January 25, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1183 gave the Iraqi people a chance for free It is with that background that, in- Iraq. A resolution was passed out on a elections and a chance to write their deed, it is a great honor for me that vote of something like 12 to 9 yester- own Constitution. Those successes the family has asked me to deliver the day. It was bipartisan in the passing, which did occur were the result of eulogy. It will be a great privilege for but it was basically a partisan vote. great determination by our troops in me, next Monday, to recall the great Save for one member of the minority uniform and many brave Iraqis who life and times of this great American on the Senate Foreign Relations Com- stepped forward and risked their lives and great Floridian. I will just mention mittee, all of the minority voted to move their nation forward. a couple of things in his career. I will against the resolution. But almost to a But we all know the situation today. elaborate at greater length and will in- person, all of the members of the Sen- As of this morning, we have lost 3,057 troduce that eulogy into the RECORD of ate Foreign Relations Committee, both American soldiers. We know that over the Senate after I have given it. sides of the aisle, had expressed their 23,000 have returned from Iraq with in- I wish to mention that was a Senate dissatisfaction, individually in their juries, almost 7,000 with serious inju- which had giants with whom all of us statements in front of the committee, ries—amputations, blindness, serious in my generation grew up—Symington with the President’s intention to in- burns, traumatic brain injury. Those of Missouri and Johnson of Texas and crease the number of troops, which is are the realities of what we face. Dirksen of Illinois and Mansfield of already underway, as we know, as we We also know that the situation on Montana and, from my State, have been reading the commentary in the ground in Iraq is very difficult for Smathers and Holland. the press. most people to understand. When the Johnson really relied on Smathers— So we have that resolution. Then we Prime Minister of Iraq, Mr. Maliki, so much so that when there was a va- have a resolution introduced by Sen- says to the President: We don’t need cancy as the assistant majority leader, ator WARNER. This Senator from Flor- additional troops, and the President he asked Smathers to fill in tempo- ida looks at these two resolutions, and they are almost identical. So this Sen- says we are sending them anyway, rarily. And when Senator Johnson, the ator is one of several Senators who has when the generals in the field say that majority leader, ended up having his cosponsored both resolutions. This if America continues to send troops, heart attack and was out of work for 7 Senator is one of several Senators who the Iraqis won’t accept the responsi- months, George Smathers stood in as has been trying to bring the two to- bility of defending their country and the acting majority leader. Upon Sen- gether to be folded into one, since it the administration says we are going ator Johnson’s return, he asked Sen- basically, in substance, is the same to send troops anyway, I think that is ator Smathers to be his permanent as- thing in both of them. Yet for one rea- evidence that this administration’s sistant majority leader. LBJ was not son or another, that has not been ac- policy is not connected to the reality someone who was accustomed to hav- complished. of what is on the ground in Iraq. And ing someone tell him no, but his friend certainly for the Vice President to Therefore, next week, we expect both from Florida told him that he should characterize that sad and tragic situa- of those resolutions to come in front of not do it. the Senate. At this moment, it looks as tion in Iraq today as an enormous suc- I will just mention one other fact. cess is not in touch with the reality of if it will be the Senate Foreign Rela- George Smathers, as a young Congress- what our soldiers face and our country tions Committee product that will then man, met Fidel Castro in 1948. Fidel faces. be amendable and I suppose with a sub- Mr. President, I yield the floor and Castro told him that he was going to stitute amendment. Then we go suggest the absence of a quorum. take over Cuba. That was 11 years be- through all the amendatory process. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The fore Castro ousted the hated dictator Now, that may be the way the Senate clerk will call the roll. Batista. Smathers was always leery of will work its will, but it is not nec- The bill clerk proceeded to call the Fidel Castro, and he often warned peo- essarily the way it could be done the roll. ple, before Castro took over and, in easiest, if we could have great minds Mr. NELSON of Florida. Madam fact, after Castro was in. When so come together in a bipartisan way on President, I ask unanimous consent many in the world thought he got rid two resolutions that virtually say the that the order for the quorum call be of the hated dictator Batista, Smathers same thing. rescinded. said: Watch out, he is going to consoli- I bring this up simply to say we get The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. LIN- date power and he is going to become a so wound around the axle and so COLN). Without objection, it is so or- problem. He was prophetic. That is ex- worked up over the particular number dered. actly what happened. of troops when, in fact, looking at the f That was the kind of leadership we underlying conditions in the Middle had. It is the passing of an era. Amer- East and in Iraq, where there is so TRIBUTE TO SENATOR GEORGE A. ica has lost one of her great leaders, SMATHERS much at stake for our country: The oil and Florida has lost one of its great and gas in that region, the east-west Mr. NELSON of Florida. Madam sons. It is my privilege to bring these trade routes that go through the area, President, on Monday I have the great remarks to the Senate. all of the international capital invest- privilege of delivering the eulogy at I yield the floor, and I suggest the ab- ment that is in that region of the the funeral for Senator George sence of a quorum. world, and all of the capital that is pro- Smathers in whose office I had the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The duced that flows out of that part of the privilege, as a college student, of in- clerk will call the roll. world—all of that instability in the re- terning. As I greet each of our interns The bill clerk proceeded to call the gion, brought about as a result of in- in our Senate offices as they rotate, I roll. stability in Iraq, is going to have a always tell them the story of being an Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- major global impact. intern, how it had a profound influence dent, I ask unanimous consent that the The former commander, the former on my life because that summer, in- order for the quorum call be rescinded. combatant commander of the U.S. Cen- terning for Senator Smathers, I met The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. tral Command, General Tony Zinni, a his son Bruce. Bruce and I then became SANDERS). Without objection, it is so now retired 4-star Marine general who college roommates. After law school ordered. served as the head of Central Command and the military, Bruce introduced me f back under the Clinton administration, to my wife, and I returned the favor has written extensively on this, and he IRAQ WAR RESOLUTIONS and introduced Bruce to his wife. And points out that there is a complexity his son, little Bruce, is my godson. So Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- we have unleashed by going into Iraq over the years, I have had the privilege dent, for a week now we have had this that is not only the Sunni-Shiite con- of having my life intersecting with the speculation, the rumors, and then fi- flict but also the Arab-Persian conflict. Smathers family, so much so that nally the deliberations in front of the General Zinni, in his upfront, blunt- when I came to the Senate, I requested Senate Foreign Relations Committee talking way says: that I have the desk of George of a resolution disapproving the Presi- There are three options in Iraq: Fix it, con- Smathers. dent’s increase of the forces by 21,000 in tain it, or leave it. VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:17 Jan 26, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G25JA6.086 S25JAPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC61 with SENATE S1184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 25, 2007 And he doesn’t feel, and this Senator I hope it is not too late. I must say, ing, or in the alternative with the consent of doesn’t feel, that we can take the third this Senator feels at times it is too the Ranking Minority Member, or pursuant option of picking up and leaving it be- late, particularly with these almost to the provision of the Standing Rules of the cause of the enormous consequences.
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