Small carnivore records from a threatened habitat linkage in Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia L. HEDGES1,2* , S. A. AZIZ1, W. YAP1 3, M. GOOSEM3 3 1,3,4 Abstract , G. R. CLEMENTS , S. LAURANCE and W. F. LAURANCE Habitat loss and fragmentation are a key threat to the survival of several small carnivore species in Southeast Asia. Enhancing habitat connectivity is therefore an important conservation strategy. In Peninsular Malaysia, the government plans to connect carnivore species composition in these linkages remains poorly documented. Of the 12 species detected in and around Linkage its fragmented forests via 17 habitat linkages to form a large contiguousThe forestIUCN Red complex List of known Threatened as the Species Central: BinturongForest Spine. Arctictis Small binturong Hemigalus derbyanus, Oriental Small-clawed Otter Aonyx cinereus and Smooth-coated Otter Lutrogale perspicillata7, in the state of Terengganu, four are categorised as VulnerableHerpestes urva by - ganu, extending, Banded eastwards Civet its known distribution in Peninsular Malaysia. Forests in and around this linkage are threatened by disturbance .associated A photograph with of an Crab-eating existing road, Mongoose and the construction ofwith a nearby young dam. is the The first study record area’s of this relatively species high from recorded Tereng small carnivore species richness, and its complement of globally threatened small carnivore species, supports its inclusion into - rants publication, especially from camera-trap surveys that consciously account for microhabitat use and behavioural variation betweena proposed different protected species. area This (known would as allow the Kenyir a clearer Wildlife understanding Corridor). of Information small carnivore on small communities carnivores in Peninsularin other linkages Malaysia. war Keywords : Central Forest Spine, conservation, habitat linkage, Kenyir, road, selective logging Introduction Suitable habitats for forest-dependant small carnivores are disappearing faster in Southeast Asia than anywhere else in the world (Schipper et al - gional populations of mammal species may be extinct by 2100, according to one alarming. 2008). study (BrookIn fact, aboutet al. 2003). 21–48% One of key re mammal conservation strategy for the region has been the establishment of corridors or linkages to restore ecological connectivity between fragmented habitats (e.g. Kawanishi et al et al. 2012b). Unfortunately, there is a paucity of research on the functional role of such corridors. 2003, DWNPin this 2008,region Clements (Sodhi et al. 2010), with almost noth- ing known about their small carnivore communities. In Peninsular Malaysia, the Federal government’s pro- visional plan to restore ecological connectivity between four - - fragmented forest complexes via a network of 17 habitat link DOFages (hereafter2012). These known linkages as linkages; are threatened Fig. 1) is knownby anthropogenic as the Cen tral Forest Spine Master Plan for Ecological Linkages (DTCP & ondisturbance. some mammal, For example, bird and all amphibian but two of thespecies 17 are in bisectedthe tropics by (Lauranceroads (Fig. et1; alDTCP & DOF 2012), which have negative impacts - prise production. 2009). forest reserves designated for selective Many linkages within the Central Forest Spine also com otherwise disturbed forests can have high conservation value fortimber mammals extraction (Wells (DTCP et al & DOF 2012).et Selectively al. 2010, Foster logged et and al. 2011, Giam et al. 2011, Gibson et al 2011, Schwitzer et al. 2011, Putz et al. 2012), particularly. 2007, for largerBerry mammals in Peninsular et al. 2012a, Ray- an et al Malaysia (Rayan & Mohamad 2009, Clements . 2012), but the species-specific effects of commercial Fig. 1. Locations of 17 linkages (‘×’) identified by the Malaysian Federal recordedlogging on a declinemost small in some carnivores species ofare small uncertain carnivores (Colón (Heydon 2002, government in the country’s Central Forest Spine, including Linkage 7 Meijaard & Sheil 2008). Several studies in logged forests have (circled), subject of this study. & Bulloh 1996, Colón 1999), whereas others suggest that many Small Carnivore Conservation 9 , Vol. 49: 9–14, December 2013 Hedges et al. - Records were derived from a camera-trapping survey to rah et al et al. 2012). speciesTwenty persist species without of significant small carnivores population from declines four (Syaki fami- lies (Viverridae,. 