45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2014) 2876.pdf MASSIVE SULFATE DEPOSITS ON MARS COULD BE REMOBILIZED NOACHIAN SALTS. M. Yu. Zolotov1 and M. V. Mironenko2, 1School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ 85287-1404, USA, E-mail: [email protected]. 2 Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 19 Kosygin Str., Moscow 119991, Russia. Introduction: Orbital spectral observations of the Our models demonstrate sequential formation of Martian surface indicate uneven occurrences of aque- phyllosilicates (kaolinite then smectites), low- ous minerals in geological formations of different ag- solubility salts (gypsum), and salt-bearing solutions es. Secondary minerals seen in the Noachian terrains through neutralization of initial acidic fluids interact- are dominated by phyllosilicates, while the Hesperian ing with martian basalt (Figs. 1-3). Modeling of per- formations are characterized by massive deposits of colation of acidic fluids through basalts predicts for- layered sulfates seen in the Valles Marineris trough mation of the vertical sequence of dominated minerals system, related depressions, and other places [1-4]. (from the top): amorphous silica - kaolinite and/or The initial interpretation of these data suggested depo- montmorillonite – a ferrous chlorite - Fe-Mg sition of phyllosilicates from Noachian alkaline solu- smectites. Zeolites and Fe2+-chlorites occur with tions and formation of sulfates from acidic fluids re- smectites, and Fe2+ chlorite-bearing rocks form be- lated to volcanism in the Hesperian epoch [1]. tween layers rich in montmorillonite and smectites. Fe-Mg phyllosilicates (smectites, chlorites) are the This series reflects leaching of elements and neutrali- most abundant clay minerals on Mars [2-4]. Typically, zation of fluids with depth, and is similar to the suc- Fe-Mg phyllosilicates are located at lower stratigraph- cession observed in the Mawrth Vallis region [5-8] ic layers than Al-rich clays such as montmorillonite and several other areas, including walls of the Valles and kaolinite. As an example, in the Mawrth Vallis Marineris canyon system. The minerals observed in region, minerals are observed within the following the upper part of some Martian profiles (silica and stratified sequence of layered rocks (from the top): ferric phases, Fig. 2) agree with an open-system altera- silica and kaolinite, montmorillonite-like Al-rich tion in acidic conditions. clays, a Fe2+ phyllosilicate, Mg/Fe smectites, and sul- The results show that phyllosilicates form together fates [5-8]. Sulfates are also seen in the middle part of with sulfates, and clay-sulfate assemblages (except the stratigraphic sequence. kaolinite-rich or jarosite-rich cases) do not indicate The composition and occurrence of phyllosilicates acidic environments. Smectite-sulfate assemblages and salts could be used to constrain ancient aqueous form in contact with neutralized fluids at depth. Much environments. This requires understanding of effects high-solubility salts (Mg and Na sulfate and chlorides) of solution chemistry, pH, Eh, temperature, and dura- remained in neutralized solution. These results suggest tion of processes on composition of precipitated min- that alteration solutions rich in high-solubility salts erals. In addition to terrestrial analogs and laboratory data, the formation and fate of secondary minerals Fig. 1. The water-rock (W/R) ratio as a proxy for could be evaluated with numerical physical-chemical depth in a weathering profile of Adirondack martian models. We have modeled rock alteration by percolat- basalt. Upper layers are altered at higher W/R ratios. ing aqueous solutions to constrain origins of observed 160 minerals. kaolinite amorphous silica Modeling of weathering profiles with 140 phyllosilicates and salts: Alteration has been mod- montmorillonite eled through calculation of chemical equilibria in mul- 120 Depth ticomponent systems with non-ideal aqueous, solid, and gas solutions. These models consider solubilities 100 gypsum of solids and gases in aqueous solution and constrain conditions of mineral saturation. Additional proce- 80 daphnite, dures quantify pH-dependent rates of mineral dissolu- Fe2+-chlorite 60 tion coupled with chemical equilibria in solution [9] and percolation of fluids. With these models, for- Water/Rock mass ratio mass Water/Rock 40 mation and compositional evolution of secondary saponite, stilbite stellerite, Ca zeolite Mg-Fe minerals could be linked to a specific stage and/or 20 smectite setting of water-rock interaction. The models tie the composition and pH of solution with the mineralogical diopside 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 assemblage, which may contain secondary phases to- Mineral volume, cm3 per kg of initial rock gether with unaltered minerals. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2014) 2876.pdf ids led to deposition of these salts in the pore space Fig. 2. The modeled evolution of the surface basalt and accumulation of subfreezing brines in the layer affected by parcels of O2-saturated acidic megaregolith. Some cold chloride-rich brines could fluids. The increasing number of solution parcels have released to the surface, consistent with observa- corresponds to alteration progress. tions [13]. A Hesperian remobilization of high- solubility sulfates and chlorides could have been W/R=1, open system 200 amorphous silica caused by melting of crustal ice related to an enhanced heat flow, and by basaltic magmatism and volcanism. /kg montmorillonite 3 2+ 150 Subsurface drainage of neutral and reduced (Fe - bearing) fluids into depressions (e.g., Valles Marineris and other chasmata) was followed by the formation 100 saponite kaolinite and evaporation of sulfate-rich lakes. Oxidation of 2+ stellerite Fe ions by atmospheric O2 in canyon lakes led to goethite deposition of ferric oxides/hydroxides in somewhat 50 Mineral volume, cm Mineral volume, acidic and salt-rich environments. This scenario does calcite gypsum not exclude a near-surface formation of sulfates and 0 50 100 150 200 opaline silica by transient acidic aerosols and rains, Solution parcels Alteration progress and other fluids related to volcanic and impact events in the Hesperian and Amazonian epochs. could have accumulated at depth in pore spaces and Fig. 3. The modeled weathering profile of Adiron- subjected to freezing, evaporation, and subsurface dack basalt formed through percolation of acidic flu- migration and remobilization throughout history. ids from above. The plot on the right shows neutrali- Modeled weathering by neutral fluids also leads to zation of fluids at depth. The results agree with ob- a stratified sequence of Al-rich (top) and Fe-Mg clays servations in the Mawrth Vallis region. (bottom). However, formation of a 100 m weathering 1 1 goethite profile requires tremendous volumes of neutral or Amoph. silica slightly acidic (CO2-saturated) fluids and does not 2 kaolinite montmor. 2 look feasible. These models do not produce abundant daphnite salts and are inconsistent with observations. These 3 3 Depth results may indicate formation of Noachian gypsum 4 4 phyllosilicates by initially acidic solutions [c.f., 9]. pyrite Discussion: The modeled formation of 5 5 Lock layers amesite saponite phyllosilicates together with salts imply formation of stilbite abundant salts in the Noachian epoch (see also [9,10]). 6 diopside 6 These rock alteration models are consistent with the 7 7 detection of Noachian sulfate-phyllosilicate assem- 50 100 150 200 250 246810 blages [e.g., 11,12] and possible chloride deposits Volume of minerals, cm3/kg pH [13]. Several vol. % of sulfates could be present in Noachian clay-rich formations but may not be detected References: [1] Bibring J.-P. et al. 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