Rud';f Vallee The Drene Show HYMNS OF ALL CHURCHES ABC, fO:30 A. M. E. S.T., Daily Narrator and Creator of "So The Story Goes" ,:<1 Top Row: A..:.vin Schweig, Paul Nettinga, Bruce Foote '1- Tin Pan Alley of the Air . Middle: John Toms, Lewis Wareham, William Miller Bottom: Franklyn MacCormack, Louise Weber, Margery Weber, lil'lian Chookasian Director: Fred Jacky THE LONE RANGER ABC, 7:30 P. M. E. S.T., Daily JACK SMITH SHOW CBS, 7~15 P. M. E.S.T., Friday RADIO ROW Vol. 1 No. 3 Spring Issue 1946 ATTENTION Editor-Publisher LEW LAURIA RADIO FANS Associate Editor Art Editor l. J. STAFFORD J. T. HOlAHAN A Special Radio Program RADIO ROW. published quarterly by Radco Pul,,· lishe .., Rodio Row. Hollywood 28, California; Designed For You . Executive Offices 595 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N. Y. lew lauria, Publisher. Single Copies 25 cents. Subscription $1.00 for four iuues. Radio IT'S YOURS FOR THE ASKING Row accepts no · responsibility for manuscripts and 'photographs that may be submitted. Copy· right 1946 by lew Lauria. PRINTED IN UNITED AND THE ASKING STATES OF AMERICA. Have you ever felt about. to go IS UP TO YOU!! Berserk about a radio show? For instance, now, it's time to grieve The name of the program will be ?S6wlYln I'm listening to Great Gildersleeve. RADIO ROW. In a fit of s~eezing he goes and sees NADIOROW A quack who's hep on allergies, The purpose of the program: to in­ And in between sneezes, groans and troduce to you personally and give With radio at its height and televi­ grunts you intimate notes and first hand information about your favorite sion rounding into reality for every And antiquated vaudevillia'n stunts, . He advertises cheese by Kraft . people in Radio Row! The program radio fan, more and more people will be a half hour evening show are turning to RADIO ROW. And Commerc;ials studded :With wheezes .. '. conducted by THE RADIO ROW RE­ with good reason!! Practically over­ To me the whole thing is but daft! PORTER and featuring each week, night, RADIO ROW has become the It should be Kraft by CHEESES! a different guest RADIO STAR. The Nation's outstanding radio fan Or, for off-the-record info RADIO ROW REPORTER will inter­ For anti-sneeze try Rinso! view, and then present the Star in maga.zine. Every issue is packed a sequence written especially for with pictutes of your favorite radio him. The Program will alternate be­ There are those who'll say, "if a program's stars. No intense reading matter tween Ne~ York, Chicago and Hol­ . just PICTURES! vile, lywood so ·that all your favorite You needn't fuss ... just twist the dial!" radio celebrities will be presented. I've twisted dials for twenty years There are many special innovations IF THEY'RE TOPS IN RADIO It's given me the jitters ... being planned for you that cannot now be revealed. YOU'LL FIND THEM IN From olden days of Ruppert's beers Thru Angostura Bitters. Your Radio Row Reporter will be a recall the days when Chevrolets RADIO ROW man who has been in radio for 19 . r------..... ---..... --, Were tossed around the nation, years and is personally acquainted ISSUES $1 00 For adding "fuzz" to "1 like this becuz" with over 4000 radio actors. The 4 .FOR ONLY • And mailing it in to a. station. items he gives you will be first hand and authentic. Cigar bands and lab~ls lim ricks and fables . RADIO ROW IF YOU WANT SUCH A Box tops and facsimiles thereof 6365 Selma Ave .• PROGRAM Hollywood 28. Callfor.la Brought autos and sables And gold laden cables HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN DO Please enter my subscription for one year To some, but to me, not a share of! TO HELP. , to RADIO ROW. My check or money order for one dollar is attached. On twisting dials my contention is: Write a letter to tile RADIO ROW You can twist the dial till it starts to fizz REPORTER, telling him how you feel about the idea. NAME And brings back your sciatica From the Thin Man's stealth Address your letter to ADDRESS ..... To the smile of health, To out-fizz Sal hepatica. CITY ...... ........ STATE ...... RADIO ROW REPORTER, L ____· _______ J , . You can twist and turn RADIO ROW Editor's Note: The Coast To Coast Holte·Up is 10 be a regular feature of Radio Row. Any program, Till your fingers burn . 