TOLEDO / LORAIN SALES: 419-870-2797 • 216-688-9045 Since 1989. www. l a p r ensa1.com FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR 419-870-2797 DETROIT CLEVELAND • LORAIN COLUMBUS: Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Classified? Email classifiedlaprensa1@gmail.com 3 de septiembre, 2021 Weekly/Semanal 16 páginas Vol. 69, No. 24 HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY LABOR DAY! The Cleveland Museum of Art hosts the 32ndAnnual Chalk Festival A family-friendly day to enjoy sidewalk art inspired by Italian Renaissance tradition The Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) will host the 2021 Chalk Festival in person Saturday, Sep- tember 11, noon to 5 p.m., rain or shine. The festival features sidewalk paintings by profes- sional chalk artists and local community groups, families and individuals. This year, the community is invited to take part in a featured chalk drawing by artist Bruno Casiano and make it come alive with color. Participants will have an opportunity to showcase their own art on the museum's south plaza and throughout the path- ways that wind through the Fine Arts Garden and down to Wade Lagoon. Squares and boxes of chalk are available for $10 with on-site, day-of registra- tion (supplies limited). The Chalk Festival is free to visitors wishing to enjoy the artists' work and listen to live music by Outlaws I & I. Photo: David Brichford, courtesy of the Cleve- land Museum of Art. Toledo Museum of Art celebrates new artwork TMA is celebrating a new selection of artwork installed in Gallery 1 by TMA's new curator of modern and contemporary art, Jessica Hong. The museum is also highlighting TMA staff's responses to these works of art. This week's Art Minute features Nuanced Veil by artist with staff commentary from Ijonte Hall, Social Media and Digital and Communications Specialist. "Nuanced Veil by artist Joyce Scott is one of the pieces nearest to my heart in the Toledo Museum of Art collection. Each figure tells me its own story. Scott depicts hope, triumph, sorrow, fear, and death in this piece. I see my story when I look at Nuanced Veil. Many African Americans probably recognize their story. I think of my ancestors, whose names and stories I don't know, who probably made the treacherous journey with Harriet Tubman on the Underground Railroad. I think of those who made it safely up north, and those who lost their lives so close to freedom." -Ijonte Hall Joyce J. Scott (born 1948, Baltimore, MD), Nuanced Veil. Seed beads, wire, and thread, 2008-17. 30 ½ x 60 in. Purchased with funds from the Florence Scott Libbey Bequest in Memory of her Father, Maurice A. Scott, by exchange, 2018.36. On view in Gallery 1. DETROIT/GRAND RAPIDS/ANN ARBOR SALES: 419-870-2797 • 313-729-4435 Since 1989! www. l a p r ensa1.com FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR DETROIT CLEVELAND • LORAIN Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 Classified? Email classifiedlaprensa1@gmail.com 3 de septiembre, 2021 Weekly/Semanal 16 páginas Vol. 69, No. 24 FOLLOW CDC GUIDELINES ON COVID-19 More than half of Michigan students must wear mask in school By DAVID EGGERT, Associated Press LANSING, Mich, 28 sion to local lead- for nor against. “We are facing a full-on VIII 21 (AP): At least half ers being con- But opinions dif- assault against our chil- of Michigan’s public K-12 fronted with an- fer by community, dren,” said Aimee students must wear a mask gry parents push- and anti-mask dem- Sutherland of Caledonia, in school, a figure that has ing to undo the onstrators have who has a 9-year-old son. grown as local health or mandates amid an voiced objections to It is unclear how long education officials order increasingly vola- county commis- the local regulations will requirements that Gov. tile situation na- sions, health depart- last. Gretchen Whitmer sup- tionwide. ments and school Some will extend 60 ports but is hesitant to re- Her office said boards. days beyond when vac- institute statewide. about 54% of stu- In Kent County on cines are authorized for Several counties, in- dents in tradi- Thursday, commis- children under 12 or until cluding six of the 10 most tional public sioners heard hours a county’s infection rate is populated ones, now man- schools are sub- of comments against “low” or “moderate” for a date face coverings for stu- ject to face cover- the administrative certain number of days or dents, teachers and staff ing requirements, health officer’s rule until further notice from indoors regardless of vac- a number the gov- requiring face cov- the health officer. cination status. Their ernor expects to erings in preK-6 edu- In Wayne County, health officers pointed to a climb as the first day nears mends face coverings inside elementary students. cational settings. Parents said where school begins Sept. rapid increase in COVID- in places that have not yet schools, where outbreaks can With complete masking, it it should be a choice, ex- 7, education leaders wel- 19 cases due to the more started classes. interrupt face-to-face in- is 120 hours. It drops to 24 pressing concerns about comed masking require- contagious delta variant “It’s not comfortable to struction. hours with imperfect masking masks’ effects on physical ments that were announced and, noting that kids under make these hard decisions. Classes are starting amid and to three hours with no and mental health. Some Friday. 