List of the Selected Candidates for the LEAP Training Programme Date of Eligible Appointment Age/58yrs as as Duration of Number of S. Name of the University / on Professor/8yrs Administrative Publications/30 Remark No. Applicant Institution 30.04.2019/ as on Experience/ 3yrs as on in Scopus-UGC (Years-Month 30.04.2019/ 30.04.2019 Journals s-Days) (Years-Months- Days) 1yr 10 months Department of (HOD, Dr. BATU, Lonere, Electronics and Total: 76 Raigad) Telecommunication 2yrs 8months Engineering, Shri Guru Scopus+UGC: (Registrar, SGGSIET, Fulfilling all Gobind Singhji Institute 30++ Nanded) the 04 of Engineering and 1. Professor Sanjay N. 01.06.1962 16.07.2001 8 months criteria set Technology, Nanded Books/Monograp Talbar 56-10-29 17-09-14 (HOD, SGGSIET, Nanded) by the HRD (Maharashtra) hs/ 1yr 7months Ministry Edited Books: 8 (Dean, SGGSIET, Nanded) [email protected] 1yrs 8 months [email protected] (Dean, SGGSIET, Nanded) 9850978050 Total: 8yrs 5 months Dept. of Mechanical 3yrs Fulfilling all Total: 95 Engineering, JMI, (HOD, Dept. of Mechanical the 04 2. New Delhi 11.02.1962 25.01.2002 Engineering, JMI) criteria set Prof. Abid Haleem Scopus-UGC: 57-02-19 17-03-05 5yrs (Director, IQA) by the HRD 30++ [email protected] Total: 8yrs Ministry 9818501633 Dept. of Pharmaceutical 5yrs 3 months (Director, Technology, University Centre for Excellence in College of NanobioTranslational Engineering, Anna Research, Anna University, Fulfilling all University, BIT Chennai) Total: 96 the 04 3. Prof. Kandasamy Campus, 08.05.1968 05.03.2005 Scopus+UGC: criteria set 5 months (Officiating Ruckmani Tiruchirapalli, 50-11-22 14-01-25 96 by the HRD Vice-Chancellor, Anna Tamil Nadu Ministry University of Technology, Tiruchirapalli) [email protected] u.in Total: 5yrs 8 months 9842484568 4. Prof. Ravi Shanker Dept. of Geophysics, 08.12.2005 5+7+7yrs Fulfilling all Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu Total: 40 University (BHU), the 04 14.07.1961 (Scientist, ICAR) Varanasi criteria set Singh 57-09-16 13-04-22 Scopus+UGC: (Uttar Pradesh) by the HRD Total: 19yrs 40 Ministry [email protected] 9451939225 2yrs 5 months (HOD, Dept. Dept of Biochemistry, of Biochemistry, Allahabad University of University) Fulfilling all Allahabad, Allahabad Total: 185 the 04 22.11.1962 27.07.2006 5. Prof. Syed Ibrahim (Uttar Pradesh) 1 yr 5 months (Assistant criteria set 56-05-08 12-09-03 Rizvi DSW, Allahabad University) Scopus+UGC: by the HRD [email protected] 2 months (Dean, Allahabad 100+ Ministry 9415305910 University) Total: 4yrs Dept. of Genetics and plant Breeding, BHU, Total: 81 Varanasi 3yrs 2 months (NCC Officer) Fulfilling all Scopus+UGC:3 (Uttar Pradesh) the 04 Prof. Vinod Kumar 7.02.2007 6 months (Coordinator, 0+ 6. 