Proceedings of the Vitalism Conference The LifeSource Octagon, A Center for Infinite Thinking PresentsVital Conversations Vis Medicatrix Naturae: Stewardship of the Source of Healing Exploring the New Vitalism April 17-18, 2009 1 I Prelude to a Conversation Welcome to the Proceedings document of the inau- truths acknowledged the evident and commanding gural Vital Conversation of the LifeSource Octagon: presence of a power and force that, while perhaps in- A Center for Infinite Thinking. articulate in scientific terms, spoke unending, eloquent volumes through the observable and replicable myster- The subject of this event was developed out of an ies of living processes. awareness of the need to have a new, academically- driven effort that would examine vitalism. The percep- There is a powerful temptation to name this force, this tion of the need for this effort arose from a variety of presence. The act of naming it serves the interests of needs and influences: some provincial to the interests many, but not all. Vitalism is neither cult, nor religion, of specific professions, some more connected to nor the province of any single profession or group. It the awareness of a hunger at a different level, where is, rather, in perhaps its purest form, the most inclu- policy-makers hunger for more complete and sustain- sive method of acknowledgement: acknowledgement able models of health and wellness. of the presence of information and associated data; acknowledgement of the presence of order and pre- The concept of vitalism is ancient, based on ob- sumptive intelligence, and acknowledgement of mys- servational phenomena, a cosmology that served tery. Any single element, extracted from the whole, is humankind well until the advent of mechanistic and perhaps satisfying in a temporal way—but incomplete. reductionistic considerations raised questions that it Taken together, they offer a collective departure point was not prepared to answer. The advent of quantum for a journey of exploration and challenge. mechanics theories provided new perspectives that, in an intellectually surprising turn of events, served I invite you to both accept the challenge of, and the notice of the limits of mechanistic models and re- necessity to surrender to, this journey. If the destina- invigorated efforts to re-examine and reconsider the tion is preordained, there is nothing new to be learned. tenets of vitalism. With warmth and respect, Because of, or in spite of, the dominance of mecha- nistic/reductionistic model thinking during the explo- sion of scientific knowledge in the twentieth century, Stephen Bolles a number of healing professions held fast to tenets of Conference coordinator health and healing that acknowledged the contribution of mechanistic thinking without surrendering elemen- tal, inviolate truths. Rather than being derivatives of randomized, placebo- controlled double blinded clinical trials, these truths were more elemental, more archetypal, more sensate in nature: based on millennia of thoughtful observations, relational loci of healing, and an intuitive respect for the ineffable elements of life and of living. These II Inception Modern Vitalism and Health Care tic theories – phenomenalist and realist vitalists. The A Symposium Concept Proposal phenomenalist utilized concepts of “vital power” or Submitted by “vital property” in their biological theories but the Rob Scott, PhD and David Koch DC, Co-Chairs vital power was envisioned as the result of perceived relationships through the observation of phenom- Purpose: To provide a venue for academic dialogue ena. Realist vitalists by contrast actually hypothesized regarding the current status of modern vitalistic phi- the existence of a non-physico-chemical entity from losophy in health care and the generation of “white which the physical observations were the result and papers” on the these vitalistic principles as they apply corresponded more with classical vitalist perspective. to health. Benton’s second dimension contained three categories. Theories were categorized based upon the character- Background: Vitalism in a classical context of a “Life ization for the “purpose” of the vital power. Force,” the belief that living things are given life by some entity-entelechy-which distinguishes living from In teleological vitalism the vital power was proposed to nonliving things, has all but been discarded by conven- be operating in pursuit of a desired outcome or objec- tional science since the 19th century. Monica Greco tive. Nomological vitalism characterized vital powers (2005) in her paper “On the Vitality of Vitalism” that operated according to laws discoverable by obser- noted that many authors when discussing Vitalism vation and experiment yet could not be reducible to fail to acknowledge a “polyvalence” that exists with physical sciences. Finally, non-nomological forms of the term. Traditionally, vitalism involves a metaphysi- vitalism included theories were the vital powers were cal, or ontological, context and is often presented in variable and not subjected to any law-like properties. direct opposition to materialism. While this is the Clearly, in Benton’s (and others) typology the Vitalism classical definition of turn-of the century vitalism, it lines fall along explanations of a “vital power” that are reliance is an oversimplification and represents a lack either amenable to the physical or dependent upon a of appreciation for the variety of meaning. Benton non-physico-chemical entity. This distinction is also (1974) constructed a typology of vitalism as applied evident in the work of Wuketits (1989) who proposes to biological sciences in which these differences were two broad distinctions for the concept of Vitalism. One clearly identified and from which he concluded that is the classical animist and the other a naturalist ap- “the issues which divided vitalists from one another proach. The former distinction is explicitly metaphysi- (i.e. one vitalistic theory from the next) can be shown cal, dependent upon a non-physico-chemical entelechy, to be more significant than those that divided vitalists while the later distinction suggests organic natural laws from non-vitalists. that may transgress the range of physical explanation. A naturalist perspective is also espoused in the discus- Indeed, in some cases the sole issue separating a vital- sion of organismic biology and cybernetics that both ist from non-vitalists was little more than a termino- endorse a system theories approach in explaining the logical dispute.” Benton’s typology included a three organizational relationship of the physical world. dimensional assessment of vitalistic theory. The first dimension differentiated theories based upon what he Today, several health care approaches traditionally called “epistemological skepticism”, or “metaphysical classified as Complimentary or Alternative Medicine daring.” This included essentially two types of vitalis- (CAM) claim to be based upon “vitalistic philosophy”. III These approaches to health collectively center on the Core Proficiencies: philosophy of “Vis Medicatrix Naturae” – the healing As stated in Life’s Mission the “University educates power of nature, and the principles associated with its student in a set of core life proficiencies,….” The each approach fall into several of the vitalistic defini- proposed symposium fulfills several of the Universi- tions listed above. Each approach possesses similarities ties core proficiencies, specifically: to the others, yet each also has distinct differences. All, • Philosophy of Human Existence and Health however, possess the same challenge of validating its Care Policy vitalistic philosophy in an era of scientific dominance • Belief Systems and Performance and scrutiny. Additionally, trends are emerging with in • Contemporary Scientific Paradigms conventional allopathic medicine towards more holis- • Learning Theory/Critical Thinking tic approaches to health, which, in and of themselves, cross perilously into “vitalistic” territory. Program Format: The day-long program is designed in the format of a The ever expanding understanding of science and symposium, a formal meeting where several invited recent insights deriving from complexity theory specialists deliver short addresses on a topic, or related especially emergent properties (systems behaviors topics followed by a free interchange of ideas. The which cannot be predicted from the properties of the symposium is desirable as it provides the format that is component parts alone) suggests the time may war- in line with the Octagon™, a forum for the exchange rant revisiting the “vitalistic” connection to the human of ideas that permits the general public to observe. experience and its relationship to health. This sym- posium is intended to provide a venue for academic Program Objective: dialogue on the modern “vitalistic” philosophy as it The symposium will provide a dialogue for contem- relates to health and health care. porary vitalistic philosophy in health care. Academi- cians representing provider groups sharing vitalistic Fit to Mission: philosophies and academics from the discipline of The symposium is congruent with the Life University’s philosophy will provide overviews of the metaphysical mission. An integral portion of Life ‘s mission states models and constructs that comprise their discipline “ To fulfill this mission, the University, an institution or respective provider group philosophy as they relate based on contemporary vitalistic principles, offers
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