E1244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 9, 2015 themselves to serving the west side of Aurora. faith dialogue through educational programs TRIBUTE TO ALISON PARKER AND From humble beginnings, the church has and spiritual events builds the sense of com- ADAM WARD grown into a local institution with over 250 munity for parishioners and neighbors alike. members, nine deacons, 10 associate min- The congregation supports the town through HON. J. RANDY FORBES isters, and almost 30 ministries offering serv- programs like the St. John’s Emergency Fund, OF VIRGINIA ices including the children’s choir, Sunday which helps Washington residents who experi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES school classes, and youth bible study. Mem- ence urgent and unforeseen hardship with bers are also dedicated to service outside of monetary assistance for food, medicine, and Wednesday, September 9, 2015 the church, volunteering at local charities, pro- other necessities. Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to viding transitional counseling for incarcerated On August 29, 2015, St. John’s Episcopal pay tribute to Alison Parker and Adam Ward, men and women, raising money for scholar- Church celebrated its 200th anniversary and the young Virginia TV news reporter and cam- ship programs to help area youth, and an- the 100th anniversary of the historic stone eraman who were tragically killed during a live swering many more calls for assistance from church. Congratulations to Rev. McCone and broadcast on August 26th, 2015. In the face of Aurorans. all the parishioners of St. John’s Episcopal such horrific evil, words fall short. But the lives I would like to thank the Reverend George Church. I wish you many more successful of Alison and Adam will be remembered with Marshall and the congregation of Gayles Me- years ahead. great love. The thoughts and prayers of the morial Missionary Baptist Church for their con- f nation remain with the families and loved ones tinuing stewardship of our community. of Alison and Adam, as well as the whole PERSONAL EXPLANATION f WDBJ news team and community of Franklin County, Virginia. OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD f DEBT OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING AND WELCOMING CZECH AMBASSADOR PETR HON. MIKE COFFMAN Wednesday, September 9, 2015 GANDALOVIC AND SLOVAK AM- OF COLORADO Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I was BASSADOR PETER KMEC TO MIS- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES absent due to illness and was not present for SOURI’S FIFTH DISTRICT Wednesday, September 9, 2015 roll call votes on Tuesday, September 8, 2015. Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January Had I been present, I would have voted in this HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER manner: 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- OF MISSOURI Roll Call Vote #490—S. 1359, E-Warranty fice, the national debt was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES $10,626,877,048,913.08. Act of 2015—yes. Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Today, it is $18,151,143,313,299.53. We’ve f added $7,524,266,264,386.45 to our debt in 6 HONORING THE LIFE OF CAPTAIN Mr. CLEAVER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to years. This is over $7.5 trillion in debt our na- JAMES ALAN ‘‘TRUCK’’ HICKS welcome Czech Ambassador Petr Gandalovic tion, our economy, and our children could and Slovak Ambassador Peter Kmec to Mis- have avoided with a balanced budget amend- HON. RICHARD HUDSON souri’s Fifth Congressional District, which I ment. proudly represent. The Ambassadors were in- OF NORTH CAROLINA f vited by Kansas City based honorary consuls, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sharon Vala´sˇek (Czech Republic) and Ross 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF ST. Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Marine (Slovak Republic) for a ‘‘Celebration of JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Czechs & Slovaks Collabration.’’ The celebra- honor the life of James Alan ‘‘Truck’’ Hicks, tion includes meetings with local business HON. ELIZABETH H. ESTY who was a Captain in the N.C. Air National leaders, a tour of The National World War I OF CONNECTICUT Guard. Museum and Memorial, a commemorative IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Captain Hicks died unexpectedly on Mon- wreath-laying ceremony at the Truman Presi- dential Library and Museum and a special mu- Wednesday, September 9, 2015 day, July 27, 2015 after helping fight a house fire in Stanly County. He is the first member sical performance by world renowned Slovak Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cele- of the N.C. Air National Guard’s fire service to violinist, Filip Poga´dy, sponsored by the Na- brate the 200th anniversary of the St. John’s die in the line of duty. On Sunday, Captain tional Czech & Slovak Museum and Library in Episcopal Church in Washington, Connecticut. Hicks’ unit was assigned to bring more water Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The