595 FIFTH AVE. any celebrity, or any commercial which you would It's bound to get your smoke up! like to hove appear in-. verse, please let us know NEW YORK 17. N. Y. immediately, You will be given ,"redit on this page for your suggestion. At a future date, this From sky to ground total collection will be published in one volume Warning: Coasl To Coost Hoke· Up is a copy· and offered for sale at $1.50. Because of the The clock around ... righted feature and may not be reproduced in poper shortage, only a limited number will be any form nor recited either in part Of' in whole available. PJace your order now I Transcontinental HOKE-UP! on any radio program without special permission of the copyriqht owner. Jrma (lie" "Organist and Composer" on Evans Football Forecast "Mrs . Olsen" - Superman Smilin' Ed McConnell " Featured" - Mys tery House Sachs' Amateur Hour rnu'J Shipp . ~~;~:~;:o, .. "Kathleen" - Aldrich Family "Gwendolyn" - Fresh Up Show I . .~ J~ ck J!lo,!J "Boy" - Front Page Farrell ~./ ' .. "Burt Mercer" - David Harum " Doctor Harding" - Roa d of Life .... ...... "Title Role" - Jack Armstrong "Gary Curtis" - Ma Perkins "Tim Lawrence" - Guiding light "Announcer" - First Nighter "Featured" - Easy Money "Mr. Newsome" - AI Pearce "Mr. Webster" - Th~se Websters "Lisa Fenner" - Aunt Ma,ry ..JJa,.,.';I GtJe,.~ "Lead" - Curtain Time "Jack Landis" - Woman "Bill Baxter" - The Baxters "Donald North" - Judy and .. :lyle,. me U';I "Ira Stephens" -- His Honor the "Bill Meade" - Aunt Mary "Desk Clerk" - Glamour Manor "Skip TurneF" - Adventures by Morse {:tnira Roejjler "liz" - Those Webslers "Myrtle" - Joe Palooka . Acting & Singing as "Elmira" in "Tony" - Sparrow and the , . "Miss Miller" - Mr. District Attorney Julie Slellelu "Title Role',' - Helen Trent maurice :Jal'l'bn "Inspector Fariday" - Boston Blackie "Fred Hunt" - Editor's Daughter "Chief Brandon" - Dick Tracy - Mysterious Traveler & Strange Dr. Weird Ryan" - Captain Midnight CarieSn" - ' Ma Perkins MARY­ Do£.S IT STIL L SOUN D THE GALS AS GOOD SURE I-1AV01'T AS IT DID­ FORGOTTEN IN 1945? ME~_' ~ '--....... It: 8\N6 CAN STAY NOT\-\IN6 YOUN6 BY PLAYING . GOLF -SO CAN I.' ./ /:Jhil Bowm.an Currently Directing: Ma Perkins Currently Directing: Bachelor's Children John 7Jielz fiel'b :JI( Ira /I Currently Directing: Currently Directing: Crime Photographer Woman In White Cimarron Tavern Director: The Charlotte Greenwood Show · Hedda Hopper's Hollywood Currently Directing: Today's Children Currently Directing: Tin Pan Alley Of The Air Island Venture The Baxters THE RUDY VALLEE DRENE SHOW . E.S.T., Thursday, 9:30 P. C.T. I " My Time Is Your Time" - Rudy Vallee's famous theme song goes over the N-BC Network for the 17th Year with Vallee as producer, director Rudy Vallee lends on ear to a merry line and star. ' A deft blending of humor and music with Pinky lee as from lovely Carole landis, 20th Century Sta featvred comediar) and celebrity guests each week, such as Joan Bennett, Edward Arnold, Carole landis and other tops from the screen. "Gildy" strikes a hcippy nofe with his barber shop cronies: Earle ROS5 The cast readies a s~ript with the writers John Wheaton as "Judge Hooker", Dick LeGrand as "Peavey", Arthur Q . Bryan a s and S~m Moore reading from "Gildy's" right. "Flovd, the Barber"~ and Ken Christy ·as "Chief of Police" NBC, 8:30 P. M. P. C.T., NBC, 6:30 P. M. E. S.T., Sunday Sunday THE GREAT GILDERSLEEVE SHOW Hal Peary as "Gildersleeve", with Walter Tetley as his nephew "Leroy," and Louise Erickson as his niece "Marjorie", :i:. ~~~> """11:">.l/iif "1f CAVALCADE OF AM·ERICA NBe, S:OOP. M. E. S. T., ,Monday Director-Producer Zoller finds a few moments to relax while offering suggestions to the cast. ' •• a.iii .ili ••• •• \. .' _..,__............. .......... MA -PERKINS CBS, 1:15 P. M. E. S.T., Daily ' NBC, 3:15 P. M. E. S.T ., Daily in The co st in a ction for the "Madhouse little Th eatre" on the Jock Kirkwood show on CBS" left to right, Gene lavalle, Jimmy Wallingto n, lillian leigh and Jock Kirkwood . ..... iT A NI., 'q~. JACK KI"RKWOOD SHOW CBS, 7:00 P. M. E. S. T., Da ily ,LIGHT OF THE WORLD . CBS, 10:15 A. M. E. S.T., Daily luis Von Rooten has role of the beggar Hasson. Charlotte lawrence ploys Coren. Bernard Lenrow 'ploys Nebuchudnezzor. Basil loughrane produces and directs "light of the World". William Hollenbeck ploys the role of Daniel Bret Morrison, in the "Story of Daniel". speaker and narrator. Bob Dryden, . has the role of Jehoe~chim arrogant Babylonian Inge Adams is the slave-girl, Elono. Lulu Belle and Sc ott are the " Sing in ' Sweethearts" th ey' re famous for their guitar and singing ' duets. /' Joe Kelly, master of ceremonies on the Alka-Setlzer National Barn Dance. c NATI·ONAl BARN DANCE NBC, 9:00 P. M. E. S. T., Saturday Part of the fifty odd National Barn Dance entertainers are seen on the stage of the Eighth Street Theatre, site of the coat-to-coast radio program.
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