25.11.1964 criteria set Mishra 12-02-23 DSTM, BHU) [email protected] 54-05-05 Books/Monogra by the HRD vkmishra.gpb@bhu. Total: 3yrs 8 months phs/Edited Ministry ac.in Books: 2 9415254476 1yr (Director & Dean, Annamalai University) Dept. of Marine Total: 31 Biology, Annamalai 1 yr (Deputy Warden, University, Annamalai University) Fulfilling all Scopus+UGC: (Tamil Nadu) 1yr (Zonal President, the 04 Prof. 08.01.1962 02.07.2007 31 7. Annamalai University) criteria set Muthukumarasamy 57-03-22 11-09-28 [email protected] 1 yr (Joint Director for vision , by the HRD Srinivasan Books/Monogra om Annamalai University) Ministry phs/Edited mahasrini786@gmai 4 yrs (Placement Officer, Books: 6+3 l.com Annamalai University) 9443435455 Total: 8yrs 8. Prof. G.S. Bajpai Faculty of Law, 23.05.1962 05.09.2007 (National Law Institute Total: 46 Fulfilling all National Law 56-11-7 11-07-25 University, Bhopal) Scopus+UGC: the 04 University, New Delhi 01.11.2011 30+ criteria set (National Law University, Books/Monogra by the HRD gs.bajpai@nludelhi. New Delhi) phs/ Edited Ministry ac.in 4yrs (Registrar, National Law Books: 14 9711332268 University) Total: 4yrs Dept. of Physics, Bharthidasan University, Fulfilling all 14yrs 2 months Total: 144 Tiruchirapalli the 04 Prof. Sonachalam 19.03.1963 23.03.2008 (Director) 9. (Tamil Nadu) criteria set Arumugam 56-01-11 11-01-07 Scopus+UGC: by the HRD Total: 14yrs 6 months 100++ sarumugam1963@y Ministry ahoo.com 9500910310 Dept. of Dentistry, BHU, Varanasi 03yrs Total: 48 (Uttar Pradesh) (Dean, Faculty of Dental Scopus+UGC:4 Fulfilling all 2 the 04 Prof. Thakur Prasad 25.07.1971 14.07.2008 Sciences, BHU) 10. drtpchaturvedi@gm criteria set Chaturvedi 47-09-05 10-09-16 2yrs 7 months ail.com ( Dept. of Orthodontics, AMU) Books/Monogra by the HRD tpchaturvedi@redif phs/Edited Ministry mail.com Total: 5yrs 7 months Books: 1 9451570848 Dept. of Biotechnology, 01 yr 8 months (HOD, Dept. Babasaheb Bhimrao of Biotechnology, B.B.A.U) Ambedkar University, Fulfilling all Lucknow 01 yr 6 months (Dean, the 04 12.02.1962 19.12.2008 Total: 41 11. Prof. Dinesh Raj Modi (Uttar Pradesh) School of Life Sciences, criteria set 57-02-18 10-04-11 Scopus+UGC: 41 B.B.A.U) by the HRD [email protected] 03yrs (HOD, Dept. of Ministry m Biotechnology, B.B.A.U) 9935720995 Total: 6yrs 2 months 3yrs (HOD, Dept. of A.H. & Total: 130 Department of Animal Dairying) Husbandry & Dairying, 1yr 9 months (Deputy Chief Fulfilling all Scopus+UGC: BHU, Varanasi Proctor, University) the 04 Professor Dinesh 16.10.1963 01.01.2009 50+ 12. (Uttar Pradesh) 8 months (Vice President of criteria set Chandra Rai 55-06-14 10-03-29 University Sports Board) by the HRD Books/Monogra [email protected] 4 months (HOD, Dept. of A.H. Ministry phs/Edited 9415256645 & Dairying) Books: Total: 5yrs 9 months Dept. of Physics, BHU, Varanasi 2 (Warden, BHU) Fulfilling all Total: 109 (Uttar Pradesh) the 04 Prof. Rajendra Kumar 17.10.1967 01.01.2009 1 (Administrative Warden, 13. criteria set Singh 51-06-13 10-03-29 BHU) Scopus+UGC: rajendrasingh.bhu@ by the HRD 2 (Students Advisor, BHU) 30++ gmail.com Total: 5 yrs Ministry 9451000681 14. Prof. Musheer Ahmad Dept. of Applied 15.02.1962 01.01.2009 1yr 4 months (HOD) Total: 40 Fulfilling all 1yr 1 month (Prof. Incharge) the 04 Science, 3yrs 4 months (Coordinator, criteria set JMI, New Delhi 57-02-15 10-03-29 Scopus-UGC: CCCP) by the HRD (New Delhi) 30+ Total: 5yrs 4 months Ministry University of Allahabad Fulfilling all Allahabad Total: 32 4yrs (HOD) the 04 Prof. Jayant Nath (Uttar Pradesh) 01.07.1963 01.01.2009 15. 