, 1956 gfiE SIIDCVM IDWSISMAIS FULL PAGE Anilm,cr's Own ,'Vewspaper Since 1887 VOLUME 69 NUMBER 28 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, APRIL 19, 1956 10N FROM EXTRA HEAVY BEEF )AST BEEF The confirmation class at St. Augustine's church posed on the church ROUND— olice Await Lab Report As Aid RUMP— lb School Board Creates Consultant )M ROUND— Solving Store Breaks Solution of at least four store breaks may hinge on a report from Group To Help Plan South School ±'AR MEAT — NOT ROLLED IN FJ. LL-OUT EFFORT TUESDAY the state police crime lab, Chief The school committee has ap- FOR CANCER FUND DRIVE David Nicoll reported Tuesday Primary Tuesday; pointed four consultants to help FROM SMALL PORK LOINS An army of workers have afternoon. it with plans and costs for the nlisted In the fight against lie said there is a definite sus- Polls Open 10-7 South school. y Rib Half ancer. pect and that the report is needed The board decided last week- Chairman Ernest Young to further the investigation. Voters of both political parties end to ask four professional men, eported this week that Hill's Hardware store was en- will go to the polls next Tuesday identified with construction, bank- any persons will work in tered April 9, police reported last The selectmen will make a de- to elect their delegates to national ing and law, to act in an advis- he house-to-house drive week. On the same night, the cision on the future of the Acme political conventions and to name ory capacity as plans are presen- 1St POrkib.31 uesday night from 6:45 to Cities Service gas station on No. Concrete company within two members of the state committees ted for the new elementary school. :15. Ile said returns from Main st. was broken into. weeks. and the town political bodies. The four, all of whom accepted he drive will be accepted Friday, April 13, was an un- At a hearing Monday night, they / Voters will all cast their bal- the task, are John Erwin, con- lucky day for Lee's restaurant heard residents of Fletcher, Shep- lots in the Square and Compass struction engineer with Western SUNKIST I the Andover National ;GE SIZE CALIFORNIA ank that night. and an attempted break was dis- ley and Binney streets complain hall from 10-7 p.m. One voting Electric company; Edward P. The money is used for re- covered April 12 at Dantos on about the firm's operations at the place has been established be- Hall, former selectman and prom- DOZ. INGES (well, grants for needy Elm st. old Cross Coal-yard on Fletcher cause the light vote of other years inent local builder; Charles G. atients and public educa- Meanwhile, on April 15, thieves st. convinced the selectmen that one Hatch, attorney and a member of the Finance committee and John 'FLOWER LGE lb 15 broke into the home of Mr. and Wilfred Dwyer, a spokesman for central polling place was suffi- hds Mrs. Francis Kennedy at 70 Main many of the residents, accused cient. The hours also differ from 25 st. and stole about $50 in money town, state and national elections RAGUS FANCY bch. the firm of bad faith in its activ- and jewelry. Mr. Kennedy said a which usually call for a 12-hour ities here. SLAW CELLO PACK fur coat and other items were peroid from 7-7. That change, too, lie also warned the selectmen 2forl found on the floor, apparently is based on the anticipated light CELLO that they should represent And- D BOWL PKG.1 piled there to be scooped up on vote which might leave poll work- PACK the way out. lie said whoever over residents, not outside in- ers with little to do in the 12-hour was in the house apparently ran terests, in making a decision. stretch. 'S BROOKFIELD (Continued on Page 16) (Continued on Page 19) There are no contested delegate I lb 6 positions on the ballot but state 'TER (Continued on Page 18) SU 'S BROOKFI ELD — MACHINE WILD BIRD 30 So. Broadway, Lawrence AITE 49 CALL LAW. 30396 R. CHEESE lb FOOD CO, SALTINE COLE PAINT PKGS49 10 MAIN STREET TEL. 1156 LCKERS 2 April 20th & 21st 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. PERSONAL CATOR BUSINESS Sponsored by rER COOKIES PKG ANTIQUARIAN CLUB CALL 1943 available for parties up i• III . • PKG 111 Wedding Receptions, Banquets . 