2187 CRC CSIRO Plots Report.Indd

2187 CRC CSIRO Plots Report.Indd

Figures FIGURES Figure 1: A map of the regional distribution of the twenty CSIRO Rainforest Permanent Plots in North and Far North Queensland. 89 Andrew W. Graham Figure 2: A map of the distribution of the seventeen CSIRO Rainforest Permanent Plots that lie within or adjacent to the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area in the humid tropical region of Far North Queensland. 90 Figures Buffer Area Subplot D Subplot H Subplot L Subplot P Subplot C Subplot G Subplot K Subplot O Subplot B Subplot F Subplot J Subplot N Subplot A Subplot E Subplot I Subplot M Buffer Area Figure 3: A diagrammatic representation of the layout of a 0.5 ha plot surrounded by a 20 m wide buffer zone. The central 100 x 50 m plot was subdivided into sixteen subplots. Note that the orientation of the subplot row layout varied between plots (see text for details). 91 Andrew W. Graham 25 Eutrophic site ) -1 Plot 11 20 Plot 15 15 (cmol(+) Kg ++ Mesotrophic sites 10 Plot 18 5 Plot 14 Exchangeable Ca Oligotrophic sites Plot 12 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Total P % Figure 4: The soil fertility settings of the nineteen plots (Plots 1 to 19 of this report) for which both exchangeable soil Ca++ and total soil P data were available from the first series of soil analyses (0.0-0.3 m bulked samples) as presented on Table 12. The five eutrophic and mesotrophic plots identified on this diagram are Plot 11 (EP33) Curtain Fig, Plot 12 (EP34) Russell River, Plot 14 (EP37) Eungella, Plot 15 (EP38) The Crater, and Plot 18 (EP42) Iron Range. 92 N 145 145 o o 35’ E E 35’ 35’ Mt Haig Figures TINAROO RANGE Mt Edith Plot 1 (EP2) T in ar oo LAMB RANGE LAMB D F RANGE LAMB am a lls Figure 5: Location map for Plot 1 (EP 2) Downfall Creek. 2km 17 o 10’ S 93 Andrew W. Graham 30 m 20 m E26 8 E13 1 E19 I5 I17 I24 I I19 4 6 6 A26 6 0 2 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 7 2 A21 3 E A22 I I E22 1 I22 8 M20 E21 E I A32 E6 E8 I1 I4 I M4 M6 A30 I6 2 10 m M12 2 5 M27 3 3 5 A25 6 A11 2 E27 2 M24 2 M 1 I 2 0 E EE23 AA15 E11 1 M28 A1 3 M A9 2 I A29 A31 EE30 1 M 1 2 M 0 m A1 Homalium circumpinnatum, A9 Mischocarpus pyriformis ssp. pyriformis, A11 Acronychia laevis, A15 Dinosperma erythrococcum, A21 Austromyrtus hillii, A22 Croton insularis, A25 Cleistanthus semiopacus, A26 Euroschinus falcatus var. falcatus, A29 Acronychia laevis, A30 Homalium circumpinnatum, A31 Acronychia laevis, A32 Austromyrtus hillii, E6 Polyalthia nitidissima, E8 Sarcomelicope simplicifolia ssp. simplicifolia, E11 Sarcomelicope simplicifolia ssp. simplicifolia, E13 Pseudoweinmannia lachnocarpa, E19 Glochidion sessiliflorum var. pedicellatum, E20 Glochidion sessiliflorum var. pedicellatum, E21 Cleistanthus semiopacus, E22 Homalium circumpinnatum, E23 Atractocarpus fitzalanii ssp. fitzalanii, E24 Alstonia muelleriana, E25 Rhodamnia spongiosa, E26 Alstonia muelleriana, E27 Decaspermum humile, E30 Pseudoweinmannia lachnocarpa, I1 Glochidion sessiliflorum var. pedicellatum, I4 Homalium circumpinnatum, I5 Euroschinus falcata var. falcata, I6 Pseudoweinmannia lachnocarpa, I7 Euroschinus falcatus var. falcatus, I8 Pseudoweinmannia lachnocarpa, I11 Sarcomelicope simplicifolia