v>'.. ■ - 'if inatttI|V8ter Evntino Im d i SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1951; AVKBAOB DAILY OOKKII.A'nON 38 and ooats In tha aeeond and had ■uspeoded on braadi of the peaee. by tha eonrt for further Investiga­ Kitohl:^, who Is elder than bar hue* Judgment suspended In the third. At the regular session of the Town lac tha Moath at Auguat. INT POUSH-AMERICAN tion. at which time additional vrit band, who Is Sff. asked tor a divorce to • WeoMa's - CWMrea'a STRIKE CASES RUED . Miss Josephine Listro, 19, of 88 Court held last night, Frank A. Ook nesses win be eaUed. Lafayette street. New, Britain, burn of Hartford waa charged with on the grounds of Intolerable cruel* Special 35c-50c DANCES ty cUlmlng that hia treatment of HAIR CUTS - 25ci faced two eounta of breach of the non-support. His case waa oontln- g Barham — Ne W altl^l 5,861 peace, being fined 310 and costa on uod tor one week to allow Proba­ her has resulted in a nervous bteak* Business Men’s Mamber of tha Aafilt IN 5-IlOOR SESSION MRS. n rC fllG 'S DIVORCE down. They were married January * > the first and found not guilty on the tion Officer Thomas Conran an op­ Lunch ■■ a t Clfculatlowa aeoond. Henry Jaeger, 88, of New portunity to Investigate. '8, 1931. WUlbw J. Shea of Man­ CUUITTA’S MAJNIJHKSTEK- - A LITY OF VILAAUF fJMAKM Totic, educational director of the Albert J. DeaJsrdlne, who waa al­ DECISION IS RESERVED chester appeared for Mrs. Kitchlng. BAB8ER SHOP 84 Oak St SHERIDAN HOTEL Union, waa fined 310 and coats tor leged to have been the driver of an Atfvartlatag ■■ fa g a 18.) MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) Fines Total $115 in Nine breach of the peace. automoblla that struck -another VOL. LVL, NO. 305 .Other caaea #ert disposed of as automobile on pskland street three Trade School Teacher Sued by ABODTTOWN Cases Resoltins from toUowa: Jostph Howartb, 38, 889 weeks ago and then failed to stop, Wife Who Charges fntoler Main street. New B rltal^ 310 and was charged with evading responsi­ able Cruelty; Married in SCH ALLER’S costs for breach of the peace; An­ bility. He was chased by the driver Heil! Heil! The Gang’s All Here! IHMitrwnmoh Vrib* No. 68. Im. A rr ^ of Pickeb Here. thony Bearrea, 40, 123 Eldridgp of tha ear that waa struck and over­ 1921. • CIDER MILL BraT»d Ordar c t Ited Men, wiu street, this town, breach of the taken at Oakland street and Tolland tta rtKOlmr m—ting in Tlnkw Declaion waa reserved by Judge OPENS SAT„ SEPT. 25th RUSSIA WARNS JAPS i>eace charge,. noUed; Mrs. Gene­ turnpike, and when' the driver of BINGO HARTFORD’S STRIKERS ICoaday night a t 8 o'clock. A flve-bour apedal session of the vieve Clachero, 49, 184 Washington tbe car that was hit got out to in­ Arthur F. Ells In the Hartford Su- perior Court yesterday afternoon in CIDER WILL BE MADE ORANGE HALL — TONIGHT AT 8:30 local Police Court was required yea. street. New Britain; Judgment sus­ vestigate, it is charged, he again TUES.. THURS. - SAT. TIM llTOt "Btago" party of the pended onjireach of the peace; Mrs started the ear and drove away, the divorce action of Mbs. Musettq Every Winner Has the Pleasure of Selecting ■aaaoa brid a t S t Jamea’a ball laat terday to dlspoae of nineteen cases DesJardlne denied be was the Kitchlng against her busbud Har­ Sweet Cider On Sale AGAINST “LAWLESS” Pauline Fazstna, 41, 43 Oak Street,, - Their Owij Prize! night under the auaplcea of the Holy resulting from the arrest of pickets this town, 318 abd-coato for breach driver of theii^car at the Ume of the ry Kltcblng, a teacher In the local At the Min. {fame Society of the. church drew r 5150 Worth of Merchandise To Select From! TO HALT DELIVERIES at the Independent Cloak Company of the peace; Miss Jean Risso, 18, accident The case was continued Trade achool. In the action Mn. good crowd. Good prlaea were award, 352 Woodland Street ad laat night and with a little cool­ during the seven weeks., the strike 379 High street. New Britain, 20 Games, 25 cents. Special Games, 5 cents. has been In progress there. J u < ^ breach of the peisce charge, boiled; 'Telephone 6 ^ 2 NANKING BOMBINGS er weather the attendance la e>- AH Special Prizes^^—55.00. Door Prize. Sweepstake. piKted to Increaae. Harold W, Garrlty meted out llnee Frank Bldoti, 38, 189 Washington totalling $116 In nine cases, sus­ street. New Britain, 310 and coats pended Judgment In four, nolled for breach of the peSM and'terist OF PERISHABLE GOODS Raycroft Walab, prealdent of the three, foun^ two not guilty and ing