B p U B L I 3ll E D W E E K LY The contonrs ol this newslettet may be quoted or reproduced without lufther permisslon. IOPEAN COItIMUNITY lNFOBirAflOil SERVICE 2100MStreet,N.W.,Washinston,D.c.20037phone:(202)872{350 277 P*k Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 phono: (212) 371-3804 b N0. E FEBRUARY 15 r974 ENERGY CONFERENCE ,,UNAN The clauses also called for new REACHES I MI TY short and long-term rfnarket credit WITH ONE EXCEPTION,, facilities. I' The l3-nation Washington Energy Con- France sinilarly rejected the com- ference ended today with agreement mrniquers principal clause calling on a trsubstantial increase of inter- for a conference of consrmer and pro- national cooperation in all fields,r' ducer countries, possibly preceded by but France withheld assent to the a further neeting of consumer nations. final coumtrniquers three najor claus- Questioned, Jobert decLined to cormit es. The meeting, held at the State France to a refusal to attend any con- Departnent, grouped the llnited States, ference not including producer coun- Canada, Japan, Norway, and the nine tries but said Paris favored using European Couuarmity cormtries. the format of the 0rganization of Ec- ononic Cooperation and Developnent The comnunique noted that enerry (0ECD), the Inteniational Monetary shortages existed before Lthe present Fund (IMF), or the uN because these crisis, but said inflated oil prices were frnot exclusive clubs.rr threatened the world balance of pay- nents strtrcture, incones, enpl.olaent The French ninister in a heated and developnent in poorer cormtries session told reporters that Francets -- all in a way that could not be opposition |twas to be expected, con- dealt with by monetary or trade mea- sidering the conditions and tiuring sures alone. of this conference.rr France rejected a clause calling US Secretary of State Henry A. for- concerted national policies, Kissinger told a news conference that res- frsometimes traint on energy demands, and a sys- there are disagreements ten of oil allocation in tines of not because people do not understand emergency or severe shortage. each other but because they under- stand each other only too well.rr France also dissociated itself Asked about the effect of French op- fron a group of ttrnonetarytf clauses position, he said: rrThe impact of calling for avoidance of competitive France on the conference was re- devaluations and trdisruptive actions flectedin the conferencets vote which in external borrowing,rr an apparent was unaninous with one exception.r' reference to the French Governrnentrs But the United States was rfnot in massive Eurobond issue this month. confrontation with France.rl Thls mateilal ls Neparcd, edlted, issued, and ctculaled by the Eurcpean Communlv lnfome,lon Seryice, 2100 M Slrcet, NW, Suito 707, Washingtoo, DC 20057 which le rcglstercct unctet the Forcign Agents Registrution Act as a,, agent ot the Commission ot the Eurcpean Commu- ,,itres, Brusse/s, Belglum, This mateilal ls liled with the Depertment ol Justice wherc the rcquircd rcgistrction statement is avallable tot public inspection. Eeg6tratron cloes no, indicate apptoyal ol lhe conlents ol the mateilal by lhe Unilecl Slalgs Goverrrrerrr, o SCHEEL, ORTOLI Council of Ministers will resume its =uI MINIMIZE DIFFERENCES discussion of the Fund at its February z L8 meeting in Brussels. Ge:man Foreign Minister Walter Scheel E - told a Washington news conference to- Thomson welcomed the upconing lrlay 3 day that failure to reach unanimity EC trsulnitrr meeting in Bonn, Germany, = on all points at the energy neeting as providing a good opportrmity for o= was not surprising as the European the EC leaders to prove that the Com- () Comnunity did not yet have cormon munity is a workable instnment for z foreign or energy policies. Scheel, rmiting Europe. lrJ speaking as acting President c of the o EC Council of Ministers, called the E energy neeting a first step toward KRAG/GUNDELACH D lrJ solution of a world problem. EC Con- ADDRESS ATLANTIC mission President Francois-Xavier ALLIANCE CONFERENCE Orto1i said the energy crisis was a challenge to the Connrmity to I'ro11 Finn Ol.av Gundelach, EC Cotmissioner uP our sleeves and get work responsible for internal narket and to to Krag, refurbish and restore the idea of customs natters, and Jens otto unity. r' Chief of the Delegation of the EC Courmission to the United States, will speak at a Washington conference for UPCOMING VISIT TO US corporation executives on March 19. JAPAN BY ORTOLI The March 19-20 conference, called I'The Corporate Stake in Meeting the Francois-Xavier Ortoli, President of Crisis in the Atlantic Alliance,rr is the Comnission of the European Couununi- sponsored by the Atlantic Council, the ties will nake an official visit to lohns Hopkins School of Advanced Inter- Japan Febrtrary 18-23. Ortolirs visit national Studies, and the International will include