CALL NO. AUTHOR LASTFIRST NAME TITLE COPYRIGHT GENRE / SUBJECT SERIES 070,449 LEV Levin Mark R. Unfreedom of the Press 2019 Journalism 133.8 DON Doncaster Lucy Greatest Mysteries of the Unexplained 2018 Psychic Phenomena 152.4 BRO Brown Brene' I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Wasn't) 2007 Psychology 158 BRO Brown Brene' Daring Greatly 2012 Psychology 158.2 BEC Bechtle Mike People Can't Drive You Crazy if you Don't Give them the Keys 2014 Happiness 170 KEL Kelly Matthew Resisting Happiness 2016 Happiness 174.20973 Gutmann Amhy Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven but Nobody Wants to Die 2019 Medical Ethics 177.62 SOW Sow Aminatou Big Friendship. How We Keep Each Other Close 2020 Happiness 220.5 HOL Holy Bible 1970 Religion 231.73 BEA Beam Christy Miracles from Heaven 2015 Religion 242 LAN Lane Liv Infinite Purpose: Care Instructions for Your True Calling 2016 Religion 248 LAM Lamott Anne Small Victories: Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace 2014 Religion 248.4 TEB Tebow Tim Shaken: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life's Stories 2016 Inspiration 248.48 ROB Robertson Phil The Theft of America's Soul: Blowing the Lid Off the Lies that are Destroying our Country2019 Christianity 248.8 CLA Clark Kim M. Deep Waters: Lift Your Gaze 2018 Christianity 248.8 TER Terkeurst Lysa It's Not Supposed to Be This Way 2018 Christianity 270 STR Strobel Lee Case for Christianity Answer Book 2014 Christianity 270.092 WES Westover Tara Educated: A Memoir 2018 Religion 303.625 STE Stern Jeffrey E. 15:17 to Paris: True Story of a Terrorist, a Train… 2016 Terrorism 305.562 VAN Vance J.D. Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis 2016 Social Science 306.09 CRE Crenshaw Daniel Fortitude 2020 U. S, Politics & Government 306.20973 KAK Kakutani Michiko The Death of Truth 2018 U.S.- Politics & Government 306.874 BER Berg Elizabeth I'll Be Seeing You 2020 Social Science 320 LEV Levin Mark R. Rediscovering Americanism and the Tyranny of Progressivism 2017 U.S.- Politics & Government 320.5 BOL Bolling Eric Wake Up America 2016 U.S.-Politics 320.513 DSO D'Souza, Dinesh Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left 2017 U.S. - Politics 320.973 BOL Bolling Eric Swamp: Washington's Murky Pool of Corruption and Cronyism and How Trump Can….2017 US-Politics & Government 320.973 SCH Schweizer Peter Secret Empires How the American Polital Class Hides Corruption & Enriches Family2018 & FriendsU.S. - Politics 321.8 LEV Levitsky Steven D. How Democracies Die 2018 U.S.-Politics 323.042 STR Strassel Kimberly Resistance (At All Costs) How Trump Haters Are Breaking America 2019 U.S.-Politics 324.273 OWE Owens Candace Blackout 2020 U.S. Politics 324.97 KLE Klein Edward Guilty As Sin 2016 U.S. Politics 324,973 CLI Clinton Hillary RodhamWhat Happened 2017 324.973 ISI Isikoff Michael Russian Roulette 2018 U.S. Politics 324.973 JAR Jarrett Gregg Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump2018 U.S.-Politics 324.973 WEA Wead Dout Game of Thorns 2017 U.S.-Politics 327.127 MAC Macintyre Ben Spy and the Traitor, The 2019 U.S. - Foreign Relations 327.51 BRA Bradley James China Mirage: The Hiddentory of American Disaster in Asia 2015 U.S.- Foreign Relations 327.730 UNG Unger Craig House of Trump House of Putin 2018 U.S. - Foreign Relations 330 LEV Levitt Steven D. Freakonomics 2005 Finance 332 MOT Motske Jeff Couple's Guide to Financial Compatibility 2015 Finance, Personal 332 PAY Payne Charles Unstoppable Prosperity 2019 Finance, Personal 338 RIC Rickards James Death of Money, The 2014 Monetary System 338.272 MAD Maddow Rachel Blowout 2019 U.S. Politics & Government 342.73 LEE Lee Mike Our Lost Constitution 2015 U.S. Politics & Government 352.2 GAT Gates Robert M. A Passion for Leadership 2016 U.S.-Politics & Government 352.63 CHA Chaffetz Jason The Deep State: How an Army of Bureaucrats Protected Barack Obama and Is Working2018 to DestroyU.S.-Politics the Trump & Government Agenda 355 GRA Graffin Greg Population Wars: a New Perspective on Competition & Coexistence 2015 Population 355.092 ORE O'Reilly Bill Killing Patton 2014 U.S. --Politics & Government 355,6 GAT Gates Robert M. Duty 2014 362.4 COL Collins Ace Service Tails: More Stories of Man's Best Hero 2016 Dogs 363.11 KOP Koppel Ted Lights Out: a Cyberattack, a Nation Unprepared, Surviving.. 