Mabel R. Gillis, Librarian California State Library Sacramento 9, California #2 Salt goie State &file English Deadline Whiskers Today May 3rd was set by the Eng- te-rsterday's rain, sign- lish department as the deadline ups If11tIle Spardi Gras Wide- for students taking the compre- imidd 'contest were postponed hensive examination to fulfill 4 until today, announced Bill Lo- requirements for English mai- gan, committee chairman. "1.11 on. Register In room H28 (Eng- S artan Dail Ibus-event of rain, sign-ups will lish office) at any time up to FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE OF UNITED PRESS 1511 held in the $G office, room and Including May 3rd. $," stated Logan. Enttifild as second class minis, in the San Jos* Post Office. The Press of the Globe Printing Co., San Jose. lit. Volume XXXVI gAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1948 Number 126 A ROMS' LION STALKS TONITE Valuables Rifled While STUDENT COURT Curtain Goes Up At 8:15 On DISCUSSES Spartan Baseballers Battle VOTING METHOD Bernard Shaw Comedy; Student Body elections, and On COP Diamond At Stockton Roche, Smith In Lead Roles whose voting procedures shall be By PAUL CANE followed, was the top issue at the The cast of "Androcles and the Lion" finished rehearsals late Student Court Meeting last night. While Walt Williams and his Spartan baseballers were on the It was decided, after careful last night, and everything is really for curtain time tonight, which is field competing against COP at Stockton Friday afternoon, an un- study of the recently ratified new 8:15 in the Little Theater. identified ASB constitution, that Student "All the show needs R. Kerr culprit broke into the players' locker room and made off Council is authorized to set what- is a live audience," Director John with cash and valuables amounting to $275, team members said. ever balloting procedures they so said last night. "It takes the reaction of a real audience to bring Will Concklin, third baseman, complained of losing a wrist watch, 'wish. The Court's, duty is to "con- out the best in a- riotous comedy like this." The costume depart- duct" the elections under what- valued at $75,, and $25 in cash. ment, under the supervision of ever procedures, and location, Don Lopes, captain and short- Paula Athey, has supplied the cast that the other groups designate. stop, said "Every piece of clothing I with all the trimmings from san- West Visits Yale, There was some controversy be- Vaccinations Here in the room was rifled. Pens, dals and the Roman Captain's tween Chief Justice Bill Logan watches, money, and even cigar- Smallpox vaccinations will be iboots to the toga of Caesar. Only Harvard On Trip and Student Councilmen Pat ettes were taken." given Tuesday from 11:00 am. rented items are the Roman hel- Walsh and Bob Hines, who attend- Registrar Joe H. West, on his to 1:00 p.m. in the Health of- mets. All other costumes and Lopes stated the wallet" and ed the session as to precisely who four weeks' trip through the Mid- fice, announced Health Director pieces of equipment were built by wearing apparel were not removed has the "word" in all student body from the locker room, but that dle West and East, is at present Miss Margaret M. Twombly. The the student costumers. visiting Harvard and Yale univer- elections. vaccinations will be the last for the vandal had looted the pockets Dr. James Clancy will tread the sities, according to his itinerary. Logan assigned Associate Jus- the quarter. "on the spot." tices Dick Morton and Dick 'boards tonight as Caesar, together Purpose of his Stockton police were grilling a trip is to attend Brown the task of organizing the with the student cast headed by the annual suspect when the team returned convention of the Court's own rules of procedure. I Cliff Roche as Andrade', the home Saturday evening, but hopes American Association for Colle- WAA Ball Teams timid, animal - taming Christian, for the return of the stolen ar- giate Registrars in Philadelphia and Don Smith, the waltzing Lion. ticles were not high. and to visit colleges and univer- Strayer Report To Play U. Of Cal. sities to study various kinds of I Gwen Samuelson, as the Chris- 'IV() WAA teams will ; tian maiden, Lavina, and Ed Wil- registration systems. Brings Eng. Meet softball Spears Sponsors West will return to his office travel to Berkeley tomorrow af- liams, the Roman Captain, supply on Monday, May 10. Dr. Ralph J. Smith, Engineer- ternoon to participate in a tennis- the Shavian romance. softball playday with the Monthly Sale ing department head, will meet Univer- Don Holladay plays the brawny with representatives from San sity of California WAA teams. Christian converter, Ferrovius. Lost and found articles, former- Managers