![Hallowe'en Duce Places Nation on Six Months' Diet](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
'-■f-r inaQ>AT, ocnoBSR ts, itM ' t tfm titrB trr E n n ilitt VnraOt AVBBAGB DAILX OBOIJljmOM III iih.ii III '■ ■ I'l <i.ii i\ftiafti'p»r^-iiiii'I- — - , - THB W E A T H U fo r tt e Moath o f SeptenalMr. IMS . HAUiOWEVN A rehearsal, of ths Amaranth Henry Wair, ehflman of the o f the Danielson Federal Lioan and Foieeart M D. s. Weather ........a i liw . X NcEncDy and His drill team Is called for tomorrow committee in charge of the Ameri­ TO COMPUTE FHA ~ Savlnge bank are axpectad In llan- B ortfori evening a t 6:30 In the Masonic Tern* can- L ^ to n Hfiilowe’en party, has cbeater thl« Wednesday to close two peeeWy pweadid hy MASQUERADE DANCE pie. called a meeting for tomorrow eve­ mortgages, one for new construction 5 ,5 7 1 eaelenal Hght ratal taolght; Wadaes- MMolwr a t th . Audit ’ Yidor Recordiii{ Orchestra Given by Fellowcrsft Cliib ning at 7:80 abarp at the' School FINANaNG HERE and one for a refinanced mortgage. partly doudy; aot umeli ehaag. street Recreation Center. Every Inasmuch as the local office Bureau Obenlatlona M ASONIC TEMPLE The Young People’s society of ^ School Bt. BcOi the Church of the Nam rene will tiiember o f the committee la urged terminated so tmexpectedly, .Mr. ______________ # ETening:, November 1 WEDNESDAY EVENING, OOT. SO meet tonight at 7:30 with Mrs. Ada to attend. Francis Keefe to Handle De­ Keefe haa made arrangements to Adm ii^n SSo. Admission 85c. Bogart of Rockville. ^ tails of 11 Mortgages Al­ handle the closing at bis new quai^ Miss Doris M. Mcsitosn of OS ters in Room No. 1, State Theater VOL. L V , NO . 25. (OaodSed AdvertialBg oa Page 10.1. ready Applied for in This MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) r West Middle Turnpike on returning building. PRICE THREE CENTB . Royal Matron Mrs. Rachel Tllden A hunting dog that was brought Town. of Chapman Court, Order of Amar­ after a 'ride Saturday evening was to Manchester from Blast Hartford much surprised to find a party of ABOUT TOWN anth, will be chairman of the rum­ to be used In hunting broke away Proapi^ve home owners and mage sale which the court will con­ her friends from Hartford, Newing­ from the place where It was being ton, Wllllmantlc, South Windsor and those who own their homes who de­ A TLAN TIC In Path of H dtiaii Storm 'That Killed 2,000 duct Thursday from 9 o'clock on In tATHOUCS OF sired Information regarding the POUCE CATCH kept yesterday. It was picked up at Bolton had gathered to help her A dauchter w u born Friday ove- the old postofflce building on Main Tomorrow — -4t Federal Housing plan of Insured No. 2 FURNACE OIL h lv at St. Francia hospital in Hart­ street. Mrs. Tllden will be assisted No, 2’s house and the police notified. celebrate her birthday. They ford to Mr. and Mrs. Augrust Schal- Later in the day the owner o f the brought with them a number of mortgagee have been more or less by all the 1935 officers. Collections in a quandary over the week-end 6c per gallon DUCE PLACES NATION ler of 189 Glenwood street. Before dog called at police headquarters beautiful gifts and a plentiful sup­ STATE TO SIGN ‘BLACK TERROR’ of articles for the sale w'lll be her marriage last October, Mrs. and on making known hla loss was ply of good things, to eat. Hal­ since the local Federal Housing of­ made on .Wedne.sday. fice was closed so unexpectedly Fri­ Bchaller was Miss Mary Christian. directed to the firehouse where the lowe’en games were played and a L. T. WOOD CO. Will Be Girl Scout day night. dog was recovered. jolly time spent by all attending. SAFEIYPLEDGE OF BRip>0RT Mta.. Grace Ames of North Main The Highland Park Community Francia J. K eefe who was asso­ Btreet w ill be hostess for the meet- club will run the second setback The Manchester Mothers club will ciated with the Hartford office for . James GIgllo, who conducted the ON SIX MONTHS’ DIET of the Past Presidents’ club of party In the present series tomor­ hold Its regular meeting tonight In nearly a year before he was trans­ Mary C. Keeney Tent, tomorrow row evening at 8 o’clock at the club­ barber shop Ih the BlsseU street Center church bouse. I t will ferred to Manchester will open an LOOK! Day A t Kshop McAnliffe to Send Sopt. Wheeler Declares He evening at 8 o'clock. house. All cash prizes will be store In the State theater building, "heirloom night" with arrangements office in town to handle Title 2 of LE AV E S ‘TO W E L IN M A N awarded as usual and refreshments closed his shop on Thursday of last In charge of Mrs. EMward O'Malley the National Housing Act. Any Plain Garment .".V •■X AFTER AN OPERATION week. The fixtures were moved According to authentic Informa­ Takes Steps k Fight San^ Members of Ever Ready Circle, served. and her committee. Every member Out 155,000 Safe ’ Anto Is Certain That Colored D IR E a RELIEF from the building on Saturday. Mr. tion received this morning the dis­ K ings Daughters, will have a social la urged to be present DRY CLEANED C J/V Leningrad, Oct. 29.