2000, Meijaard Prionodontidae, & Sheil 2008, Mustelidae Samejima and Herpestidae) investigate habitat use by mammals in and around Linkage 7- inhabit Peninsular Malaysia (Francis 2008). In Malaysia, recent (Clements & Laurance 2012). Camera-trapping was conducted- records of small carnivores come mainly from production for- between April 2011 and March 2012, across dry (April–Sep× 2 km), et al. 2010, Wilt- respectively.tember) and wetWithin seasons each (October–March).cell, a camera-trap The was lower deployed and up in ing et al theper upper-leftforest blocks sub-cell were stratified(1 × into 21 and 22 cells (2 - est reserves (e.g. Rayan & Shariff 2008, Mathai et al. 2011). Be- pling occasion, before being moved in a ‘Z’ - shaped manner cause the. 2010) designation and protected of linkages areas is (e.g. relatively Kawanishi recent & Sunquist at a na- until every sub-cell was surveyed. 1 km) duringThe lower the firstand upper60-day forest sam 2004, Brodie & Giordano 2011, Matsubayashi block respectively thereby had an array of 21 and 22 operation- is available on the small carnivores within them. al camera-traps during each of four sampling occasions. Within tionalThis policy paper level reports (DTCP the & DOFspecies 2012), composition very little and information detection each sub-cell, camera-traps were placed close to the centre of rates of small carnivores in and around one of Peninsular Malay- known to have high detection probabilities for some large the sub-cell, to minimise clumping, and/or on linear features linkagesia’s 17 inhabitat this country. linkages – Linkage 7, in the state of Terengganu. These are the first published data on small carnivores from a mammals (e.g. animal trail, ridge or old logging road). Camera- Location, materials and methods resultedtraps were in attachedlow detection to tree rates trunks of any~50 small cm above carnivore ground species level thatand 2–5avoid m these from typesthe trail’s of trails. centre. This survey design will have - Theft, malfunction, damage from Asian Elephants Ele- phas maximus, and blockage from vegetation all prevented use Located in the State of Terengganu, Linkage 7 is one of 17 hab- - turesitat linkages for vehicles) identified cuts withinthrough the this Central linkage Forest (Fig. Spine 2). The (Fig. study 1). A 60-km road with 10 underpasses (i.e. elevated road struc of some camera-traps’ data. The 158 sub-cells providing usa digitalble data elevation lay within model an elevational from the range Shuttle of 167–732Radar Topography m (Datum 2012).area consists Both forest of two blocks forest span blocks four totalling production 158 forest km², reserveswith the MissionWGS 84, elevation indicative database elevation and derived thus highlyfrom 1approximate, km²-resolution es- (Tembat,lower forest Petuang, block encompassingHulu Telemong Linkage and Hulu 7 (see Nerus), DTCP &which DOF pecially in rugged terrain). ‘Day’ detections occurred between contain both lowland and hill dipterocarp forests. They were in either block during the present study, but forests were be- nearby07h00 andarea 18h59, with similar and ‘night’ sun-set detections and -rise between times. No19h00 attract and- ingfirst clear-felled selectively loggedfor construction in the 1970s. of aNo hydro-electric logging was conducted dam out- 06h59, following Kawanishi & Sunquist’s (2008) study in a- human settlements exist in the forest blocks. ants were employed around the cameras. Camera-trap pho side the study area (over 6 km away; Fig. 2). No permanent tos were catalogued using software Camera Base version 1.4 (http://www.atrium-biodiversity.org/tools/camerabase). To Fig. 2. Locations of 158 camera-trap stations within two forest blocks that were stratified into 1× 1 km sub-cells in and around Linkage 7, Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia. Small Carnivore Conservation 10 , Vol. 49, December 2013 Small carnivores in a Malaysian habitat linkage facilitate comparisons with other studies, a notionally inde- Paradoxurus hermaphroditus were by night, consistent with previously documented activity patterns of these four species speciespendent at photograph the same camera-trap was defined station. as a photograph of a species Arctictis bintu- taken at least 0.5 hr after the previous photograph of the same rong(e.g. Van photos Schaik were 1996, taken Duckworth during the 1997, day, Grassmansupporting 1998, the notion Azlan Results and discussion 2006, Francis 2008). A third of the Binturong - Twelve species of small carnivores were detected in and around speciesthat they were are detectednot solely singly nocturnal except (e.g. for Nettelbeck Yellow-throated 1997, MarBro- - tendie &Martes Giordano flavigula 2011)., which All adult was individualsdetected in ofduos small in carnivorethree out of seven photographs; others have also found them in duos or camera-trap-nights,Linkage 7, all of which one are was typical camera-trapped of lowland and subsequently, hill diptero et al onecarp wasforests. found Nine as ofa roadkillthem were and camera-trapped another was photographed over 10,502
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