- . 'DOCUMENT RESUME ED _233 745 050 515 'AUTHOR Biandhorst, Ted, Ed. / a TITLE Interchange. November 1972 -July 19813. INSTITUTION ERIC. Processing and Reference Facility,Bethesda, Md. SPONSAGENCY Educational Resources InformationCenter (ED/NIE), Washington, DC. PUB DATE 83 CONTRACT, 400-81-0003 NOTE 628p.; Includes 24 issues, publishedirregularly across the past decade (November 1972-July 1983)., Title surrounded graphically bythe phrase "ERIC Database Users" (1972-79)or "ERIC Users" (1980-83). PUB TYPE Collected Works - Serials (022)-- Information Analyses - ERIC Information/AnalysisProducts (071)- -- Reference Materials General (130) EDRS PRICE MF03/PC26 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Databases; Information Dissemination;Information Retrieval; *Information/Services;Information Systems; Microfiche; Newsletters; Search Strategies IDENTIFIERS *EHIC ABSTRACT Thd Intercange newsletter is prepared irregularly , (approximately semiannually) bt the/staffof thd ERIC Processing and Reference Facility in order to communicatematters of interest to users of the ERIC database and of/other ERIC productsand services. Initially, the focus was on.computer-orientedusers who were receiving the ERIC magnetic tape,S andon problems associated with utilizing the ERIC bibliographicdatabase in machine-readable form. In later years, the focus shifted toERIC users in general, and the newsletter began to disseminatea broad spectrum of information pertaining to.ERIC, including,: pricedi:bilges, microfiche products, ERIC Clearinghouse news, seaichstrategies, manual searching, education-related'databases,i'referraLinformation,national-level educational studies, microcomputer,news related or extendable to ERIC, lie* ERIC data 'elements,.lexicographic.news, etc. Current major categories for newsletter/announcementsare: General dser Information; Product News_; Computei Searching;and Microcomputers. This package consists-of/the first24 issues of Interchange, extending from November 11972 through July1983 (a pgriod of just, over 10 years). (WTB) " C . A . ) N. N.,1 / . "61 7*-****,**4*******************5***************************************) , Reproductior supplied, by EDRSare the best that can be made * ... * from the. otigital document. I * ****,4************************************************************* U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTt OF EOUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION , CENTER (ERIC) /Thisdocument has been reproduced as received from the person or organizatjon originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this docu ment.ddnot necessarily represent official NIE position or policy. INTERCHANGE NOVEMBER 1972 JULY 1983 .- A NEWSLETTERFOR,ERIC USERS 4. PREPARED BY THE,STAFFOF THE ERIC PROESSING AND REFERENCEFACILITY OPERAtEDON,CONTRACTBY ORI, INCA, INFORMATION'SYSTEMSDIVISION 'NI FOR. THE NATIONAL` INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATIONCENTER (ERIC) I , TED BRANDHORSTf EDITOR t 1, .4. DATA BAB E AINTERNANGE Number NOVEMBER 1972 4 INTRODUCTION . , 1 4 With this first issue of Interchange, ERIC is inaugurating what we hope Will bea new eta incommunicationamong the many organizations using the ERIC Data Base. Both the ERIC Facility's expanded supporting contractor role,and the user's new contributing role in the communications networkwe would like to establish, are 'discussed below. Read both' parts, and then interact. We .welcoine we solicit your suggestions, your comments, whatever information you may have whickmight be useful to others. \ . ----;--- ThekERIC Facility's The New Role of the Expanded Role ERIC Data Base User For the last two-and-a-half years, the ERIC Facility, as In order for the communicatipns network to function the de facto supplier of the data base, has been in regularproperly, you, the users, must assume a new and more communication with those users we could' identify, i.e.active role as communicators with each other and with the those-who bought the ERICTAPES. Most of this communi- ERIC Facility. Without, a great deal of input from you, the cation has been one way from us to themannouncingservices we can provide and'the flow Of information will be , new 'services or changes and occasional problems. Userseverelylimited.Afterall, you are the ones' who are communications were largely confined to questions about actively `hsing the data base in a variety of environments; using the tapes or datd problems, etc which we 'answered,you are the ones who are encountering' problem's and in most cases, by a specific responsg to the questioner. devising solutionSi.Tell us aboht them, and we Will pass the Whiletheuser community was a mere handful,this infoimation along too the group and to individuals as it is communication pattern was perfectly adequate, but with. needed and appropriate. For the present, at least, don't be the. number of ERICTAPE subscribers approachingthe 100 afraid of 'Swamping us; give us everything:you have that mark, 'and, iWth- the diversity of purposes and techniques might be useful to others. Specifically, with relation to the which have developed