The OpenGL R Graphics System: A Specification (Version 2.1 - December 1, 2006) Mark Segal Kurt Akeley Editor (version 1.1): Chris Frazier Editor (versions 1.2-2.1): Jon Leech Editor (version 2.0): Pat Brown Copyright c 1992-2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc. This document contains unpublished information of Silicon Graphics, Inc. This document is protected by copyright, and contains information proprietary to Silicon Graphics, Inc. Any copying, adaptation, distribution, public performance, or public display of this document without the express written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc. is strictly prohibited. The receipt or possession of this document does not convey any rights to reproduce, disclose, or distribute its contents, or to manufacture, use, or sell anything that it may describe, in whole or in part. U.S. Government Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227.19(c)(2) or subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and/or in similar or succes- sor clauses in the FAR or the DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043. OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. Unix is a registered trademark of The Open Group. The ”X” device and X Windows System are trademarks of The Open Group. Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Formatting of Optional Features . 1 1.2 What is the OpenGL Graphics System? . 1 1.3 Programmer’s View of OpenGL . 2 1.4 Implementor’s View of OpenGL . 2 1.5 Our View . 3 1.6 Companion Documents . 3 2 OpenGL Operation 4 2.1 OpenGL Fundamentals . 4 2.1.1 Floating-Point Computation . 6 2.2 GL State . 6 2.3 GL Command Syntax . 7 2.4 Basic GL Operation . 10 2.5 GL Errors . 11 2.6 Begin/End Paradigm . 12 2.6.1 Begin and End . 15 2.6.2 Polygon Edges . 19 2.6.3 GL Commands within Begin/End ............. 19 2.7 Vertex Specification . 20 2.8 Vertex Arrays . 23 2.9 Buffer Objects . 33 2.9.1 Vertex Arrays in Buffer Objects . 38 2.9.2 Array Indices in Buffer Objects . 39 2.9.3 Buffer Object State . 39 2.10 Rectangles . 40 2.11 Coordinate Transformations . 40 2.11.1 Controlling the Viewport . 42 2.11.2 Matrices . 43 i ii CONTENTS 2.11.3 Normal Transformation . 48 2.11.4 Generating Texture Coordinates . 50 2.12 Clipping . 52 2.13 Current Raster Position . 54 2.14 Colors and Coloring . 57 2.14.1 Lighting . 59 2.14.2 Lighting Parameter Specification . 64 2.14.3 ColorMaterial ....................... 66 2.14.4 Lighting State . 68 2.14.5 Color Index Lighting . 68 2.14.6 Clamping or Masking . 69 2.14.7 Flatshading . 69 2.14.8 Color and Associated Data Clipping . 70 2.14.9 Final Color Processing . 71 2.15 Vertex Shaders . 71 2.15.1 Shader Objects . 72 2.15.2 Program Objects . 73 2.15.3 Shader Variables . 75 2.15.4 Shader Execution . 84 2.15.5 Required State . 88 3 Rasterization 90 3.1 Invariance . 92 3.2 Antialiasing . 92 3.2.1 Multisampling . 93 3.3 Points . 95 3.3.1 Basic Point Rasterization . 97 3.3.2 Point Rasterization State . 101 3.3.3 Point Multisample Rasterization . 101 3.4 Line Segments . 101 3.4.1 Basic Line Segment Rasterization . 102 3.4.2 Other Line Segment Features . 104 3.4.3 Line Rasterization State . 107 3.4.4 Line Multisample Rasterization . 107 3.5 Polygons . 108 3.5.1 Basic Polygon Rasterization . 108 3.5.2 Stippling . 110 3.5.3 Antialiasing . 111 3.5.4 Options Controlling Polygon Rasterization . 111 3.5.5 Depth Offset . 111 Version 2.1 - December 1, 2006 CONTENTS iii 3.5.6 Polygon Multisample Rasterization . 113 3.5.7 Polygon Rasterization State . 113 3.6 Pixel Rectangles . 113 3.6.1 Pixel Storage Modes and Pixel Buffer Objects . 114 3.6.2 The Imaging Subset . 115 3.6.3 Pixel Transfer Modes . 116 3.6.4 Rasterization of Pixel Rectangles . 127 3.6.5 Pixel Transfer Operations . 138 3.6.6 Pixel Rectangle Multisample Rasterization . 148 3.7 Bitmaps . 148 3.8 Texturing . 150 3.8.1 Texture Image Specification . 151 3.8.2 Alternate Texture Image Specification Commands . 159 3.8.3 Compressed Texture Images . 165 3.8.4 Texture Parameters . 168 3.8.5 Depth Component Textures . 170 3.8.6 Cube Map Texture Selection . 170 3.8.7 Texture Wrap Modes . 171 3.8.8 Texture Minification . 172 3.8.9 Texture Magnification . 178 3.8.10 Texture Completeness . 179 3.8.11 Texture State and Proxy State . 180 3.8.12 Texture Objects . 182 3.8.13 Texture Environments and Texture Functions . 184 3.8.14 Texture Comparison Modes . 187 3.8.15 sRGB Texture Color Conversion . 191 3.8.16 Texture Application . 191 3.9 Color Sum . 194 3.10 Fog . 194 3.11 Fragment Shaders . 196 3.11.1 Shader Variables . 196 3.11.2 Shader Execution . 197 3.12 Antialiasing Application . 199 3.13 Multisample Point Fade . 200 4 Per-Fragment Operations and the Framebuffer 201 4.1 Per-Fragment Operations . 202 4.1.1 Pixel Ownership Test . 202 4.1.2 Scissor Test . 203 4.1.3 Multisample Fragment Operations . 203 Version 2.1 - December 1, 2006 iv CONTENTS 4.1.4 Alpha Test . 204 4.1.5 Stencil Test . 205 4.1.6 Depth Buffer Test . 206 4.1.7 Occlusion Queries . 207 4.1.8 Blending . 209 4.1.9 Dithering . 212 4.1.10 Logical Operation . 213 4.1.11 Additional Multisample Fragment Operations . 213 4.2 Whole Framebuffer Operations . 215 4.2.1 Selecting a Buffer for Writing . 215 4.2.2 Fine Control of Buffer Updates . 217 4.2.3 Clearing the Buffers . 218 4.2.4 The Accumulation Buffer . 220 4.3 Drawing, Reading, and Copying Pixels . 221 4.3.1 Writing to the Stencil Buffer . 221 4.3.2 Reading Pixels . 222 4.3.3 Copying Pixels . 226 4.3.4 Pixel Draw/Read State . 229 5 Special Functions 230 5.1 Evaluators . 230 5.2 Selection . 236 5.3 Feedback . 238 5.4 Display Lists . 240 5.5 Flush and Finish . 245 5.6 Hints . 245 6 State and State Requests 247 6.1 Querying GL State . 247 6.1.1 Simple Queries . 247 6.1.2 Data Conversions . 248 6.1.3 Enumerated Queries . 249 6.1.4 Texture Queries . ..
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