This Month Last Month Last Year Community Inventory Sales Month Supply Market JAN 2015Community JAN 2015Inventory SalesFEB Month 2014 Supply Market Greentree Village 1 1 1 Seller Median Greentree Village 1 1 1 Seller Highgate$1,189,000Highgate $1,075,40088 5 $1,025,000 5 22 Seller Seller Sale Price Sullivan HeightsSullivan Heights 44 2 2 22 Seller Seller Average Oakdale CommunityOakdale 2Inventor2 1 y Sales 1 Month2 2Supply Seller SellerMarket Montecito44GreentreeMontecito Village 2255 221 9 9 1 242 21 Seller Seller Days on Market BrentwoodHighgate Park 208 85 32 Seller Brentwood Park 20 8 3 Seller Community Inventory Sales Month Supply Market CentralSullivan BNHeights 45 2 32 Seller Central BN 5 2 3 Seller Greentree Village Active1 Listings 1 1 Seller 367BuckinghamOakdale Heights312 112 4 1 42432 Seller Highgate 8 5 2 SellerBuckinghamCentralMontecito Heights Park BS 112211 4 49 332 Seller Seller Sullivan Heights 4 2 2 SellerCentral ParkTheBrentwood BS Crest Park 112017 4 68 33 Seller Seller Oakdale Sold2 1 2 SellerThe Crest120Sperling-DuthieCentral BN 1786 235 6 82 379 3 Seller Seller Montecito 22 9 2 SellerSperling-DuthieForestBuckingham Hills BN Heights23113 8 4 1 33 Seller Seller Brentwood Park 20 8 3 Seller WillingdonCentral Park Heights BS 1911 46 3 Seller Forest Hills BN 3 1 3 Seller Central BN 5 2 3 Seller VancouverThe Crest Heights 1017 63 3 Seller WillingdonRanked by Heights months’ supply; this 19number tells 6 how many months3 it would Seller take for Buckingham Heights 11 4 3 Seller all currentDeerSperling-Duthie inventory Lake to Place sell given the monthly2314 sales. 48 This number 43 determines Seller the CentralNeighbourhood Park BS 11 4Breakdown3 SellerVancouvermarket status. HeightsParkcrestForest Hills BN 10333 3 9 1 3 43 Seller Seller The Crest 17 6 3 SellerDeer Lake PlaceSouthWillingdon Slope Heights 144019 4 10 6 4 43 Seller Seller Sperling-DuthieCommunity Inventor23y Sales 8 Month3 Supply SellerMarketParkcrest UpperVancouver Deer Heights Lake 332210 9 53 443 Seller Seller ForestGreentree Hills Village BN 31 1 31 SellerSouth SlopeBigDeer Bend Lake Place 40149 10 42 4 45 Seller Seller SuncrestParkcrest 339 92 45 Seller WillingdonHighgate Heights 198 65 32 SellerUpper Deer Lake 22 5 4 Seller VancouverSullivan Heights Heights 104 32 32 Seller BurnabySouth Slope Hospital 4010 10 2 45 Seller Big Bend 9 2 5 Seller DeerOakdale Lake Place 142 4 1 42 Seller SimonUpper DeerFraser Lake University 2211 52 46 NeutralSeller ParkcrestMontecito 3322 9 42 SellerSuncrest EastBig Bend Burnaby 9179 2 32 565 Seller NeutralSeller SouthBrentwood Slope Park 4020 10 8 43 SellerBurnaby HospitalGovernmentSuncrest Road 10239 2 42 5 65 Seller NeutralSeller UpperCentral Deer BN Lake 225 52 43 SellerSimon FraserMetrotownBurnaby University Hospital 112410 2 42 6 65 Neutral NeutralSeller BigBuckingham Bend Heights 911 24 53 SellerEast BurnabyBurnabySimon Fraser Lake University171811 3 32 66 Neutral Neutral ForestEast Burnaby Glen BS 1617 32 68 Neutral SuncrestCentral Park BS 911 24 53 SellerGovernment Road 23 4 6 Neutral BurnabyThe Crest Hospital 1017 26 53 Seller CapitolGovernment Hill BN Road 3723 4 96 BuyerNeutral Metrotown 24 4 6 Neutral SimonSperling-Duthie Fraser University 2311 28 63 NeutralSeller DeerMetrotown Lake 2024 42 10 6 BuyerNeutral