To Meet Diego and Fresno State colleges Playday participants are the and Jackson Young handles the disposed of At a quarterly sale ly this Saturday in Los Angeles. two top teams in the WAA soft- role of Spintho. conducted by the Spartan Spears, Purpose of the meeting will be At Pleasanton ball tournament, there being 14 The Lion's head, a very realistic will hereafter be sold monthly to discuss the development of the girls on each team. Transporta- object, was constructed by Al announces Harry Brakebill, assist- A conference of college gradu- Engineering departments in those tion will be provided for the girls, Johnson. ant comptroller. ate managers will be held at colleges. Dr. Smith will represent the bus leaving the Women's gym The monthly sales will also be Pleasanton on May 28 and 29, ac- San Jose State college. at 2:30. Play at Berkeley begins conducted by the Spartan Spears. cording to Graduate Manager This meeting was called as a' at four o'clock. Telephone System The date of the next sale will be William Felse of San Jose State result of the Strayer committee's Plans are also being made for decided later this week. college. Managers. who will par- recommendation that Fresno, San j another combination volleyball, Still Unavailable Mr. Brakebill warns those who ticipate will be from San Diego Diego and San Jose State colleges' softball, tennis playday at Salinas lose articles to keep in mind the .'state college, University of Cali- should include engineering in their on May 8. One or two softball The new telephone system for shorter length of time the articles fornia at Santa Barbara, College curriculums, declared Dr. Smith. teams will also participate in this San Jose State college, which was will be held. of the Pacific, Cal Poly at San "We plan to study the pro- 1 scheduled playday. to have gone into operation April Luis Obispo, San Francisco State grams in the individual colleges 19, is still not ready for use, stat- college, and San Jose State col- and how they supplement and ed Edward S. Thompson, college Daily Apologizes lege. parallel each other," he added. comptroller, recently. A CCAA meeting will be held at Softball Halted Unforeseen difficulties have held For Boxing Error the same place and on the same Four Spartan Daily Softball up the completion of the installa- dates, according to Felse, but Joint Concert Is tion and in An unfortunate slip was made league games scheduled for yes- the meantime the old business meetings will be separate. system and numbers in an editorial column yesterday. terday afternoon were cancelled will have to The graduate managers are con- Scheduled Monday be Used, according Much called for objection was re- due to wet grounds. to Thompson. cerned with the publicity aspects The telephone ceived in a letter from Dewitt The San Jose State college Sym- Garden City Athletic club, company has not of the CCAA and in that connec- set a definite date for the new Portal, Spartan boxing mentor. tion will meet with CCAA publi- phony orchestra and A Cappelli' the Student 1', the Wildcats, Choir will present a joint concert system to go into operation. Portal's letter read in part: city officials. Spartan Manor, Spartan Chi, Monday evening at 7:30 in the the Hit The new switchboards will in- "In order to add a little local "This meeting will be a follow- Paraders, the Music Morris Dailey auditorium, re- crease the number of extensions color to your invalidated state- up to the one we held in Feb- department, and the Buster ports the Music department. The Browns all on the campus to 200, double that ments, you wrote . Since you ruary," explained Felse. "The had meetings plan- concert will conclude Junior Col- ned. of the old installation. Trunkllnes ere only guessing, you gave February meeting proved extreme- lege festival day, in which nine These games will to the central office of the tele- yourself an out by using the word ly beneficial in promoting the he played at colleges will participate. a later date. phone company wW be increased "allegedly," but the implications exchange of ideas and other as- Dr. Lyle Downey will conduct from 8 to 14. are there. In one little paragraph pects of cooperation between the the orchestra; the A Cappella on Wednesday you have done more various manager." damage to college boxing than Choir will be under the direction some of us could do for the sport of Mr. William Erlendson. In 10 or 15 years of hard work." Mosher Attends Overture, "A Roman Carnival," OFF THE WIRE Opus 9 (Berlioz) and Symphony HAFFTEN Editor's note: Admittedly the Teaching Meet No. 2 "Romantic" (Hanson) will By UNITED PRESS Edited by PAUL VON presented by the orchestra.
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