List of the Selected Candidates for the LEAP Training Programme

List of the Selected Candidates for the LEAP Training Programme

List of the Selected Candidates for the LEAP Training Programme Date of Eligible Appointment Age/58yrs as as Duration of Number of S. Name of the University / on Professor/8yrs Administrative Publications/30 Remark No. Applicant Institution 30.04.2019/ as on Experience/ 3yrs as on in Scopus-UGC (Years-Month 30.04.2019/ 30.04.2019 Journals s-Days) (Years-Months- Days) 1yr 10 months Department of (HOD, Dr. BATU, Lonere, Electronics and Total: 76 Raigad) Telecommunication 2yrs 8months Engineering, Shri Guru Scopus+UGC: (Registrar, SGGSIET, Fulfilling all Gobind Singhji Institute 30++ Nanded) the 04 of Engineering and 1. Professor Sanjay N. 01.06.1962 16.07.2001 8 months criteria set Technology, Nanded Books/Monograp Talbar 56-10-29 17-09-14 (HOD, SGGSIET, Nanded) by the HRD (Maharashtra) hs/ 1yr 7months Ministry Edited Books: 8 (Dean, SGGSIET, Nanded) [email protected] 1yrs 8 months [email protected] (Dean, SGGSIET, Nanded) 9850978050 Total: 8yrs 5 months Dept. of Mechanical 3yrs Fulfilling all Total: 95 Engineering, JMI, (HOD, Dept. of Mechanical the 04 2. New Delhi 11.02.1962 25.01.2002 Engineering, JMI) criteria set Prof. Abid Haleem Scopus-UGC: 57-02-19 17-03-05 5yrs (Director, IQA) by the HRD 30++ [email protected] Total: 8yrs Ministry 9818501633 Dept. of Pharmaceutical 5yrs 3 months (Director, Technology, University Centre for Excellence in College of NanobioTranslational Engineering, Anna Research, Anna University, Fulfilling all University, BIT Chennai) Total: 96 the 04 3. Prof. Kandasamy Campus, 08.05.1968 05.03.2005 Scopus+UGC: criteria set 5 months (Officiating Ruckmani Tiruchirapalli, 50-11-22 14-01-25 96 by the HRD Vice-Chancellor, Anna Tamil Nadu Ministry University of Technology, Tiruchirapalli) [email protected] Total: 5yrs 8 months 9842484568 4. Prof. Ravi Shanker Dept. of Geophysics, 08.12.2005 5+7+7yrs Fulfilling all Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu Total: 40 University (BHU), the 04 14.07.1961 (Scientist, ICAR) Varanasi criteria set Singh 57-09-16 13-04-22 Scopus+UGC: (Uttar Pradesh) by the HRD Total: 19yrs 40 Ministry [email protected] 9451939225 2yrs 5 months (HOD, Dept. Dept of Biochemistry, of Biochemistry, Allahabad University of University) Fulfilling all Allahabad, Allahabad Total: 185 the 04 22.11.1962 27.07.2006 5. Prof. Syed Ibrahim (Uttar Pradesh) 1 yr 5 months (Assistant criteria set 56-05-08 12-09-03 Rizvi DSW, Allahabad University) Scopus+UGC: by the HRD [email protected] 2 months (Dean, Allahabad 100+ Ministry 9415305910 University) Total: 4yrs Dept. of Genetics and plant Breeding, BHU, Total: 81 Varanasi 3yrs 2 months (NCC Officer) Fulfilling all Scopus+UGC:3 (Uttar Pradesh) the 04 Prof. Vinod Kumar 7.02.2007 6 months (Coordinator, 0+ 6. 