DON’T FORGET: DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS SUNDAY Robert Stamps is newest Professor Pigskin 6C ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2018 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCE 1870 Races, issues to be decided this November HAPPY HALLOWEEN! (Names listed in ballot order; * signifi es incumbent) IN MONTICELLO: Man arrested Mayor Joe Rogers (I) Paige Chase (I) City Council on 26 counts (Ward 1, Position 1) Sheena Garrard (I) Cedric Leonard* (I) IN DREW COUNTY: of animal cruelty Judge Jessie Griffi n (R) BY ASHLEY FOREMAN streets in Monticello. Robert Akin* (I) [email protected] According to court records, Sheriff Gober and his deputies went to Tuesday, Sidney Owens, 34, for- the area and subsequently found Tim Nichols (I) merly of Monticello, was arrested an abandoned house where pit bull Mark Gober* (D) in Pulaski County with an active dogs were chained. Clerk warrant for his arrest in Drew There were a total of 13 dogs Lyna Gulledge* (D) County concerning dog fi ghting. chained separately in a large area. Vickey Haycox (I) Last Wednesday, Drew County Several of the dogs had what ap- IN WINCHESTER: Sheriff Mark Gober discovered an peared to be healing bite wounds abandoned house in Monticello to the head and body. Some were Mayor where pit bull dogs are believed chained with large logging chains. Sheree Jackson (I) to have been trained to fi ght, ac- Authorities also found a weight General Alexander* (I) cording to a news release from the sled, weighted collars, a treadmill LeVorn Cotton (I) Drew County Sheriff’s Offi ce. and other items associated with the Demetrous Trotter (I) Owens is charged with 13 counts training of dogs for dog fi ghting. Alderman of both unlawful animal fi ghting Because the dogs were on large (Position 2) (a Class D felony) and aggravated chains and believed to have been Beverly Horn (I) animal cruelty (a Class C felony). trained to injure or kill other dogs, Jacqueline Alexander (I) According to the DCSO, Owens Gober said he obtained a warrant to Jude Yolanda White (I) was arrested on similar charges in seize and rescue the dogs from fur- (Position 3) Georgia in 2017 but the charges ther maltreatment and harm. Earl Railey Sr. (I) were dismissed. Gober said with the help of Mon- Etta Jean Railey (I) Gober said he received a call ticello Second ChanceFurDogs, the (Position 4) from a concerned citizen reporting rescued dogs will be examined by a Matilda Chaney (I) Ashley Foreman/Advance-Monticellonian aggressively barking dogs in the veterinarian and kept safe while the Thomas J. Horn Jr. (I) NOT WHAT IT WAS MEANT FOR Drew County Sheriff ’s Offi ce offi cials recovered instruments thought to be used area of North Gabbert and Calhoun IN ARKANSAS: for dog fi ghting in Monticello, leading to an arrest of 26 possible felonies. See ARREST Page 6A Governor Asa Hutchinson* (R) Mark West (L) Union Bank CFO Jared Henderson (D) Lieutenant Governor Woman dies in Wilmar house fi re among fi nalists Tim Griffi n* (R) Anthony Bland (D) BY ASHLEY FOREMAN for state award Frank Gilbert (L) [email protected] Secretary of State Special to the Advance Last Friday, a house fire in Wilmar claimed Christopher Olson (I) Reathel Privett has been John Thurston (R) a life of a Drew County woman. Susan Inman (D) Judy Namenek, 65, the home owner of 446 featured as one of Arkansas’ Attorney General Daniel Street, called the Wilmar Volunteer Chief Financial Offi cers of Fire Department at approximately 5:50 a.m. the year in Arkansas Busi- Kerry Hicks (L) ness Magazine. She is a fi - Mike Lee (D) that morning stating that her home was on fi re, according to fi re department records. Wilmar nalist for CFO of the Year, Leslie Rutledge* (R) an award started by the mag- Treasurer Volunteer fi refi ghter Mark West said Namenek sounded clear and calm on the phone call. azine 10 years ago. Privett began working at Ashley Ewald (L) The Wilmar VFD responded to the call Dennis Milligan* (R) Union Bank and Trust as a and, after doing a search, was unable to lo- Auditor teller in May of 1980 as a cate Namenek—so firefighters began to put part time job. David Dinwiddie (L) out the fire. Andrea Lea* (R) “It has been a long, great The Drew County Sheriff’s Office was Ashley Foreman/Advance-Monticellonian career for me,” Privett said. Commissioner contacted to assist in locating Namenek. FATAL FIRE Wilmar’s Judy Namanek lost her life in a house fi re here last Friday. For the past 12 years, she of State Lands They arrived at the scene and searched has held the posts of exec- around the house and down Daniel Street fighters could enter the home. inhalation; no investigation is being conducted. T.J. Campbell (L) utive vice president, chief Larry Williams (D) and could not find Namenek. Namenek was found in the back