MILITARY AVIATION REVIEW DECEMBER 2014 ISSUE No. 325 EDITORIAL TEAM COORDINATING EDITOR - BRIAN PICKERING WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL”[email protected]” BRITISH REVIEW - MICK BOULANGER 27 Tudor Road, Heath Town, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV10 0LT TEL NO. 0770 1070537 EMail "[email protected]" FOREIGN FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (see Co-ordinating Editor above for address details) US FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (COORDINATING) (see above for address details) STATESIDE: MORAY PICKERING 19 RADFORD MEADOW, CASTLE DONINGTON, DERBY DE74 2NZ E Mail “[email protected]” EUROPE: BRIAN PICKERING OUTSIDE USA: BRIAN PICKERING See address details above OUT OF SERVICE - ANDY MARDEN 6 CAISTOR DRIVE, BRACEBRIDGE HEATH, LINCOLN LN4 2TA E-MAIL "[email protected]" MEMBERSHIP/DISTRIBUTION - BRIAN PICKERING MAP, WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL.”[email protected]” ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (Jan-Dec 2015) UK £40 EUROPE £55 ELSEWHERE £60 @MAR £20 (EMail/Internet Only) MAR PDF £20 (EMail/Internet Only) Cheques payable to “MAP” - ALL CARDS ACCEPTED - Subscribe via “” ABBREVIATIONS USED * OVERSHOOT f/n FIRST NOTED l/n LAST NOTED n/n NOT NOTED u/m UNMARKED w/o WRITTEN OFF wfu WITHDRAWN FROM USE n/s NIGHTSTOPPED INFORMATION MAY BE REPRODUCED FROM “MAR” WITH DUE CREDIT EDITORIAL Welcome to the last issue for 2014. It has been quite an eventful year and I hope the Editorial team have provided you with a varied and interesting magazine during 2014. However, we are always interested in your comments and suggestions on ways to improve or expand the magazine’s contents. The only constraint on change is that we cannot increase the paper magazine size beyond the current maximum number of pages (this is set at 64 pages and to increase on this number would mean a significant increase in subscription rates). There is one option we can use for increasing the overall news and articles beyond these 64 pages, we can always add stand alone regular additions/sections to our sister magazine - @MAR! The Foreign section has had to be truncated again this month due to lack of space (we could have added at least another 20 pages), but we should get the large number of interesting reports from outside Europe into the January and February issues in 2015. We always have to sacrifice the Foreign Section as this is the last section to be completed each month and it is always constrained by the number of pages left out of the total of 64 we can go up to. MAR PDF Files will be removed on Jnaury 10th @MAR Files will be removed on January 25th COVER PHOTOGRAPH: The RAAF displayed a 4 ship P-3 formation over RAAF Edinburgh for the 75th Anniversary of 10 and 11 Squadrons on October 3rd (RAAF Official via Rod Brown) Closing date for the January issue is 08.01.15 Brian Pickering 14.12.14 662 BRITISH REVIEW As the end of this year comes to an end and this marks my 31st edition since taking over the position of MAR UK Editor. The tasks at times have been hard but overall I could not do the work without the dedication from the monthly reports I receive without fail. For this I would like to thank every one of you personally, but that would take too long, so I thank you all and please keep the logs coming. Next month will contain the usual full UK Fleet rundown. And finally all I have to say is Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all…...Mick