Burnaby Lake 18 3 6 Neutral EastForest Burnaby Hills BN 173 3 1 63 NeutralSeller EdmondsBurnaby Lake EB 1018 3 1 106 BuyerNeutral GovernmentWillingdon Heights Road 2319 46 63 NeutralSellerForest Glen WestridgeForestBS Glen BN BS 161416 2 2 18 148 Neutral BuyerNeutral MetrotownVancouver Heights 24104 3 63 NeutralSellerCapitol Hill BNGardenCapitol HillVillage BN 37374 4 04 9 n/a 9 Buyer Buyern/a BurnabyDeer Lake Lake Place 1814 346 4 NeutralSellerDeer Lake CaribooDeer Lake 20200 2 02 10 n/a 10 Buyer n/aBuyer LakeEdmonds City IndustrialEB 100 0 1 n/a 10 n/aBuyer ForestParkcrest Glen BS 3316 298 4 NeutralSellerEdmonds EB 10 1 10SELLERS Buyer MARKET Westridge BN 14 1 14 Buyer CapitolSouth Slope Hill BNSource: Real Estate Board of Greater4037 Vancouver10 4(REBGV). Information 94 is based on data BuyerSeller in whole or in part from theOaklands REBGV. The REBGV and Macdonald Realty Ltd. assume0 no responsibility 0 for its accuracy. n/a All data is believed n/a reliable but should be verified if deemed important. Westridge BNGarden Village 144 1 0 14 n/aBALANCED Buyer n/a MARKET DeerUpper Lake Deer Lake 2022 25 104 BuyerSeller Simon Fraser Hills 0 0 n/a n/a Garden VillageTotalCariboo 44870 0 120 0 n/a n/a 4BUYERS n/a n/aSeller MARKET EdmondsBig Bend EB 109 21 105 BuyerSeller Lake City Industrial 0 0 n/aNO SALES n/a WestridgeSuncrest BN 149 21 145 BuyerSellerCariboo 0 0 n/a n/a Oaklands 0 0 n/a n/a GardenBurnaby Village Hospital 1040 2 n/a5 n/aSellerLake City Industrial 0 0 n/aSUPPLY n/aMONTHS SUPPLY Simon Fraser Hills 0 0 n/a n/a CaribooSimon Fraser University 0110 2 n/a6 n/aNeutralOaklands 0 0 n/a n/a Total 487 120 4 Seller LakeEast BurnabyCity Industrial 1700 3 n/a6 n/aNeutralSimon Fraser Hills 0 0 n/a n/a OaklandsGovernment Road 230 04 n/a 6 n/aNeutralTotal 487 120 4 Seller SimonMetrotown Fraser Hills 240 04 n/a 6 n/aNeutral TotalBurnaby Lake 48718 120 3 46 SellerNeutral Forest Glen BSContact your16 Macdonald 2 8 Realty Neutral associate for Capitol Hill BN 37 4 9 Buyer Deer Lake detailed sales20 information 2 10 on Buyer your neighbourhood. Edmonds EB 10 1 10 Buyer Westridge BN 14 1 14 Buyer Garden Village 4 0 n/a n/a Cariboo 0 0 n/a n/a Lake City Industrial 0 0 n/a n/a Oaklands 0 0 n/a n/a Simon Fraser Hills 0 0 n/a n/a Total 487 120 4 Seller Copyright © 2015 Macdonald Real Estate Group Inc. Source: Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV). Retrieved March 2nd, 2015. macrealty.com Information is based on data in whole or in part from the REBGV. The REBGV and Macdonald Realty Ltd. assume no responsibility for its accuracy. All data is believed reliable but should be verified if deemed important. / Macdonald Realty Community Inventory Sales Month Supply Market This MonthGreentreeLast Village Month 4Last 4 Year1 Seller Community Inventory Sales Month Supply Market JAN 2015Simon FraserJAN Hills 2015 18FEB 9 2014 2 Seller Greentree Village 4 4 1 Seller Median Forest Hills BN 10 5 2 Seller Simon$425,000 Fraser HillsWestridge BN$375,00018 9 5$384,800 223 Seller Seller Sale Price Forest Hills BN Brentwood Park10 5 101 322 3Seller Seller Average Westridge BN CommunityWillingdon Heights5Inventor 2 13y Sales 43 Month 3SellerSupply SellerMarket The Crest 7 2 4 Seller Brentwood47 ParkGreentree Village10166 324 4 354 Seller1 Seller