ssp. simplicifolia, I16 Polyalthia nitidissima, I17 Glochidion sessiliflorum var. pedicellatum, I18 Cleistanthus semiopacus, I19 Polyalthia nitidissima, I21 Mischocarpus pyriformis ssp. pyriformis, I22 Cleistanthus semiopacus, I23 Cleistanthus semiopacus, I24 Brachychiton acerifolius, I31 Polyalthia nitidissima, M1 Acronychia laevis, M4 Cleistanthus semiopacus, M6 Rhodamnia spongiosa, M12 Croton insularis, M20 Dinosperma erythrococcum, M21 Dinosperma erythrococcum, M22 Glochidion sessiliflorum var. pedicellatum, M24 Cleistanthus semiopacus, M26 Dinosperma erythrococcum, M27 Croton insularis, M28 Acronychia laevis. Figure 6: Canopy profile prepared from a 100 x 5 m transect through Plot 1 (EP2) Downfall Creek at the time of plot establishment. 94 N 145 o 35’ E 35’ Plot 2 (EP3) Mt Haig Figures TINAROO RANGE Mt Edith T ina ro o RANGE LAMB Da F m a lls Figure 7: Location map for Plot 2 (EP 3) Mount Haig. 2km 17 o 10’ S 95 M steep e l a n d N n s l i d e floor area t o a z l headwall area f e o O t I P J lly p gu stee K E L F st N eep gully Andrew W. Graham G ount Haig showing the location of an ancient tions the site into two contrasting site-stability A H B 25m C D 0025m A sketch of the site at Plot 2 (EP 3) M Figure 8: landslide. This geomorphic feature effectively parti settings. 96 Figures E25 30 m A19 E13 M28 E27 4 4 M20 4 20 m 1 1 1 A2 E E E A4 I6 A17 M24 I29 E17 I18 A26 1 1 1 1 1 M25 I10 I3 1 E10 E7 E4 A16 E E E12 E I22 I7 E3 E22 A18 A1 I8 E24 A24 M15 E1 A27 10 m M19 I9 I2 2 I28 2 A22 M M30 A28A28A28 M34 I19 E8E8E8 M21 M18 M17 M31 I26 4 2 I23 I27 I M23 M 2 5 0 m 6 6 6 9 2 II25I25 1 1 1 M M M M15 Garcinia sp. (Davies Creek JGT 14745), M16 Sarcotoechia cuneata, M17 Bobea myrtoides, M18 Brackenridgea australiana, M19 Cryptocarya angulata, M20 Agathis atropurpurea, M21 Rapanea achradiifolia, M22 Elaeocarpus sericopetalus, M23 Bobea myrtoides, M24 Beilschmiedia collina, M25 Musgravea stenostachya, M28 Syzygium luehmannii, M30 Cryptocarya lividula, M31 Sphenostemon lobosporus, M34 Cryptocarya densiflora, I2 Syzygium johnsonii, I3 Cryptocarya densiflora, I6 Alloxylon wickhamii, I7 Cryptocarya densiflora, I8 Sarcotoechia cuneata, I9 Ceratopetalum succirubrum, I10 Rapanea achradiifolia, I18 Elaeocarpus elliffii, I19 Ceratopetalum succirubrum, I22 Ceratopetalum succirubrum, I23 Brackenridgea australiana, I24 Rhodamnia blairiana, I25 Syzygium cormiflorum, I26 Apodytes brachystylis, I27 Sphenostemon lobosporus, I28 Polyosma alangiacea, I29 Elaeocarpus sericopetalus, E1 Canarium australasicum, E3 Bobea myrtoides, E4 Bobea myrtoides, E7 Sphenostemon lobosporus, E8 Cryptocarya lividula, E10 Polyosma alangiacea, E11 Rapanea achradiifolia, E12 Rapanea porosa, E13 Elaeocarpus sericopetalus, E14 Rapanea porosa, E17 Balanops australiana, E22 Flindersia bourjotiana, E24 Brackenridgea australiana, E25 Flindersia bourjotiana, E27 Garcinia sp. (Davies Creek JGT 14745), A1 Flindersia bourjotiana, A2 Elaeocarpus sericopetalus, A4 Syzygium endophloium, A16 Sarcotoechia cuneata, A17 Musgravea stenostachya, A18 Cryptocarya densiflora, A19 Syzygium endophloium, A22 Brackenridgea australiana, A24 Brackenridgea australiana, A26 Agathis atropurpurea, A27 Garcinia sp. (Davies Creek JGT 14745), A28 Brackenridgea australiana. Figure 9: Canopy profile prepared from a 100 x 5 m transect through Plot 2 (EP3) Mount Haig at the time of establishment. 