The cover Representing a change from the tradi ti o nal cover design, this iss ue's cover illustrates the overall theme of the season - the students. COMMEf\l contents 5. Living A photography exhibit by John S. Foster, Ill, a descendent of the II KA Junior Founder and the new Chief Photographer of the Shield & Diamond. 8. First Annual Communication Arts Compe- tition. Results of the first essay competition proves the Fraternity is loaded with unheralded talent. 13. An Odyssey - Breaking Barriers. Dynamic new turn in II KA leadership By John Kaegi training is introduced at the 1973 Editor Leadership Academy. The use we make of human resources in Pi Kappa Alpha is quite inadequate. 23. Welcome Home POW's. At least three IIKA alumni were held Compared to most other non-profit organizations, fraternities utilize just an in captivity by the North Vietnamese. inkling of their potential. There are fewer than 10,000 active members out of They're home. more than 70,000 living affi liates in this Fraternity. Too often Fraternity Officers preach of the wasteful use of energy by our 43. Pike Bikers haul in $68,000. undergraduates. But the real disposal problem is among our alumni . Combine a ll National Pike Bike Race is fu lfilling its the talents of all our members and you have inherent strengths, unmatched by goal of importance to the Muscular many sma ll nations! But, we continue to waste it. Dystrophy Association of America. Why? Because the Fraternity has developed di chotomous roles and stereo-typed images for its varying classes of membership. Associate members (pledges) are servants, undergraduates are the playboys and al umni are the has- beens, a few of departments whom may still be counted on for an annual donation, more from a feeling of obligation than from a determination to aid a cause in which they are directly 2. Comment involved. 3. Open Forum How to involve our alumni ? That is not the primary question. Ini tially, the 4. Officers problem of changing an outdated and undesirable image must be addressed. The 29. Review current alumnus role became outdated with the modernization of communication 35. Historical Notes and transportation, both of which were primarily responsible for causing the 36 . Chapter Notes hiatus in the first place. Surely the Founders didn't count their days as Brothers. 39. Tips On ... Nor did they comprehend the possibility of a four-year limitation to their fraternal 42. Alumni Notes association. A century ago, the Fraternity was a lifelong ambiti on, a learning and 47. News Update interpersonal experience to be shared for a lifetime. Today's alumnus assumes the "father image" when relating to undergraduates. R. John Kaegi The students usually expect it (with a few exceptions) and the alumni have never Editor been informed of any other modus operandi. In the relationship, the alumnus JohnS. Foster sometimes imparts certain talents or knowledge to his younger counterparts, but Chief Ph otographer rarely does he, as the outsider, gain from the experience. It's a sorry waste of effort Publ ished by the Pi Kappa Alpha Frater­ that results when men of diverse calling and background cannot fully utilize the nity with Memorial Headquarters at 577 Fraternity situation to promote personal growth and make the fraternity experience University Blvd ., Memphis, Tn ., 38112, a lifelong enterprise. qu arterly : September, December, March Some people consider the fraternity experience an undergraduates-on ly and June I Manuscripts are invited and proposition. But, there are hundreds of alumni who continue to share the should be addressed to the editor at least phenomenon and have maintained a fraternity-type relationship throughout the six weeks prior to publication date I years. Some are asking why they cannot help shape the destiny of Pi Kappa Alpha Chang~s of mailing address or failure to rather than being subject to the decrees of undergraduates. They want to be players, receive magazine should be reported not managers, in the big ball game. promptly to the Editor at 577 University, The answer is simp le and clear. As long as tne only place for alumni in this Memphis, Tn., 38112, giving full name, Fraternity is of an obligatory nature without corresponding opportunities for old and new address and zip code I involvement on the same plane as "actives," we will continue to have less than 15% Undergraduate members' magazines are of our potential available as human resources. On the other hand, if the sent to their home addresses I Second near-impossible task of attitude change and role-shaping can occur from within, class postage paid at Memphis, Tenn., and giving our alumni as much opportunity for enjoyment as our "actives," we will have additional mailing offices. closer