E1858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 22, 2008 HONORING STEPHEN GOTT son between the government and the private many years Joseph has been involved with sector. scouting, he has not only earned numerous HON. SAM GRAVES Congressman Wheat holds a Bachelor of merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- OF MISSOURI Arts from Grinnell College. He is married to ily, peers, and community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Yolanda and has three children. Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join Madam Speaker, I am pleased to induct me in commending Joseph Landers III for his Monday, September 22, 2008 Congressman Wheat into the Missouri Walk of accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly Fame. I urge my colleagues to join me in hon- America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- pause to recognize Stephen Gott of Liberty, oring Congressman Alan Wheat for his com- ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. Missouri. Stephen is a very special young man mitment to the great state of Missouri. f who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- f zenship and leadership by taking an active TRIBUTE TO RICHARD AVISE RECOGNIZING THE BIRTHDAY OF part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop DR. CLAYTIE ODESSA SEARCY 1374, and earning the most prestigious award HON. TOM LATHAM of Eagle Scout. OF IOWA Stephen has been very active with his troop, HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES participating in many scout activities. Over the OF TEXAS Monday, September 22, 2008 many years Stephen has been involved with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES scouting, he has not only earned numerous Monday, September 22, 2008 Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize the recipient of the Iowa National merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Association of Active and Retired Federal Em- ily, peers, and community. Madam Speaker, I would like to take this op- ployees (NARFE) Federation’s Community Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join portunity to honor a great leader in the Dallas Service Award, Richard ‘‘Dick’’ Avise of Rock- me in commending Stephen Gott for his ac- community: Dr. Claytie Odessa Searcy. Dr. C. well, Iowa for his longtime community service complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- O. Searcy was Pastor Emeritus and Founder efforts. ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the of ‘‘The House of Love Church.’’ A native For 48 years, Dick has volunteered his time highest distinction of Eagle Scout. Texan, Dr. Searcy made history by becoming to improving the Rockwell Community. Among f the first Black woman to receive a Masters de- many other accomplishments, Dick helped es- gree from the University of Texas. She was TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE tablish apartments for retirees, served as the second person in the history of the univer- ALAN WHEAT President and Secretary of the Rockwell sity to complete a Masters program in only Chamber of Commerce, grew and donated nine months. sweet corn for over a decade to the Rockwell HON. WM. LACY CLAY Dr. Searcy first began community work at Annual Chicken Barbecue, arranged the 1994 OF MISSOURI the Moorland Branch YMCA in Dallas, Texas. Ziedler Park Lion’s Club Tree Project, and as- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Concerned about the boys’ moral and spiritual sisted the Cerro Gordo Extension Crop Clinics Monday, September 22, 2008 life, she secured bibles for the entire boy’s di- for 15 years. Dick’s dedication to his commu- vision and recognizing the need to strengthen Mr. CLAY. Madam Speaker, I rise today to nity and his commitment to his organization the ‘‘total family’’, she organized a mothers’ pay tribute to the Honorable Alan Wheat, should be commended. club which provided funds to send underprivi- former Congressman who represented Mis- A year after celebrating his 80th birthday, souri’s 5th District from 1983 to 1994. Born to leged boys to camp each summer. Dr. Searcy launched her community activi- Dick continues his community service and re- James Weldon and Emogene Wheat in San ties when she founded the C.O. Searcy Youth mains active as the NARFE Chapter 170 Alz- Antonio, Texas on October 16, 1951, Alan is Foundation. The C.O. Searcy Foundation en- heimer Chair. I consider it an honor to rep- one of three children. resent Dick Avise in Congress, and I wish him Congressman Wheat made history by be- abled Dr. Searcy to provide food, clothes, household merchandise and other much need- the best in the future. coming one of the Nation’s first African-Ameri- f cans to represent a district with a white major- ed items to the families of her community. She ity. Although it was suggested that he would offered the adults and youth extended GED RECOGNIZING MRS. BILLIE JOHN- only support African-American issues, one- courses in conjunction with the Dallas Inde- SON’S ADMISSION TO THE OHIO third of Wheat’s vote total in the primary came pendent School