CATHOLIC PARISH 709 1ST AVENUE SOUTH ESCANABA, MI Website: stjosephstpatrick.com The Nativity of the Lord December 25, 2016 PARISH STAFF Rev. Eric Olson Pastor Rena Richtig Faith Formation Tari Calouette Parish Secretary Robert Johnson Maintenance Sandra Doran Housekeeper Scott Mannebach Church Janitor SACRED MUSIC John Ignatowski Director of Liturgy & Sacred Music FINANCE COUNCIL Nicholas Bink Bill Jensen Jay Owens Bob Valentine Matt Marenger PRAYER CHAIN Jeannette Botwright 789-1199 HOLY NAME SCHOOL 786-7550 Joseph Carlson, Principal Website: www.holynamecrusaders.com RCIA If you are interested in the Catholic Church or have never completed your Christian Initiation through Eucharist and or Confirmation, please contact the Parish Office at 789-6244. OFFICE HOURS 9:30 am-noon; 1:00-4:00 pm Monday-Friday closed noon-1:00pm PARISH OFFICE 789-6244 FAX 789-1213 FAITH FORMATION OFFICE 233-9566 Website: www.escanabacatholic.com Daily Mass Schedule 9:00 am (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Holy Name News Friday) Mark your calendar: 12/23 -1/2: Merry Christmas! No school Weekend Mass Schedule 1/3: School resumes Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am Radio Mass WCHT —AM 600 1/5: Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus 11:30 am 1/8: AIMS web tesng this week Holyday Mass As scheduled in bulletin Holy Name Catholic School Crusader Cash Raffle Sacrament of Penance Only 500 tickets sold/ 2:30 −3:30 pm, Saturday 1 in 100 chance of winning 8:30 am, Friday $100 donation to purchase a ticket 5:00 pm, Wednesdays during Lent Prizes: 1st-$10,000 2nd- $5,000 3rd-$2,500 Rosary Daily before Mass 4th- $1,500 5th- $1,000 Tuesday Drawing held at Spring Fling April 29th Blue Army Cell Hour −9:30 am Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Rosary 3 pm Holy Name Catholic School December Sponsor-A-Day Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena 3:30 pm December 1: In memory of Dale Van Ermen from Barbara Van Ermen Rosary Hour— Sunday at 10:00 am WDBC-AM December 6: In memory of Elmer & Phoebe Dagenais Adoration from Elmer’s County Market 9:30 am −4:00 pm Tuesday December 15: In memory Isabel Donnollan from Henry & Rosemary DeGroot December 20: In memory of Barra family ~ Gary, Dan, Dianne, Pat, Marilyn and Alan Sacrament of Baptism from Patricia Barra Contact the parish office to register. December 25: In memory of “Papa” Lee Mislinski his favorite Holiday from wife Ruth, the Spriks’, Schroeder’s and Mislinski’s Sacrament of Marriage Contact the parish office at least 6 months before the anticipated date of the wedding. The Blue Army Rosary Hour Bulletin announcements should be Every Sunday, 10am WDBC Radio AM 680 submitted by noon on Monday. Please note there will The Rosary Hour benefits our homebound parishioners and nursing home resi- be early publishing deadlines during the holidays. dents, If you’d like to help to keep this program on the air, please send a con- tribution to: Blue Army, PO Box 895, Escanaba, MI 49829 Communion WEEKLY READINGS AND OBSERVANCES - ENGAGE PARISHIONERS IN DAILY of Saints MASS AND PRAYER Readings for the Week of December 25, 2016 Saint Stephen, The First Martyr Sunday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Ps 89/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Stephen, C.35. was one of the seven deacons Night: Is 9:1-6/Ps 96/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14 of the Acts of the Apostles. He was the first Dawn: Is 62:11-12/Ps 97/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20 disciple to be martyred. Day: Is 52:7-10/Ps 98/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14 Saint John the Apostle, Evangelist Monday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Ps 31/Mt 10:17-22 John, C. 100 at Ephesus was son of Zebedee, Tuesday: 1 Jn 1:1-4/Ps 97/Jn 20:1a, 2-8 brother of James and the “disciple whom Je- Wednesday: 1 Jn 1:5--2:2/Ps 124/Mt 2:13-18 sus loved”. He was purported to author three Thursday: 1 Jn 2:3-11/Ps 96/Lk 2:22-35 letters as well as the book of Revelation and Friday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Ps 128/Mt 2:13-15, 19-23 the most spiritual of the gospels. Patron of Saturday: 1 Jn 2:18-21/Ps 96/Jn 1:1-18 Asiatic Turkey. Next Sunday: Nm 6:22-27/Ps 67/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21 Saint Thomas Becket, Bishop, Martyr Thomas Becket 1170, killed by order of Henry Observances for the Week of December 25, 2016 II. He was Chancellor of England for eight Sunday: Nativity of the Lord years. He defended the freedoms and rights Monday: St. Stephen, the First Martyr of the Church. He was considered the most Tuesday: St. John, Apostle and Evangelist famous martyr of the Middle Ages. Wednesday: The Holy Innocents, Martyrs Saint Sylvester I, Pope Thursday: St. Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr Sylvester I, 335 was the bishop of Rome. He Friday: Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph organized public worship and dedicated the Saturday: St. Saint Sylvester I, Pope Lateran basilica; represented at the Council Next Sunday: Mary, the Holy Mother of God; Octave of Christ- of NIcea which condemned Arianism. mas; New Year's Day; World Day of Peace ©Liturgical Publications Inc 2 │ Welcome to St. Joseph & St. Patrick Parish • Escanaba, MI Offering Envelopes Faith Formation News Total collected for December 18. 2016 Information not available at publication Rena ’s Report deadline. Collection team for Tuesday December 27, Blessings and Joy for a wonderful Christmas and New Year from us to you! 2016 is Johanna Choquette, Jan Pepin, Jo- The Faith Formation office will be closed for the holidays through January 2, anne Lauzon and June Kirschner. 2017. CCD Calendar for December-January: January 4, 2017 Class as usual January 11, 2017 Class as usual (high school juniors: draft letter to Bishop UPSCA due in class) Thank you for your generosity and January 18, 2017 Class as usual PROGRESS REPORTS GO HOME contributions to date! January 25, 2017 Class as usual (8th graders report to Pregnancy Services Our goal is $48,664. center 6 pm) We’ve received $39,122 in pledges. We are $9,542 from goal. Please prayerfully consider a donation. Any Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM) -Northern Michigan University is expanding assistance you can afford to help us reach our its’ ministry to NMU alumni. To help us in this we are asking folks to help us goal is appreciated! connect with Catholic NMU alumni. If you know anyone who would like to re- ceive an alumni newsletter, please let us know by sending their contact info to [email protected]. Thank you and God Bless, Father Brandon Oman, Campus Director "She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from Pray for our Nation their sins." Today we celebrate that the pro- Every Tuesday evening —8pm phetic dream of St. Joseph was fulfilled! Jesus St. Anne's Catholic Church. is born! A Savior has come to deliver us-- Anyone is welcome to join with others committed to praying for Emmanuel, "God is with us." Christmas is a our nation. feast of fulfillment, a holiday of deep and en- during happiness not only because God be- HELP NEEDED came man and was born of a woman, but be- The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) is seeking cause along with his Incarnation, God brought volunteers to help sort donations dropped off at the us freedom. Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah Escanaba SVdP Warehouse. We invite you and your who sets us free from the misery of our own friends for a fun time helping us help others. Any half sins. This is the ultimate gift of Christmas Day. day or full day that you could help out would be greatly appreciate! We exchange gifts today as a sign of our love Please call 789-1281 and ask for the Manager. for one another to be sure, but also as a con- THANK YOU! crete, visible way to celebrate the gift that we have first received from God. We are free peo- ple! We are not slaves but rather the children St. Vincent De Paul of God whose priceless inheritance is to dwell Thrift Store: 786-2808 in his kingdom for all eternity. On this most Client Services Office: 115 North 8th Street 789-1434 M-W-F festive day of the year, we are invited to exult Closed on Holidays in this fact and spare little effort or expense to Warehouse:815 1st Ave. North 789-1281 show our gratitude and joy. Pick up and donations accepted M-F 9am —4pm We only must be careful not to reduce our cel- Saturday 12pm –4pm Sorry, drop off only. ebrating today to something less glorious, Lunch is served: something less meaningful, or less profound. St. Vincent de Paul: Wednesday 11:00 am —1 pm This is no mere secular holiday. This is not just At the Salvation Army: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Noon -1pm a ritual of family gatherings, elaborate ever- green trees and sumptuous meals. Christmas is a HOLY day and as Christians it is OUR day Today we celebrate the feast of Christmas and hear how the shepherds in a most definite and undeniable way.
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