VOCATIONAL SURVEY REPORT NAGPUR DISTRICT N IE P A D C Mb. N«fioiml Systran National Institute yf EdiaofttiolMd Ptenmnf and ’ mm « « *•, INDEX Chapter No. Description Page No, Preface i to iii t I) Objective and Methodology for J -j-o II conducting Vocational study/ survey. II) District Profiite 32. to SI Ill) Industrial growth and employment retrospect. 82 to 122. IV) Vocational education 123 to ) S>*7 current status and study in Futurology. S SUMMARY* f % % / 9 / i) Summary of Vocational Courses __ £c LJJ. identified. j Q ^_ ii )Tahasilwise summaiy cf ___ £0 Vocational courses identified. APPENDJCBS / 1 .) Land Use Pa tern, 1985-86 203 to 206 2.) Tahasilwise classification of villages according to ^0/ to 208. population ranges. 3) 7'ahasilv/ise ocupat ional pa tern 209 to 210r 4) TahasiIvise area under xxBpsx 211 to 2.18 different crops. 5) Tahasilwise area undei irrigated ciops. 219 to 222 6) Live Stock Information 223 to 228. 7)Agricultural Narked Commitee. 229 top 231, < i ) P RE F ft £ E Education has important role to play in the process of economic development* Its main function is to create human capital by augmenting the supply of trained, competent manpower for economic development, The Education is a unique investment in the present a n d f u t u r e * T h e g r o w t h o f e in p 1 o y m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s a ri d h u m a n resourc e deve 1 opment must be inter--dependant for ba 1 anc ed deve 1 op•••■ ment of economy* The Education which develops specific skill relevant to economy and environment should receive priority in the development process* Vocationalisat ion of Education is, therefore, being implemented in the State as a National Policy* Voc at i onm1 Educ at i on Sc heme was i n i t i a11y st art ed in t he Maharashtra State in academic year 1978-79 in selected nine districts* Subsequently the scheme was extended in phased manner to all districts during sixth plan period* The Govt* of India announced National Policy on Education (NEP) in 1986* The National Policy also gives stress on Vocational Educ at i on * 11 recommends i nt roduc t i on of syst ernat i c , we 11 pi annect and r i gorous 1 y i mp 1 ©merit ed programmes o f Voc at i on a I Educ at ion ♦ 11 errv i sages i dent i f i c at i on and i mp 1 ement at i on of need-based Vocational Courses to reduce the mis-match between demand and supp1 y of sk i1 1 ed, semi-sk illed and m i dd 1 e 1 eve1 superv i sory manpower * The New Educational Policy 1986 emphasises need of i nt roduct i on of Voc at i ona1 Educ at i on Programme hav i ng mini mum competancy concept required for job in the world of work* It is, therefore, inevitable that Vocational courses are need-based and have relevance with the economic development of the area* The ( is. 1 manpower needs differ from d i st rlet tf d i s ^gr i c t arid t here fore d et :s i 1 e d d i s t r i c t V o c a t i o n a 1 S u r v >_ y «c t;ns i der ing t ahs i I as uni t is one of the most important prepaf'st i ons fpr introduct ion of Voc at i ona 1 courssst 1 1 i s } t h e r e f o r e , c o r i s i d ie r e cl j n e c e s s a r y n o t t o restrict ! th0 limited survey of emp 1 oyment pote^nt ia 1 in organised sectors , but to cover all sectors of economy srrid also to present available statistics and data for each tahsil in the district. Co-relation o f v a r i o u s d a t a i n v a r i o u s s e c t o r s o f 13? c o n o rn y o f tahsil very effectively presents picture of existing level of development and f u11.