वार्षिक प्रर्िवेदन ANNUAL REPORT 2019 ICAR-AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE (ATARI), KANPUR (ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Institute) वार्षिक प्रर्िवेदन ANNUAL REPORT 2019 भाकृअनुप-कृर्ष प्रौद्योर्िकी अनुप्रयोि अनुसंधान संथान (अटारी), कानपुर ICAR-AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE (ATARI), KANPUR Published 2020 Citation Annual Report (2019) ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, (ATARI), Kanpur , P: 101 © Indian Council of Agricultural Research Executive Summary 1 कार्िकारी सारा車श 3 1. Introduction & Achievement at a Glance 5 2. Training Programmes 10 3. Frontline Demonstrations 19 4. Technology Assessment 32 5. Extension Programmes 46 6. Seed, Planting, Bio-Product & Livestock Production 50 7. Case studies/Success Stories 58 8 Women Empowerment 64 9. HRD, Publications and Linkages 73 10. ATARI Events & Awards 79 11. Projects and Special Programmes 88 12. Status of Infrastructure, Staff & Budget 98 Published by Director, ICAR-ATARI, Kanpur Compiled & Edited by Atar Singh Sadhna Pandey Shantanu Kumar Dubey Raghwendra Singh S.N. Yemul Assistance: Shankar Singh, K.N. Gupta, Shravan Yadav, V.D. Shukla, Abhishek Mishra, Aman Pandey, Nikhil Singh, Mohil Kumar, Manish Kumar, Rajeev Singh, S.P. Singh, KAP Singh, Gaurav Tiwari, & Anek Singh Annual Report 2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TRAINING PROGRAMMES KVKs organized 7132 training courses with the participation of 163525 farmers, farm women, rural youths and extension functionaries. The farmers and farm women were represented in a proportion of 80.56 % and 19.44 % respectively. In all 130390 farmers and farm women and 17655 rural youths were provided skill training in different enterprises. Similarly, 15480 extension personnel were also trained in different areas. FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATIONS A total of 25551 frontline demonstrations were organized out of which on crops (21801), horticulture (1400), farm implements (1070), livestock strains (72) and other enterprises (1208). Farm implement component was addressed covering 559.82 ha area. TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT In this zone, 583 technologies were tested with involvement of 2599 farmers. KVKs have conducted on- farm trials in 13 major thematic areas. Total of 427 crop related technologies were tested with involvement of 1677 farmers. Cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, cash crops, etc. were assessed under different thematic areas. A total of 90 technologies were assessed under livestock management with active participation of 581 beneficiaries. A total of 66 enterprise related technologies were assessed with active participation of 341 farmers and farm women. EXTENSION PROGRAMMES A large number of extension activities were organized by KVKs of Uttar Pradesh. Under this category KVKs have organised total 42413 programmes with the participation of 833822 farmers and 33038 extension personal. A total of 67454 mass communication activities were organised such as radio talks (703), TV talks (393), film shows by electronic media (7231), news paper coverage (4365) etc. Kisan mobile advisory services were given by KVKs with 8447 text messages and 14167 voice messages to 59.39 lakh farmers. The use of mobile has enabled the KVKs to reach the unreached farmers in distant and remotely located areas. KVKs have also analysed 50618 soil samples by benefitting 69068 farmers. Under Technology Week Celebration programme total 3230 activities were organised by benefitting 152237 farmers. SEED PRODUCTION Seed production is one of the important activity of KVKs. They undertake quality seed production which may play a greater role in enhancing production and productivity of different crops. During the calendar year 2019, KVKs of Uttar Pradesh produced 18686.89 q seed including cereals (12608.52 q), oilseeds (308.71 q), pulses (1792.87 q), vegetables (138.10 q), commercial crops (1812.96 q), spices (6.56 q) and fodder (2019.17 q). PLANTING MATERIAL PRODUCTION The planting material/sapling production of vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, forestry, medicinal & fodder plants developed by KVKs. During this year KVKs produced 2315944 planting materials including vegetable seedlings (19.50 lakh), fruit saplings (52.77 lakh) & ornamental (1.35 lakh), medicinal & aromatic (0.13 lakh), forestry (0.20 lakh) and fodder plants (1.45 lakh). BIO-PRODUCTS The KVKs of Uttar Pradesh produced 1511 q of bio-products including vermi compost, NADEP compost and bio pesticides. 