MULTILATERALTRADENEGOTIONS RESTRICTED MTN.GNG/NG6/W/27 THE URUGUAY ROUND 30 May 1989 Special Distribution Group of Negotiations on Goods (GATT) Negotiating Group on Tropical Products TROPICAL PRODUCTS Synoptic Tables of Specific Negotiating Results for the Uruguay Round Mid-Term Review Note by the secretariat 1. The attached tables contain a synopsis of specific results obtained as a result of negotiations conducted before the mid-term review between the following participants: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Central American countries (Costa Rica, E1 Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua), Colombia, European Communities, Finland, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, and United States. These tables have been updated on the basis of the outcome of these negotiations recorded in MTN.GNG/17 and Add.1`and taking into account additional information and corrections of a technical nature which have been notified by delegations and circulated as corrigenda to these documents. 2. General notes regarding specific negotiating results provided in document MTN.GNG/17 are reproduced below. "1. The present document contains a first result obtained thus far in the negotiations. It consists of contributions by a number of participants towards the achievements of the objectives established by the Ministerial Declaration of Punta del Este for negotiations on tropical products in the Uruguay Round. This result will be further improved and extended in the course of continuing negotiations in the light of paragraphs 2 and 3 under the heading 'Tropical Products' in Section III of the. Report of the Group of Negotiations on Goods to the Trade Negotiations Committee. 1Autonomous unilateral contributions have been made in the Negotiating Group on Tropical Products by Czechoslovakia (cf. MTN.GNG/NG6/LT/47), Hungary (cf. MTN.GNG/NG6/LT/39), Poland (cf. MTN.GNG/NG6/LT/48), South Africa (cf. MTN.GNG/NG6/LT/45 and Add.1), Indonesia (cf.MTN.GNG/NG6/LT/49) and the Republic of Korea (cf. MTN.GNG/NG6/LT/50). Some information on the contributions of these countries is available in country notes on page 4. * Not yet circulated pending notification by the Republic of Korea of details of its announced trade liberalization measures. GATT SECRETARIAT UR-89-0075 MTN.GNG/NG6/W/27 Page 2 2. These contributions are made under the following terms and conditions: (a) Participants undertake to apply the measures indicated by them on a provisional basis, for the duration of the Round, it being understood that if any participant finds it necessary to withdraw any or all of its contributions other participants may wish to reassesses their own contributions; (b) in relation to m.f.n. contributions, individual participants undertake to consider binding concessions at the end of the Round in the light of the overall results achieved." 3. The synoptic tables should be read in conjunction with the above notes, as well as the individual country lists circulated as attachments to documents MTN.GNG/17 and Add.l. The country notes on pages 3 and 4 of this document provide a quick guide on the individual country lists submitted by 18 countries/markets and include some additional information provided by the delegations of these countries/markets after the circulation of MTN.GNG/17 and Add.l. For information only, the country notes cover six other countries which have made autonomous unilateral contributions. 4. While the synoptic tables include, at the request of some participants, the indication of fully bound duty-free items having existed since before the Uruguay Round, these tables do not provide a full record of trade liberalization measures previously adopted in individual markets and do not contain an indication of tariff and non-tariff measures which are not currently being reduced or eliminated. 5. These tables are presented according to product groups and sub-groups. Information on products not falling within the seven product groups is provided either at the end or as footnotes to relevant products. 6. This document is intended as a working document only and in no way replaces or supersedes documents MTN.GNG/17 and Add.1, which contain the official result of negotiations. COUNIRY NOTES (as of 12 May 1989) Column (A) Binding Coustry/merket base/previeus | Irplesentation Dates (see also general notes regarding specific Neture of contributions and other remarks rate of duty negotiating results on page 21 Australia Base rate as il Designated items (sostly Australia is prepared to negotiate the binding of all The country list indicates MFP tariff reductions, whi:h will at 20.9.66 products in Chapters 24-941 tropical product tariffs automatically reduce 6SP rates: Australia maintains a 6SP margin sf - staged between 1.7.48 and five percentage points on MFN rates on all tropical Products where 1.7.92 applicable (i.e. wherever there remains scope for such preferential margins. iii Undesionated items - 1.7.90 Austria 1908 rate 1.7.9 MPFN bindings have been offered conditionally until the The country list indicates tariff actions (MFH, USP and LLDCI. 