• NC Convention • Int'1 year of Volunteers ~Al . Earthquake tremors THE KHUKRI IS THE FAMOUS NATIONAL WEAPON OF THE GORKHA SOLDIERS OF NEPAL KHUKRI RUM IS THEIR FAMOUS NATIONAL DRINK ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, IN A BATTLE OR IN A BOTTLE, YOU CAN ALWAYS PUT YOUR TRUST IN A KHUKR! THE NEPAL DISTILLERIES PVT. LTD. BALAJU,KATHMANDU f PH. : 350988, 350725, FAX: 350971 s CONTENTS Page Letters 3 News Notes 4 "riefs 6 Quote Unquote 7 COVER STORY: Young And Restless Desperate but energeti c, Nepalese youth are at the crossroads of Off The Record 8 chan ge. Page 16 CIAA : On The Move 9 FPAN : Strategic Plan 12 EARTHQUAKE DA Y : Tremors of Concern I3 IYV 2001 : Saluting The Spirit 14 VERNANCE : New Challenges 21 ENCOUNTER: Manisha Koirala 24 CONGRESS CONVENTION: Koirala's Declaration As the conve nti on near, Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala appears set for an overwhelming viclOry DEVELOPMENT: Partn ers In Progress 26 Page 10 THE BOTTOM LINE 27 VIEW POINT: Dr. Bhogendra Sharma 28 PASTIME 29 INTERVIEW: PRADEEPRAJPANDEY The CEO of Nepal I OIJrlsm ttoru Leisure 30 I , I tourism in the country. FACE TO FACE: J.Bill Musoke 32 SPOTLlGHTIJANUARY 19.200 1 SPOTLIGHT EDITOR'S NOTE THE NATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE --~ V~. 20, No.27, January 19, 2001lMagh 6,2057) he creation of Armed Police Force to quell the Maoist rebellion is sure Chief Editor And Publisher lO turn out to be another blunder by Prime Minister Girija Prasad Madhav Kumar Rimal Koirala. No sa ne Nepali thinks that force should be used against the Editor Maoists. We have been advocating peaceful dialogue all the time. A Sarita Rimal fifteen to twenty thousand strong anTIed force would entail huge errecurring expenses apart from hundreds of millions in buying arms and am munitions. Managing Editor Keshab Poudel Can the country afford it? But. in a country which is run by commission mongers, this could be another god sent opportunity to make some fast buck. Who really thinks aboul Associate Editor th e good oflhe country? Moreover, there are some who think such a force. cven a much Bhagirath Yogi biggcronc, has become imperative in the context of imaginary threats from our southern Senior Reporter ncighbor as a result of the statement by a leading ruling politician. Evcn though we are Sanjaya Ohakal impelled to laugh at such stupid figmcnt of imagination, we know. Nepal is . ~ Reporter equipped to defend its frontiers and also has somc depcndablc friends. Be that as it m"'f{ Akshay Sharma Prime Minister Koirala must think twice. thrice and four timcs before deploying, the armed force. Aftcr a ll the Maoists are our kirths and kins. In stead, he must start Design and Layout Jyoti Singh punishing the wrong doers including himself. by resigning fromlhe post he is holding. Surely he cannOt be tOlally oblivious of the fate of corrupt politicians. near and far. His Photographer Nishchal Chapagain well wishers surely have not failed to apprise him what is happening to corrupt politicians around the world. Art M.S. Khokna * * * The Ncpali Congress convention is starting before the week cnd. As ,:tlJ speculations Legal Advisor portend Girija Prasad Koirala will again emerge as the strong man in tne N.C.. The Advocate Lok Bhakta Rana opposition that he is facing in his party, at the moment, does not command a popular Marketing/Advertisement support. They are only some powcr hungry corrupt politicians. The leadcr of the Saril RimaIIUSA) dissident s claiming to be Ncpali Mal1in Luther King with a "vision 10 lead" has forgoncn hi s black record. Btu the Nepali people have not. Where will the country go Marketing Madan Kaji 8asnet under his lcadership? What thc NepaJi Congrcss needs at this jynCLUre is a totally new Navin Kumar Maharjan and young leadership with the cleanest ofslalc. As long Some dynamic young men don' t Madan Raj Poudel pluck courage and take ovcr the leadership oflhe party, Nepali Congress docs not have Editorial Office a bri ght futurc. Young men in Nepali Congress take note. Hit now. the iron is hot. GPO Box 7256, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Tel: (977 -1 ) 423127, Fax: (977-1) 417845 * * * Chief Editor's: 435594 The Commission of Investigation ror Abuse of Authority seems to be waking up. E-mail: [email protected] bc. it is still too early to become optimistic about it s role. CIAA hasstarled action against Internet Add: http://www.nepalnews.com/ an offi cial who is a small fry and less responsible for the ills plaguing the national nag spotlight carricr. There are marc powerful and influencing persons who eat the cake at other's Cover Design expense. There are even in visible hands that givc hiccups to many. Can the chicfexpose