SHERFIELD ON LODDON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF AN ORDINARY MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY 20th March 2018 AT 7.30 PM IN THE LIDDELL HALL COUNCIL MEMBERS In Attendance Apologies Absent Cllr Attwood √ Cllr Batting √ Cllr Darker √ Cllr Effiong √ Cllr Gaiger √ Cllr Neale √ Cllr Rowland (Chairman) √ ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Karen Ross (Clerk), Borough Cllr N Robinson and 6 members of the public 180301 To receive and accept apologies for absence Apologies were RECEIVED and ACCEPTED from Cllr John Attwood 180302 To receive declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests relating to items on this agenda There were no declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests relating to items on this agenda RECEIVED 180303 To receive Chairman’s Announcements It was agreed that letters of thanks should go to all those who have worked on the Neighbourhood Plan 180304 To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 13th February and 1st March 2018 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 13th February and 1st March 2018 were approved as true record of the meeting with the following amendment to minutes of 1st March 2018 ‘extra ordinary meeting’ 180305 Public participation There were 6 members of the public in attendance. There were no issues raised 180306 To note correspondence received There was no correspondence received SHERFIELD ON LODDON PARISH COUNCIL 180307 To consider the following Planning applications and agree responses: 180307.01 18/00370/ROC Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham Basingstoke Hampshire Variation of condition 1 of 16/03842/RES to allow amended plans for inclusion of kickabout area within phase 2. The Parish Council had no objection to this application 180307.02 18/00498/HSE Holt Cottage Bramley Road Sherfield-On-Loddon RG27 0DE Single storey side extension The Parish Council had no objection to this application 180307.03 17/04200/HSE 1 Wheelers Court Cottages Reading Road Sherfield-on-Loddon Hook Hampshire Erection of rear conservatory and single storey side extension The Parish Council had previously commented on this application and the comments were agreed as still relevant 180307.04 17/03392/FUL Wyvale Garden Centre Wildmoor Lane Sherfield-On-Loddon RG27 0HL Surface water drainage works The Parish Council was concerned with the with environmental impact and pollutants in the Waste water generated 180307.05 18/00589/HSE 39 Northfield Road Sherfield-On-Loddon RG27 0DN 2 storey side extension to create a new garage space with bedroom over. Rear single storey extension to provide additional kitchen space. Extend roof down in line with old garage roof to provide entrance hall and access to study. The Parish Council had no objection to this application 180307.06 18/00606/OUT Redlands, Reading Road Sherfield-On-Loddon RG27 0JQ Outline application with some matters reserved (except for access and Layout) for the erection of 4 no. 4 bed and 6 no.3 bed dwellings and 6 no. 2 bed flats following demolition of existing dwelling It was confirmed that this was one existing property to be demolished It was agreed that the Parish Council would object on the following grounds: Over development of the site Inappropriate development in the Countryside There is no access defined other than the existing which is not appropriate and dangerous to those entrancing and exiting the site as well as those using the main road. The design is out of keeping with the neighbourhood plan The property to be demolished is registered as a building of significant interest SHERFIELD ON LODDON PARISH COUNCIL 180307.07 18/00619/FUL Water Bailiffs Barn Wildmoor Lane Sherfield-On-Loddon RG27 0HE Erection of 3 no. detached dwellings following the demolition of existing barns. Change of use from part agricultural and part equestrian to residential The chairman summarised a letter received in objection to this application It was agreed that the Parish Council would object on the following grounds: The design does not confirm to the principles as set out in the Sherfield on Loddon Neighbourhood plan This was agreed with 5 FOR and 1 ABSTENTION 180308 To consider any matters arising not covered on the agenda elsewhere It was agreed to include the following in the Loddon Link Article The APM Goddards Lane Steps Burial Ground Update on the slab being laid and the Drive being resolved. 