65F satisfactory end of the Uruguay Round and subject to burden actions are subject to the same conditions as for MPH bindings. Some sharing and appropriate contributions new MFI rates and improvements of ESP offers have been notified later. Brazil 1996 rate Implemented on 1.1.68 The country list is presented according to CCCH-tased Brazilian tariff classification with indications of MFN actions. Indications in the synoptic tables are based on the identification of corresponding HS heading numbers by the delegation of Brazil. Canada 1999 rate At the earliest opportunity The country list indicates MHF tariff actions. With respect to 7 in 1989 tariff items Canada will consider introducing extracts of each Itec to cover specific tropical products of export interest to developing countries. this information is yet to be received. Central American 1999 rate 1) Expected before the The country list is presented according to CCCN-based tariff countries end of 1999 classifications with indications of corresponding HS heading numbers and MFH tariff actions. Colombia 29.11.8E Ceiling binding offered for two items MFN tariff action (reduction of 2 items) EEC il MFN tariff actions - The country list indicate; tariff actions (mostl) MFN; GSF for two 1.7.89 itemsl and the elimination of quantitative restrictions applied by ii) GSP tariff actions - member States on tropical products. 1.1.B9 iii) OR elimination - 1.7.89 Finland 1929 rate 1.7.99 The country list indicates tariff actions leostly Mhrh 65P for two I iteasl Jasan Pate of duty il ta-iff actions - 1.4.9; Most frN tariff actions are accosparied by endertalings for The country list indicates tariff actions (4-stly MFN ard GSF; LLEC as at l.I.l9 exceet for one iter 1O;%9.2Q bindirS. The ccuntry list includes some autoncstus tariff for beEswax) and the termination of iaport quotas. A note refers tr 1 ..9J1 rwdnctions rot accompanied by sUCv undertaiings the abolition of coeapdity tak and suq3r excise tan and thte introducticn of consumption tax on all tNe goods and services ii) tereiration 0f itoort uniformly. The country list also indicates autorumnus tariff H quotas l.Ib.BP, 1.4.rfi or reductions on plywood for information only. A: s-aID 1.0.92 z: Malaysia ifiB ites - 1.4.89 il B items - binding at ceiling level considered at the end The country list indicates MHFN tariff actions C) of the Pound 0 ill unilateral tariff 0a reductions implemented on c) 21.10.f9 for other items lI Ileplerentation date yet to te notified. -a Column (A) Binding Countryl/aarket base/previous Implementation Dates (see also general notes regarding specific Nature of Contributions and other remarks rate of duly negotiating results in on page 2) 10~ Mexico 1.5.89 for one item(pyrethrue a) extracts) Procedures for The country list indicates 'the preferential margin for developing implementation taken for countries of 25 per cent of the MFN rates for two Items another item 0 -1 New Zealand Rate applied Staged between 1.1.88 and New Zealand is ready to consider binding all tariff items The country list indicates tFN tariff actions before 1.7.88 1.7.92 on the basis of reciprocal commitments in access negotiations from other participants in the Round Norway 1988 rate 1.7.89 All MFN tariff actions have been offered for binding the country list indicates tariff actions WIFN and GSP) N) Philippines Binding at 20 - 50 percent offered for 5 items Sweden 1988 rate 1.7.89 All MFN tariff actions have been offered for binding The country list indicates tariff actions (IFN duty-free treatment). Details of MFN and 65P duty-free treatment on certain tropical flowers have been notified later. Switzerland 1988 rate 1.7.89 Switzerland envisages the possibility of converting GSP The country list Indicates tariff actions (IMF, 6SP and LLDCI. contributions totally or partially into MFN contributions Switzerland has later notified a revised list of its contributions, at the end of the Uruguay Round having regard to the specifying 8-digit tariff sub-positions and reduced tariff rates on results obtained globally In the Round the basis of previous Indications. However, Switzerland is still to specify its actions on four items. Thailand September 1988 Unilateral MFN tariff reductions on 3 items United States Tokyo Round Expected before suemer recess, The binding of NFN concessions will depend (II Ifor The country list indicates NFIH tariff reductions final rate of by presidential proclamation agricultural tropical products on a sumOSsfu' Outcome fot duty agriculture in the Round, (ii) (for industrial! tropical products) on receiving concessions or contributions in the area of interest to the United States froa participants benefitting for the US concessions, consistent Nitti the relevant provisions of the Punta del Este Declaration, and (iiil (for two rattan products) on the outcome of discussions to relieve the adverse ecoroaic effects of the Indonesian export embargo on rattan and rattan parts.
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