Boulanger (Military movements is history, now and for our future) BELFAST CITY AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during October:- 23rd 279 AW-139 IAC 301 Sqn “IRL279”* 31st ZE395 BAe 125 CC.3 32(TR) Sqn BELFAST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during October:- 08th ZH873/873 Hercules C.4 24/30/47 Sqn “RRR5568/5569”; 17th ZH886/886 Hercules C.5 24/30/47 Sqn “RRR886”; 30th ZH904/(HS) Chinook HC.3 Odiham Wing n/s. RAF BENSON - Residents noted during November: 28 Sqn/846NAS Merlin HC.3/3A ZJ119/C ZJ120/D ZJ122/F ZJ124/H ZJ128/M ZJ129/N ZJ131/P ZJ134/S ZJ135/T ZJ990/AA ZJ995/AD ZJ998/AE ZK001/AF 33/230 Sqn Puma HC.2 XW204 XW213 XW214 XW219 XW237 ZA935 ZA936 ZA939 P2MF Puma HC.2 XW209 XW212 XW216 XW217 XW231 XW235 ZJ955 Oxford UAS Tutor G-BYUJ G-BYVB G-BYWX G-BYWY G-BYXA G-BYXC G-BYXL Residents notes during November 28 Sqn/846NAS Merlin HC.3/3A ZJ119/C has departed from 28 Sqn/846NAS Benson to Culdrose on 10.12 as “CDO510” ZJ121/E has arrived from MFSU Culdrose to 28 Sqn/846NAS Benson on 10.12 as “CDO510” ZJ123/G has arrived from MFSU Culdrose to 28 Sqn/846NAS Benson ZJ125/J has departed from MDMF Culdrose to 28 Sqn/846NAS Benson ZJ127/L has arrived from MFSU Culdrose to 28 Sqn/846NAS Benson ZJ130/O has departed from MDMF Culdrose to 28 Sqn/846NAS Benson ZJ137/W has departed from 28 Sqn/846NAS Benson to MDMF Culdrose on 05.11 as “SHF295” ZJ990/AA has arrived from MFSU Culdrose to 28 Sqn/846NAS Benson ZJ995/AD has departed from 28 Sqn/846NAS Benson to Culdrose on 11.12 as “SHF290” ZK001/AF has departed 28 Sqn/846NAS Benson to Culdrose on 01.12 as “SHF300” 33/230 Sqn Puma HC.2 XW217 returned back from Jordan as “RFR7209” by 28.11 and has since been moved to the P2MF facility at Benson XW237 returned back to 33/230 Sqn Benson from Jordan as “RFR7027” by 28.11 ZJ955 has transferred from 33/230 Sqn Benson to P2MF Benson P2MF Puma HC.2 XW212 has returned from Airbus Helicopters, Romania following conversion to a HC.2 and is currently located n the P2MF ZA935 has transferred from P2MF Benson to 33/230 Sqn Benson ZJ956 has returned from Airbus Helicopters, Kidlington and is now in P2MF Benson BIRMINGHAM AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during November:- 01 ZH537 Islander CC.2 Station Flt (South) “RRR7952” 19 ZH536 Islander CC.2 Station Flt (South) “RRR7944” 06 ZZ178 Globemaster III 99 Sqn “RRR6993” 28 014 C-295M Polish AF 13 ELTr “PLF040” 09 ZH537 Islander CC.2 Station Flt (South) “RRR7956” dep 01.12 16 PH-KBX F-70 Netherlands Government BLACKPOOL AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during September: - 01 ZK455/O King Air 200 45(R) Sqn * 16 ZH884/884 Hercules C.4/5 24/30/47 Sqn * 03 ZF264/264 Tucano T.1 1 FTS* 17 ZF243/243 Tucano T.1 1 FTS* 04 XX280/CM Hawk T.1A 100 Sqn* ZF244/Spl Tucano T.1 1 FTS* XX346/CH Hawk T.1 100 Sqn* ZF204/204 Tucano T.1 1 FTS* ZF347/347 Tucano T.1 1 FTS* XX156/156 Hawk T.1 208(R) Sqn* 09 ZF485/485 Tucano T.1 1 FTS* XX256/256 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn* ZF293/293 Tucano T.1 1 FTS* 18 ZF289/289 Tucano T.1 1 FTS* 12 ZF485/485 Tucano T.1 1 FTS* 19 ZF244/Spl Tucano T.1 1 FTS n/s 15 XX339/CK Hawk T.1 100 Sqn* ZK343/BX/Spl Typhoon FGR4 29(R) Sqn “Typhoon40” n/s 16 ZF289/289 Tucano T.1 1 FTS “LOP10”* ZK308/TP-V Typhoon FGR4 29(R) Sqn dep 21st 663 19 ZF317/317 Tucano T.1 1 FTS dep 22nd 22 ZB683 Gazelle AH.1 665 Sqn 20 XX310 Hawk T.1W RAFAT + XX311, XX245, 23 XX250/250 Hawk T.1 208(R) Sqn “VYT55”* XX319, XX325, XX219, XX244, XX323, XX322 & XX278 n/s XX303/303 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn “VYT26”* ZJ251/51 Squirrel HT.2 DHFS “Red10” n/s 24 XZ599/P Sea King HAR.3 22 Sqn/203(R) Sqn ZF244/Spl Tucano T.1 1 FTS “LOP48” n/s “SRG122” PA474/KC-A Lancaster B.1 BoBMF “Memorial1” 26 ZF339/339 Tucano T.1 1 FTS + ZF243/243 XX245 Hawk T.1 RAFAT n/s 29 ZF210/210 Tucano T.1 1 FTS + ZF295/295 & 21 MK356/5J-K Spitfire LFIXC BoBMF ZF172/172 PZ865/EG-S Hurricane IIC BoBMF ZK011/B Hawk T.2 4(R) Sqn “VYT295”* 22 ZF289/289 Tucano T.1 1 FTS + ZF172/172 & ZK015/F Hawk T.2 4(R) Sqn “VYT297”* ZF291/291 ZK025/P Hawk T.2 4(R) Sqn “VYT57”* BRISTOL AIRPORT – Military visitors noted during October - 02 ZH886/886 Hercules C.5 24/30/47 Sqn “RRR075”* RAF BRIZE NORTON – Military visitors noted during November:- 03 ZH775/HB Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wg “SHF447”* 20 ZA939 Puma HC.2 33/230 Sqn 04 165313/JW C-130T VR-62 “CNV3363” n/s 21 CB-8006 C-17A “Indian AF “IFC4914”dep 23rd 05 XZ345/M Gazelle AH.1 671 Sqn ZJ693 Sentinel R.1 14 Sqn “Snapshot01” G-275 C-130H-30 KLu 336 Sqn ZG995 Defender 651 Sqn 06 ZJ173 Apache AH.1 4 Regt 0452 C-295M Czech AF 242.tsl “CEF6047” ZJ222 Apache AH.1 4 Regt ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn 07 ZD280 Lynx AH.7 9 Regt + XZ679/W ZJ127/L Merlin HC.3 28 Sqn/846NAS “Rapier”* ZF537 Lynx AH.9A 657 Sqn 22 ZH005 Defender AL.2 651 Sqn 11 ZA680/AH Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wing + ZD574/DB 23 1300 A330-243MRTTUAEAF “UAF1302” n/s XX170/170 Hawk T.1 736NAS “Blue2” 5601 C-130J-30 RNorAF 335 Skv“NOW335B” 91-003 Gulfstream VI THK 212 Filo “TUAF135” 24 ZJ127/L Merlin HC.3 28 Sqn/846NAS “Rapier”* 12 144617 CC-144C RCAF 412TS 01 C-17A NATO “Bartok02” “Royal09/CFC3785” QQ101 RJ100 QinetiQ “GAU11”* ZJ929/DL Typhoon FGR4 3 Sqn “Rampage31” * ZJ690 Sentinel R.1 14 Sqn “Snapshot02”* 13 ZJ691 Sentinel R.1 5 Sqn “RRR7301/Snapshot3” KAF327 KC-130J Kuwait AF 41 Sqn 14 G-BYWC Tutor Bristol UAS “UAD01” “KAF3207” dep 26th ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “NOH40” 26 G-988 C-130H KLu 336 Sqn “NAF327” 16 ZG915 Lynx AH.9A 9 Regt “Redneck1” ZA456/023 Tornado GR.4 Marham Wg “MRH60”* 17 5601 C-130J-30 RNorAF 335 Skv“NOW335A” 01 C-17A NATO “Bartok02” ZG995 Defender 651 Sqn “AAC511” n/s 5699 C-130J-30 RNorAF 335 Skv“NOW335A” 84003/843 Tp-84 Flygvapnet F7 “SVF821” 27 ZE701 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “NOH40/07” 06-6160 C-17A 60/349 AMW “Rch357” n/s XZ222 Lynx AH.7 657 Sqn KAF327 KC-130J Kuwait AF 41 Sqn ZG885 Lynx AH.9A 657 Sqn “KAF3206” dep 19th ZG918 Lynx AH.9A 657 Sqn “AAC649” 62-3565/D KC-135R 100 ARW 351 ARS“Quid74”* ZG997 Defender AL.2 651 Sqn ZJ122/F Merlin HC.3 28 Sqn/846NAS 28 ZZ388 Wildcat AH.1 652 Sqn “Vagabond19” 18 91-003 Gulfstream VI THK 212 Filo “TUAF136” ZJ180 Apache AH.1 673 Sqn “AAC780” 19 16706 C-295M FAP Esq 502 “AFP71” 84007 Tp-84 Flygvapnet TSFE “SVF821” 20 ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “NOH13” 30 5607 C-130J-30 RNorAF 335 Skv“NOW335B” /RRR1225/1324” HZ-124 A340-213 RSAF 1 Sqn “SVA003” 1300 A330-243MRTT UAEAF “UAF1302” dep 04.12) 62-3565/D KC-135R 100 ARW 351 ARS“Quid86”* Note: Three Apache AH.1s were noted outside the Rubb Hangar having returned back from Operation Herrick, they were: ZJ217, ZJ195 and ZJ229 Sentinel R.1 ZJ691 arrived at Brize Norton early in the morning on 13.11 having arrived from Portsmouth International Airport, Pease, NH, USA.
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