180309 To receive report from County Councillor There was no report received 180310 To receive report from Borough Councillors Borough Councillor Robinson BDBC is in favour of an Ice rink however would not support Planet Ice and the facilities proposed The contract with the developer for the development of the Leisure Park is about to be signed The working partner for Manydown site has now been selected There is a Boundary review of BDBC where there will be a reduction in the number of Councillors it is proposed that all wards will now be 3 Councillors Thanks went to the Neighbourhood plan working party Borough Councillors Rowland The new waste contract will take effect imminently 180311 To receive the monthly safety report and playground inspection reports (previously circulated) and consider any action required The Clerk confirmed that this had not been done in time for the meeting. 180312 To consider and agree requests for payment The payments as listed in the table in Appendix A were approved for payment 180313 To note the current financial situation and sign bank statements The current financial situation was NOTED and the bank statements RECONCILED and SIGNED. The Monthly financial update sheet can be found as Appendix B SHERFIELD ON LODDON PARISH COUNCIL 180314 To agree the purchase of a new laptop for the Clerk It was RESOLVED That the Clerk could purchase a laptop at a value of £750 inclusive of VAT plus associated software and would liaise with Ian Elvar on this purchase. Proposed by Cllr Effiong and seconded by Cllr Neale. All members voted unanimously to accept this resolution. 180315 To consider responding to the Council ward boundaries for Basingstoke and Deane It was agreed to respond commenting that Pamber Heath should not be included in the ward with Sherfield on Loddon due to its location and different needs. 180316 To agree to plant a tree at the War memorial to commemorate the ending of the First world war It was confirmed that the proposal is that the Village Green Volunteers would remove the stump in situ. It was agreed that a Tree could be planted at the War memorial to commemorate the ending of the First world war with preference that it should be a Yew Tree due to its connection with the 1st World war. 180317 To agree the purchase of memorial plagues at a cost of £55 each It was RESOLVED To purchase 5 memorial plaques at a cost of £55 each. Proposed by Cllr Rowland and seconded by Cllr Effiong. All members voted unanimously to accept this resolution. 180318 To agree the purchase of a Bench at the War memorial It was RESOLVED that the quote from Pheonix Joinery would be accepted at a £3200 plus VAT on the clarification of the type of wood being used is seasoned Oak . Proposed by Cllr Neale and seconded by Cllr Batting. All members voted unanimously to accept this resolution. 180319 To consider a change in bank arrangements for dual authorisation It was RESOLVED that a change in bank arrangements for dual authorisation would proceed. Proposed by Cllr Rowland and seconded by Cllr Neale. All members voted unanimously to accept this resolution. It was confirmed that the Clerk would investigate charges and interest rates for accounts with Unity, Lloyds and Metro Bank. 180320 To consider the Mole contract It was RESOLVED That this matter should be devolved to the Village Green and Leisure facilities committee and for their approval and agreement. Proposed by Cllr Batting and seconded by Cllr Neale. All members voted unanimously to accept this resolution. SHERFIELD ON LODDON PARISH COUNCIL 180321 To Consider Traffic signage proposal from Hampshire highways The proposals were agreed It was agreed that the 30mph sign at the entrance to the Village should be on a yellow background to ensure it is more visible. 180322 To authorise all works for St Leonards Drive It was confirmed that all works for St Leonards Drive as previously agreed could be instructed to the preferred contractor. Cllr Rowland suspended standing orders whilst Mr Morgan gave an update on the Burial Ground. 180323 To note the Parish Councillor vacancy The Parish vacancy was NOTED Cllr Rowland thanked Cllr Batting for his kind words at Cllr Johnston’s memorial Service 180324 To confirm the date for the next meeting as 10th April 2018 The date for the next meeting was confirmed as 10th April 2018 There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.44pm SHERFIELD ON LODDON PARISH COUNCIL APPENDIX A Payment Requests FROM ITEM AMOUNT INVOICE NO METHOD OF PAYMENT BT Telephone & Broadband 152.51 M057 P& E payment Staff Salary 216.00 February E payment Staff Salary 1788.48 February E payment Staff PAYE/NI 740.31 February E payment Staff LGPS Pension 458.38 February E payment SOL VH Room Hire 230.00 010318 CHQ No 101083 FA Pitch Imp Prog 100 HAM43543 CHQ No 101084 Viking Consumables 71.94 1221 CHQ No 101082 Foremost Tree Branch removal 216.00 10340-23 CHQ No 101081 Surgeons Inhurst Landscapes Burial Ground work 7776.00 1594 CHQ No 101080 Greenhouse Printing 36.00 17607 CHQ No 101079 Staff Mileage 19.94 February E payment Staff Salary 216.00 March CHQ No 101085 Staff Salary 961.09 March CHQ No 101078 Staff Pension 258.70 March CHQ No 101077 HMRC Tax and NI 484.03
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