history of St. John’s Episcopal Church to the fire. However, more firefighters were This is an especially notable visit because in Washington dates to before the Revolu- needed on the interior of the home and Cap- of the Midwest’s strong relationship with their tionary War when missionaries celebrated An- tain Hicks joined the attack. two home countries, the Czech Republic and glican rites with local residents. A handful of Throughout his life, Captain Hicks was dedi- the Slovak Republic. Thousands of immigrants families bound by the mission of faithful serv- cated to his community and to helping others. from these central European countries have ice founded St. John’s Episcopal Church and In 1986, he began working with the Harrisburg come to the heartland since the early history built their first wood frame church in Davies Volunteer Fire Department. As time passed, of our country. They farmed, worked hard Hollow in 1794. In 1815, the wooden structure he also worked with the Flowes Store Volun- labor jobs, became teachers and took great was moved by wagon to the parish’s current teer Fire Department as well as the Jackson pride in being Americans. While the numbers home on the Green. Park Volunteer Fire Department, where he are smaller than in the past, Czech and Slo- As the church’s membership continued to served as Chief for two years. vak people continue to come to the Midwest grow, the congregation raised funds to build a In addition, he worked for Concord Fire and and assimilate into our economy and our way new church. In 1915, renowned architect Rescue for 10 years and was also with the of life. Ehrick Rossiter designed the stone structure Badin Volunteer Fire Department. Afterwards, The Czech Republic and Slovak Republic that is still in use today. Over the decades, the he joined the North Carolina Air National have been allies and friends of the United church flourished. The ministries expanded to Guard Fire Department for five years and States, dating back to the formation of include a choir, Sunday school, and many served as Captain for two years. Czechoslovakia on Oct. 28, 1918, as wit- community outreach activities. In 2012, Rev. Captain Hicks was a man of faith and nessed by the close relationship of the two Susan McCone was installed as the thirteenth served as a deacon at the Independence presidents, Woodrow Wilson of the United Rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church, the Square Baptist Church in Kannapolis. Despite States and Toma´sˇ Garrigue Masaryk of congregation’s first female head. his full schedule, he also served as a fire in- Czechoslovakia. Over the past 200 years, the Town of structor at the Cleveland Community College The United States encouraged political and Washington grew around the church. Today, in Shelby, N.C. economic transformation in Czechoslovakia St. John’s stands as an architectural landmark Mr. Speaker, I am grateful for Captain after its liberation from communism in 1989, and spiritual beacon on Green Hill welcoming Hicks’ service and dedication to our local com- and established diplomatic relations with the 200 families in fellowship. St. John’s inclusive munities and I join them now in grieving his Czech Republic in 1993 after the country split hospitality and dedication to promoting inter- passing. into two republics (Czech Republic and Slovak VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:40 Sep 10, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09SE8.020 E09SEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 9, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1245 Republic). The two sovereign nations are fel- mation, the Office of the Senate Daily 1451, to amend title 38, United States low members of the North Atlantic Treaty Or- Digest will prepare this information for Code, to authorize the Secretary of ganization (NATO) and are important and reli- printing in the Extensions of Remarks Veterans Affairs to adjudicate and pay able allies in promoting U.S. interests. The two section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD survivor’s benefits without requiring countries work together to strengthen security, on Monday and Wednesday of each the filing of a formal claim, S. 1460, to promote economic development and demo- week. amend title 38, United States Code, to cratic values, and defend basic human rights. Meetings scheduled for Thursday, extend the Yellow Ribbon G.I. Edu- Both nations have growing economies and September 10, 2015 may be found in the cation Enhancement Program to cover recipients of the Marine Gunnery Ser- are immersed in the global marketplace. The Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. geant John David Fry scholarship, S. Slovak Republic has been recognized as a 1693, to amend title 38, United States large and upcoming competitor in technology MEETINGS SCHEDULED Code, to expand eligibility for reim- and automotive industries and was ranked in SEPTEMBER 16 bursement for emergency medical one of the highest tiers for ‘‘Doing Business’’ 10 a.m.
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