FmiNPED 1888 .■■•Published every FRIDAY at MILLBURN.N.J. FIVE CENTS £& Tuesday Is Jills Club Register To Votc Stork Earns Defense Test \sks Tax Out Residents who are not per­ N a tio n a l There will be an inspec­ Primary Day manently registered to vote tion of the local defense or­ in the November election, or The draft may be depleting ganization today by members Believe it or not folks next It has remained for the ex- Tuesday is Primary Day. Re­ usive Short Hills Club to drop who wish to register a Millbum of its young men and of the State Defense Coun­ change of address may do so WAACS and WAVES may be cil. A number of theoretical publican and Democratic voters first bomb on Town Hall will go to the Polls to approve id thereby set off a local Pearl at the Township Clerk’s Of­ taking some of its fairest wom­ incidents will be staged In fice any business day up to en but the stork is doing his various parts of the Town­ the candidacy of C. Milford Or- arbor. ben for the Assembly, Clarence The bomb Is a prayer for re- and including September 24. best to maintain the population ship. The local council ur­ Irr addition— to— regular -figure and insure upland com­ gently requests all residents A. Hill and Henry L. Junge for from local assessm<m£~un-~~ the Town Committee, Theodore hours, Clerk Widmayer will ing youths for future genera­ to cooperate fully with work­ a state enactment exempt- A. Widmayer for Town Clerk have his office open on Sep­ tions. ers as this will be an import­ non-profit associations from and to pick a United States tember 21st from 7:30 to August is a case in point for ant test. Senate candidate, etc. MillburnTs reaction as ex- 8:30 P. M. and on September 1n this month the- bird was Of a half dozen Republican essed In a resolution by the 22nd, 23rd and 24th from awarded the National "E” for candidAts for the Senate post, ownship Committee, calls for 7:30 to 9 P. M. quantity and quality deliveries Hills Mail two are outstanding, GUI Robb here. peal of the law and for state- Wilson and Albert W. Hawkes. ide municipal action to this According to official figures Change Lags The latter has won wide state nd. Piper Plea of the registrar of vital statis­ support and the former has The club petition was filed tics 28 flights resulted in as Mail It seems is of small In­ the backing of Clean Govern­ me time ago and the now many babies in community terest to Township males for ment Essex leaders. immittee action comes after For Pots, Pans homes. In addition there were at Monday night’s meeting of udy of decisions by the courts 14 marriages and 5 deaths. But for this race no one would Millburn's next scrap day the Township Committee, Chair­ nd of possibilities here and know Tuesday was one of the will be Wednesday, September + man Hill reported receipt of 19 roughout the state, as the law most important of the year, 16, but It will not be the kind favoring letters, written mostly ranking with Pearl Harbor day, given-fi® effect. of a scrap day to call for the by women of the community. The petition o f the club not Miss Heiser Is Armistice Day and Christmas. Army, Navy or police. The letters were In reference nly asks tax exemption nowr Normally it is the time for Scrap metals, scrap rubber to the proposed delivery of mail refund of past taxes paid winnowing the wheat from the and rags are wanted tor the In Short Hills and the necessary nee 1936, aggregating $20,- Our First Wave chaff- as regards aspirants to . armed services and the day has street signs and house numbers. .91, covering realty and per- hold Father Millburn’s purse been set aside for their collec­ Harriet Elizabeth Heiser of Ail -were received and placed on nal property. v strings. This year for the first tion and salvage. Tin cans are Hardwell road, daughter of Mr. file; and indications are many time in Township history, there Township Committee denied more letters and possibly asso­ to be placed in the Essex street’ and Mrs. George Heiser, is Mill- is no chaff so that the wheatles petition and advised the ciated action will be heeded to recepticle as usual and waste burn Township's first WAVE. win automatically and Jjy de­ ub appeal from present lev- make it a live issue. paper can not be handled at She will leave for training in fault. could be made to the coun­ October having been , sworn in The possibility sidewalks will tax