The Doon School Weekly Founder’s Day Edition 2007 editorial ‘ An open bracket signifies perpetuity, a belief held by the Weekly, and relevant to a sixty-year old nation poised to dominate the global arena. SHIKHAR SINGH: EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OF THE DOON SCHOOL WEEKLY (2007) ’ Just outside my House, the stage is set again for tion: “Isn’t it merely a puppet?”; “It’s censored, yaar!”; the Founder’s Day festivities and with it, the beginning “No Roving Eye?” [disappointed]; “Your polls are con- of the end. As the signing-off comes closer, my last cocted.” And it’s true that uneasy lies the head that Weekly takes the form of a Founder’s Day Special. If wears the crown, for change is difficult to manifest and I were to do a quick recount, the year that was, was a it takes more than a visionary to break from the tradi- series of experiments – in content, organization, per- tional mould. In the year gone by, my efforts have spective, and vision. I remember, as a B former, writ- been directed towards living those changes in the Weekly ing a letter to the Weekly citing poor visual appeal as a that I had envisioned in my junior forms. And of reason for its dwindling readership. And I also re- course, a naïve D former on the Martyn and Foot member, a short editorial note that supplemented this House tables would dismiss me, as I had done, five letter, which read: “Shikhar, we agree with you entirely. years ago. The ride has been bumpy, but satisfying in Looking good is an essential part of being read and the sense that drastic changes may not have occurred we at the Weekly fully well realize that. Since the new but my sincere efforts were directed towards improv- board took over last Founder’s, there has been a con- ing readability and appeal, given the constraints. Ma- scious effort in improving the looks of the publication. hatma Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to We have tried new fonts, headers, and graphics. But if see in the world.” you feel we haven’t been experimenting enough, don’t In the past year, my priority has been to increase worry because a lot more is on the way. We don’t involvement from the school community in publica- want too much change too fast, now do we? When it tions. Thus, at the outset a more efficient and account- comes to the first page, we have already got a team to able feedback system was attempted at. Since Opinion design a new masthead and you will, in all probability, Polls were received cynically, they were computerized see it in the first issue next term. Constructive inputs to increase accuracy and transparency. The publication like yours go a long way in improving our publication. also produced its Code of Ethics that would serve as a Thanks again” (Issue No. 2056). And of course, the guide to ‘responsible journalism’. This term, the Weekly masthead, fonts, heading and layout have remained un- introduced a Guest Editor each month to bring in fresh changed in the name of ‘continuity’. As an outsider, I perspectives and creative skills. The series on ‘India’s felt highly disillusioned with these empty promises and Tryst With Destiny’ attempted to engage with the India thus decided (rather reluctantly!) to give the Weekly en- that is outside Chandbagh and address issues that should trance test. As a member on-board, I was a part of affect us all. With these words, I present to you our the ‘criticize-it-all’ group and remained so till the day Founder’s Day issue, one of the many experiments this the tables were turned on me. It’s been one year since year. Enjoy the read and do send in valuable criticism, I’ve defended scathing allegations against this publica- for there is always room for improvement. 1 THE DOON SCHOOL WEEKLY OCTOBER 6, 2007 No fullstops in The Doon School {Weekly PROVIDING A LITERARY PLATFORM SINCE 1936 Editor-in-Chief SHIKHAR SINGH Editor ASHISH MITTER Senior Editor HARSH MALL Hindi Editor SUHAAS KHULLAR Associate Editors SHAURYA KUTHIALA, ABHAAS SHAH, VISHNUKAANT PITTY, SAURAV SETHIA, MANSHER DHILLON Special Correspondents DHRUV VELLOOR, PRANJAL SINGH, K.P. SOMAIAH Correspon- dents SHOUMITRA SRIVASTAVA, BHARAT GANJU Chief-of-Production NAMAN GOEL Webmaster VISHAL MOHLA Assistant Managers STUTI BATHLA, PRIYA CHATURVEDI, ARVINDANABHA SHUKLA Special Assistance K.C.MAURYA Photo Credit SANJIV BATHLA Covers FRANCESCACHO.COM, PHYSICALSCIENCES.UCSD.EDU IPSS© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.PRINTED BY:THE ENGLISH BOOK DEPOT, 15 RAJPUR ROAD, DEHRA DUN, UTTARANCHAL - 248009 PUBLISHER AND MANAGER: PHILIP BURRETT, THE DOON SCHOOL, DEHRA DUN. THE DOON SCHOOL WEEKLY OCTOBER 6, 2007 2 current affairs Kanti Bajpai |India’s Tryst With Destiny| China’s case in the