2015 Terrorism 363.25 DOU Douglas John Killer Across the Table (Mindhunter) 2019 Crime and Criminals Mindhunters 363.25092 MCC McCabe Andrew The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump 2019 US-Politics & Government 363.35 GRA Graff Garrett Raven Rock 2017 Nuclear War 363.8 HYM Hyman Mark Food Fix 2020 Social Science 364 PAT Patterson James Murder Beyond the Grave: True-Crime Thrillers 2018 Crime & Criminals 395 DAV Davis Jenni Lost Bodies 2017 Crime & Criminals 610 CUM Cummings Des CREATION Health Discovery: Live Life to the Fullest 2015 Health 613 BOY Boyers Lindsay Everything Guide to Gut Health 2015 Diet 613 CRO Crose Brandon M. Now You're 70! Milestones & Memories for Your Generation 2015 Aging 613 WEI Weil Andrew Spontaneous Happiness 2011 Health 613.2 HAR Hari Vani Food Babe Way 2015 Dieting 613.25 RAF Raffetto Meri Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Dummies 2012 Dieting 613.25 ZIN Zinczenko David Super Metabolism Diet 2018 Dieting 617.5 LAS Laskas Jeanne Marie Concussion 2015 Brain Injury 635 BRI Brickell Christopher, ed.Encyclopedia of Garden Plants 1989 Gardening 636.7 GRI Grinnan Edward Always by My Side: Life Lessons from Millie and… 2017 Dogs 641.3 KRI Krieger Ellie Comfort Food Fix 2011 Cooking 641.5 COR Cordain Loren Real Paleo Diet Cookbook, The 2015 Cooking 641.5 FRA Frazier Karen Quick and Easy IBS Relief Cookbook 2017 Cooking 641.5 POR Porowski Antoni Antoni in the Kitchen 2019 Cooking 641.5 WEB Webb Robyn Diabetes Comfort Food Cookbook 2011 Cooking 641.56 EMM Emmerich Maria Keto Comfort Foods 2017 Cooking 641.56 ZIN Zinczenko David Cook This, Not That 2010 Cooking 641.59 BRA Bragg Rick Best Cook in the World. Tales from My Momma's Table 2018 Cooking 641.8 STA Stafford Gemma Bigger Bolder Baking 2019 Cooking 647 BAR Barr Luke Ritz & Escoffier 2018 Entrepreneurs 650.1 BUC Buckingham Marcus Go Put Your Strengths to Work 2007 Business 650.1 BUR Burg Bob Go-Giver, The 2015 Business 650.1 MAX Maxwell John C. Power of Five, The 2019 Business 650.1 PAU Pauley Jane Your Life Calling 2014 Business 658.4 BUC Buckingham Marcus First, Break All the Rules 1999 Business 658.4 GAL Gallo Carmine Talk like TED : the 9 public speaking secrets of the world's top minds 2014 Business 745.59 DIS Dismore Heather Jewelry Making and Beading for Dummies 2005 Crafts 791.43 WAY Wayne Jane Ellen Golden Girls of MGM, The 2003 Entertainment 791.45 GAI Gaines Chip Magnolia Story, The 2016 Business 796 MIC Michaels Al You Can't Make This Up: Miracles, Memories & the Perfect Marriage of Sports & TV2014 Sports 796.332 PED Pederson Doug Fearless: How an Underdog Becomes a Champion 2018 Philadelphia Eagels 796.352 MCC McCord Gary Golf for Dummies 1996 Sports 813.54 MAY Maynard Joyce The Best of Us: A Memoir 2017 910.91 TOU Tougias Michael J Finest Hours, The 2009 Geography & Travel 912 POL Polk County Polk County Directory of Services 2017-2018 2017 Local Government 914.5 GAR Garwood Duncan Lonely Planet Discover Italy 2016 Travel Guides 917.59 GRI Grimes David Florida Curiosities 2011 Travel 917.97 SAI Sainsbury Brendan Seattle 2014 Travel Guides 920 POL Polaski Helen Rocking Chair Reader: Family Gatherings 2005 Inspiration 937 HUB Hubbard Ben Gladiator: Fighting for Life, Glory and Freedom 2015 Rome-Antiquities 940.4 AND Anderson Scott Lawrence In Arabia 2013 World War 940.531 ORE O'Reilly Bill Killing the SS: The Hunt for the Worst War Criminals in History 2018 World War 940.54 GRO Groom Winston Generals: Patton, MacArthur, Marshall 2015 World War, 1939-1945 940.54 LET Letts Elizabeth Perfect Horse: Daring U.S. Mission to Rescue …. 2016 World War, 1939-1945 940.54 KIE Kiernan Denise Girls of Atomic City, The 2013 World War, 1939-1945 940.54 SWE Sweeney Charles War's End: An Eyewitness Account of America's Last Atomic Mission 1997 World War, 1939-1945 940.54 WAL Wallace Chris Countdown 1945 2020 World War 1939-1945 940.548 BRO Brokaw Tom Greatest Generation, The 2004 World War 1939-1945 951.904 SID Sides Hampton On Desperate Ground: the Marines at the Reservoir,… 2018 Korean War 956.9 ENG Engel Richard And Then All Hell Broke Loose: 2 Decades in the Middle .. 2016 Middle East 956.9 WAR Warrick Joby Black Flags: the Rise of ISIS 2015 Terrorism 973 Aron Paul Unsolved Mysteries of American History 1997 U.S.-History 973.3 ORE O'Reilly Bill Killing England 2017 U.S.-History-Revolution 973.4 MCC McCullough David Pioneers 2019 U.S.-History-1787-1861 973.5 BRA Brands H.W. Heirs of the Founders 2018 U.S. History -1800-1850 973.5 KIL Kilmeade Brian Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans 2017 U.S. History-War of 1812Forgotten War that Changed Am. Hist. 973.5 KIL Kilmeade Brian Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates 2015 U.S. History-War of 1812Forgotten War that Changed Am. Hist. 973.7 LAX Laxar James Staking Claims to a Continent 2016 U.S.-History 973.7092 GOO Goodwin Doris Kearns Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln 2005 U.S.-History 973.917 SHE Shetterly Margot Lee Hidden Figures 2016 U.S.-History-1953-1961 973.92 BRO Brower Kate First Women: the Grace and Power of America's Modern First Ladies 2016 Biography 973.92 WOO Woodward Bob Secret Man.
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