to 1 000/o of our potential with which to utilize. Whether or not it is an impossible dream, the more alumni and undergraduates Postmaster: Send change of address on Form who understand the problem and then correct it within themselves, the Fraternity 3579 to 577 University, Memphis, Tn., 38112. and its constituents will grow by more than simple numbers. OPEN FORUM Extend community concept us the chancP to widen our interests and to Brother Naum refers) is one of the most become be tter citizens. We acquire greater valuable aspects. On the Memorial Head­ The Community Chapter Concept is a far­ respect for the opini ons an d actions of quarters staff is a full-time Director of reaching and exciting idea for our frater­ others. The community chapter concept Chapter Services as well as several others, nity for the years ahead. Today our has been with us for years. We just haven't part of whose responsibilities entails chap­ proble m is to defi ne the concept and recogni ze d it as such. Now that we have ter services. It would be nice to say 90% of envi sion just how one should promote this identified it a nd the many varied our chapters are "honorable examples of enl arging of the present fraterni ty chapter possibilities it presents, let us move on to phi phi K A," but whose criteria are we to set-up. Why am I so optimistic about the making the concept function within the use in the judging? general acce ptance of the idea by our framewock of. the principles we have long membership? Our friends, relatives and promoted. Most important, let's pledge Longhaired lovers alumni provide many of our chapters with ourselves to be lifetime members, always spirit, fin ancial support and loyalty and striving to grow with our great fraternity. After reading several features of your often bridge the gap over the years in indi ­ latest issues, the thought has occurred to vidual chapters. This fact is generally Willard R. Hoel, Jr. me - isn't it about time we brought the recognized in our chapters and in this con­ Greater New York Alumni Association name of the Fraternity up to date? text, it is hard to believe that under­ How about "The Longhaired Lovers graduate brothers will not offer a more Service, not expansion from Liverpool ?" activ e a nd significant rol e to such It's for sure someone on your staff had individuals . In response to your editorial concern for liis (or her) mind on something besides Fraternity means friendship. It also the suggested "mediocrity" of Pi Kappa the copy. stands for a unique opportunity for us. If Alpha, I have felt for many years that the there has been a major characteristic of the direction taken by the Nation al Office to Carl Portz fraternity man in recent years, it is that he charter more and more chapters in a Gamma Zeta Alumnus truly recognizes the significance of his seeming quest to have more of them than membership in his fraternity. Many alumni any other national has resulted in a general Disputes expansion in community colleges often state that they didn't reali ze the neglect for those establishe d chapters wh o great benefits offraternity membership for find themselves, for various reasons, in dire I am writing thi s letter to you in the hope many years after they left campus. It is straits. that it will be published in the upcoming most unfortunate that Pi Kappa Alpha is In any endeavor there is only so much issu e of the Shield & Diamond. It not presently prepared to provide a en e rgy, human and fin ancial, to be concerns a touchy issue which I am sure meaningful role for all members including expended. If this ene rgy is used to spread has been discussed heatedly in chapters our alumni. A better program for our Pi Kappa Alpha over more and more terri­ other than my own, that of bringing com­ alumni members must be established soon. tory, how can a strong base of sound munity coll ege chapters into Pi Kappa Our Me morial Headquarters could co­ chapters be maintained? Alpha. ordinate a program through our National My chapter, Alpha Rho, found itself in To the Brothers of Pi Kappa Al pha: Officers in all parts of our country, so that trouble in the early sixties. In stead of a As I read the June 1973 issue of the all brothers who wish to benefit from this concerted effort by national to shore-up Shield & Diamond, Open Forum section, opportunity can remain active in Pi an established chapter at a large Big Ten which containe d a letter by Brother Do ug Kappa Alpha. On this foundation, we can university, a few resident counselors were Campbell concernin g installation of our begin to establish a community chapter sent, the chapter continued to drop, an d two newest chapters, a question was re­ concept.
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