Records Clerk of Peace Office Home District of York. Quarter SessioreMinutes 1810-1867. 4-------------------------- These records were copied for me from the originals in the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Toro.nto. Volume XI. contains the minutes for the years 1840-1842. VOL. XI. Toronto. 1910. MEETINGS OF THE HOME DISTRICT G·ENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE :PEACE CITY ..QJ __~ORONTO In the year l 8 4 0. - 158 - GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS 7th April, 1~40. Present John W. Gamble, Esquire, Chairman, E.W. Thomson, Alexander Burnside, Esquires. Charles MoVittie, Benjamin Thorne, Clerk of the Peaoe read the Commission, The following Grand Jury were sworn:- Rioha.rd Simmons, Foreman, John Mair, John Selby, Richard ]Hachell, Henry Mosley, .Aaron Playtor, William Sibbald, Benjamin W. Smith, William M. W. Richardson, Philip Lyne, Arthur King, Michael Empey, John Arksey, Thom.as J. Winch, Henry Chapman, William Selby, Archibald MoMillan, Robert Howard, Morde~ai Millard, Hiram Moore, John R. Wilson. The Chairman charged the Grand Jury. Swore Constable to attend the same. Crier gave notice of Claims under Heir and Devisee Act:- THOMAS CHATTERSON, South part of Eo.23 in Broken Front of Whitbyt as assignee of Mary Smith and Benjamin Rodge. JAJ.1[ES KEERAN, East halves of 26 and. 26 in 2nd Concession Albion, as Heir at Law of Simon Keeran. OWEN McGRATH, West half No.3 in 1st Concession Brook, as Assignee of Bernard Quin, Heir at Law of James Quin. JOHN MAGUIRE, East half of 23 in 7th Concession Mono, Assignee of Thomas Campbell, who was Assignee of Robert McFarlane . .ADAM HE}IBY MEYERS, East half of No. 2 in 8th Concession Orillia N.D., as Assignee of Peter Caverley the Heir at Law of Stephen Caverley. BENJAMIN HODGES, South half No.23 in Broken Front of Whitbr, as Heir at Law of Elizabeth Hodges deceased, devisee of Henry Smith. - 169 - GENERAL QUARTER SESSI0~~~-7th April, 1840, continued. Swore Charles McGrath to go before the Grand Jury in Queen vs T. R. Lusty; Larceny. Grand Jury came into Court with a true Bill in the Queen vs Lusty. Charles McGrath, Esquire, :put in an affidavit of the absence of a material witness in the above oa.se, and upon. his application the oase was Traversed to the Assizes. Robert Bonesteel and Samuel Seaman applied for and obtaj_ned Certificates of their being Claimants of U .E. Rights, and took the Oath of Allegiance. Swore Ellen Glassford to go before the Grand Jury_ in the Queen vs Jane MoKibbon. The Reverend. George Galloway appeared before the Court, and produced a Certi~ioate from the Reverend W. T. Leach, that he had been duly ordained a Minister of the Church of Sootland for the Township of Markham. Where- upon a Certificate was issued by the Court and the Oath of Allegiance was administered to him. Hiram P·iper took the Oath as Ins:peotor of Weights and Measures for the Rome District. Grand Ju.ry came into Court with a True Bill in the Queen vs Jane MoKibbon. Jane McKibbon was put upon her Trial; plea Not Guilty. The following Jury was sworn.- Jonathan :Buller, Wright Burkett, William Medcalfe, William Law, Edward Clark, David Watson, Jacob Wells, John l)avison, William Wallis, James Todd, George Bell. Witness sworn; Ellen Glassford. Verdict; Guilty. Sentence; Fine 5s. and. Costs, and to be imprisoned till said. Fine and Costs are paid. Adjourn.ad till to-morrow at 10 o'clock A.M. - 160 - GID1ERAL crn.AHT:J.rn SESSIOJ:fS 8th Apri~, 1840 .. Court met ~ursuant to adjournment. Present John W. Gamble, Esquire, Chairman, James O. B. Bourchier,) ( Charles McVittie, Alexand.er Burnside, ) Esquires. ( George Monro, Benjamin Thorne, ) ( James Adam. Swore - - Burns, Witness, Grand Jury. Queen vs Devenill. Grand Jury brought in a True Bill in Queen vs Devenill. John Devenill was put u~on his Trial on the Indictment for Larceny. Plea, Guilty. Sentenced to be imprisoned one month at hard labor. Swore L. Hayden, witness Grand Jury. Swore Ann Hadley and Ann Radley the younger, Queen vs. Bennet and others. Swore Charles Hadley. The Public Accounts were taken U:P, and the further consideration of them adjourned until Saturday 11th Instant. Grand Jury brought in True Bills in the cases, Queen vs Bennet and Others, Riot. Queen vs Charles Arkland, Assault. Whereas it has been made to appear by Robert Parker, Town Clerk for the Township of King for the year 1839, that there are no Justices of the Peace in the aaid Township, by whose direotions the money arising from the Wild Land Tax, oan be expended, and that it would greatly benefit the Inhabitants of said. Township if such money were laid out on the side li~e between Lots Nos. 5 and 6, in the 6th, 7th and 8th Concessions. - 161 - GENERAL ·~UARTER SESSIONS, 8th April, 1840, continued. OBDERFID, That