SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2019 SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH • HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA Served by the Society of the Divine Savior • Brothers, Priests, Sisters, and Lay Salvatorians Working Together REV. JOSEPH P. LUBRANO, SDS Pastor PATRICIA AYALA Bookkeeper ([email protected]) ([email protected]) JOHN BARISA Permanent Deacon RENATE T. BANKS Parish Secretary ([email protected]) ([email protected]) CARMEN V. AMATO Director, Religious Education PEDRO RODRIGUEZ Facilities ([email protected]) BILLY ROY Principal, Holy Family School-Huntsville SR. VERONICA RYAN, OSB ([email protected]) ([email protected]) MASS SCHEDULE SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Saturday (Anticipated): 5:00 p.m. For all inquiries, please call Carmen Amato at the parish Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 11:15 a.m. office. For sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Com- Weekdays: 7:00 a.m. munion and Confirmation, there must be at least one year of formation immediately prior to the preparation Saturday: 8:00 a.m. for the sacraments. Holy Days of Obligation: 7:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. BAPTISM. Parents and godparents must attend a bap- SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION tism preparation session before scheduling a baptism. Every Saturday at 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. MARRIAGE. If you intend to be married at St. Joseph or by appointment with the pastor. Church, you must be registered in the parish and be active by donating your time, talent or treasure in sup- PARISH OFFICE HOURS port of parish projects. Regular Mass attendance on Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation is also required. The Parish Office is open Monday-Friday 9:00 Couples planning marriage should contact the parish a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and is closed during lunch 12:30 before setting a wedding date. p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Submit all bulletin announce- ments to [email protected] no later RCIA. Adults and children of catechetical age are wel- than Friday, a week prior, at 12:00 p.m. comed into the Church through a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA). ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call Father Joseph Lubrano at the parish office to schedule an anointing. FUNERALS Holy Family School—Huntsville We have a number of people to help plan funeral litur- gies and to set up funeral luncheons. Please call the par- Billy Roy, Principal ish office before contacting the funeral home to avoid 256.539.5221 scheduling conflicts. St. John Paul II Catholic High School PARISH REGISTRATION Dr. Lanny K. Hollis, Headmaster 256.430.1760 If you are new to our parish and wish to register, please call the parish office for the appropriate forms. A PARISH OF THE DIOCESE OF BIRMINGHAM IN ALABAMA EASTER SUNDAY • APRIL 21, 2019 Dear Brothers and Sisters, We have made it. Happy Easter!! The following is taken from the ORDO (Order SATURDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER APRIL 26 20 of Prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours and Celebration of the Eucharist). It is an Holy Saturday excerpt from “The Blessed Pentecost,” by Nathan Mitchell. 8:00am SATURDAY,SATURDAY, +Sr. Florence JUNE APRIL 02 14 Demers, SDS 8:00pm: 8:00am +James +Dustin & Emelene Conaway Zarzour Josef Pieper once remarked that the human capacity for festivity arises from 5:00p.m. 8:00am + For the Unborn 5:00pm 5:00pm SUNDAY, +Carolyn APRIL 21 Fleming the ability to affirm all creation as good – from the ability to embrace, in one SUNDAY, OCTOBER Easter Sunday 20 SUNDAY, SUNDAY, APRIL JUNE 0803 resounding “yes,” the length and breadth, the heights and depths of our experience in the 6:00am: +Javier Rangel 8:15am 8:15am Corpus For +Russ theChristi Jackson Parish world. We can hear this “yes” in Mozart’s music – the play of light and shadow in the later 8:15am: +Karen Pohl piano concerti; the poignant song of the oboe rising above a steady pulse in a divertimento for 11:15am 8:15am 11:15am: 11:15am +Melissa+Anne ForFor thethe Matuszak Lee ParishParish 11:15am winds. We can hear it in the delighted sequels of a child as its face is licked by the moist MONDAY, MONDAY,MONDAY, OCTOBER APRILAPRIL 21 2209 MONDAY, MAY 28 tongue and hot breath of a new puppy. We can hear it in the contented, prayerful whispers 7:00am 7:00am:7:00am +MarieSamuel +Linda PentecostGeorge Havens Bell Memorial Day of an elderly woman – full of love, grace and years – as she prepares to meet death with quiet TUESDAY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER APRIL 22 23 courage and dignity. 