Eighth Series, Vol. XXVII; No. 43 Thursday, April 30, 1987 Vaisakha 10. J 909 (Saka} LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Eighth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) ( Yol. XXVII eontain.r NoJ. 41 IO 50) LO.K SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Prlr� · R.6, 6.00 CONTENTS [Eighth Lok Sabha, Vol. XXVIII, Eighth Session, 1987/1909 (Saka) ) No. 43, Thursday, April 30, 1987/Vaisakha 10, 1909 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions: ·Starred Questions Nos. 861 to 863, 865, 866, 869, 870 and 874 1-34 Written Answers to Questions : *Starred Questions Nos. 860, 864, 868,871 to 873 and 875 to 879 34-45 Unstarred Questions Nos. 8542 to 8576 and 8578 to 8773 45-328 Papers laid on the Table 333-338 Message from Rajya Sabha 338-340 Leave of Absence from the 5itti ngs of the House 341 Estimates Committee- Forty-fourth and Forty-eighth Reports and Minutes-presented ... 341-342 Public Accounts Committee- Eighty-eighth, Ninety-fourth, Ninety-sixth, Ninety-seventh Ninety-eighth, Ninety-ninth, One Hundred and first, One Hundred and second, One Hundred and third, One Hundred and fourth and One Hundred and fifth Reports-presented ... 342-343 * The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) COLUMNS Committee on Public Undertakings- Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth and Thirty-first Reports and Minutes-presented 344 Business Advisory Committee- Thirty-seventh Report-presented 344 Business of the House 345-354 l.ok Pal BiII- Extension of time for presentation of Report of Joint Committee ... 354-355 Goa, Daman and Diu Mining Concessions (Abolition and Declaration as Mining Leases) Bill-Introduced ... 355-356 Finance Bill, 1987 356-421 Motion to consider- Shri Sriballav Panigrahi 356 Shri Kamla Prasad Singh 361 Shri K.P. Singh Deo 367 Shri Jagdish Awasthi 380 Shri V.S. Vijayaraghavan 386 Shri Lakshman Mallick 391 Shri Shanti Dhanwal 394 Shri Vishnu Modi 401 Shri Manoj Pandey 409 Shrimati Usha Verma 417 Shri Ram Samujhawan 421 Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions- Thirty-fifth Report-adopted 422 Resolution Re: measures for upliftment of Tribal People- 422--470 Shri Dileep Singh Bhuria 423 Shri Matilal Hansda 434 Dr. Phulrenu Guha 438 Shri G.L. Dogra 442 Shri K.D. Sultanpuri 446 Shri Syed Masudal Hossain 452 Shri Somnath Rath 454 (iii) COLUMNS Shri Uttam Rathod 458 Shri Samar Brahma Choudhury 464 LOK SABHA DEBATES 2 LOK SABHA (a) whether Malaria incidence has shown an abnormal rise during the last 3-4 months: Thursday, April3~ 1987/Vaisakha 10, 1909 (Saka) (b) if so, the reasons therefor: and (c) the steps taken by Govemment in The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the this regard? Clock. [MR SPEAKER in the Chair] THE..,MINrSTER OF STATE IN THE [English] MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHA- MR. SPEAKER: Always protected Mr. PARDE): (a) No Sir Rao. Just like the Chakravyuh. (b) Does not arise. [Translation] He always sits there (c) The following specific steps are being taken to control the incidence of [English] malaria' THE MINISTER OF HUMAN 1 To contain the transmission of RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND MINISTER OF HEALTH AND FAMILY malaria. residual insecticidal WELFARE (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA spray is being carried out in areas RAO): It is to keep a vigilant eye. where Annual Parasite Incidence (API) is 2 and above [Translation] 2 Stress has been laid for regular fortnightly surveillance in all SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAGI: Mr Speaker Sir, there is only one Narasimha in this malarious areas of the country 'World' who is sitting with three ladies. 3. Laboratory service has been decentralised at the Primary MR. SPEAKER: I am searching for the Health Centre for prompt exam;- fourth. nation of blood smears and administration of radical treat- ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ment without any time-lag. 4. Drug distribution centres and (English] Fever Treatment Depots are functioning in the remote areas RIse In Malaria incidence of the country to make available + ·861. SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWDA: anti-malaria drugs to the fever cases. To contain SHRI S.M. GURADDI' P falciparum strain. a P falciparum Contain- Win the Minister of HEALTH AND ment Programme is functioning FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: in the problem areas 3 Oral Answers APRIL 30, 1987 Oral Answers 4 SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWDA: The mos- caste people live, these malaria cases are quito menace is the m$in reason for reported in quite a larger number. It is our spread of malaria and other mosquito- experience that only affluent people of the borne diseases. I come from a rural area society get the benefit of these medicines When we talk of mosquito menace, only and other facilities provided by the big cities like, Delhi, Bombay, Madras