( fi -' Change the Oil, Too ... ? J Th. Weather Today ' RALlEOH, N. C. (JP)-Norlh Carolina's automobile jupecUon law has produeed a _ew oocupaUon here­ ear sJtUnI'. Cloudy and warmer today and tomorrow. Some molorblA In the Ion,. lines "r ea ~ try In&' to beal High today 98; low 85. Yesterday'S high yesterday's deadline on certain models hlred car . Itlen OWQJIl to do their bours or waltin .. for 'hem. 85; low 57. Pollen count 738. The e~rrent rate: 50 cents an hour. Est. lasS-Vol. 80, No. 287-UP. AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, Sept. I, 1948-Fivo Cents • Hiss Seen as 'Rosalie' Is Heading West 'Sympathizer' Confirm Schuman As By A. Berle WASHINGTON (UP)-The rec­ ord of a secret house spy hearing revealed y e~ te l'day that Adolf A. Brrle Jr., [ormer assistant secre­ New French Premier tlry at state, regarded Alger Hiss . ' S AI possible Communist sympa­ UtIW but not a par ty member when they served together In the Using the Power of Soap and Water New Cabinet, ~ { sl.te department. Vote $1 ~O,OOO Berle volunteered that opinion TIlKYO (l'P)-The 'ommuru t utW papf'r Red Flag com­ of Hiss to a house un-American rlRiuo'oi y tprnlly that ,fapan officialJ W ft' u iog beautiful .divities subcommittee in New ).'"ir1~ liud fr !' bath. to I rsuad Japan'e- r patriat from york Monday. The c ngresSmen For Ra ises in Program Still ~(,\'id afo'a IlIlI 10 j in the- 'onlnluni_t parly hr. isSued a transcript of he private Thl' JlHJl(,f qllnll'U II rit," a. rmblyman 8.. trl\ing a (,Towll of hearing after Rep. Joh n McDowell (R-Pa), had given reporters a r"pllirillll~ :\londliY: "YOII won't h8"1' tim to .~o 10 ommu­ pneral 8utline of Berle's testi ­ Stale Salaries IIi I h H111lllartpN. \Y (' Ill\\, II bath and (,Iltprtainm nt pr par d To Face Vote mony, for YUlI. B"lIl1tiful ~irl. will w8it ou you." DES MOINES (UP)-The legis­ PARtS (JP)-Robert Schulllan Pro-Sovle FacUon lative interim committee yesterday was named premier of France l~t McDowell said Berle told the set aside $100,000 10 pay emer­ niehl. The nalional a mbly con­ lubcommittee he though t Hiss be­ firmed him by a vote of 322 gency cost-of-living salary in­ Jo longed to a "pro-Soviet" faction creases to employees in eight 18:1 . within the state department which Wallace Heads South Thull, Schuman, a Popular Re­ "wan led to appease Russia." state departments who nqw re­ ceive less than $4,300 annually. publican (MRP), returns to the The reference to appeasement post he lett 33 dayS 1.10 when bit The money was allocated by the did not appear .in the transcript, coalition cabinet collapsed because but Berle did testlCy that Hiss committee to the executive COlJll­ Despile Egg- Tossing of Soclali t refusal to support hll took a "pro-Russian poin t oC cll, which will make it available view" in departmental discussions to the employee or capitol cu -to­ A,'lIE\'ILLE, X. ( '. (11',) IIrllrr A. Walla{'!' hpadl'd into thl' military budget. France had been without a pre­ on Soviet policy toward the end dian, mine in pcctor department, dl'I'P .lIl1lh 11111 IIInrr , 'liro gr ~alioll froubll' la.'1 night aft r oC the war. board of parole, travelling library, mier since Saturday when Andre (Dall, I ....a .. Ph i. _, E .... I. Oil... ) IlIrf'(' hl,\,t il' ,lnYl> of I'!!-" throwinfl' and booing in • Drth Carolina. Berle said the pro-Russian wing OUTFI'rl'INO "ROSALIE" WITH A TRAVELING UlT ot protective wood Is Kennan Zykofaky, a uni­ comptroller, hi lory and archives Marie reslin d with his cabinet. Extra was headed by then undersecre­ versity art student. The paintinl' <here's that Utle .nln-"A 01'011 at Dew FallinI' from the WLn r of a department, public safety depart­ \\'ulhl('(' "pokl' wilhout int rrllptinn 1ll'1"('. It Will onl' oC the r w Eleven Votes I I tlry of state Dean Acheson, but Bird Awakens Rosalie, Asleep In the Shade of a Co bweb") I belnr sent to the we , ('oast. n h. been ment and insurance department. limp~ ,mt'l' ol)('nin~ his {'ampaign ,'lIIlllllY night in Durham he Schuman received more votes he emphasized that he saw nolh­ than the nece ary majority, In loar.ed to the San Franclseo Museum of Art and to the portland, Ore., lWu eum of Art. "Rosalie" Is The committc(' recommended hurl hoo' l1 IIhl(' 10 11:1' 1 '1<"'0 his Ilropns d pr()~rl"n for Irr al r ing disloyal In that viewpoi nt, scheduled to leave low.. CUy today but she'll be back. that