Days on Market SimonCentral Fraser Park BS Hills 6518 18 9 42 Seller Willingdon Heights 13 4 3 Seller ForestOaklands Hills BN 1011 53 42 Seller Active Listings The Crest809 WestridgeGovernment BN Road7397 2 265 72744443 Seller Seller Central Park BSHighgateBrentwood Park65 18125101 2832 4 43 Seller Seller BurnabyWillingdon Hospital Heights 139 42 53 Seller Oaklands226 15111 3 4165 Seller Sold Government RoadMetrotownThe Crest 26 7 2297 50 244 5Seller Seller Forest Glen BS 69 14 5 Seller Highgate Central Park BS125 2865 18 4 4 Seller Seller CentralOaklands BN 2511 53 45 Seller Burnaby Hospital 9 2 5 Seller EdmondsGovernment BE Road 2658 117 4 5 NeutralSeller MetrotownRanked by months’ supply; this229 number tells 50 how many months 5 it would Seller take for Neighbourhood Breakdown all current inventoryCapitolHighgate to Hillsell BNgiven the monthly 125sales.12 This 28 2 number determines 46 SellerNeutralthe Community Inventory Sales Month SupplyForest Marketmarket Glen status. BS SouthBurnaby Slope Hospital69 14769 112 55 7Seller NeutralSeller Greentree Village 4 4 1Central Seller BN SimonMetrotown Fraser University25 5 22961 50 759 5Seller SellerBuyer SimonCommunity Fraser Hills Inventor18y Sales 9 Month 2SupplyEdmonds SellerMarket BE SullivanForest Glen Heights BS 58 116953 14 6 5 95Neutral BuyerSeller Montecito 9 1 9 Buyer ForestGreentree Hills Village BN 104 45 21Capitol Seller Hill BN Central BN 12 2 25 565 Neutral Seller WestridgeSimon Fraser BN Hills 185 92 32 Seller EdmondsCariboo BE 5825 112 13 5 NeutralBuyer South Slope Vancouver Heights76 1113 1 7 13 Neutral Buyer BrentwoodForest Hills ParkBN 10110 32 5 32 Seller Capitol Hill BN 12 2 6 Neutral Simon Fraser UniversitySperling-Duthie 61 7 4 09 n/a Buyer n/a WillingdonWestridge BNHeights 135 42 3 Seller South Slope 76 11 7 Neutral Sullivan HeightsEast Burnaby 53 63 0 9 n/a Buyer n/a TheBrentwood Crest Park 1017 32 2 4 3 Seller Simon Fraser University 61 7 9 Buyer Burnaby Lake 2 0 n/a n/a CentralWillingdon Park Heights BS 6513 18 4 43Montecito Seller Sullivan Heights 9 1 53 69 9Buyer Buyer Parkcrest 1 0 n/a n/a OaklandsThe Crest 117 32 4Cariboo Seller Montecito 25 29 1 139 Buyer Buyer CaribooUpper Dear Lake 251 02 n/a 13 Buyern/a GovernmentCentral Park BSRoad 6526 18 7 4 Vancouver Seller Heights 13 1 13 Buyer VancouverBig Bend Heights 130 0 1 n/a 13 Buyern/a HighgateOaklands 12511 28 3 4Sperling-Duthie Seller 4 0 n/a n/a Sperling-DuthieBuckingham Heights 04 0 n/a n/a BurnabyGovernment Hospital Road 269 27 45 Seller East Burnaby EastDeer BurnabyLake 3 003 0n/a n/a n/a n/a MetrotownHighgate 229125 5028 45 Seller Burnaby Lake BurnabyDeer Lake Lake Place 2 002 0n/a n/a n/a n/a ForestBurnaby Glen Hospital BS 699 14 2 5 Seller ParkcrestGarden Village 01 0 n/a n/a CentralMetrotown BN 22925 50 5 5 Parkcrest Seller 1 0 n/a n/a UpperLake City Dear Industrial Lake 01 0 n/a n/a EdmondsForest Glen BE BS 6958 14 11 5Upper NeutralSeller Dear Lake 1 0 n/a n/a BigOakdale Bend 0 0 n/a n/a CapitolCentral HillBN BN 2512 52 65Big NeutralSeller Bend 0 0 n/a n/a BuckinghamSuncrest Heights 0 0SELLERS n/a MARKET n/a SouthEdmonds Slope BE 7658 11 57Buckingham Neutral Heights 0 0 n/a n/a Source: Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV).
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