District. WOMEN’S HALL OF FAME In 1966, Dr. Searcy then organized The from white voters. House of Love Church, where she served as Throughout his career, Congressman Wheat Pastor Emeritus. As Pastor Emeritus of the HON. MARCY KAPTUR earned the widely respected reputation of House of Love Church, Dr. Searcy spent her OF OHIO being a strong political leader and coalition life serving others. When asked what ‘‘life’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES builder. This well earned reputation led to him means to her, her response was, ‘‘Life is becoming the youngest member and only the Monday, September 22, 2008 about helping someone else see who he/she third freshman Congressman in history to be Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise today really is.’’ Today, Madame Speaker, I would appointed to the powerful Rules Committee. with pride to recognize the entry into the Ohio like to celebrate the full life of Dr. Claytie Dedicated to public service, Congressman Women’s Hall of Fame of Billie Johnson of my Odessa Searcy, on this the occasion of her Wheat ran for the U.S. Senate in 1994, won District. Mrs. Johnson is a founder of the Area birthday. the Democratic primary and became the first Office on Aging of Northwest Ohio. She has minority candidate selected as a major party f been a leader of elder and women’s issues nominee for statewide office in Missouri. When HONORING JOSEPH LANDERS III throughout her accomplished career. Congressman Wheat made his bid for the Billie Johnson can claim many ‘‘firsts’’: she Senate, he was described as ‘‘a new kind of HON. SAM GRAVES was the first African American elected Gov- black candidate: not simply a representative of ernor of Zonta International—District 5, Ohio, OF MISSOURI black America but a bridge-builder between West Virginia and Kentucky; she was the first IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES black and white America.’’ African American woman elected to the Board In 1995, Wheat became vice president of Monday, September 22, 2008 of Directors of National City Bank; she was public policy and government relations for the Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly appointed by former Governor James A. CARE Foundation, an international relief and pause to recognize Joseph Landers III of Rhodes to serve two terms on one of Ohio’s development organization, one of the largest Smithville, Missouri. Joseph is a very special first Women’s Advisory Boards to recognize of its kind in the Nation. young man who has exemplified the finest the achievements of women throughout the In 1998, Congressman Wheat formed qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- state and to improve opportunities and em- Wheat Government Relations. With his unpar- ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- ployment for women; she organized efforts to alleled knowledge of the legislative process ica, Troop 1412, and earning the most pres- incorporate under Ohio law the first regional, and his reputation for promoting bipartisan tigious award of Eagle Scout. non-profit office on aging in northwest Ohio; support, Wheat Government Relations has es- Joseph has been very active with his troop, she launched the first SeniorNet Program in tablished him as a successful, bipartisan liai- participating in many scout activities. Over the northwest Ohio—an affiliate of national VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:27 Sep 23, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K22SE8.009 E22SEPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1859 SeniorNet Inc—that helped older citizens learn for his dedication to social justice on the occa- Ryan and discussed this matter with Sandra how to use computers and navigate the inter- sion of the completion of his second 600 mile Harwood, State Representative, 65th House net; fostered the development of the first infor- walk throughout southeastern Ohio to promote District. mation and assistance programs in Lucas My goal is for Congress to not only hear us the Health Care for All Ohioans Act. but to act upon our intelligence. In order for County for grandparents and other kin who In coordination with the Single Payer Action U to be recognized, we must fight together. are raising children; she established the first Network (SPAN), Dave is ending his twenty- U are old enough to know right from wrong. Elder Friendly Program for Toledo—affiliated three day walk for Healthcare Justice in The courts need to listen. U are the future. with the national Elder Friendly Program—with Parma, Ohio. The purpose of the walk is to CHILDREN’S BILL OF RIGHTS the assistance of the former Toledo Mayor promote the Health Care for All Ohioans Act DECLARATION I Jack Ford, to help improve services and ac- and to raise awareness of the plight of millions cessibility for older citizens shopping in retail Congress shall allow no law that endangers of Americans who are underinsured or without a child’s physical, emotional or physio- stores and local businesses; she fostered the healthcare.
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