Wordscape Kamal Pokhari, Ph : 410772, Fax: 432872 these peoplc? Or will he also limit himself la the poor bureaucrals? * * * Distribution The people's government in Rukum, Jagarkot and Salyan must make the Palace sit up. Bazaar International 228 Sanchaya Kosh Bldg. Kathmandu It is not a challengc to Girija Prasad Koirala only. It is a direct confrontation with G.P.O Box 2480, Ph: 222983 Fax : 229437 His Maiesty's Government. The Palace cannot afford LO stay a silcnt spectator any a-mail: [email protected] more, If these kinds of developments are not nipped in the bud. the country will be Printers: Kishor offset Press (P.) Ltd. destabilised and become a fishing ground for anti-nationals. The un scrupulous politi­ p.a. Box 4665, Galkopakha, Thamel, cians will losc nothing. They wi ll be the first to leave the sinking ship and enjoy their Kathmandu,Tel: 351044 (Off),351172IRes.), illgotten wealth in foreign lands. Where can the poor people and Ihe Palace go? So, no Fax : 977-1-351172, E-mail: [email protected] more procrastination. Wisdom says one must nOl wait for fate to act. • C.D.O. Rcgd. No 1511039-40 Postal Rcgd. No 42/057158 U.S. Library of Congress Madhav Kumar Rimal Catalogue No. 91-905060 Chief Editor& Publisher 2 SPOTLIGHT/JANUARY t9, 2001 LETTERS _______________________________________________________________ Constitutionally Defined Role". Janu :uy 12-18) was very interest­ ing. We would like to express, Make The Choice through your esteemed column. our high appreciation of the com­ With reference to your mendable begi nni ng made by tile cover story " Restoring Busi­ ClAA to bring to justice those ness Confidence"' (SPOT­ exploiting RNAC for their per­ sonal benefit? Executive Director L1G1-IT January 12-1 8). I H.B. Sllfcslha. whose su\pension would like torequestNepar , the CIAA recommended in con­ political leaders to give up Ilcction with its probe. is a vl.!ry th eir petty interests for th e small fish. There arc very large sake of Ih e economic pros­ fish. even mnn-c<lti ngshnrks.lurk­ perity of the Nepalese people. ing around. The new ('hier of the CIAA As things stanJ today, the hu<" 10 gird up IllS loins :md bring politicians have only { WO those "harks. however big and choices: Ihey can ei ther con­ powerful. to book. This i, the best tinue wi th their presenl con­ opportull1ty for him to ~hov. hi!) duct and push the country integrity and loyalty to the nat ion. toward lo tal disaster o r The whole country will be most grateful to him . Even the sus­ 'l,~\\\ change their bchavior to em­ pended c xceuti vc director can play hrace the opportunities thal a vcry I mpnnam role. He must lfFrJ-:\ 'ill! are knocking our door. The cooperate with the CIAA and ex­ choice is theirs. pose the hidden forces that have been uSlIlg him for their personal Seema CUTllllg gain. If Shrestha can mus ter the co urage to unmask the reallllafia. KuJcshwor Congress: Oucst fur Upity Ihe whole country will raise its Bflaktapur taxing the Tourists A of Two voice lO grant him pardon for any wrongdoing hI.": migh t have com­ milled. M.B. Shreslha & In·ellds. Business First bandhs in future. Left parties Nehru. It was Nehru's iron man N;]ya Sadak. KJthmanL.iu Economics drives today'!t should follow suil. I n fact. by call­ Sardar Vallabhai Patel. Had Patel . Politics is taking a back ing frequent bandhs. the left par­ lived longer, Nepal would per­ to faci lit ate economic trans­ ties are losing their political base. Imps h<1ve gone 10 war with India. Bright Side net ions. However. it is unfortu­ The people h3VC had enough of Fortunmely for Nepal. Palel tlied Oft.:.n \VI.": hear of the nega­ mite (hat our leaders have not these prote~t.s. carly. Although wcare living away tivea,peclsofNepal. For onccm understood this elementary real­ Kamal POlldel from our motherland. our love for least I thought I would pOintjusl Ity. Foreign investors arenal nee­ Bansbari Nepal has not died. And we know how good II11ng.~ (',111 be. On. Jan. es~a riJ y bad for tile country. They that the proud Nepalese people 14. I re turned frolll a \"Isi! 10 (reate wealth and distribute il by Shocking Statement can defend the independence of Dcughat where once a year there cr~aling employment opportuni­ their co untry. We hope Ind ian is a huge 'Mcla' . A day where We were shocked 10 read the tics and through other aVCllue~. leaders, who say they consider like in tilc Khumb mc la. a dip in Therefore. it is meaningless to statement or K.R. Malkani. a se­ Nepal a friendly country. woul d the river can wash away all sins. at tack foreign business in terests nior leader of India's ruling nOl hu rt Nepalese sentiments in What imrresscd IllC was the great during protests.
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