READ THE Plea Of Guilty NEWS A Newspaper WHILE IT IS NEWS P With A To Involvement FIRST Constructive IN YOUR Made By Suspect WORLD A AA tt GA^ g T A N D R. O Policy LITTLE ROCK — One of five men accused of three Labor Day explosions drew a five-year prison sentence and $500 fine. Dates_Iflr VOLUME 29, NUMBER 18 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1959 PRICE SIX CENTS trial of the remaining four Were set. the first October 26. .. J.-JX-Slms, 33, a truck driver, pleaded guilty In PulaskJ Ct^taty Circuit Court to a charge-be- was involved in the dynamiting otf ths Free World Is Skeptical Little Rock school board building Labor Day. ri’-' Judge William J. Kirby offered to appoint a lawyer for him, and warned he would have no choice plead guilty, so Kirby gave him but to Imposed the.maximum Bea- fence if Sims admitted the crime. But Sims repeated he wanted ito . the maximum sentence of -five years In prison and $500 fine.. Two Negro girls and a Negro boy started classes at the already In­ tegrated Central High School Fri­ U. S. Position Unchanged day, but a planned walkout toy white students failed. Sandra Johnson, Sybil Jordan Until More Study By Ike and James Henderson were admit­ ted to Central, scene of antl-irite- •gratlon riots in 1957, after they By SAM FOGG For UPI protested assignment to the .city’« all-Negro Horace Mann High WASHINGTON — (UPI) A skeptical free world made careful School. , v . .... study Saturday of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev's proposal Their entrance Friday was mark­ for "total disarmament." There were no immediate takers. ed by shouts of "here they com»“ but there was no violence. President Elsenhower, at his Jefferson Thomas entered school Gettysburg, Pa., farm, decided to when classes started August 12 and withhold comment until later. He Carlotta Walls joined him later. was studying an outline of the plan, Both were among the nine who presented to the United Nations Integrated Central in 1957. INTEGRATION IN TENNESSEE—A Negro and two white stu­ Friday. • Many ot the white students wore dents show no concern passing each other in the hallways on It' Paris, newspapers cal’e.l the black Friday. Several before' class- the first day of integration classes at Memphis State Uni­ plan ’’spectacular” but no: realis­ Briefing About es started talked of a mass walk­ versity in Tennessee. Protesting adult segregationists drew tic. out. ’ “idle" stares from 4,500 students of both races. It was the first CALLS IT PROPAGANDA public school integration in this cotton capital of the South. Informed sources in Rome called But only six girls remained otit it a "propaganda' ’stunt. when classes started. Nationalist China and the Re­ NEW YORK — (NNPIA) — So­ public of Kiria bitterly denounced viet Prime Minister Nikita S. the program as virtually meaning­ Khrushchev was given a glimpse less. of Negro and Puerto Rican slums Medic Requests Japanese officials said privately, of Harlem and upper Manhattan that it ’ "n . ked of propaganda" early Saturday morning, prior to and “contained nothing really new." his departure for the West Coast Desegregation on the tour of America. NAACP STATE CONFERENCE TO Baptist C ht.ich in Mempl’.'s. Tcpic Red China’s New China News EMPHASIZE LEGAL ASPECTS OF for discui-ion will be 'Ethical and Agency reported that no single The question of race relations in “OUR MARCH TO FREEDOM” bp'.Factors in Cu. March To speech before the U, N. made "as the United States was raised as CONVENTION TO BE HELD Freedom? great an Impression” as did Khru­ early as Wednesday by Henry Cab­ IN MEMPHIS SEPT. 25-27 The i ■ ruing part of the first ses- shchev’s. ot Lodge, the American Ambassa­ TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (UPI)— MEMPHIS tSNSl—When the 13th s on is s.i.eduled to six t at 7:30 p. However, there was no immedi­ dor to the United Nations, who Is The Florida Department of . Edu- ill. It will b_> a welcom igpregri.m ate propaganda barrage from Red traveling with the Soviet Premier cation Friday received a second annual session of the Tennessee China about the program. Observers person- appeal of the state’s Pupil Plaoei State Conference of NAACP Extending welcomln ¿s in brlel as President Elsenhower’s speeches will be; in Tokyo said it was obvious that al representative. ment Law, this one from Pensa«’ - - -Branches convene here in Memphis Russia did not let China know de­ cola. ' ..