corner of According to Drew County Sheriff Mark fi nancial offi cer and chief Tommy Land (R) At this time, the Monticello Fire Depart- the house near a garden hose. She was pro- Gober, no foul play is suspected and officials information offi cer at Union Supreme Court ment was contacted to assist in putting out nounced dead at the scene by Drew County believe that Namenek reentered the house Bank. the fire. When the MFD arrived, fire and Deputy Coroner Larry Scogin. with the garden hose in an attempt to fight The $210 million-asset Courtney Goodson* David Sterling smoke had dissipated enough that the fire- The cause of death was ruled to be smoke the fire after calling the fire department. lender operates U.S. House (Dist. 4) three full Hayden Shamel (D) services Tom Canada (L) ANOTHER NEW BUSINESS OPENS locations Bruce Westerman* (R) ER physicians off er in Monti- Write-in candidate cello and Ballot measures Warren Issue 2 Reathel Privett with a (Voter ID Amendment) safety tips for tonight staff of A “yes” vote supports this 52. amendment to require individuals “I’ve always been strong to present valid photo ID to cast in Special to the Advance emergency department.” person or absentee; A “no” vote Trick-or-treating in math and accounting,” opposes this amendment. WASHINGTON—It is estimat- Privett added. “As far as Issue 4 ed that more than 41 million chil- • Children should not walk alone banking goes, I just learned (Casinos authorized) dren will trick-or-treat nationwide in the dark. Try to go as a group, about it from the ground up.” A “yes” vote supports the initiative this Halloween. The nation’s emer- in a familiar neighborhood, with After completing her as- to authorize one casino each in Crit- sociate degree in business tenden, Garland, Pope and Jeff erson gency physicians offer a few tips to at least one adult chaperone. Seek Counties; a “no” vote opposes this make sure that they stays safe and organized festivities (schools, administration from the Uni- initiative. that any fright is the fun kind; that churches, etc.), if possible. versity of Arkansas at Mon- Issue 5 doesn’t include a health scare or • Bring fl ashlights. Visibility is ticello in May 1982, she was (Minimum Wage increase) trip to the emergency department. important even at dusk, and its es- promoted to loan secretary. A “yes: vote supports the ballot pecially important to remain visible Advancements followed initiative to incrementally raise the “Emergency departments do minimum wage in Arkansas to $11 an typically see an uptick in visits to cars. to operations secretary in hour by 2021; a “no” vote opposes on Halloween,” said Vidor Fried- • Stay on the sidewalks when Feb. 1985, assistant cashier this initiative. man, MD, FACEP, president of walking at night. If crossing streets and operations offi cer in are a must, obey all traffi c signals. NOTE: Issue 1 and Issue 3 were the American College of Emergen- May 1989, assistant vice • Discuss how to interact with struck from the ballot by the Arkan- Ashley Foreman/Advance-Monticellonian cy Physicians. “Some of the most sas State Supreme Court. Although strangers. Make sure the child See PRIVETT Page 6A common injuries are motor vehicle they will appear on the ballot because A DIFFERENT CHOICE Monticello has a new Mexican restaurant. Los Ar- knows to never accept rides from ballots were already printed, the accidents, falls, or hand lacerations cos, owned by Jorge and Heidi Rosas, is now open for business at 512 U.S. people they don’t know. votes will not count. Highway 425 South, Suite A. A native of Mexico, Jorge said it was always from pumpkin-carving mishaps. his dream to own his own restaurant. Monticello-Drew County Chamber of Taking the appropriate precautions Candy Sources: Drew County Clerk Lyna INDEX Opinion ..............4A Gulledge and ballotpedia.com will help you make sure that your Commerce Executive Director Glenda Nichols (fourth from left, front row) • Avoid candy that is not wrapped Calendar ............2A Religion .............3B and other chamber members were on hand Tuesday morning to celebrate child gets treats from friends and Classifi eds ........ 7C Sports ............... 1C the opening of the business with the Rosas family. neighbors, not treatment in the See TIPS Page 6A Obituaries ..........8A Weddings ..........1B OUR 147TH YEAR $34.00 ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN NUMBER 43 • 26 PAGES Subscribe Today! QHZVVSRUWVFODVVLÀHGV SHU<HDU 870.367.5325 LQVLGHWKH]LSFRGHDUHD ZZZP\PRQWLFHOORQHZVQHW 2A | Wednesday, October 31, 2018 NEWS Advance-Monticellonian | mymonticellonews.net | 870-367-5325 COMMUNITY CALENDAR GOING ON NOW Drew County Museum Educator of the Week The Drew County Museum will be open every Saturday from 10 a.m.
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