12 cannot be vaccinated, If anyone knows that, it’s a two-month rise in test posi- masking. The time until trans- vowed to homeschool their “Our goal is for in-per- said masks have reduced me,“ the Democrat said this tivity and case rates. Hospi- mission is less for high school kids. Others cited religious son learning to be a viable spread in classrooms. past week. “But the fact of talizations have been in- students. objections. option, with minimal in- Five counties’ direc- the matter is a mask require- creasing for five weeks in a Dr. Sarah Lyon-Callo, the Some decried the terruptions due to out- tives apply to kindergar- ment is an important tool.” state where—for now—the state’s top epidemiologist, “plandemic,” a term used to breaks or the need for quar- ten through sixth grade, Michigan’s indoor mask 14-day infection rate re- said masking reduces the suggest the virus was manu- antines, throughout the though a number of af- mandate, first implemented mains lower than in all but chance of being infected in factured and its severity ex- entire 2021-22 school fected districts also require by Whitmer early in the four states. school by 40% to 75%. aggerated. Others urged the year,” said Daveda face coverings in grades 7 coronavirus pandemic, was The state Department of The public at large backs firing of Dr. Adam London Colbert, superintendent of to 12. Measures in Wayne kept in place by the state Health and Human Services, masking in schools. and recalls of elected offi- the Wayne Regional Edu- and Oakland, the state’s health department after the in collaboration with the About 58% of Americans cials who allow his order to cational Service Agency. largest counties, cover all Michigan Supreme Court University of Michigan favor requiring it for students, stand. “With the latest guidance, grades. Policies vary at struck down a law that gave School of Public Health, has including 52% of parents, “I as a parent know what’s it is my hope that together schools in 76 counties the governor broad emer- used outside research to es- according to a poll from The best for my child and that’s as administrators, teachers, where health departments gency powers. Her adminis- timate how long it would Associated Press-NORC Cen- for her to be at school with no students, parents and com- have recommended, but tration lifted the require- take for there to be a greater ter for Public Affairs Research. mask,” said Nick Prill, of munity members, we can not required, masking. ment in June amid vaccina- than 50% chance of trans- Roughly 25% of adults and Kentwood, who said his now shift our focus to en- Whitmer has faced criti- tion gains and low infection mission if one infectious 28% of parents are opposed, daughter suffered headaches gaging each and every cism for leaving the deci- rates but strongly recom- child attends a class of 25 while 17 % to 18% are neither from wearing one. learner at the highest level.” To have realized your dream makes you feel lost — Oriana Fallace Página 2 La Prensa September 3, 2021 El destructivo huracán Ida deja Nueva Orleans a oscuras UE recomendará reinstaurar Por REBECCA SANTANA, KEVIN McGILL y JANET McCONNAUGHEY restricciones a viajeros de NUEVA OR- del quinto huracán más por la mañana, de modo puestas a prueba en LEANS, 30 VIII 21 fuerte que jamás ha que seguía siendo un formas que hoy sólo EEUU (AP): El huracán Ida golpeado el territorio huracán de categoría 1 podemos imaginar”, Por SAMUEL PETREQUIN dejó sin electricidad continental de Estados más de 12 horas dijo en una BRUSELAS, 30 VIII relativa al COVID-19 y a toda Nueva Orleans Unidos. después de tocar tierra conferencia de prensa 21 (AP): La Unión los gobiernos nacionales e inundó poblaciones En Luisiana ya se en el sur de Luisiana. el domingo. Europea tiene previsto tienen competencias para recomendar que sus decidir si mantienen sus costeras de Luisiana atribuía al menos una Los expertos esperaba Sin embargo, estados miembros fronteras abiertas a en su letal ruta por la muerte a Ida.
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