UN, insisting that Mao’s govern- ment take over China’s seat as a Permanent Member Freedom and War: of the UN Security Council. The leaders of the two 1947 and 1962 countries met and vowed to cooperate and to work When India became independent in August 1947, for peace. New Delhi supported Beijing’s contention who would have thought that it would be plunged that Tibet was an integral part of China. into war and conflict with its two biggest neighbours— Despite this positive beginning, in September 1962 Pakistan and China? Within months of Independence, the two countries were at war, over a three thousand Indian troops were fighting Pakistani troops in Kash- mile front. Chinese forces quickly overran Indian po- mir. A decade and a half after becoming a free coun- sitions in Aksai Chin, in the middle sector of the bor- try, India was at war with China. der, and in the northeast in Arunachal Pradesh. Then, India’s nationalist leaders had suddenly, just as it seemed they might sweep down dreamed of a peaceful future into the Indian plains, in November, the Chinese de- for the new nation. Instead, In- clared a unilateral ceasefire and withdrew their forces dia was to experience the hor- to 20 kilometres behind the line of control as it had rors of Partition and the dan- existed on November 7, 1959. gers of war. The McMahon Line had demar- In October 1947, India and Pa- cated the frontier between India and kistan were at war, over Kashmir. China, going back to British days. Kashmir, along with the princely When they came to power in states of Hyderabad and 1949, the Chinese made it Junagadh, had not been able to clear that they did not accept make up its mind which country India’s interpretation of the to accede to at Partition. The Maharajah of Kashmir border based on the was Hindu, the majority of the population was Muslim. McMahon Line. The Line, By the logic of Partition, Kashmir should perhaps have they claimed, was forced on gone to Pakistan as a Muslim majority state. Hari them during colonial times, and Singh hoped, however, to remain independent of was not legitimate. The two countries began to nego- both India and Pakistan. Sheikh Abdullah, an increas- tiate over the border dispute in the early 1950s, with- ingly powerful Kashmiri leader, inclined to India, out much success. China claimed the Aksai Chin, a partly out of friendship with Nehru and partly out largely deserted area of land, near Ladakh. Without of a calculation that India would be better for Kash- India’s knowledge, the Chinese built a road through it mir. Abdullah wanted to rid the state of monarchical to connect their Xinjiang Province to Tibet. China also rule or at least to reduce the monarchy to a figurehead. claimed what is now called Arunachal Pradesh. In October 1947, ‘raiders’ from Pakistan attacked By the late 1950s, New Delhi was aware that rela- the state. Hari Singh’s forces were quickly overcome tions with China were heating up. A series of border by a combination of Pashtun tribals and Pakistani mili- incidents occurred between 1959 and 1961. Nehru tary personnel. When the Maharajah asked for mili- eventually lost his patience with Chinese incursions into tary help from India, Nehru quickly agreed. Hari Singh what he considered Indian territory. He famously signed the Instrument of Accession to India on Octo- asked the Indian Army to throw the Chinese out. In ber 26, 1947. Indian troops arrived in Srinagar as the September 1962, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) city was about to fall. Over the next several months, attacked Indian positions in strength and inflicted a the Indian Army beat back the raiders and took two- heavy defeat before withdrawing. thirds of the state. On January 1, 1949, Nehru agreed Sixty years after the first Kashmir war, and forty- to a UN ceasefire call. India and Pakistan have dis- five years after the war with China, India is still locked agreed and fought over Kashmir ever since. in a dispute with its two neighbours. Both disputes In August 1947, China was still in the throes of a seem intractable, though New Delhi continues to seek massive civil war. About the time India and Pakistan a peaceful settlement. As we reflect on our successes were agreeing to a ceasefire in Kashmir, the Chinese as a nation, let us give thought also to two of our most Communists led by Mao Zedong were defeating the consequential failures. Perhaps another generation of Chinese Nationalist Party and taking control of China. leaders in India will have the creativity and will to fash- India was quick to recognize the new Communist gov- ion an agreement that satisfies the interests of all three ernment in Beijing.
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