meetings v,ith Japanese Managenent and Development Institute' Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka; Japanese 0thei conference speakers incl'ude Sec- ninisters of foreign affairs, finance, retary of state Henry A. Kissinger, international commerce and industry; Secretary of Defense James R. Schlesin- EC Menber State ambassadors to Japan, ger, Under Secretary of the Tr-easury and representatives to the Japanese ior !,tonetary Affairs PauL A. Vol'cker, Federation of Economic Organizations Ambassador of Ita1y Egidio Ortona, Am- (KEIDAREN). Ortoli will also be rec- bassador of Belgium Walter Loridan, eived by Japanrs Emperor Hirohito. and Berndt Von Stade, Arnbassador of Germany. THOMSON POI-NTS TO REGINAL POLICY AS A EC WHEAT DENATURING WAY OUT OF EC CRISIS PREMIUM ABOLISHED If the EC Member States are genuinely The denaturing prenium for comnon seeking a way out of the European Cout- wheat in the European Comnunity was nunityts deadlock, theY can find it abolished on Febnrary 10, 1974, by the in regional policY, George Thomson EC Comuission to ease the supply dif- told representatives of European bor- ficulty and high prices on both the der regions on Febnrary 8. Thomson, world and EC markets. By discouraging Conrnissioner resPonsible for regional denaturing, the Cormrission expects to matters, addressed the Institute for free wheat for uses other than aninal Regional Cooperation in Intra-Cotununi- feed. Ttre Comission had twice reduced ty Border Regions at Otzenhausen, Ger- the premium since the beginning of the nany. The Cornnissioner said estab- L973/4 marketing year (August): from lishment of the Comissionrs proposed 16 to 12 units of account (UA) per me- Regional Developnent Fund could pro- tric ton, and fron UA 12 to UA 7 pet vide the Conmtrnity with the stirmrlus netric ton. (One UA equals one 1970 of a success it badly needs. The doLlar. ) m COUNCIL MOVES TO FOOD AID ASKED C, IMPROVE DECISION- FOR MADAGASCAR o MAKING PROCEDURE ! A proposal to send 10,000 tons of cer- m The a Council of Ministers adopted eals in food aid to Madagascar was = second series of neasures to inprove bY o sent to the Council of Ministers o its decision-making procedures on the EC Cormission on February 6. Mad- February 5. The measures call on agascar, once an exPorter of rice, = C= the Council President to increase his now has a shortage -- due to bad wea- 2 role as a coordinator, neet periodi- ther. Additioiiall.y, the lligh prices { cdlly with the EC Comnission Presi- on the world market limit Madagascarrs and submit a six-monthly z dent, ability to inport. The aid, costing m work progra"m and timetable to the about 2.86 nil.lion units of account { Council. Seven months before be- (UA), would consist of 6,000 tons of' o ginning a tern of the Council presi- rice and 41000 tons of soft wheat. dency, the Menber State to hold the (One UA equals one 1970 dollar.) the office is to publish a calendar of European CoumunitY would also P4Y prospective Council neetings. The shipping costs to the port of debar- Council also decided that related kation. items wil.l be grouped on neeting agenda so they can be dealt with in reference to each other. After EC INVITES GRENADA an agenda item has been discussed, TO ASSOCIATION TALKS a woiking party will sumnrarize Coun- cil conclusions, while the meeting is The newly independent Carribean State in progress, to resolve related prob- of Granada will be invited to take Lems and to avoid lengthy discussions part in the current negotiations be- on how the neasure in question is to tween the European Commrmity and the be carried out. Associated and rrAssociablerr States to replace the Yaoundd Convention. Gre- gained ESC CALLS FOR ACTION nada its independence from Bri- TO PROTECT EC UNITY tain on February 7, 1974. The CounciL of Ministers decided to extend the in- Menbers of the European Couunrmityts vitation during its February 5 neet- Econonic and Social Corunittee will ing in Brussels. urge their respective governtnents and other authorities to take special ac- tion to safeguard the cohesion of the DUTCH RECORD CARTEL Corunon Market. The Connittee repre- REVISES AGREEMENT sents the views of labor, managenent, and consurners in the Comnunityrs de- A Dutch phonograph record cartel has cision-naking process. removed from its agreements clauses infringing EC conpetition rules after A statenent on the Couunitteers de- a conplaint by the EC Coumission, it cision was adopted during its January was announced in Brussels on February 30-31 plenary session in Brussels and 2. The Comnission formd that the ag- sent to the Presidents of the Commis- reements linited retailersr freedom sion, the Council of Ministers, and to buy and sell in the Dutch market the European Parlianent. The Comit- and suppliersr opportunities to give tee called for a speedy arrival. at the discounts.
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