in the user comnianity, the.informal, four tasks discussed to the left: ad hoc nature of the commlinication_pAm must change' to provide optimum results. I. Newslettei Read this issue and decide what you can .provide for later issues. Do you have a question for the To thisend, 'ERIC hascharged theFacility withQuestion 'Corner? A Technical Note That might save' responsibilityor developing and operating._ a Data Base someone else time, money, or frustration? A short, article? User Service to establish a systematic, effecti3e, responsive Fill in the Poll Coupon, so we will have better results to system for communications among -the Data Base Users report. Do you know of a paper that should be in the ,tovact, in short, for tape users in a role.simifar to the one Bibliogrhphy? Send \us a copy (or citation and source). If We perform for the Clearinghouse/Contractor network of we can't make'it an attachment, wea,at least put it in data base contributors. Within this overall mission, four RIE and list it.Is there information about the Data Base specific tasks have been identified: you'd like to have? Ask us. Is there a. feature you would 1. Provide a regular, uniform medium of communicating to like to see? Tell us what you wawant. the entire network information of general interest erigi- 2. Directory Have you completed and returned the nating anywhereinthe system. This newsletter is, of ERICTAPE User Data Update form? If not, do so now. If course, intended to be that medium. you didn't get one or have misplaced it let us know. 2. ProviCie a means of informing the members of the user We ll send it to you by. return mail. community of each other''S'existence and salient character- 3.'.User Conferences Startplanning now to contribute to istics (e.g. computer configurations, software package(s), the next one. What should we do different? Do you have services, etc.). The ERICTAPE ifser Data Update forms any ideas about where it should be held (Other than your circulated in August were the initial data collection step in 0 hometown) for maximum participation? the preparation of &Directory for this purpose. 4.. Problem Solving Help! Tile more you tell us about 3. provide a periodic forum in which users can raise issues, what problems you have had and how you solved them (See discuss common problems and policy questions, and other- 1.,above), and what your resources are (See 2. above), the wise communicate on a person-to-person basis. The recent better we will function in serving you. And, of course, if Downingtown confer nce was the first of these. you don't tell us about the problems you are having now, 4. Provide a central point to whichr-users can direct we can't be of much help. problems (with a reasonable expectation of obtaining a In summary, we need each other. Join the team. Communi- solution, getting the necessary action, or, at the 'very least, cate. Get involved. referral to a probable solution point), and where useful information cal be exchanged or traded. We are ready to Interchange HOw It Is offer this, service now, but and that should be BUTour effectiveness will. be in direct proportion to how muchPut Together information we get from you, the users. So read the right We thought it might, be useful in this firstissue of hand column for a discussion of your role in the new Interchange to explain how we plan to operate and how it environment. witkbe organized. Since it is difficult if not impossible I . This newsletter is prepared by staff of the ERIC PrOcessing and Reference Facility, 4833RugbyAvenue, Suite 303, Bethesda, Maryland 20014, whichisoperated on contract by Leako Systems & Research Corporation, for theNational Institute of Education. All questions, correspondence, and contributions thould be directed to the Editdr, Mr. Samuel J. Marra,at the above address, or by (301) 656.9723. .3 at this point to judge the volume of material we will be installation, providing basic hardware, software, and service handling, we cannot establish a regular publication sched- information. By providing the Directory as a loose leaf ule. Therefore, so yOtfwill know if one of your copies went publication in this format, we can'enable each user of the astray, we will number each .issue and dafe, it with the directory to arrange the entries in whatever sequence is month of publication. If you find a gap in the sequence, most useful to him, e.g. geographical, alphabetical by name, you are missing an issue.. Write us' and we will send another . etc. Each user entered will receive a copy of his entry for copy. -k. approval prior t6 publication. We want to make itas Generally, we will try,,,to keep items in the newsletter inclusive as possible, but we can't put your operation in 'itself fairly short. Where information of general interest will witliotit the information,, so please send it in today. If you riot "fit conveniently into our format, we will include it as ti didn't receive a copy of the form, we will send you one an attachment. With one exception, these will be numbered immediately, if you will just tell us.
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