-1 re p:*ot ent i a 1 i t i es * Thie :i. nt egr at ed p i c ture t hus ernerged will be helpful for planning the vocational education, Rs per the directives of the Govt ♦ of Maharashtra the districts vocational survey has been carried out in all districts 'o I rl tfr State* The report presented here is of Nagpur■ district* The Ft cl h o c c o rn rn i 11 e e w a s s e t u p i n N a g p» u r d i s t r i c t under Chairmanship of Collector of district who in turn constituted' sub-comrnittees for different subjects* The sub-committee sub­ mitted their recornrnendat ions to district committee* All these recommendations were considered while- preparing this report * Preparation of such type of report is a laborious task and involves co-operation of various departmental officers at all levels, industries, various establishments, Junior Colleges, Higher Secondary Schools, financial corporations of Govt « and o't hi er-' i n slit u t e s f u n c t i o r' i :i. n g i n t h e d .i s t r i c t * The p resent r e p o r t is prepared after sustained and laborious efforts put in by Shri V*S*Awaghad* the District Vocational Education & Training Officer', Nagpur under guidance of Shri S»G»Ghamandi, Dy * Direct or (St at i s t i c s) and Shr i D * M * P i rnpa 1 khu te, Dj , D i r ec t or * I am a 1 so ( £ i'i .f ) cj r a t © f u 1 t o S h r i N ♦ V ♦ B h a n cl a r k a r t ♦ D y .*Dirdfctor for his he 1 pfv 1 attitude and assists n c e r © n d e r e d » E-Mt for the team work, the r ©p or t c o u. 1 d n o t h a v e b e e n ip r e- s r« t e d * I* therefore, put on record my deep sense of appreciation for nviet i c 11 o u s w o r k id o n e by t h e s e officers 4 I am also thankful to all those who have c. ont r i but eel in the preparation of this docufients, ( K «M * GEDfiM ) Director- of Vocational Education & Tr a i n i ng, Maharasht r a St at e, Bombay ♦ '! . : IK I ER - I I OBJECTIVE AND METHODOLOGY FOR CONDUCTING IvOCfl i“ I * HJAL STUDY/SURVEY HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 1 *1,1 The role of education is to help both young and adults, to acquire- knowledge, skills and attitudes which will enable them to accept and adjust to th© chancres which are both casual and cons©-' quential to the modernisation* The planned vocational education a n d t r a i n i ng a n d :i. t s e f f e c t i v e i rn p 1 e m © n t a t :i, o n w o u 3. c! b e a b © 11 © r approach to link education with development of Economic activities* 1*1*2 Vocational Education has been defined in many ways by diffe­ rent experts* The comprehensive defination is provided by UNESCO in its recommendation in 1974* Accordingly Vocational and Techni­ cal Education has been defined as a comprehensive term embracing these objects of the educational process, involving, in addition to general' educat ion, the study of technologies' and related sciences and acquisition of Practical skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge relating to occupations in the various sectors of <e*<£conomic and social 1i f © ♦ Vocational Education should further contribute to the Social, Cultural and ©economic development, while, at the same-time dev©loping th© potential of individual for activ© partici­ pation in implementing and achieving these goals* It should lead to an understanding of the scientific and technological aspects of contemporary civilization in such a way that person can adjust to th»- environment and critical scientific and technological changes* 1*1*3 Normally, vocational education has been understood as the education designed to prepare skilled and semiskilled personnel, limited skill level, and middle level semi professional personnel for on© or more group of occupations, trades or jobs* 1*1*4 An historical review education reveals that the concept of vocational education has been the subject of discussion for more than a century., The Kot hir i c owm is>sj^n *jl 964^66) undertook a c omprehens i ve review of s. 1 1 aspects of pcjucat ion with a particular stress on vocational education* So>ne rfjthe main recommendations of commi ss ion were 1 * National Pattern of 10+2*3 system of education* 2* Work experience as an iniegril part school education* 3* Two distinct streams - Academic and Vocational during stage 2 after (+10) with a possible coverage of 50% of enrolment of s t u d e n t s i n vocatio n a 1 s t r e a rn * The Commission had realised the effects of uncontrolled rush t o U n i v e r s i t i e s r e s u 1 1 i n g :i.
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