'Ado)3fl (tisl 's~aoL3 AqIuewunooa ieu!6hJOh- Aq!PGS!lAGJt Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized . ........... Z,, .... V V '4% 4±. 4"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... Public Disclosure Authorized V..~~~~~~~~~~...... "C..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... Public Disclosure Authorized [ wflOA ...... 96V3 ;uow;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~edao ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~jqn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~...... WUJOZIWjo UQWUSWAO9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .. .. I PREFACE The Mizoram State Roads Project includesaugmentation of the capacityand structural upgradationof selectedroad network in the state. A total of 185.71kmroads will be improved/upgraded,and major maintenanceworks will be carriedout on 518.615kmroads, in 2 Phases.The project was preparedby the ProjectCo-ordinating Consultants (PCC)', on behalf of the PWD, Mizoram.As part of the project preparation,environmental/social assessmentswere carriedout, as requiredby the WorldBank and the Governmentof India. In accordanceto the requirementsof the WorldBank, the environmental/socialassessments (and the outputs) had been subjectedto an IndependentReview. The independentreview 2 evaluatedthe EA processesand outputsin the projectto verify that (a) the EA had been carriedout withoutany biasor influencefrom the projectproponent and/or the PCC,(b) the EA/SAhad beenable to influenceplanning and design of the project;and (c) the outputs, especiallythe mitigation/managementmeasures identified in the EA/SA processesare | adequatefor the project. The followingdocuments (dated May 2001) were available for the Review: * SectoralEnvironmental Assessment (SEA) for both phasesof the project(prepared at the feasibilitystage of the projectand the PhaseI of the project) * Detailed EnvironmentalAssessments (EA) for the work programmein PhaseI of the I Project, * EnvironmentalManagement Plan (EMP) for the improvement/upgradationworks in PhaseI. * Resettlement & Indigenous People's Development Plan (R&IPDP) for the improvement/upgradationworks in PhaseI. * Environmentaland Social ManagementPlan (ESMP) for the major maintenance worksin PhaseI. As part of the IndependentReview, gaps and deficienciesin these basedocuments were I identified. This report is partly an outcomeof the IndependentReview, closing the gaps,as per the information/datasupplied by the PCCand supplemented by field investigationscarried during the Independent Review. This report took into consideration, the comments/observationsmade by the WorldBank on the basedocuments. The recommendationsfrom the IndependentReview are incorporatedin the SEAand the * other PhaseI EA/SAreports (as well as in the EngineeringDrawings, and the Contract Documents).All reports now are modifiedand structuredas per the commentsfrom the IndependentReview. Note: The Data providedin the reports,unless specifically mentioned, are from the BaseEA/SA Documents. PCCwas a consortiumof consultirigfirms, led by Intercontinental Consultantsand TechnocratsPvt. Ltd., India (ICT) and ConsultingEngineering Services (India) (CES)in associationwith Louis Berger International Inc., USA(LBII). 2 The Independent Reviewwas undertakenby Ms LeaAssociates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. l MizoramState RoadsProject - PhaseI EASummary TABLEOF CONTENTS I ~~~~~~~EASUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 BACKGROUND.... 1....................................1 1.2 EXISTINGSCENARIO -ROADS IN MIZORAM .1 1.3 IMPROVEMENTPROPOSALS .2 1.3.1 Upgradation Works.................. ,... , . .,. , , , , , ., 2...2 * 1.3.2 Maintenanceworks ..................... ,, ..,., 3 1.4 IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAMME .4 1.5 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT .4 * 1.6 ENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT PROCESS FOR THE PROJECT. 5 1.7 POLICY AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK. 6 1.7.1 Administrative framework ................................. , .,,, 6 1.7.2 Legal Framework ... 7 1.7.3 Clearances for the project .. .. 8 1.8 UPGRADATION ROUTE .................................................................................... 8 1.8.1 route description .,... 8 1.9 ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL BASELINE OF THE PROJECT. 9 1.9.1 Natural Environmental Baseline ................................ ,., 9 1.9.2 Socio-economic environment ....................................... , , . ........... ., . ... 11 1.9.3 Resettlement issues....................... ..,.,.,.,.,.,.....,,,. 14 | 1.9.4 cultural properties impacted .16 1.10 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE . .16 1.11 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES ............................................................... 