10 CRACKERS Admission 254 THE TOWNSMAN dormant — our for every occasion . spray destroys Select your pharmacy LOTS Of as THE FACULTY & FRIENDS OF tree killing carefully as you choose insects before FREE your physician. As a pro- PHILLIPS ACADEMY they hatch! PARK tective measure, always PRESENT King your Doctor's pre- CALL TODAY Charles scription to this depend. "THE TELEPHONE" ANDOVER 1848 able source. Steak House by Gian Carlo Menotti AND AMALI Rump Steak for Two Gilbert & Sullivan's $5.90 DALTON "TRIAL BY JURY" Full Course Dinner Phone Law. 27732 PHARMACY George Washington Auditorium AMALIA KE ROUTES 125 - 133 TEL. 11 MAIN Al Friday, April 21st at 8:30 p.m. TREE SURGEONS, INC. Near Airport. No. Andover TEL. 107 ADMISSION 504 FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 720 6 Haverhill St., Shawsheen TS TIL 9 2 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, APRIL 19, 1956 general chairman. Various com- lowship members left the West Par- mittees are working hard for the ish church by bus for a three-day Clown Town Is success of this affair. vacation at our nation's capitol. WEST PARISI' Monday was spent seeing the White Coffee Hour Mrs. Sarah Lewis, Correspondent. 1 cirptione 2115 House, Cherry Blossoms, Smith- The first of a series of coffee Planned By sonian Institute, Washington Mon- hours will be held Thursday, April Brownie Troop 63 Linda McGonigle, Barbara Ann ument, National Gallery, Lincoln Twenty-two members of Brownie Black, Joyce Crompton, Joan 26, in the home of Mrs. Elmer Pet- and Jefferson Memorials, etc. Andonaocie4s erson of Greenwood rd. The time Troop 63 of the West Elementary Smyth, Sue Stevenson, Lee Mac- Tuesday the group visited Mt. Preparations for Clown Ton, will be 10:30 to 11:30. All are in- school were taken to the Children's laren, Charlene Tarbox, Linda Vernon, Monticello, Arlington Nat- to be held Saturday, April 28,s vited and a small fee will be Museum in Boston yesterday. The Boucher, Marion Spark, Barbara ional cemetery and Annapolis. A the Andover Playstead, are being charged. These coffee hours are following leaders were in charge of Fraize, Margaret Russell, Wendy session of Congress and visits to made by members of the Amiens being sponsored by the West Ele- the group: Mrs. Frank Stevenson, Burns, Arlene Davis, Sharon Dix- the capitol buildings were enjoyed society. Mrs. John McLean, Mrs. Thomas mentary PTA. on, Paula Chlebowski, Toni Brain- Wednesday before the return trip Chairman of the committee is Burns and Mrs. Fred Black. erd and Lucille Webb. Money earned 5th Birthday home. Much of the money for the Mrs. Donald A. Boynton, assisted Making the trip were Judith Mc- Russell MacLeish entertained a by selling Girl Scout calendars entire group's expenses was by co-chairman Mrs. Harold A.Iluts Lean, Joyce Sherman, Jeanne Mor- was used to defray expenses of group of his playmates April 10, earned in various ways during the ter. Other members of the corrnit• way, June Doig, Laura Frishman, his fifth birthday. Games were past year. the trip. tee include Mrs. William E. Cal. played and luncheon was served Those attending included Edith Grange News fray, Mrs. Gordon E. Clement, by Mrs. MacLeish. Birthday cake and Barbara Williams, Joan and Andover Grange 183 will hold Milton R. Cole, Mrs. ice cream featured the happy Jean Arnold, Barbara Colby, Cyn- Williams. its next meeting Tuesday, April 4 thia Mandros, Helen Ellis, Phyllis Morrissey, Mrs. William D. Ure. 24, at 8. Following the business event. Miles, Barbara Swanton, Diana hart, Mrs. Daniel P. Valpey, ks. meeting, square dancing will be Those present were Alice Fenu- Hudgins, Betty Heinz, Jane Des- Donald E. Ward and Mrs. GordmC. enjoyed to the music of Stokes or- ta, Julia Hogan, Todd Matherson, IRS. DENNIS A. T' $50 to $2,000 Roches, Robert Meilhouse, Billy White. chestra. The following Granges John Dignan and Richard Bailey. l'RRELL — MITC Burleigh, Christine and Teddy Clowns, games, refreshments are invited: Bradford, Dracut and Shower and rides will provide fun enders- Mr. and Mrs. Bober ANDOVER FINANCE Sutton, David Hudson, Larry Mul Middleton. Mrs. Alex Henderson On April 10, Miss Anne Eldred - tertainment ., 12 Tewksbury ler, Jeffrey, Jane and Fred Hall, for children of all COMPANY is in charge of refreshments. gave a miscellaneous shower hono- ages. Proceeds from this affair ale, announce the ring her friend, Mrs. William Rit- Hartwell Abbott, Ray Youmans, Ineir daughter, Dias Street Floor Western Jamboree Ray Paolino, Patty Ball, Lester will be used towards the egg). chie and on April 12, Miss Sandra 1,3. Dennis Aloysius Saturday, May 12, the West Ele- Dixon, George Henderson, James ment fund of the Andover Yath Musgrove Building Ritchie of Lowell st. entertained Providence, l .1., a t mentary PTA will hold a Western Clegg and Edward Munroe. center and also to send desen.nE (Entrance Also From Lobby) in honor of Mrs. Ritchie. A tea p 1.4 Jamboree. The time will be 4:30 The entire group was under the Boy Scouts from Andover to was held April 15 at the home of Miss Marilyn Ness ELM SQ. ANDOVER 1998 to 6:30. Mrs. Frank Stevenson is supervision of the Rev.
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