Cal- Government As is well known, prevention cutta etc. come to the notice of the is better than cure, I would like to know as Govemment. In rural villages, we see to what master plan you are going to have ponds of dirty water particularly in those to eliminate mosquitoes breeding sites. areas where scheduled castes and sche- duled tribes and other down-trodden peo- KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: Sir, as I ple are habitated. Without eliminating said in my reply, we have launched a the mosquito breeding sites, we cannot National Malaria Eradication Programme control malaria. I would like to know what to contain the disease. In rural area DDT, measures the Govemment propose to FCH, BSC Malathion are sprayed to kill the take for the permanent elimination of mos- mosquito population and in urban areas quito breeding sites all over the country. mainly anti-larval are used to control mos- quito breeding. These insecticides are KUMAR I SAROJ KHAPARDE: We are sprayed during the transmission period all working on simple and inexpensive inside all the houses and cattle sheds method of control of mosquito breeding. where the mosquitoes breed. In co- Community participation is involved in operation with the State Government this particular programme. We have had necessary steps are being taken to erase experiments particularly in Khera district malaria in the rural areas. of Gujarat where community enthusiasm was used for the introduction of develop- SHRr SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY' Sir, mental schemes like social forestry, besides the Health Minister, Shri Jagdish improved chulhas, soap pits etc. A similar Tytler is also here. demonstration was made by the Vector Control Research Centre for control of fila- MR SPEAKER' Does he carry malaria? riasis at Pondicherry. We are encouraged by these two demonstrations and the inte- SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: Sir, 1 grated Vector Control Programme has am referring to a textile area ;n Delhi which been indentified in our main project. falls in his constituency. This textile area is in front of Swatantra Bharat Mill. The other The strategy is being extended to 9 day I went there and found that mosqui- other field stations for malaria control and toes are on rampage there. I never sus- one for filaria control in other States also. pected such a situation. I wonder the mosquitoes are also politicaJly motivated. I SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWDA: Sir, what I want to know from the Minister, if there is would like to know from the Minister is, any civic authority to see that the people because it is stur at the experiment stage, are saved there from the attack of the as she said just now, what measures have mosquitoes? been taken or is there any master plan to eliminate permanently these malaria THE MINISTER OF HUMAN breeding sites and whether you have given RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND MIN- any assistance to any State Govemment ISTER OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WEL- or any State Government has come for- FARE (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): ward to eliminate all these mosquitoes There is a basic difference in what the breeding sites because you cannot control question is about and what the supple- malaria unless you eliminate mosquitoes mentary is about. Please listen. All mosqui- breeding sites. In rural areas, particularly toes do not carry malaria. Only some do, where the triba's and other scheduled others are in a way good because they give 5 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 10, 1909 (SAKA) Oral Answers 8 us some music also in the night. So, it is multi-pronged attack that is being done this P falciparum which is the villain of the now. , do hope, in the years to come, we peace. It is not as if the whole country, will be able to extend the Khera approach every village, every town, every semi- to more and more areas where people s urban area is full of falciparum. It is not so. ready cooperation is forth coming. There are c~rtain areas, certain pockets, and it is well known that by 1965 - within a [Translation] period of 12 or 13 years - we have eradi- cated malaria from this country. i.e. we MR. SPEAKER: Now Ch. Sundar Singhji have eradicated the malaria carrying mos- shall ask a question. quitoes in this country and rendered every thing incapable of any spreading But in CH. SUNDAR SINGH: I want to speak the maintenance stage, because of certain for myself. I wilt not take much of your difficulties or because of certain negli- time. I am residing in 33, Ferozshah Road gence let us say. it has come back to the and I have to lay awake every night killing attack phase. And. now it is going down mosquitoes. I have written a number of from the attack phase to the maintenance letters to the C.P.W.D., but they do not phase.
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