Somber Ov.ertanes To Mark Thanksgiving in 'ity~ Nation By n. Assoc ..... p,... sIgnifICance in a nation shocked 'I'Ila!Ik!gi ving proda· tlOb for h r cblldrftl. By JOHN BOlutHOLDT la bo were not '"Puritans" In the go directly against !he present at· Spalding said that the proeperity St.H WrItw extreme of the word, but be titud towards th word "Puritan." tht e have tDday iJJ fib, the America observes Thankselving by the assassination of a president . re d in the nation'. Mr. nd Mrs. Joseph P. Ken­ Almost every church and yna· church a m mori I. Prof r James C. Spalding saki that meD like Whitaker were H mentioned that Qu,atermayne grace of God," and 10 many pe0- Day but her heart won't be in it. nedy, the slain President's par. Wednaday left Iowa Cit)' Rotary ofteD called "Puritans," was pI tly fat. enjoyed his ple fail to real.ize that "it Is DOt gogue scheduled special serYlces. One of the last paragraphs of The tragic death of President ents, had been comparatively Club members with the message Whitaker's 101l0'nlS, UDl.ike the lile, and generally engaged in so­ our virtue alone that makes \IS John F. Kennedy was too recent President Johnson scbeduled a the proclamation, issued Nov. 4, alon witb their gri f at their cape that the people of our nation. in Puritans in the Massachusetts Bay cial activities wblch we doo't ex· what we an today." and too deeply elched for a normal nationwide television addr at says in the eloquence for ",blch COO, Jass., home, but the seashore their most solemn moments, do area, recognized that they didn't peet of "Puritans." Spalding Justice under the law Is taken 7:15 p.m. (CST) Thursday. He happy time of bountiful feasts and Mr. Kennedy w lamo : residence fiUed fast as the holi· realize that tb is still a nation have to dr in a similar manner, quoted from a pamphlet in wblch Cor granted by too many people family reunions. planned to spend the holiday at day neared. bound together under the judgment nor did tbey carry on their daily Quatermayne wrote that after a in the JIOrth, be said. What people his Washington home with his fam· "On that day I t us g th r in The Rev. John W. Regan, a The widow and h r cblldren, of one God . He spoke on "Puritao­ life to such rigid extremes, he id. f w gl of beer, "my wife and have to realiU) is that not only on lIy. sanctuaries dedicated to worship curate at st. Francis Xavier Carolln and John F. Jr., were 10 - F ct and FicUon." Comm nting furth r on the m.is- 1 nl to th Puritan preacher paper, but in very eommunity Church at Hyannis Port, Ma s., Pres secretary Pierre Salinger and in hom bl . ed by f miJy tay In their own home in the so­ Prof r paldJn.:, acting direc· conception of "Puritan," Spalding and beard both the rvi and the throughout the natloo, we need to wbere Kennedy had 8 bome, said said the 15-minute talk "wlll be a arrection to express our if Iitude called K nnedy compound and alt· tor of the UI Sch I of Religion, poke oC the history of Roger rmon." realiz that"w are still ooe 01· only lasl Sunday : Thanksgiving Day m ge to the for the glorioUi J(ifts of God, and er the holiday will return to the said that be had Iarted his study Quatermayne, 3 known Puritan of Our forefathers, who w re ex· tion under God." "Here in America, this Thanks· people." White Ho for several days. of "Puritans" quit by ident in th 17th century, and bis fight ith treme "separa ," didn't ~ I Most people, busy in lbelr every· giving will be different. This let us earnestly and humbly pray a group tudy t trinity Unlv r· th Archbishop of Canterbury. that they b d any particular vir· day walks of lile, have JIO serious In his addres to a joint ion that He will continue to guide and Caroline marked her 6th birth· year, as the Pilgrims did, we wlll o( Congress Wednesday, Johnson ily in San AntonIo, Texas. In the Spalding said. Quatermayne was tUet, be said. 'They consldered concern as to whether or not we tum again to God, We have a ustain us in the great unfinished day Wednesday. John was S Mon· group, he w the only one to accused by the High CommisslOIl th mselves "Israelites" th a an one nation, under God, be said. said "On this Thanksgiving eve, as ta Its of achieving peace, justice day, the day his (ather was buried great deal to be thankful (or. We we gather together to ask the volunteer to study English Protes. Court in London of holding a pray- mission to perform. 