845 CARLING AVE. OFFICIAL PLAN & ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT 04/13 PREPARED FOR: Richcraft Homes 2280 St. Laurent Blvd, Suite 201 Ottawa, ON K1G 4K1 PREPARED BY: FOTENN Consultants Inc. 223 McLeod Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 0Z8 613-730-5709 MARCH 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 Development Proposal 2 2.0 BACKGROUND 12 Site Context 12 Surrounding Context 12 Community Amenities 13 Transportation Network 14 Transit Network 14 Road Network 15 Multi-Use Pathways 16 3.0 POLICY FRAMEWORK 17 Provincial Policy Statement 17 City of Ottawa Official Plan 18 City of Ottawa Secondary Plan: Preston Champagne 28 Strategic Direction Report and Preston-Carling Community Design Plan 30 City of Ottawa Urban Design Guidelines 37 Urban Design Guidelines for High-Rise Housing 37 Urban Design Guidelines for Transit-Oriented Development 40 Urban Design Guidelines for Development along Arterial Mainstreets 41 4.0 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK 42 City of Ottawa Zoning By-law (2008-250) 42 5.0 REQUESTED APPROVALS 44 Official Plan Amendment to the Preston-Champagne Secondary Plan 44 Zoning By-law Amendment 45 Building Height 46 Shared Visitor and Non-residential Parking 46 6.0 CONCLUSION 47 7.0 APPENDICIES Appendix A – Preliminary Site Plan Appendix B – Built Form Analysis Appendix C – Site Photos Appendix D – Building Elevations Appendix E – Sun Shadow Study 845 CARLING AVE. | RICHCRAFT GROUP OF COMPANIES MARCH 2013 | 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION FoTenn Consultants Inc. has been retained by Richcraft Group of Companies to prepare a Planning Rationale in support of an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment for lands located at 845 Carling Avenue, in the City of Ottawa. The purpose of this planning rationale is to assess how the proposed development achieves and conforms to the objectives of the applicable policy and regulatory framework, determine if the development is appropriate for the site, and evaluate its compatibility with adjacent development and the surrounding community. In addition to this Planning Rationale and Urban Design Analysis, the following studies, reports and plans have been submitted in support of the Official Plan Amendment Application and the Zoning By-law Amendment Applications: • Assessment of Adequacy of Site Services prepared by DSEL; • Environmental Site Assessment prepared by Paterson Group; • Geotechnical Investigation prepared by Paterson Group; • Transportation Impact Study prepared by Delcan; • Preliminary Landscape Concept Plan prepared by CSW; • Preliminary Site Concept Plan prepared by Graziani + Corazza Architects Inc. • Sunshadowing Study prepared by Graziani + Corazza Architects Inc. Development Proposal The proposal includes the construction of three (3) high-rise mixed-use buildings on this 0.65 hectare (6,617 m2) site. At full build out, the development will include approximately 1,123 residential units with a total gross floor area of approximately 80,124 m² including retail, amenity and residential uses. This project will be developed in three (3) phases as identified in the graphic below. Buildings A and B are proposed at a height of 48-storeys (162.2 m including mechanical penthouse); Building C at a height of 18-storeys (73.3 m including mechanical penthouse). The project will capitalize on its advantageous location adjacent to the O-Train Carling station and the multi- use pathway by incorporating a direct connection to transit from Tower B; and creating a seamless transition through coordinated landscaping flowing from the site to the pathway. The mixed use proposal consists of residential condominiums, with at-grade live-work units and retail uses, plus a generous open space urban plaza; all served by six (6) levels of underground parking. 845 CARLING AVE. | RICHCRAFT GROUP OF COMPANIES MARCH 2013 | 3 CONCEPT SITE PLAN SHOWING PHASED CONSTRUCTION As shown above, the 48-storey towers orient to both Sydney Street and Carling Avenue; and extend to the middle of the site. To ensure that the buildings achieve maximum liveability, a great deal of attention has been paid to building siting and design. These tall towers are curvilinear in shape and have been offset to maximize views and privacy. At its closest point, they located approximately 25 m apart, increasing to 27 m. The sculpting of the buildings’ facades also adds to the iconic design for this landmark site. While the tall towers are proposed at the same height, with a complementary design, each building is unique in its own right. The curved façade and related building materials demonstrate the relationship between the buildings, while the variation in podium height and design, and the use of similar materials at different heights and the shifting of building elements reinforces each building’s distinctiveness. Further, Tower B shares a two-storey podium with Tower C. The iconic design of the tall towers will