in making alary adju tments addition to his own Popular Re­ even though he disagreed with it. • the executive council grant in­ n~"i('lIlt IIr /I nil ind u-trilll op- ' publican party he wa supported No "Toul'h" Attitude crea. s of not to ellceed $15 per portllnity fllr the ollth. by the Socialists, Radical Socialista lie pointed out that Russia and • month. "The peoplc vf North Carolina Progressives Barred and Independents. the Un ited States were military wllnt peace," he told a crowd oC Comunl and their foUowen allies at the time and many army The C'ommltt!'f' Rp('C'Hi d that the money is to be used to "Incre 5e 1,500 on th phlzo in downtown rna tered aU bui ~wo eI &be orncers were against a "tough" Eost-West Telk Berlin From Illinois Ballots neratlve vote altitude toward the Soviets. the $alary of tho:e empl y re­ A h('vllle a II fl'itcratl'd his plea fur al(I' cno nl wIth Ru ia. "They Having gotten a personal vote Hiss, no\v $20,OOO-a-year presi­ c ivinJ/ $4,300 or less until lll'h SPRINGFIEJ.D (IJP)-The Illi­ time as the cost of Ii vinl( ind('x don't w nl w r." a! con!i~nce it now remains to dent of the Carnegie Endowment * * * nois state clectoral board an­ for World Peace, is the top man decr a. es to blow 148.6, or until "Wf'O don't want Ru in runnlnlt be seen whether Schuman will re­ Military Heads,Benes Reported in nounced last night th t Progrel­ ceive the support of the assembl y the date of adjournment of the our 'own nffalr8, and we don't In a group of former government West's' Envoys Ive party candldat 5 will nol be neKt gcneral as~ mbly, whichcv r want our dve running th altai.rs on his proiram and on tpe men he employes accused by ex-Commu­ on the ballot in the November shall comc fi.rst." oC other counlries," he con tinucd wIll name to his cabinet. nI st Whittaker Cha mbers of mem­ elections. bership in a pre-war network Talk Secretly 'Serious' Condition On motion nt state R p. E. E. in attacking lhe Marshall plan Schuman gain d his majority which aliegedly helped relay PRAGUE (.IP)-An oUiclal 6ul­ Poston, (D-Coryrlon), Ihe com­ during hi bTi f IX' h. The three-man bo rd voted un­ despite the fact that he asked for Relax Slightly animou Iy lhat "th Progressive American secrets to Russia. By EDWIN SHANKE letln said Last night former Presi­ miltel.' votl.'C\ to conlinu its study lie thank d th audlenc~ for its support on the sam issues that B, IIENRY IJAPIRO party ticket is not legally quali­ Berle said he also was worried BERLIN lIP) - East-west ne­ dent Eduard Benes of Czechoslo­ of a Ion -range salary qualization uC'ordlal tcc plion" and iel el - ~u cd the downfall at Marie's because there had been "pretty fied to eo on ballot in November." gotiations to break the 69-day vakia has become unconscious and MOSCOW (UP)- The west rn program for presentation 10 the cabien!' consIstent leaks" on state depart­ that his condition is "extremely lellislature which convenes In The board's deCision upheld ob­ rain t Wa ..e lillie ment information that went blockade 01 Berlin shifted frCJm envoys be"an to relax late ye ter­ Moscow to this city last nieht serious." day after 24 hours of Ceverlsh January. jection, by state Democratic party ] n the tare of IIrowlng labor through Hiss' oltice. leaders that the third party nom­ when Germany's four military Benes' doctors said In an eve­ activity, and the four-power talks The ('ommit\ee conterrt'rt y~ ter­ unrest Schuman came out aaalnst Printed by Pearson governors met tor the first time on Berlin appar nUy entered a day, b r~ l'e IInllounclIlg ila uCli<>D Inating peUtlons did not have a general wage Incr aGes. He IUIld "Usually, we would know aboul ning report that he laps d into in five months. unconsciousness at 5 a, m. yester­ new phas , with Gov. Rob.rt n . nh"~, wh" =;::=;::=:.'-':::-::,--,..",.~=:-:.,,-:--"":7~ su rrici!'nt numbf'r of linatures. also that h fJJ\J)Ie<! price hikes them because they would come out State taw requir that peti- on milk and bread and new taxes Coupled with their discussion day WheJ1 he underwent a "new (A forel~n ollice spokesman [II had oriJ/IDHlly lIl1"(' lell tha~ he In Mr. Drew Peat'son's column and lions must have at lea t 25,000 amountJng to 80-billion francs on practical steps for lifting the and serious deterioration." London said thllt the "pre ent commille(' inC'rea.
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