— (AP) — GIgllo has entered the employ of an continuance of the local F. H. A. afternoon tomorrow from 2 to S The Young People’s society of AND PRESSED HALE’S Surgeon Varsbavchlk today was tions Imposed by League; Oak street barber. office left about eleven insured o ’clock, in the directors' room of the the Concordia Lutheran church will Driring pledges to His Man Is the One Sought sentenced to a year at hard labor mortgages In the process of com- COSTING MORE Whlton Memorial Library. hold their monthly business meet­ For Free Delivery Servlet for leaving a towel about two A delegation from Manchester REMOVING EAST BOUND letlon. Ordinarily such a dlscon- feet In length In the' body of a Sale of Meats Restricted ing Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. Call 4836 Connecticat Parishes. for Months. A good turnout of the members Is Lodge A.O.U.W., will go to New Sinuance would be a serious Mow to Once A Year W e Turn man ho had operated on. The hoped for as at this meeting the Haven on Thursday. They will be the building Industry of Manchester, Peerless Cleaning THA^IN 1934 man died a month later. delegates to the recent convention accompanied ny some of the mem­ RAILWAY TRACKS however Mr. Keefe stated today and Curb Put On Public RUMMAGE SALE In Meriden will make their report. bers of the Community Players. The that he would be glad to complete Works Hartford, Oct 29— (AP) — Co- Bridgeport Oct 29.—(AP)—A any mortgages now pending Anaploea of Iiadirs’ .VId Society latter organization will present two OflSce and Plant: Over The Store To The eratlng In the campaign to de- negro whom Supt. of Police Charles Dining; More Nations Join one act plays as the entertainment whether at the bank or the Federal This Despite Government’s o f Emanuel Lutheran Church. William- N. Keefe of Lawrence. All Iron Between Parker Vil­ office. 93 Wells St.,' So. Manchester 'erease deaths and accidents on A. W heeler said "Is .rithout a doubt Mass., who has been a guest of Miss for a party that Is being sponsored TOWNS WIRED OUT Cheney Block, 085 .Main Street by the New Haven lodge. lage and Vernon Being Taken The president and vice-president streets and highways pastors in the Black Terror,” was arrested by Wcdneado.v, Octolier SO Nellie E. Newman of Hackmatack Sanctions Pact; Little Up— Other Sections Arc G irl Scouts And Their every Catholic church In Connecti­ a police patrol shortly after 3 a. m. Efforts to End the Dole Opens A t 8 A. M. street the past week, has returned to his home. The Booster club of the North Completed. cut at the requeat of the Most Rev. today after be^ bad been discovered BY HAITI FLOODS Methodist church wUI have a Hal­ Maurice F. McAullffe, bishop of the prowling about tiie bedroom of Mrs. Before the End of Next News from War Zone. lowe’en party tonight at the cottage L e a d e r s . diocese, will ask parishioners at this Raymond J. Ryan of 778 Colorado of Leon Holmes at Coventry lake. A train of ten freight cars with Sunday’s masses to "sign and live avenue. The members will meet at 7 o’clock a derrick, arrived In Manchester CARD Your shopping tomorrow will help the up to a safety driving pledge.” Police are convinced, Supt. Month. Rome. Oct. 29.— (AP)-:-Prem ler at the home of Mr. and Mrs, this morning at 9:15 and after the KLEIN’S RED Bishop McAuliffq, who has long Wheeler aald, that the man under Whole Villages Swallowed Up Mussolini today put the nation on a Holmes on Woodbridge street and hew a strong advocate of safety arrest Is the negro who has terror­ transportation to the lake will be passing of the Boston train at 9:30 percentage of funds they receive to carry educational work, today gave bis ized the city for months by break­ six months diet to figh t the sanc­ started at work picking up rails "unqualified support to the safety Washington, Oct.
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