function as landmarks in the urban landscape of the Preston-Carling area. 845 CARLING AVE. | RICHCRAFT GROUP OF COMPANIES MARCH 2013 | 4 EAST ELEVATION SHOWING THE THREE (3) PROPOSED BUILDINGS Building A contains a two (2) storey podium on Carling Avenue, which steps down to one (1) storey within the site, providing for an outdoor amenity terrace on the roof overlooking the proposed urban plaza. Retail uses at-grade will animate both Carling Avenue and the proposed plaza. Building B also has a two (2) storey podium that is fully connected to Building C. Two (2) storey live-work units will face the multi-use pathway to the west and a direct connection to the O-Train station will be provided within Tower B via an escalator and elevator. The two (2) storey live-work units are the equivalent height of a (1) storey podium, also providing for a west-facing outdoor amenity terrace above them along the City multi-use pathway to the west. 845 CARLING AVE. | RICHCRAFT GROUP OF COMPANIES MARCH 2013 | 5 Building A will accommodate 486 residential units and approximately 6,834 m² (gfa) of retail in the ground floor podium. The retail will front on both Carling Avenue and the proposed urban plaza. Building B will provide 491 residential units and provide the direct link to the O-Train Station. The exact unit breakdown is not yet finalized, although it is anticipated to include a combination of studio, and one- and two-bedroom units. Building C is proposed at 18-storeys to transition to the future 9-storey building recommended for the north side of Adeline Street. The building will contain approximately 146 units and fronts on both Adeline Street and the multi-use pathway to the west. Live-work units are proposed along both frontages. The podium is connected for Towers B and C allowing for the sharing of common facilities, including indoor and outdoor amenity areas. A 21m to 26m separation is provided between the towers. The primary egress/ingress to underground parking will occur at grade between the two towers once all the phases have been constructed. CONTEXT PLAN 845 CARLING AVE. | RICHCRAFT GROUP OF COMPANIES MARCH 2013 | 6 As shown above, primary access/egress will be from Sydney Street, with secondary access/egress from Adeline Street. Right-in/right-out vehicular access is proposed from Carling Avenue. All parking is to be located underground with approximately 766 spaces distributed over six (6) levels. A drop off area for residents and visitors is planned for the end of Sydney Street and a north-south drive aisle (7.5m in width) is proposed along the eastern edge of the site connecting to Adeline Street. This will provide for two-way traffic movement between these streets while allowing the urban plaza to function entirely as a pedestrian space. The development also proposes to link transit users to the Carling O-Train Station via an underground pedestrian connection (via elevator and escalators). As this project will be phased including the underground parking garage, interim access to the parking garage is proposed to be constructed as part of Building A. The proposal includes a publicly accessible urban plaza approximately 1,585 m2 in size that will contribute to the vitality of the district. A landscaped plan is currently being developed for the plaza and will include large common amenity areas, water features, trees/vegetation and programming areas; all framed with at-grade active retail uses (e.g., restaurants, shops) spilling onto it from the podium of Building A. Transit users will frequent the space as they move to the O-Train connection proposed in Building B. It is proposed that the plaza be oriented towards and share synergy with the City owned multi-use pathway to the west. VIEW LOOKING EAST INTO PUBLIC PLAZA 845 CARLING AVE. | RICHCRAFT GROUP OF COMPANIES MARCH 2013 | 7 BIRDSEYE VIEW LOOKING EAST INTO PUBLIC PLAZA The live/work units proposed in the podium of Buildings B and C will ensure that the entire length of the site’s frontage onto the multi-use pathway is animated by active, ground-oriented uses that also provide natural security. VIEW LOOKING EAST TOWARDS LIVE/WORK UNIT ALONG THE MULTI-USE PATHWAY The proposal conforms to the City’s current design guidelines for tall buildings with respect to distance separation and built form. All of the buildings have a strong podium element that maintains a human-scale 845 CARLING AVE. | RICHCRAFT GROUP OF COMPANIES MARCH 2013 | 8 relationship at grade. The tower floor plates have been limited to approximately 770 m² for the 48-storey towers and approximately 660 m² for the 18-storey tower. Given the site has an area of approximately 6,617 m², it is well-suited to accommodate three (3) towers while providing appropriate distance separation between the towers, as well as other high-profile buildings on adjacent lots including a future tower on the north-west corner of Carling Avenue and Preston Street (currently the CIBC branch).
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