3yrs (Warden) criteria set Tripathi 55-09-29 10-03-29 Scopus+UGC: by the HRD [email protected] Total: 7yrs 30 Ministry m 9335659256 Dept. of Chemistry, 2yrs 3 months (Provost) Fulfilling all Total: 121 AMU, Aligarh 1yr 3 months (Coordinator, the 04 30.11.1962 14.09.2005 16. Prof. Sartaj Tabassum USIF criteria set 56-05-00 13-07-16 Scopus+UGC: [email protected] 10 months (Chairman) by the HRD t 100+ 9897157511 Total: 4yrs 4 months Ministry Dept. of Petroleum Fulfilling all Studies, AMU, Aligarh 3yrs (Chairman) Total: 46 the 04 3yrs (Chairman) 17. Prof. Mohammad Kamil criteria set [email protected] 20.09.1961 10.08.2006 3yrs (Chairman) Scopus+UGC: 46 by the HRD m 57-07-10 12-08-20 9 Years Ministry 7310692090 3yrs (Member of STEM-ER Project, MOU, OSU/AMU) 2yrs (Member of Committee against sexual harassment, Total: 83 Fulfilling all Dept. of Zoology, AMU) Scopus+UGC:43 the 04 AMU, Aligarh 15.12.1964 31.08.2009 3yrs (Member of Innovation 18. Prof. Qudsia Tahseen criteria set 54-04-15 09-08-00 Council, AMU) Books/Monograp by the HRD [email protected] 6months (Member of GIAN, hs/Edited Books: Ministry 9319681880 AMU,) 2 3yrs (Visitor’s Nominee, MAANU) Total: 11yrs 6months Department of Computer Engineering 3yrs (HOD, Dept. of ZH college of Computer Engineering, AMU) Total: 63 Fulfilling all Engineering & 1yr 3months Scopus+UGC:33 the 04 Professor Mirza Technology, AMU, 02.07.1971 01.03.2007 (Provost, Sulaiman Hall, 19. criteria set Mohammad Sufyan Beg Aligarh 47-09-28 12-01-29 AMU) Books/Monograp by the HRD 3yrs 5months hs/Edited Books: Ministry [email protected] (Principal, Z.H. College, AMU) 1 n Total: 7yrs 8months 9999071406 Dept. of Chemistry, 1yr 7 months Fulfilling all AMU, Aligarh (Provost, I.G. Hall, AMU) Total: 130 the 04 2yrs 11 months 20. Prof. Farukh Arjmand 10.11.1964 30.09.2009 criteria set farukh_arjmand@yah (AMU Co-Director, Indo-US Scopus+UGC: 54-05-20 09-07-00 by the HRD oo.co.in Centre STEM, ER-Centre) 100+ Ministry 9358255791 Total: 4yrs 6 months 01yr 03 months Total: 132 Dept. of Mathematics, (Provost, S.N. Hall, AMU) Scopus+UGC: Fulfilling all AMU, Aligarh 02yrs 02months (Provost, 100+ the 04 01.02.1967 15.12.2009 Begum Sultan Jahan Hall, 21. Prof. Subuhi Khan criteria set [email protected] 52-02-29 09-04-15 AMU) Books/Monograp by the HRD m 07 months (Provost, Begum hs/Edited Books: Ministry 9412878837 Azeezun Nisa Hall, AMU) 4 Total: 03yrs 08 months 5yrs Dept. of Civil (Incharge, Env. Engg., Engineering, AMU, AMU) Total: 48 Fulfilling all Aligarh 2 sessions (Superintendent Scopus+UGC: the 04 Prof. Izharul Haq 29.07.1967 01.01.2009 22. of Exam Z.H. College., 30++ criteria set Farooqi 51-09-01 10-03-29 Farooqi_izhar@yaho AMU) by the HRD o.com 9 months (Associate MIC Ministry 9412176757 Building Dept., AMU Total: 5yrs 9 months Dept. of Agricultural Microbiology, Total: 65 AMU, Aligarh Fulfilling all 4yrs 6 months Scopus+UGC: the 04 22.10.1965 17.02.2010 23.
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