PHOTO QUIZ What Is Your Diagnosis? Patients reported leakage of straw-colored fluid when the lesions were traumatized. PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 310 FOR DISCUSSION Dirk M. Elston, MD, Departments of Dermatology and Laboratory Medicine, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, Pennsylvania. LTC Richard Vinson, MC, USA, Department of Dermatology, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The authors report no conflict of interest. The views expressed are those of the authors and are not to be construed as official or as representing those of the Army Medical Department or the Department of Defense. The authors were full-time federal employees at the time this work was completed. It is in the public domain. VOLUME 76, NOVEMBER 2005 301 Photo Quiz Discussion The Diagnosis: Lymphangioma Circumscriptum (Benign Lymphangiectasia) esions of lymphangioma circumscriptum and may be misdiagnosed as condylomata acu- look like clusters of clear fluid-filled vesicles minatum.7,8 Vulvar lesions may occur following resembling frog eggs. The lesions may surgery or radiation therapy, or they may arise L 1 9 occur in a zosteriform distribution. Verrucous spontaneously. The most common patient com- hyperplasia of the epidermis and associated tis- plaint relates to the clear fluid oozing from the sue edema may be noted. Some vesicles contain lesions. Pain and cellulitis also may occur as blood in addition to lymph and Kim et al2 complications.10 Squamous cell carcinoma has reported solitary nodular angiokeratoma in a been reported in long-standing lymphangioma cir- lesion of lymphangioma circumscriptum. Lymphan- cumscriptum.11,12 Cobb syndrome, the association gioma circumscriptum has been reported to mas- of spinal angioma with a cutaneous angioma or querade as contact dermatitis.3 nevus flammeus, has been reported in association Rarely, lymphangioma circumscriptum may with lymphangioma circumscriptum.13 involve the eyelids and conjunctiva.4 Oral lesions Rather than representing a neoplastic pro- have been described.5 Pauwels and Koedam6 liferation of lymphatic vessels, lymphangioma reported on lymphangioma circumscriptum involv- circumscriptum appears to represent localized ing the tongue. Vulvar, penile, perianal, or lymphangiectasia in response to chronic lym- scrotal lymphangioma circumscriptum may have phostasis. Lymphangioma circumscriptum may a markedly verrucous or cerebriform appearance be associated with deep lymphatic involvement 310 CUTIS® Photo Quiz Discussion and enlargement of the extremity.14 Superficial Anecdotal success has been reported with both lesions of lymphangioma circumscriptum may be the ultrapulsed and conventional CO2 laser, associated with deep cystic hygroma, mediasti- as well as the flashlamp pulsed dye laser and nal lymphangioma, or retroperitoneal lymphan- sclerotherapy.34-38 Long-term follow-up of these gioma.15,16 Lesions presenting after surgery or patients will determine the frequency of recurrence. radiation therapy suggest damage to lymphatic Superficial radiation has been reported to pro- vessels resulting in lymphostasis.17 Lymphangioma duce almost complete regression of lymphan- circumscriptum may occur in areas of chronic gioma circumscriptum.39 This mode of treatment lymphedema several years after mastectomy and is intriguing because deeper radiation has been radiation therapy.18 Vulvar lymphangiectasia may implicated as a cause of lymphangioma circum- occur in association with or without chronic scriptum. Radiation has been suggested as an lymphedema of a lower extremity following ther- appropriate therapy for patients with unresectable apy for squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix.19,20 lesions or for patients who are not willing to Scarring of lymphatics following infections such as undergo surgery.40 erysipelas or cellulitis may result in acquired lym- phangiectasia resembling “spontaneously occurring” lymphangioma circumscriptum.21 Chylous reflux REFERENCES into the skin in a patient with intestinal lymphan- 1. Gupta AK, Ellis CN, Gorsulowsky DC. Chronic giectasia was reported to resemble lymphangioma zosteriform eruption of the lower extremity. lymphan- circumscriptum.22 Ultrastructure of superficial and gioma circumscriptum (LC), localized form. Arch deep vessels in lymphangioma circumscriptum sug- Dermatol. 1988;124:264-265, 267-268. gests that the lesions are the result of chronic 2. Kim JH, Nam TS, Kim SH. Solitary angiokeratoma localized lymphostasis.23 Histopathologically, there developed in one area of lymphangioma circumscriptum. are no features that differentiate “spontaneously J Korean Med Sci. 1988;3:169-170. occurring” lymphangioma circumscriptum from 3. Mendiratta V, Sarkar R, Sharma RC. Lymphangioma cir- secondary lymphangiectasia.24 cumscriptum masquerading as irritant contact dermatitis. Lymphangiosarcoma rarely arises in the setting J Dermatol. 1999;26:474-475. of lymphangioma circumscriptum. Prior irradiation 4. Goble RR, Frangoulis MA. Lymphangioma circumscrip- of the lymphangioma has been implicated as a pos- tum of the eyelids and conjunctiva. Br J Ophthalmol. sible etiologic factor of malignant degeneration.25 1990;74:574-575. Rarely, angiosarcoma occurring in a chronically 5. Schwab J, Baroody F. Lymphangioma circumscrip- lymphedematous extremity following mastectomy may tum: an unusual oral presentation. 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