7:00am: 8:00am TUESDAY, +Virginia +Rick APRIL Harris Rickey 10 7:00am 7:00am +Leo+Mahlon Oliver Boren WEDNESDAY, TUESDAY, MAY APRIL 29 24 Saying “yes” to all of life, letting all of it in – that is festivity’s sustaining source. But here’s the WEDNESDAY, 7:00am: 7:00am WEDNESDAY, +PalmyraOCTOBER +Daniel APRIL ConteFrazier 23 11 rub. Few of us can say “yes” to anything for very long. We live, after all, in an intensely mobile THURSDAY, APRIL 25 culture of fast food, faster cars, disposable diapers and planned obsolescence. Our greatest 7:00am 7:00am WEDNESDAY, +Fr.+Lucy Michael OliverMAY Newman 30 7:00am: +Geraldine Plumeau goal (as Andy Warhol once quipped) is to be famous for 15 minutes. At parties, we do not THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24 9:00am:* 7:00am THURSDAY, +Bishop +Mary APRILRousseau David 12 Foley carry on conversations, we posture – repeating to one another in snippets of dialogue from 7:00am 7:00pmFRIDAY,THURSDAY, +Agnes APRIL +Joe MAY Trotter26 Knouse 31 movies, beer commercials, sitcoms or interviews with sports celebrities. Small wonder that 7:00am 9:00am 7:00am: 9:00am* +Holy School+James Souls Kia Batchelder inCunyMass Purgatory many in our society feel so isolated and lonely, so unable to connect, so incapable of forming FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER FRIDAY, FRIDAY, JUNE APRIL APRIL25 01 1327 relationships that last. Small wonder, too, that as a people we find ourselves increasingly 8:00am: +Brian Joseph McGinn bored, angry and violent – enraged and terrified by the awful emptiness that seems to stretch 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am +Mary+Francis +Uland M. Jones ReidKnouse 5:00pm: +Renata Luke Danison Befecadu & Family in every direction around us. SATURDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER APRIL 26 14 SUNDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL JUNE 28 02 Given such cultural conditions, the Christian celebration of “the blessed Pentecost” will strike 8:00am 8:00amDivine Mercy + Sunday 5:00pm 8:00am many as mad indeed. Fifty days of “dwelling in” the Pascal mystery! Fifty days of surrendering 5:00p.m. 8:15am: 5:00pm For + the Parish in joyful faith and love as the Spirit of God takes possession of our lives! Fifty days of mys- 11:15am: +Theoplus Jefferson Taylor SUNDAY, APRIL 15 tagogy, of walking with the neophytes ever more deeply into the baptismal mysteries of death SUNDAY, SUNDAY, OCTOBER +Kenton JUNE 27 Hughes 03 8:15am For the Parish and resurrection. Good heavens! What an order! 8:15am 8:15am +Cisci Volpe 11:15am11:15am *HFS School Steven Mass Velkei One reason why such a prolonged celebration strikes us as difficult – if not downright absurd – is that we tend to link feasts and holidays with mindless hoopla. “Party time,” for many, is an invitation to obliterate consciousness, to get wasted, to veg out, to forget. But a season of Christian festival is precisely the opposite. It is a time of intensified consciousness, finely tuned awareness, awakened memory. The great fifty days of Pentecost are not an unwel- come, unrealistic, obligation to “party on,” even if we don’t feel like it, but an invitation to explore more deeply “the weather of the heart,” to awaken our memory of God’s presence James Hudson Miller, Janice Mazikowski, Marie and power in our lives, to look more closely at all the rich and varied textures of creation. In McCune, George Franklin, Debi Royer, James short, Pentecost is a season for learning how to say “yes” in a culture that wants to keep on McGee, Janet Ennis, David Miller, Barbara Brodeur, Carolyn Wingenter, Zanetta Brown, Chuck Salvo, saying “no”. Teresa Gregory, Rachel Johnson, Faye Fletcher, Again, I wish each of you Easter joy. May the Risen Lord bless you with the very best. I also Batchelder Family, Stachura Family, Richard Wertz, hope you enjoy the Sacred Fifty Days of Easter we begin this weekend. Maddie Clearly, John Rourk, Jr., Greg Riley, Cindy Morales, Richard Chandler, John & Linda Dimmock, Please remember that next Sunday, April 28, is Divine Mercy Sunday. We will have Adoration Sharon Vandurn, Sally Purvis, Wanda Sharp, George Wertz, Ada Carden, Dollie Jackson, Josephine from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the church. Confessions will be available during that time. The Stratton, Katherine Algie, Nick Rosa, Ralph & Helen Chaplet will be prayed at 3:00 p.m. and Benediction will conclude the afternoon at 4:00 p.m. Kissel, Dan Vandergrift, Marrissa Lefebzre, John Howard, Lisa Andrews, Harold Jones, Sondra Adams, You are in my thoughts and prayers each day. Have a blessed day. Judi Trygg, Marianna Young, Bill Mitchell, Sayre Family, Cecilia Hall, Johnnina Ayon, Betty Rooney, Kennita Turner, Antonio Beltran, Ramona Hallit, Sarah Garoppo, Will Mitchell and Traci Moore. Always in the Savior, Fr. Joe Note This is our new, updated prayer request cor- ner. If you wish to add someone to the list, please contact Renate at the parish office. When The Parish Office is open Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm, closed during lunch 12:30-1:30pm, and can that person recovers, please call again to remove be reached at 256-534-8459. Submit all bulletin announcements to their name so that others can be put on the list.
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