97 Andrew W. Graham 145 o 50' E To Yarrabah 50' E MALBON THOMPSON THOMPSON MALBON RANGE N Plot 3 (EP4) 1717oo00’ S Trinity Inlet Coral Sea 2km N To Gordonvale 2km Figure 10: Location map for Plot 3 (EP4) Little Pine Creek. 98 Figures 30 m I40 E11 A15 20 m I31 M20 I21 I35 M34 A21 A20 I14 E17 E9 A23 E2 A29 A19 M21 I27 I29 E4 E15 A22 M13 M2 I32 I39 E16 M19 A16 A33 M6 I33 I24 E1 E5 E6 A28 10 m M11 M3 I22 I38 E10 E40 E3 E13 A18 M1 I37 A22 A30 M14 M12 M18 M10 8 8 M15 M9 M4 8 E23 2 2 2 A38 I I I 7 5 5 5 9 9 I36 9 0 0 0 4 1 2 7 5 II17 3 3 3 3 3 3 M M M 1 1 I I I 2 5 E E E E 7 7 6 7 A 1 E E 1 M M M M M 0 m M1 Licuala ramsayi, M2 Blepharocarya involucrigera, M3 Licuala ramsayi, M4 Macaranga subdentata, M5 Polyscias australiana, M6 Elaeocarpus bancroftii, M7 Licuala ramsayi, M9 Macaranga subdentata, M10 Licuala ramsayi, M11 Licuala ramsayi, M12 Macaranga subdentata, M13 Syzygium cormiflorum, M14 Licuala ramsayi, M15 Licuala ramsayi, M16 Licuala ramsayi, M18 Licuala ramsayi, M19 Stenocarpus reticulatus, M20 Alstonia muelleriana, M21 Carnarvonia araliifolia var. araliifolia, M34 Carnarvonia araliifolia var. araliifolia, I14 Cryptocarya cunninghamii, I17 Licuala ramsayi, I21 Endiandra impressicosta, I22 Stenocarpus reticulatus, I24 Licuala ramsayi, I27 Syzygium luehmannii, I28 Licuala ramsayi, I29 Grevillea baileyana, I30 Licuala ramsayi, I31 Podocarpus grayae, I32 Pouteria chartacea, I33 Licuala ramsayi, I35 Flindersia bourjotiana, I36 Licuala ramsayi, I37 Macaranga subdentata, I38 Macaranga subdentata, I39 Franciscodendron laurifolium, I40 Flindersia bourjotiana, E1 Polyscias australiana, E2 Carnarvonia araliifolia var. araliifolia, E3 Licuala ramsayi, E4 Syzygium cormiflorum, E5 Acronychia acronychioides, E6 Polyalthia sp. (Wyvuri BH 2632RFK), E7 Licuala ramsayi, E9 Canarium muelleri, E10 Licuala ramsayi, E11 Flindersia bourjotiana, E12 Licuala ramsayi, E13 Macaranga subdentata, E15 Pouteria chartacea, E16 Franciscodendron laurifolium, E17 Grevillea baileyana, E23 Licuala ramsayi, E25 Licuala ramsayi, E39 Licuala ramsayi, E40 Licuala ramsayi, A14 Licuala ramsayi, A15 Carnarvonia araliifolia var. araliifolia, A16 Licuala ramsayi, A18 Acacia celsa, A20 Acacia sp. celsa, A21 Alstonia muelleriana, A22 Licuala ramsayi, A23 Franciscodendron laurifolium, A28 Macaranga subdentata, A29 Macaranga subdentata, A30 Macaranga subdentata, A33 Acacia celsa, A38 Flindersia pimenteliana. Figure 11: Canopy profile prepared from a 100 x 5 m transect through Plot 3 (EP4) Little Pine Creek at the time of establishment. 99 Andrew W. Graham N 145 145 o o 35’ E E 35’ 35’ Mt Haig TINAROO RANGE Mt Edith Plot 4 (EP9) T in ar oo D F am a lls LAMB RANGE RANGE LAMB LAMB Figure 12: Location map for Plot 4 (EP 9) Robson Logging Area. 2km 17 o 10’ S 100 Figures M6 M5 M3 M1 I10 I18 M2 I3 I21 E5 M7 E18 30 m E10 I8 I9 M25 M4 I20 I16 M8 E7 I4 M33 E2 I24 I22 M27 I6 20 m 4 I15 E3 9 9 9 3 I5 2 2 2 M E12 E E E A22 E1 E11 I17 E8 A23 A36 E6 A21 A26 A25 A18 A40 A24 A17 10 m 0 m M1 Flindersia pimenteliana, M2 Flindersia pimenteliana, M3 Darlingia darlingiana, M4 Citronella smythii, M5 Flindersia laevicarpa var.

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