-wr "W '••^^r One Dead, THE HANNA "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEVjS" Auihorlnd •• aat/aatl ClaM Matter by th* Peat Office Dopartmrjnt, Ottawa, AM far tha Payment ef Peetaaa In Caah JO One Injured 3 .. VOLUME 53 — NUMBER 24 THE HANNA HERALD AND ELAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS—THURSDAY APRIL 8. 1965 a Mc per Copy RCMP Officers are investigating what appears to be an attempted murder-suicide which took place at Cereal about SIGNS OF MORE BUILDING TO COME 3 p.m. Sunday, April 4. The shooting incident has resulted in THRONGS IfTEND FUNERAL SERVICE the deoth of a father of three teen age children and the wound­ ing of their mother. •• %% The father, Howa* Ward,, age | y^ J^ yy^ SUNDAY AS PIONEER YOUNGSTOWN 49, died in the General Hospital in Calgary about 1230 a.m. Monday, while his wife, 48-year old Anne RESIDENT, J. BEAMISH LAID TO REST Ward, is described as in fair con­ dition in the same hospital. Police Expected To Open Full Life of Many Community Interests said the couple was shot with a .22 calibre rifle in "what appears to Revealed In Passing at Cereal Hospital . be an attempted murder-suicide". Middle of May Of Esteemed And Well Known Citizen ^ , Mrs. Ward is suffering from bul­ Manager Arrives From let wounds to her stomach, while The United Church at Youngstown was filled to capacity Edmonton Thit Week; Mr. Ward died from injuries to his last Sunday afternoon, as hundreds of friends, neighbors •nd Construction Advanced head. The time of their deaths has relatives came to pay their last respects to one of fhe com­ been estimated at 3:00 p.m., about Tentative opening of the new munity's earliest pioneers, Jervois William Neuman "aarrf' one hour before they were found UFA Co-op Farm Supply Depot in by neighbors. The three Ward chil Beamish who possed away in the Cereal hospitof on AprH }. Hanna is set for the middle of *He was 81 yeors of age dren (aged 13 to 16) were not in May. Information to this effect was lllHIIHIIIIimilHIHI HI I mi II i mil .mm the family home when the shooting given tbe Herald Tuesday by depot Born in Ireland, he came as a took place. "FLYING FRENCHMAN" manager, Mr. Larry Luft of Ed­ TURNS MEAN BLADE! young lad to Ontario, and m mm According to information given monton. Mr. and Mrs. Luft arrived 1 the case of many Eastern Canada the Herald by a Cereal resident, in town on the weekend and the settlers la those days, he heeded the Wards had come to the villaee Herb Gervais, retired CNR j former will supervise completion Cold weather and deep snow conductor and a great expon­ the call to "ge meaT, aad hi 1909 last fall from Grande Prairie. Mr. of the building, as well as stocking hasn't halted the local building pro­ set out for Youngstown and after Ward was a part time laborer and ent of hockey in Hanna for and managing when the firm opens. gram to any great extent, and as a many years, still dons the a brief stay, left the district only handy man around Cereal, but had Located on first avenue west a- matter of fact, several new homes to return where he sprat the re­ recently been out of work. blades for a "turn' 'once in a • long the track route and north of a*"*'. in town were completed in the past whiie. At the age of near se­ maining 49 years of hie trie, as a the CNR tracks, the large building week, and the owners now moved venty, Herbert was out this farmer and rancher, until his re- | is rapidly taking shape. Workmen in. Top photo are two new houses winter with the kids and be­ I tirement to residence tn Youngs- have been busy during the past completed in the north end of town sides showing them a few | town. C. Ferguson three weeks, putting up the frame while in the bottom is the UFA "tricks of the trade", also did His life was one of many exper­ of the building and sheating it in. Farm Depot Building on the truck some officiating. Local hockey iences in the growing up ef the This phase of the program is al­ route east, well on its way towards enthusiasts of the early twenty I West. He was engaged In surveying Liberal Candidate most completed, but much of the completion. Indications are that a and late thirty vintage will re­ at one time, and 1 -tor a prospector. Crawford Ferguson, well known interior finishing has yet to be substantial building program is in call with much nostalgia Herb I and ultimately settling down to the barrister from Trochu will contest done. store this coming summer although Gervais as a player and a re­ it is obvious that prolonged winter farming and ranching