'They didn't It is in time of solemn grief, have great men who fought and and und rstanding among aU men in Arlington National Cemetery. tantism during the 16th and 18th er meellng in his home. expect to prosper, Spaldlni said, such as during the events of the Lord's blessing, let u unit in and all nations and of ending died (or us in the hot wars and in those familiar word : Pr id nt and Mrs. Johnson ar· centurl Wh n Quat rmayne came beCore and they attributed their eventual past week. that the valued beritage the cold war. We should be grate­ misery and uffering wh rever ranged a family dinner in their Spalding said that there is a the court, h refused 10 take a p perity to the grace of God. of our Puritan forefathert really ful Cor the great men God has "America, America, God shed they exist." Washington home, the Elms, which general misconception among the self·incriminating oath because be Th Pilgrims carried out their shines through. be said, given us." his grace on the ana crown thy A Kennedy Camily gathering be· th y will continue to occupy antlJ people of our country about what argued that uch an oath h d no li vasa chosen people and ex· In tim like this, we do realize The usual religious services as· good with brotherhood from a to came as ured when Mrs. K nnedy frs Kennedy has time to pack he calls the "Puritan Attitude." basis in the Bible. pe<>ted a Judgment upon them U that we an all united under God sociated with the holiday - DOW shining sea'." announced plans to fly to Hyannis up personal belon&ings and make Among our for fathers were men palding mentioned a f w incl· th y failed to fulfill what God had and we are all responslbl to bring 174 years old - took on special President Johnsoo urged that Port 10 keep alive 8 family tradi· way for the new Fir t Family. Uk Al "and r Whitaker in Virgin· dents in Qunterm yo 's li( th t d tined th m to do, be • id. our Ideals into r Ilty, h said. City Pauses Police Guard Minister Who Accusecl Students of Cheering Kennecly's Death Today for DALLAS l.fI - Police protected Dallas school olCicials denied the a minister and his family Wednes· minister's account. Iowan day after he said school children Some said children were not in· oil Serolng the State University 10t00 and the People of IOIDtJ CUJ/ cheered the news thnt President formed in some o( the schools but of Thanksgiving Kennedy had died oC an assassin's were let out early. The ch ring, they said, came because of the 11 CeIII.I Per CoPJ Iowa City, Iowa - Thurlday, Nov mber 28,1963 Churches To H'ave bullet. Denials of the statemenl dismi ai , from hildren still not were made immediately. informed of Kennedy's death. Special Services; The Rev. William Holmes, pastor In the text Crom the televl ion Requiem Mass Set of Northaven Me- thodist Church, network. the Rev. Mr. Holmes was made the state· quoled as saylne : Is Red Take-Over •, I Many Iowa City churches will men I Tuesday "Dallas a city where fourth· h conducl Thanksgiving services to· night on a nation· grade chlldren in 8 north Dallas day. 81 television pro· public school clapped and cheered The Rev. Roy Wingate ot Gloria gram (CBS) and when their teacher told th m of Attempt Brews ~ 0 n son Dei Lutheran Church wUl speak in a Sunday ser· the assassination of th Presid nt. in Solemn on "Thanksgiving anD Privation" mono Sgt. W. A. "In the name of God, what kind at 10 a. m. toda)! in the First Pres· Johnson a a i of city have we become1 They byterian Church. t h r eats against (children) were nol born hating In Venezuela The Rev. Jack L. ZerwDs, host the Rev. Mr. the president of the United States pastor of the church, and SAllv Holmes caused po. - they soon learned to imitate Guerrillas Use T.rror Smith oC the Fir s t Christian lice to guard his HOLMES their parents." To Produce Chaotic church, will also take part in the home during the nighl. They took The min ister's tntements wer special service, arranged by memo the (amily (rom the re id nee to Illustrate his plea for humility Notional Elections bers of the Iowa City Ministerial Wednesday. and an end to hate. Appea for Action By WILLIAM L.
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