1........8...........8......18 1.11.1 The Selection ofPl-AP1-A..19......, ............... ....... ., -...... I9 1.11.2 Selection of Five-village Route ......... , ,., ........................... 19 1.11.3 Alternatives within five-village route ........................... ,,,, , .19 | 1.11.4 Realignmentsalong the PIA ....... -........... , . ,.,, .. ,,.. --. 19 1.11.5 Analysis of alternatives-maintenance routes ........ 20 1.12 KEY ISSUES ANDTHEIR MITIGATION . .20 1.12.1 Stability of Slopes ................... ,..,,..,....,,..,...............,,..,,....,....,................,..,.,.,..,....,,.,.,,,,..,.20 1.12.2 Loss of Biodiversity .20 1.12.3 Disposal of Construction Debris .21 I 1.12.4 Waterfor Construction - Storage and Harvesting..................................... 2.1..,.............,......21 1.12.5 Involuintary Resettlement ..................................................... 21 1.12.6 Measures towards Income Restoration of Tribal Population .23 I 1.12.7 Other SocialScilIsusI sues............ ............................................. 23...2 1.12.8 Traffic Safety and Management During Construction ......... , , .. 23 1.13 IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................................. 23 1.13.1 Capacity building for management of Environmental and Social Aspects . , 23 1.14 TRAINING..24 1.14.1 Reporting Systems ............................................ , , , , , , , . ...... 25 1.15 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL BUDGET .25 1.15.1 Environmental Budget ..... ,,25 3 1.15.2 Resettlementand RehabilitationBudget .............................................. , ....... 26 Revised by Lea Associates October2001 (Original Documentby ICT, CES, LBII) l I l EA SUMMARY | 1.1 BACKGROUND The World Bank is assistingthe Governmentof Mizoramto widen, strengthenand maintainselected state roads.The projectenvisages the majoraugmentation of capacity as well as structuralupgradation of road networkin the state of Mizoram.A Strategic OptionsStudy (SOS) covering a networkof 3,354km. of state roadswas carriedout in 3 Oct. 1998- Jan. 1999,to prioritizeroad investmentprogramme and identifyroads for feasibility studies. The project feasibility studies, with inputs from social and environmentalscreening along with engineeringand economicevaluation of the project, identifiedabout 773 km. of state roadsfor maintenance,276 km. of three priority roads for upgradationand approximately27 km. for Aizawland Lungleibypasses. Based on the 3 findingsof these studiesand discussionsbetween PWD and the World Bank,following corridorsare identifiedfor improvementsto be carriedout in two phases(See Table 1). i Table 1: Work Programmein MSRP Typeof PhaseI PhaseII Total RoadSection LengthRoadSectiLt Length Length 3Work (km) RadSetin(kmn) (kin) Upgradation PlA: Aizawl - Thenzawl- 98.710 Pl B: Buangpui- Lunglei 71.000 Works Buangpui(via Hmuifang) BPI: Aizawl Bypass 16.000 185.710 i_____________ Sub-Total:Phase l 98.710 Sub-Total: Phase ll 87.000 MI: Kawlkulh-Ngopa- 96.625 M2: Kanhmun- Zamuang- Tuivai Tuilutkawn 90.440 M4: Keitum-N.Vanlaiphai 45.780 Major M5: Lungsen - 47.670 M6: Zobawk - Hualawng 31.000 Maintenance Chawngte 518.615 Works M7: Damdiai - Sialsuk 30.100 M15 Serchhip - 105.000 M9____Khawzawl____- _Thenhium E.Lungdar 58.000 MI6: Selesih- Thuampui 14.000 l Sub-Total:Phase l 278.175 Sub-Total: Phase ll 240.440 A total of 185.71kmis to be upgradedas part of the MSRPand maintenance works to be * carried out along 518.615km,in PhaseI and II. For locationreference of the above projectroads see Figure1. 1.2 EXISTING SCENARIO- ROADS IN MIZORAM Mizoramis coveredwith a networkof primary,secondary roads of a total length of 6,808km,including 566km of nationalhighways (NHs) and 240km of state highways | (SHs). | Revised by Lea Associates - 1 - October2001 (Original Documentby ICT, CES, LBII) Ai~~~zawl\ ~~~~~~~~~~Ae.,C'',\m i iVelSIrxkm c C2-)C Iun;-nu~~~~~(:Q c.zz'rne-G / Aibcwk(krn 27.KC) r / «Scieek~~~~(krn 2ES5C 0 / Th;~~~~ck(km 41.80)l ></ \ ~~Surnsuih(km47.70) X 1| H m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~52.00f) I /) ,: ~~~~Chcm':ng(kM54.50) Chhiontsqng Xr>0 , \ .Cm) Serchhip / \ \ <7vUCfe~~~~cgpui tkm i.0 LEGENDO ___________ j HighwcyFig. 1 SettlementsAlong Project Route Proposed Rood Other Road MIZORAMSTATE ROADS PROJECT - Phase I 0 SettlQenent (Aizawl - Hmuifang- Buangpui) RL A i Ser Aa L LEAAssociates SouthAsia Pvt. Ltd. MizoramState RoadsProject - PhaseI EASummary Mostof the roadsin the stateare in a poorcondition and are in needof rehabilitationand upgrading.Only the NHs,the SHs,the majordistrict roads (MDRs) and a few otherdistrict roads (ODRs)are bituminoussurfaced roads. Others, includingthe village roads are I unsurfaced,and sometimes not adequatefor vehicles'. Eventhe NHs,SHs, and the MDRsare mostlysingle lane carriageway in a poorcondition, | passingthrough hill terrain, negotiatingsteep
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