business. the next election in the federal con­ A native of the Carbon district, feree. Herb in those days ty­ His name was synonomous with stituency of Acadia, as f-andidate conditions will cause a much later pified the fiery "speed to Mr. Luft has had extensive exper­ start than usual. the growth and development of the for tho Liberal party. ience with the UFA Co-op organi­ burn" trend that has marked community of Youngstown as he the play of most French Cana­ zation and is well familiar with the MEETS APRIL 9 played a prominent part in many His election came at a nominat- dian hockey players, and as in convention of Liberals held in needs of both town and farming- A regular meeting of the Earl­ of the community's .-(fairs. Promi­ ranching residents. The depot will emphasized today in the 1964- nent and well known in Masonic Stettler on Monday night. Well re­ town Local FUA has been sche­ 65 edition of the Montreal Ca- presented by delegates from all feature an extensive line of build­ duled for St. George School in circles, he was a charter member ing materials, farm and ranch ne­ nadiens. While Herb actually of Acadia Lodge No. 82, A.F. and parts of the large Acadia riding, Watts on Friday, April 9. comes from the Ottawa area he the meeting was termed as among cessities, automotive accessories A.M. at Youngstown aad wes also and supplies as well as require­ was known here in hit hockey a member of Hiram Chapter Royal the best attended Liberal rallies in day* as the "Flying French­ many years. ments pertaining to the oattle in­ Arch Masons. He was aim the re­ dustry. When completed it will of­ man". Many a skater of yester­ cipient of a fifty year jewel from Mr. Ferguson resigned his office fer a most up-to-date service to an School 'Spiel year yet far younger than the Grand Lodge of Ireland A.F. of the Acadia Liberal Association Herb wouldn't "lay much on extremely large area surrounding Favored with good weekend wea­ and A.M. to stand for nomination. During Flanna. the line' In a race against him the meeting in Stettler, consider­ ther for a change, the annual Han­ •van today. Enjoying good His association in Youngstown able discussion took place concern­ na High School Bonspiel staged Tickets For Sports health and with a "sparkling" church circles included secretary- ing constituency matters, and it Curling Meeting last Friday and Saturday drew set of grandsons who - alio treasurer te the board at stewards was decided that election of new ample raves from students all over come from a hockey playing fa­ United Church; secretary-treasurer officers would be held at another Slated For Sunday east central Alberta, who made up ther. Bliss Campbell, Herb has of the Sunday School and a lay­ meeting to be announced in thc A meeting of the curling club i the 32 participationg rinks. The j a great time In MM winter fol­ man representative to. the Drum­ future. (men's division) will be held at the >followin g are the results: lowing the game. With the heller Presbytery'^jtrOm^Jimitied Grand Challenge (fc-rke Trophy) Church. Civic int3r^s included Campaigning on behalf of the Li­ curling rink Sunday, April 11, at j Stanley Cup playdowns now 2:00 p.m. Election of officers will I 1st, Mulgrove, Hanna; 2nd, Rooke, under way, he keeps a date membership in the Community li­ berals in Acadia is not new to Mr. Dinner Going Well brary Association, the local Social take place and a review of affairs Cessford; 3rd, Wasman, Drumhel­ with the TV set, and has also Ferguson, as a number of years ler; 4th, Quaschnick, Hanna. Credit group, the Youngstown Ce­ ago he ran for office unsuccess­ pertaining to the past season pre­ followed moat of the games sented. All members.are requested Second Event (K&B Motors this winter. The winner-of the metery Association aad terms on fully. Since that time, however, he | the localjnunicipal i niiantl. has bam m<\-m*. i»i-ir-»>u« _u mn •ta.mr.rk.. -_-duU>.-ui-i_>d oUot*. to- at,, tophy)z...laU.jJgpwn. Drumheller; IMPOSING ARR A* OF SPORTS cup tfch s/mmrt. .. Yow punaei ters pertaining to the constituency tend. [2nd, DevmtttK, Hanna; 3rd, Siep- it, ha says . "Vive Lee Ca­ He came to Canada at the age of and has held office in the execu­ — : pert, Hanna; 4th, Hutchinson, Han- nadians!" i 20 to the Cobalt, Out, area and his tive and presidential level of the BIGGEST OF SPECIES ! na- FIGURES COMING FRIDAY NIGHT TO | homestead was located In the Dob- iiuiti.miiHHiimmmHMt.tHi Acidia lUboral organization.
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