an officer; Mrs. Sadie Galatian. Moscow Binptly Notifies HamOton Propeller-Company, baa continued one. 34, S3 Chapman street. New Brit­ CHENEY AUenON moved from ProapOot atieet to Weat ain, not guilty of breach of the BB9C Hartford. The houae that be had The session got under way short­ Tokyo Tkat Ber Embassy No Wholesale Hoiset ■ aecupled waa one of thoae sold at ly after midday and continued un­ peace; Mrs. Eva Krlkdrian, 43, 300 RAVIOLI—GRINDERS anctfon yeaterday. til 1:30 o'clock, during which five Trcmont street. New Britain, Inspectioit'' B R IN G S $831,725, Endeavour 7 Sighted caaea were heard, and after a balf- breach of the peace charge, soiled; SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS ' ’ tkere WiD^ot Be Aban­ Area Able to Send O it Mrs. Lucy Gregorian, 31, 387 Bur- Effective At Once!— The Mancbeater Fire Department boiir recess the session continued FREE PRIZE TONIGHT! Have Your Car Checked until 8:30 o'clock until all. caaea bad ritt street. New Britain, Judgipenl Ruppert’s and Ballantine’s On Tap aad Repaired A t . ; And Until Further Notice wOl open Ita annual a e t^ k tpuma- been disposed of. Continuance for doned; No Troop Masang 77 P. H O T LOAN Off Ireland*s Coast Tmeks Today; Depart- ment nest Tueaday -evening at 8 one week was granted to Joseph CUT If You Drive. 10^000 to 25,000 Miles Per Year We Can a'clock with a alttlng. at the nead- Rich, 81, of 439 Arch' street. New ^uartera at the comer of Main and Britain, charged with destruction ARMORY TAVERN i U l i X ' S RATE ment Stores Phrtidly Bnilard atreeta. The committee In BRIDGE OUaraeteed Bleetrtcal BULLETIN! Ksposal of Firm’s Properties By British Steamer of private property on August 10. 306 Main Street Vincent BineDo, Prop. Bleetrtcal aad eharge Intenda to atart' play prompt­ when be allegedly threw, a stone at MASONIC TEMPLE MeehaalcaJ Auto Repairlag SAVE You as high Geneva, Sept. 27,— Paralyied; 200 Spcdal ly on .time. a car of company offlclaig. ■aar 38 Uooper Street (AP)—Japan was de­ Completed As Total Is The beavleat lines—^^326 and costs MONDAY NIGHT. SEPT. 27 BetaMlshed 1931 London, Sept. 9 7 __(API__ Athuslaem In London. This enthusi- ' The dlrectora and abareholdera. of ^ Maaou With Friends Invltod. nounced biefore a League ' ^aera was undlmtolahed by the fimt Policemen Are Depnliied.‘ —were given Mrs. H attie Vince, 34, as $50.00 A YEAR of Nations advisory com­ 75.1 Per Cent of Assessed The famous Lutine bell at that the similar, though less definite the Red Ifen’a building Aaaodatloa, of 147 Birch street, this town, who « ;iae., wHl meet In-tye clubrooma on was found guilty of assault and mittee today by Britain, Uoyds rang today for the sec­ report from the Asores, alab had iXimlnard place tomorrow night a t 7 breach of tbe peace during which This Is The Time O f Year To On the Upkeep of Your' Car If You Buy FranM, Sweden, Russia Values of AD tbe. Parcels. ond time within a week to an­ caused hopes to rise and then to .h'Clock. falL ' Hartford, Sept. 27.— (-AF); she attached and tore the dress of a and China for bombard­ nounce finding of the British The Endeavour was lost when she girl worker; and Edward J. Olcav- Have Your Roof• Renewed And —^Truck Strike headqtuiiieM: Your USED CAR Here! ment of. Chinm non-com­ yacht Endeavour I, unsuccesa- broke away from her convoy, the announced'today that all de­ age, 38, of US' North School street, Viva n, during a storm 3(X> miles this town, found guilty of breach ol FILM S Brfwe you buy a used car anywhere see ns about this batants. The 348 parcels of Cheney Broth­ .ful challenger in 1934 for the liveries including those of peiw, m U N G VOTERS TODAY; General Building Repair DEVEI.OPED AND ers owned property sold at public America’s Cup. out In the Atlantic while enroute peace. lira. Vince area also lined DANCE PRINTED special offer.. The committee of 23 from Newport, R. 1., back to Eng- ishable foods would be halted.^ 18 and costa on another charge ol Given By the Alpina nations thereupon recessed auction laat Thursday, Friday and The Endeavour I, with her Uind. breach of peace. ■ Work Done The atrikers this momloff^^ I 01 SESSION TH 9 P. M. Society At 24-HOIJR SERVICE and ita president. Foreign Saturday, aad Including the homes crew of 19, wiis reported sight­ At tha village of ToUesbury, borne it appeared,'had been abte to Joseph M a c ^ 60, who comes of 371 Manchester families, aa lafi, of Chipt. Ned Heard and afac mem- from Passaic, N.
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