the said Robert Parker do pay over to the Town Clerk- for the present year any money,now in his hands, arising from the Wild Land Tax, after ~aying for the work directed to be done by John Snook, Esquire, in 1839, and which has actually been performed, and that the said Balance, together with the amount of Wild Land Tax since received by the Town Clerk, be la.id out under the direction of the Town Wardens for the said Township on the said Line and in the Concessions above mentioned. Benjamin Osborne. applied for and obtained a Certificate of his being a Claimant of U. E. Rights, and took the Oath of Allegiance. The Indictments Q.ueen vs Robinson and Others. and Q.ueen vs Dobson and others, were quashed by d.ireot ion of the Court on the application of the parties on both sides, on payment of Costs. Adjourned. till to-morrow at 10 A.M. ,_ 162 - GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS Thursday, 9th April, 1840. Present John W. Gamble, Esquire, Chairman, Lawrence Hayden, ) Alexander Burnside,) Esquires. Charles McVittie, ) William l\rralien was put upon his trial and the following Jury was sworn:- Assault; Plea Not Guilty. Jury Aaron Qakeway, A. Giltvrey, Abraham Doan, ·1saac·Lyman, George Wright, John Holdsworth, William Thompson, Thomas Raper, Thomas Mo.A.dam, John navison, Alexander Jones, Vlilliam Wallis. Verdict; Guilty. Fined lOs. and Costs. Witnesses sworn~ Robert Edwards, For Defendant. Hugh Johnson, John McNeil. Isaac Wilson. Swore Mary Switzer to go before the Grand Jury. " William R. Bennett, do. n Alexander Nelson, do. In the Queen vs Charles Hadley and others. Thomas King Lusty in £60. George Wooden and Ira Vanklen­ burg in £25. each, entered into Recognizance for the ap­ pearance of the former at the next Assizes to answer to a charge of Larceny. The oases of the Queen vs W.R. Bennett and Others for Riot, and the ~ueen vs Hadley and Others, Assault, were put off till the Assizes on the application of the Counsel on both sides; and the Recognizances of all the parties were ordered to be extended accordingly. .... 163 .... QUARTlm SES~IONS '·-9th_ April, 184_9, continued. Isaac Arnold obtained Certificates as a·cla.imant of U. E. Rights, and took t~e Oath of Allegiance. Charles Arkland was put upon his trial,- .Assault .. The following Jury was sworn. James Todd, Thomas Milla.rel, Wright Burkett, Amos HolHngshead., George Bell, John W. Kermott, Jeremiah Graham, James Cascad.i11, Enos Doan, Edward Clark, Jonathan Fuller, Jacob Wells. Witnesses sworn;- Lawrence Hayden, Daniel Comstock, John McGill; John Armstrong. Verd.ict; Not Guilty. The Jury ca.-me into Court with a Verdict of Guil t~r in the case - Queen vs William Malien. Grand Jury brought in a True Bill against Charles Hadley and Others. Also a True Bill against Esham Card for Felony. Issued a Bench Warrant .. Called Peter Rowan, John Doyle, Jeffrey 1:Jright and John Thompson upon.their Recognizances; which were ordered to be Estreated. Grand. Jury brought in a Presentment repreE~enting the state of the Jail. Stating that they had e:x:amined the account for the support of Insane Persons for the past year and recommendit1g an allowance of ten shillings per head per week for their support for the current year. A P·etition of Abner Hind and fifty other persons praying that the Township of Reach be set off into a separate division of the Court of Requests for the Home District, was read. ORJ)ERI!m, That the Township of Reach be set off into a se1)arate Divisiol"1 of the Court of Requests accoraingly to be called the 24th Division. Adjourned till Saturday the 11th April at 11 O'Clock. - 164 - .ADJOURNED ·- GEMERA.1 ~lT.A.RTI!:R SES~ JQNS Saturday, 11th April, .1:§40_._ Court met :pursuant to adjournment. Present John William Gamble, Esquire, Chairman, William Proud.foot, ) James O. B. Bourohier,) Luoius O'Brien, ) Thomas W. Birchall, ) Esquires, Justices. Alexander Burnside, ) Charles McVittie, ) Robert Stanton, ·) James McGrath, and ) George Monro, ) The following District accounts were taken up and audited. No. l. The Jailor's account for Bread and Soup up to 31st December, 1839, • . £30. 6. 4 2. Do. do. up to 31st March, 1840, • • • • 36.16. 4 3. Do. do. for su~port of Insane to 31.Dec.'39. 42.19. 3 4. Do. d.o. " " n " to 31 March,' 40, 49. 6. 91 5. Do. do. for disbursements up to 31 Dec.1839, 12. 7. 4"' 6 • Do • do. " " " 31 March, 1840, 17.16.: 6½ 7. William Musson's accounts for work at Gaol and Court House, •••••• 16.13.11½ 8. Thomas Fisher's accounts as Coroner, •••.• 13. 8. 3 ·wnliam Higgins, High Constable, laid before the Bench several orders for his Salary as High Bailiff of York previous to its being incorpor~ted as the City of Toronto, and which were direoted to be :paid.
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