¿LL-«* Sept. 25-27, a series of. workshops Rev. D. S. Cunningham, presi­ Mr. Lodge had brought up the GHANA'S PREMIER, DR. KWAME NKRUMAH Highlands of Scotland. Queen Elizabeth II who tails in advance of the plan spent two days with the Royal family at Bal­ The appeal came from Dr. Charles in the ethical End spiritual factors dent of the Memphis NAACP Indian officials In New Delhi wel­ questions in the Commodore Ho­ is expecting a child early next year, told Dr. August who wants his chJldt;KôrÀ in freedom., are expected to be held branch, host to the convention and comed the Idea of world disarma­ tel’s grand ballroom where Mr. moral castle ip Scotland during his recent visit Nkrumah that she would visit Ghana "as soon en. assign^,to iiietaU-FWe Oliv*r Also workshop in theeoonomic and pastor of Collin Chapel CME ment as did officials Jn Jakarta, Khrushchev was thejguart- W hon­ «)5 Britain;' Prince -Philip; Charles, Prince’?1 ¿f. a«'l am able to do so;" — (Associated Négro J. Seammes Elementary ’School/ ■'■". ? legal aspects of' the “march to Chuhch; Edward Davis; Rev. S. A, Indonesia - two nations whose an­ or at a luncheon, given „by Mayor Wales, and Princess Anne "dressed-up" for On Aug. 20, the Escambia Coun­ Owen, and Mrs.-Maxine Smith, Robert F. Wagner. Press Photo) freedom” will be-’ held, at Mt Pis­ nounced policy Is neutrality. their honored guest during their stay in the ty School Board assigned the 'Ut­ gah CME Church, 2490 Park Ave., chairman of the membership com­ The Gettysburg White House Mr. Lodge spoke ahead of Mr. ile girl to the Negro Brown - Barge. headquarteir, for the convention mittee of the local branch: Rev. W. reported that for the time being Khrushchev. In what was an ob­ Schoo). At present, she Is attend­ Theme of the convention is "Im­ Williams, of Memphis grand mas­ Eisenhower was willing to let the vious effort to beat Mr. Khrushchev ing a private school. plementing Our March To Free­ ter of the Masonic Lodge of Ten­ American position remain as stated to any remarks about racé rela­ State School Superintendent dom." nessee; Dr. T. W. Northcross, a lo­ Friday by Secretary of State Cliris- tions In the United States, Mr. Thomas Says Brother James Ike Explains Thomas D. Bailey was out of the The first session of' the confer­ cal dentist; Ralph Prater, George taln A. Herter. Lodge brought up the subject. The state until Monday, and his of­ ence has been scheduled for 2:30 p. Holloway, local Labor Union repre­ ambassador said : fice said the appeal would be Herter said the plan seemed es- “Here in New York, 8,000,000 m. Friday, Sept. 25. It wtil be the sentative!;) and Rev. Alenander wlth Miss Evelyn Edwards, 514 handed him when he returned? • “Ministerial Workshop,” headed Gladney, president of the Bluff City people of every race, religion and Postponement Of Last Tuesday the cabinet hoard sentlally the same aS one the Rus­ color live side by side and for the by Rev. F. R. Gordon, of Knoxville, and Shelby County Council of sians put forth several years ago, The youngest of the three Thomas They did. of education sent back to the Pâîkn Civic clubs. most part .all is peaceful. brothers charged with the murder “I went in the room where Dr. Beach County School Board tty* treasurer ■■! the conference; Di. S and that it would "require very request of Negro attorney William. A. Owens, pastor of Metropolitan The keynote address is to be de­ careful examination.'1 But as you begin your tour of of Dr, Gaynor Henry, white vete- Henry lived. Dr. Henry was on the Rights Measure livered by Kelly M. Alexander of “Other than the statement Se­ ■the United States you may as well narian, who was bludgeoned . to floor moaning and bleeding from Holland Sr., to have his son fils’* know that one American national death in his office last October, the head. James was in the room WASHINGTON. D C. (NNPA) — signed to the all-white Hillsbor­ Charlotte, N. C., president of North cretary of State Herter made In The "practicalities" of the situa­ Carolina S.ate Conference of NA­ New York, there will be no addi­ trait which Irritates many Ameri­ has reportedly named the oldest “looking for something?' I turned ough Elementary School. brother as the man who did the tion had to be considered In the The board said the county board ACP branches. tional statement by the United cans and must be convenient: far and walked out back into the room Congress’ postponement of action FORTY FOREIGN Saturday's session will started at States at this time," press secret­ our critics Is that we relentlessly actual killing. ■where the other three were. There did not hold a public bearing on on civil rights legislation until next the assignment, and therefore it 9:30 a. m., which will be devoted to ary James C. Hagerty reported. advertise Imperfections. John Robert Thomas, 17, who was a white box on a table In this year, President Eisenhower said last HERTER'S STATEMENT WORD ABOUT NEGRO was brought here from Chicago room with money in it.
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