1 Annual Report 2019 LIVESTOCK & FINGERLING PRODUCTION KVKs have produced 16858 livestock’s including cattles, calf goat, piglets and fingerlings. HRD ACTIVITIES Under HRD, 42 KVKs of different SAUs have organised 21 programmes for 901 scientists. Such programmes were organized at the University level to provide technological backstopping in frontier areas of the technologies. Similarly, ICAR-ATARI, Kanpur organized 7 training programmes and 11 workshop/meetings at zonal level. All 83 KVKs have benefitted by these programmes. KVKs may take technological support from ICAR research institutes for experimenting new technologies at field level. PUBLICATIONS By KVKs : In all 8048 publications were developed by all KVKs of Uttar Pradesh. In total 40 books, 598 training manual, 78 book chapter, 309 research papers, 107 seminar papers, 4721 technical bulletins, 579 technical reports, 1616 abstracts and 31 KVK have published their newsletters by producing total 16895 copies during the period under report. By ICAR-ATARI, Kanpur: A total 42 publications have been developed by the ICAR-ATARI, Kanpur including research papers (13), books and compendium (2), lead papers (5), book chapters (5), Technical bulletin, polular articles (7), news letters (4), technical reports (2), magazines (2) and abstracts (2). INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES Most of KVKs are having their own infrastructure facilities, in Uttar Pradesh. Availability of infrastructure are administrative building (67), farmers hostel (59), staff quarters (59), soil testing labs (44), rain water harvesting structure (4), threshing floor (42), drip irrigation (13), fencing (50), soil testing kit (104), IFS (26), demo unit funded by ICAR (198), demo unit funded by others (34), e-connectivity (26), technology information unit (23) and four wheeler (67), two wheeler (63), tractor (65). STAFF POSITION ICAR-ATARI, Kanpur have filled up 12 staff personnel out of total 21 vacancies. There are still 3 positions of Scientific (1-RMP, 1 Sr. Scientist & 1 Scientist), 5 positions of administrative and 1 supporting staff are lying vacant. Out of total sanctioned post (1329), KVKs have filled 904 posts including Head (67),Scientist (343), Programme Asstt. (160), Administrative (112), Auxiliary(108), Supporting (121). Filled positions are 68.55 % and vacant post lying as 31.45 %. STATUS OF BUDGET During the financial year 2019-20, an amount of Rs. 10882.52 lakh was utilized/released against the allotted budget of Rs.11592.19 lakh. PROJECTS AND SPECIAL PROGRAMMES ICAR-ATARI, Kanpur handling different four types of project such as (i) ICAR funded projects (ii) Government of India funded projects (iii) International funded projects and (iv) Institute funded projects. In addition of this, institute also involved in 11 different kinds of Special Programmes as per ICAR guidelines such as (i) Jal Shakti Abhiyan) (ii) PKVY (Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna Scheme) (iii) Seed Hub Programme (iv) CRM (Crop Residue Management) (v) Aspirational Districts Scheme (vi) NARI (Nutrition- sensitive Agricultural Resources and Innovation)/VATICA (Value Addition and Technology Incubation Center in Agriculture) (vii) ASCI (Agriculture Skill Council of India 37 KVK) (viii) DAMU (District Agro Meteorological Unit Project) (ix) Sankalp Se Siddhi (x) SBA (Swachchh Bharat Abhiyaan) and (xi) SCSP (Schedule Caste Sub Plan). 2 Annual Report 2019 कार्यकारी सारा車श प्रशशक्षण कार्यक्रम कृषि षिज्ञान केन्द्रⴂ द्वारा 7132 प्रषिक्षण स配रⴂ का आयरजन कर 163525 कृिकरⴂ षजसमᴂ ग्रामीण युिा , मषिला कृिक एिⴂ कृिकरⴂ की सिभाषिता रिी। सिभाषियरⴂ मᴂ 80.56 प्रषतित कृिक तथा 19.44 % प्रषतित कृिक मषिलाओⴂ की भािीदारी रिी ,कुल 130390 कृिक तथा मषिला कृिक 17655 तथा ग्रामीण युिाओⴂ कर षिषभन्न कृषि व्यिसाय मᴂ क्षमता षिकास मᴂ प्रषिषक्षत षकया साथ िी 15480 प्रसार काययकतायओⴂ कर षिषभन्न क्षे配रⴂ मे प्रषिक्षण षदया िया। प्रथम प車क्ति प्रदशयन कुल 25551 प्रथम पⴂक्ति प्रदियनरⴂ का आयरजन षकया िया षजसमᴂ 21801 फसल षिज्ञान 1400 उद्यान ,72 पिुधन एिⴂ 1070 प्रक्षे配 मिीनीकरण/यⴂ配 एिⴂ 1208 प्रदियन अन्य षिियरⴂ के अन्तियत आयरषजत षकये िये। तकनीकी परीक्षण इस प्रखण्ड मᴂ 2599 कृिकरⴂ के यिााँ 583 तकनीकी का परीक्षण षकया िया। कृषि षिज्ञान केन्द्रⴂ ने 13 समस्याओⴂ पर आधाररत प्रक्षे配 परीक्षण 427 फसलरⴂ से सम्बक्तित तकनीकी परीक्षण 1677, कृिकरⴂ के खेतरⴂ पर षकये िये षजसमᴂ खाद्यान्न ,दलिनी ,षतलिनी ,सब्जी ,फल एिⴂ नकदी फसलᴂ षििेि 셂प से थी। 90 तकनीकी पिुपालन सम्बिी समस्याओⴂ पर परीक्षण षकये िये षजसमᴂ 581 लाभाथी चुने िये। 66 तकनीकी जर व्यिसाय से सम्बक्तित थीⴂ 341 कृिकरⴂ के यिााँ तकनीकी का परीक्षण षकया िया। प्रसार कार्यक्रम उत्तर प्रदेि के षिषभन्न कृषि षिज्ञान केन्द्रⴂ के द्वारा बडी सⴂख्या मᴂ प्रसार काययक्रमरⴂ का आयरजन षकया िया षजनकी सⴂख्या 42413 िै। इन काययक्रमरⴂ मᴂ 833822 की सⴂख्या मᴂ कृिक लाभाथी तथा 33038 प्रसार काययकतायओⴂ कर प्रषिषक्षत षकया िया। कुल 67454 सⴂचार सेिा मᴂ काययक्रम आयरषजत ए षजसमᴂ रेषडयरकताय ,षफल्म प्रदियन ,न्यूजपेपर किरेज आषद िषतषिषधयााँ प्रमुख िै। मरबाइल के माध्यम से परामिी सेिा मᴂ 8447 सन्देि तथा 14167 िायस सन्देि भेजे िये षजससे 59.39 लाख कृिक लाभाक्तित ए । इस प्रकार की सेिा से दूर-दराज के षकसानरⴂ तक लाभ पाँचाया िया। कृषि षिज्ञान केन्द्रⴂ द्वारा 50618 मृदा के नमूनरⴂ का परीक्षण कर 69068 षकसानरⴂ कर लाभ पाँचाया
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