appeal board if -tt ^so de- this time. Hot only right now on this The Salvage Committee of In New York Tuesday. alscTBe a government demand 11th day of September, 1942 red. the Local Defense Council has when a show-down comes, is the law stands, not only Mbss Heiser graduated from A. D., does The Item forecast been active in speeding the now being raised and the cost; Short Hills Club be ex- Smith College in June. She Is ” the nomination of Messrs Junge, war effort and home owners of these and J,hc impossibility npt from tax on realty but also a graduate of Walnut Hill Hill and Widmayer as Republi­ are asked to have contributions School, Matick, Mass. Following of getting materials at this all, other flubs and asso- can candidates, but it goes two ready and at thfe curb by 7 A. four months of study and train­ time, is causing many to stop, attons operating for fun, whoops and a holler further M. when Township trucks and ing she will be given the rank look and listen. Town Fathers moe Brook Coimtry Club, and exclusively predicts the ,men will begin the collection. of ensign. seem "in a passive mood, wait­ election of this same triuniver- Oman’s Club, Casa Colombo, ing either for a wave of popu­ Much salvagable material has Out of 15,000 applicants, but ate in November. ->mely Men and who knows, lar approval or a storm of pro­ aybF The TtemrAB are m m - come to light since..the la§t 200 were accepted for officer - 'Never-—but once- before -has collection homes, garages test. Neither seems in sight at ofit which tettoeonly quaH- training and these on comple­ The Item neck been so out­ and yards have been combed this time. requirement. tion of the course may sign up stretched and beckoning for for desired and needed articles Short Hills Association has was pointed out to a re- for service abroad the executioner’s ax, and th at' no longer servicable to owners. had no meeting as yet, but at Tters that as the law stands was when in April of this year It is this that prompts the com­ last reports it had received no y resident has an “in” on it forecast a wet summer and mittee to say “your-scrap today . requests for action “for” or tax exemption angle by a winter of heavy snows. Insures the American way.” “against.” Council members are 5rely incorporating. “Joseph. B lu e A rm y Men, women and children are noi excited it is said but will The rain we’ve had, the elec­ Day" it was said -“might in- urgect to round up every bit of '■ listen to' arguments. _____ __ tion is* in the bag and now jus! rporate the ‘Pleasant”; Days metal, rubber and rags bright watch and wait for the -first sociation’ to take over his Glenwood Association is exT and early Wednesday morning, chystals of what may outrank Ice, on a jpon-profit basis, he pected to soon begin a-canvas September 16, that the work of August was a bad month for the blizzard of ’88. itinufng" his residence there cats and dogs on the Millburn of residents iij that area and After all’s said and done fair sorting for mills and furnaces Knollwood and other groups manager’ ”• may be speeded. Some of these- front as mopping-up operations •readers and other, jt’s your rhe resolution adopted by the may do likewise. In the mean­ bounden and patriotic duty to ate now closed down for want Were pushed by the Blue Army. wn Fathers called attention time it is mail at the post of­ go to the poils next Tuesday of materials and victory so de- Twenty-one cats were destroyed the, fact that 12Vi percent . as.-were.-18-dflgs,Jjj fice as usual. and pull, a lever or two If for s 11 state property hi already iayed. ... nothing more than td refresh ” As Peter Piper would put it In a counter attack the ca- empt from tax-and that the Iflnes'innictetrsTtianiossesthrfe your memory' that our's is still today: '“Private 'pigttF iypefTjr a democracy with republican v now greaUF ipoadens and to paste the pests with dog bites being reported. Golf Tour name>vit form of government or some­ tends pompoms made from pots and In a report to the Board of Hot only was the legislature pans.” Don’t Jet poor Private Health High ' Command Mon­ The second annual Essex thing. ked to repeal the enactment, Polls will be open from 7 A. Piper down because you fall to day night Major Harold M. Kain County Police and Fire Depart­ t all state municipalities will M.
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