John, boot & shoe maker, 109 5 Brookside villas, Hoole road keeper, 6 Walker street Peploe street Wilkes Edwin, cowkeeper,25 Peploe st Hallinan Thos. com.traV.2IHamilton st Payne Thomas, farmer, Hoole Village Williams Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper, 17 Harrison Chas. shopkpr.38 Faulknerst Peers Rd. plumbr.&iglazr.1gWalker st Walker street Harrison Chas.Rolley,grocr.sWalker st Perry Wm.Bune,com.trav.6Hamiltn.st Williams Saml. builder, 21 Hoole pk Hartshorn Robt. farmer, HooleVillage Phillips Hassall,book agnt.I Hoole pk Woolley Edwd.shopkpr.34 Faulkner st Harvey George, butcher, 20 Walker st Phillips Wm. locomotive supt. G.W.R. Young Thomas James Edward, com­ Hatton Hannah (Miss), smallware 6 Alexander terrace, Hoole road mission agent, 36 Snmpter pathway dealer, IS Charles street • ROOTON is a township and parish, formed June Io, Chrisropher Naylor esq. J.P. of Kelmarsh Hall, North­ I862, from the civil parish of Eastha.m, and has a junc­ amptonshire, who is lord of the manor, and Miss Niohol­ tion station on the Birkenhead, Lancashire and Cheshire son are the chief landowners. The area is I,r64 acres of section of the London and North Western and Great land, 631 tidal water and r,ogg foresh()re; rateable value, Western joint railway, 8 miles north from Chester, 7 £3,493; the population in I8gr was 537· south from Birkenhead and 2 mjles from Eastham, in the Wall Letter Box cleared at 8.30 p.m. daily. The nearest Wirral division of the connty of Chester, higher division post, money order & telegroph office is at Eastham of the hnndred of Wirral, petty sessional division and union of the same name, county court district of Birken­ CHILDER-THORNTON (or Thornton-Childer) is a l\ead, and rural deanery of Wirral and arohdeaconry and township and small village in the parish of Hooton, I diocese of Chester. From Hooton station there are branch mile from the Little Sutton station on the Great Western lines to Helsby on the east and to Parkgate and West and London and North Western joint railway, 8 mile8 Kirby on the west. The church of St. Paul, locally in north-north-west from Chester, Q south from Birkenhead Little Sutton, was erected in 1858 by R. C. Naylor esq. and I from Hooton~ St. Mary of the Angels Catholic in memory of Mary Sophia his wife, and consecrated 25 church, opened in 1879, is an edifice of red sandstone, con­ Jan. I862; it is a cruciform building of red sandstone sisting of chancel, nave, porch and a small tower sur­ with white srone facings in the Byzantine style, and con­ mounted with six pinnacles and turret containing one sists of chancel, nave of six bays, aisles, north porch, and bell : there are seven stained memorial windows : Sir at the south-east angle a low tower carried on open John Stanley hart. the last of the Stanleys of Hooton Hall, aroodes and containing one bell; from the centre of the Cheshire, is interred here : the church will seat r8o per­ building rises a dome, surmounted by a glazed turret : sons. Miss Nayl{)r, who is lady of the manor, Thomas the pulpit, of carved Sltone, is sup~rted on variously Arthur Hope esq. John Hayward esq. Henry .A.leunder coloured marble pillars: the church affords about 450 Latham esq. and John James Briscoe e.sq. are the chief sittings. The register dates from the year 1862. The landowners. The area is 746 acres; rateable value, 1iving is a vicarage, average titlhe rent-charge £so, net £6,094; the population in 1891 was 743· yearly value, with private chaplaincy attached, £270, with Letters through Chester are delivered at 7 a.m. & 5 p.m. residence and s! acres of glebe, in the gift of R. c. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Little Naylor esq. and held since r862 by the Rev. John Owen Sutron M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Hooton Hall, the property of Miss Naylor, standing on a high balustraded Wall Letter Box clea.red at 9.20 a.m. & 8.40 p.m.; 8.40 terrace in a park of about 300 acres, about a mile and a p.m. on sunday half fl"om Hooton stat-ion, is a large mansion with ad­ Infants' School, built about 1709, & restored in r825, vanced wings and annexe's in the Italian style, erected in for 43 children; average attendanee, 30; Miss Rigby, '1778, from designs by James Wyatt, architect, and com­ rn1stress. ' mands a delightful view of the river Mersey and surround­ County Police, now located at Sutton, Sergt. Bowyer &; dog country, but has been 'imoocupied since I877. Richard Constable Waite HOOTON. Jarvis J. Southam, Neston road COMMERCIAL. J ones Frederick William, Hooton PRIVATE RESIDENTS. grange, Neston road Bagnall Arthur John, Hooton hotel, 'Bland John, St. Martin's, Whitby rd Jones William Henry, Hooton grange, Neston road IJurnell Nathaniel S. The Oaks, Neston road Christopher11on Margaret (Mrs.),farmr Neston road Kerr Capt. The Priory, Whitby road Rivica Stud farm,Eastham Ferry rd Glyun Edward Dashwood, Woodcote, Morrell John, Elmtrees, Neston road Florence William, gardener to Miss Neston road Pollard Goorge, Brookfield, Neston rd Naylor, Eastham Ferry road Holland Arthr. D.Lowfields, Neston rd Williams Thomas M.A.,LL.D. Hooton Hughes William H. iltation master, Holland Mrs. Lowfield ho. Neston rd lawn, Rake lane L. & N.W.R. & G.W.R. Neston rd .
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