25.11.1964 criteria set Mishra 12-02-23 DSTM, BHU) [email protected] 54-05-05 Books/Monogra by the HRD vkmishra.gpb@bhu. Total: 3yrs 8 months phs/Edited Ministry Books: 2 9415254476 1yr (Director & Dean, Annamalai University) Dept. of Marine Total: 31 Biology, Annamalai 1 yr (Deputy Warden, University, Annamalai University) Fulfilling all Scopus+UGC: (Tamil Nadu) 1yr (Zonal President, the 04 Prof. 08.01.1962 02.07.2007 31 7. Annamalai University) criteria set Muthukumarasamy 57-03-22 11-09-28 [email protected] 1 yr (Joint Director for vision , by the HRD Srinivasan Books/Monogra om Annamalai University) Ministry phs/Edited mahasrini786@gmai 4 yrs (Placement Officer, Books: 6+3 Annamalai University) 9443435455 Total: 8yrs 8. Prof. G.S. Bajpai Faculty of Law, 23.05.1962 05.09.2007 (National Law Institute Total: 46 Fulfilling all National Law 56-11-7 11-07-25 University, Bhopal) Scopus+UGC: the 04 University, New Delhi 01.11.2011 30+ criteria set (National Law University, Books/Monogra by the HRD gs.bajpai@nludelhi. New Delhi) phs/ Edited Ministry 4yrs (Registrar, National Law Books: 14 9711332268 University) Total: 4yrs Dept. of Physics, Bharthidasan University, Fulfilling all 14yrs 2 months Total: 144 Tiruchirapalli the 04 Prof. Sonachalam 19.03.1963 23.03.2008 (Director) 9. (Tamil Nadu) criteria set Arumugam 56-01-11 11-01-07 Scopus+UGC: by the HRD Total: 14yrs 6 months 100++ sarumugam1963@y Ministry 9500910310 Dept. of Dentistry, BHU, Varanasi 03yrs Total: 48 (Uttar Pradesh) (Dean, Faculty of Dental Scopus+UGC:4 Fulfilling all 2 the 04 Prof. Thakur Prasad 25.07.1971 14.07.2008 Sciences, BHU) 10. drtpchaturvedi@gm criteria set Chaturvedi 47-09-05 10-09-16 2yrs 7 months ( Dept. of Orthodontics, AMU) Books/Monogra by the HRD tpchaturvedi@redif phs/Edited Ministry Total: 5yrs 7 months Books: 1 9451570848 Dept. of Biotechnology, 01 yr 8 months (HOD, Dept. Babasaheb Bhimrao of Biotechnology, B.B.A.U) Ambedkar University, Fulfilling all Lucknow 01 yr 6 months (Dean, the 04 12.02.1962 19.12.2008 Total: 41 11. Prof. Dinesh Raj Modi (Uttar Pradesh) School of Life Sciences, criteria set 57-02-18 10-04-11 Scopus+UGC: 41 B.B.A.U) by the HRD [email protected] 03yrs (HOD, Dept. of Ministry m Biotechnology, B.B.A.U) 9935720995 Total: 6yrs 2 months 3yrs (HOD, Dept. of A.H. & Total: 130 Department of Animal Dairying) Husbandry & Dairying, 1yr 9 months (Deputy Chief Fulfilling all Scopus+UGC: BHU, Varanasi Proctor, University) the 04 Professor Dinesh 16.10.1963 01.01.2009 50+ 12. (Uttar Pradesh) 8 months (Vice President of criteria set Chandra Rai 55-06-14 10-03-29 University Sports Board) by the HRD Books/Monogra [email protected] 4 months (HOD, Dept. of A.H. Ministry phs/Edited 9415256645 & Dairying) Books: Total: 5yrs 9 months Dept. of Physics, BHU, Varanasi 2 (Warden, BHU) Fulfilling all Total: 109 (Uttar Pradesh) the 04 Prof. Rajendra Kumar 17.10.1967 01.01.2009 1 (Administrative Warden, 13. criteria set Singh 51-06-13 10-03-29 BHU) Scopus+UGC: rajendrasingh.bhu@ by the HRD 2 (Students Advisor, BHU) 30++ Total: 5 yrs Ministry 9451000681 14. Prof. Musheer Ahmad Dept. of Applied 15.02.1962 01.01.2009 1yr 4 months (HOD) Total: 40 Fulfilling all 1yr 1 month (Prof. Incharge) the 04 Science, 3yrs 4 months (Coordinator, criteria set JMI, New Delhi 57-02-15 10-03-29 Scopus-UGC: CCCP) by the HRD (New Delhi) 30+ Total: 5yrs 4 months Ministry University of Allahabad Fulfilling all Allahabad Total: 32 4yrs (HOD) the 04 Prof. Jayant Nath (Uttar Pradesh) 01.07.1963 01.01.2009 15. 3yrs (Warden) criteria set Tripathi 55-09-29 10-03-29 Scopus+UGC: by the HRD [email protected] Total: 7yrs 30 Ministry m 9335659256 Dept. of Chemistry, 2yrs 3 months (Provost) Fulfilling all Total: 121 AMU, Aligarh 1yr 3 months (Coordinator, the 04 30.11.1962 14.09.2005 16. Prof. Sartaj Tabassum USIF criteria set 56-05-00 13-07-16 Scopus+UGC: [email protected] 10 months (Chairman) by the HRD t 100+ 9897157511 Total: 4yrs 4 months Ministry Dept. of Petroleum Fulfilling all Studies, AMU, Aligarh 3yrs (Chairman) Total: 46 the 04 3yrs (Chairman) 17. Prof. Mohammad Kamil criteria set [email protected] 20.09.1961 10.08.2006 3yrs (Chairman) Scopus+UGC: 46 by the HRD m 57-07-10 12-08-20 9 Years Ministry 7310692090 3yrs (Member of STEM-ER Project, MOU, OSU/AMU) 2yrs (Member of Committee against sexual harassment, Total: 83 Fulfilling all Dept. of Zoology, AMU) Scopus+UGC:43 the 04 AMU, Aligarh 15.12.1964 31.08.2009 3yrs (Member of Innovation 18. Prof. Qudsia Tahseen criteria set 54-04-15 09-08-00 Council, AMU) Books/Monograp by the HRD [email protected] 6months (Member of GIAN, hs/Edited Books: Ministry 9319681880 AMU,) 2 3yrs (Visitor’s Nominee, MAANU) Total: 11yrs 6months Department of Computer Engineering 3yrs (HOD, Dept. of ZH college of Computer Engineering, AMU) Total: 63 Fulfilling all Engineering & 1yr 3months Scopus+UGC:33 the 04 Professor Mirza Technology, AMU, 02.07.1971 01.03.2007 (Provost, Sulaiman Hall, 19. criteria set Mohammad Sufyan Beg Aligarh 47-09-28 12-01-29 AMU) Books/Monograp by the HRD 3yrs 5months hs/Edited Books: Ministry [email protected] (Principal, Z.H. College, AMU) 1 n Total: 7yrs 8months 9999071406 Dept. of Chemistry, 1yr 7 months Fulfilling all AMU, Aligarh (Provost, I.G. Hall, AMU) Total: 130 the 04 2yrs 11 months 20. Prof. Farukh Arjmand 10.11.1964 30.09.2009 criteria set farukh_arjmand@yah (AMU Co-Director, Indo-US Scopus+UGC: 54-05-20 09-07-00 by the HRD Centre STEM, ER-Centre) 100+ Ministry 9358255791 Total: 4yrs 6 months 01yr 03 months Total: 132 Dept. of Mathematics, (Provost, S.N. Hall, AMU) Scopus+UGC: Fulfilling all AMU, Aligarh 02yrs 02months (Provost, 100+ the 04 01.02.1967 15.12.2009 Begum Sultan Jahan Hall, 21. Prof. Subuhi Khan criteria set [email protected] 52-02-29 09-04-15 AMU) Books/Monograp by the HRD m 07 months (Provost, Begum hs/Edited Books: Ministry 9412878837 Azeezun Nisa Hall, AMU) 4 Total: 03yrs 08 months 5yrs Dept. of Civil (Incharge, Env. Engg., Engineering, AMU, AMU) Total: 48 Fulfilling all Aligarh 2 sessions (Superintendent Scopus+UGC: the 04 Prof. Izharul Haq 29.07.1967 01.01.2009 22. of Exam Z.H. College., 30++ criteria set Farooqi 51-09-01 10-03-29 Farooqi_izhar@yaho AMU) by the HRD 9 months (Associate MIC Ministry 9412176757 Building Dept., AMU Total: 5yrs 9 months Dept. of Agricultural Microbiology, Total: 65 AMU, Aligarh Fulfilling all 4yrs 6 months Scopus+UGC: the 04 22.10.1965 17.02.2010 23.

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