Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1959-1960 Student Newspapers 4-14-1960 ConnCensus Vol. 45 No. 17 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1959_1960 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "ConnCensus Vol. 45 No. 17" (1960). 1959-1960. 18. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1959_1960/18 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1959-1960 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. IOcperCOP1 Vol. 45--No. 17 New London, Connecticut, Thursday, April 14, 1960 Gary Griffiths Dr. Birdsall Will Instruct Will Present In American Studies Program Puccini's masterpiece, Madame Richard D. Birdsall, Assistant Butterfly, will be presented 'wee- Professor of History, has been nesday, April 20, at 8:30 p.m., in Organ Recital Iappointed instructor of the Amer- Palmer Auditorium, by the Ama- Thursday, Apr i 1 21, 1960 iean Studies Program to be held to Opera Company of New 'york. Gareth Griffiths will give her sen- at Old Sturbridge Village, New Dolores Mati, soprano, will ior recital. The performance will England's center of living his- sing the title role in this perform- tory, during the month of July, be in Harkness Chapel, and will ance directed by Anthony Amato. it has been announced by Frank Miss Mari is the leading soprano begin at 8:30 p.m. Miss Griffiths O. Spinney, Village director. with the San Francisco Opera will play several organ preludes The American Studies Pro- and City Center Opera, and has by Bach, including the Chorale gram, an intensive course in ear- received national acclaim for her ... Prelude (0 Mensch, Bewein' ly New England history, is being interpretation of Madame Butter- financed by a grant from the fly. Dein' Sunde Gross), the Prelude and Fugue in C, and the Trio So- Williams Robertson Coe Founda- Tickets at $2.50 and $3.50 are tion of New York City. Students available from the Department nata No.2 in C minor. In addi- selected for the course will be of Music. The supply is limited tion to the selections by Bach, high school teachers of Ameri- so students wishing to attend Miss Griffiths will play an organ can history from ten Western should buy theirs immediately. prelude by Dietrich Buxtehude and Southwestern states. entitled Ach Herr, mich armen I Dr. Birdsall, a 1959·60 Ouggen- Sunder, a canon (No.4 in A fiat) MADAME BUTTERFLY heim Fellow, is currently angag- by Robert Schumann, and a So- I ed in a study of UNew England nata (No.1) by Paul Hindemith. Cultural History: l7!JO.l820." The recital encompasses works from the seventeenth century A graduate of Yale University Andersonville Trial, a Hit; beginning with a composition by BIRD~AL in 1945, he received his Master's Pierre du Mage, including the degree from Yale in 1947 and his compositions already mentioned, -------------- Ph. D. from Columbia University Offers Special Student Rates and concluding with the Cortege Dr. Hannah Arndt Will in 1954. His book about Western _ Massachusetts, Berkshire Coon- The management of The An- Andersonville Trla1 was bravo'd et Litanie by Marcel Dupre. ty-A Cultural was dersonville Trial, the Broadway by the New York drama critics. Gary cam e to Connecticut Speak Tuesday, April 19 HIstory, At Convocation Lecture pUblish~d in 1959 by the Yale d ram a tic t r i u mph star. Walter Kerr, in the Herald Trl· from Jamestown, New York. It Untverstty Press. ring George C. Scott" Albert Dek- bone, satd: "You're in for a whale was there that she received her Professor Hannah Arendt of A t f W Id W II D ker and Herbert Berghof at Hen- of an evening. It's a walloping first instruction in both organ . t U' .. I ve eran 0 or ar I r. Prmce on ntverstty will be the Birdsall served in the Pacific the- ry Miller's Theatre. realizing the piece of showmanship. 'I;heatri. and piano. She has been playing special appeal this page-out-of- cally electrifying. The acting is the piano for thirteen years and featured speaker at the annual atcr as an ensign in the U. S. Na- history production has for stu. superb" and the Associated Press the organ for seven years. On Honors Convocation, Tuesday, val Reserve from 1944 to 1946. dents, has' set up a special stu. called it uA drama of brilliant March 29. 1960. at St. Luke's April 19, at 7:30 p.m., in Palmer Prior to joinin~ the Connecticut dent ticket purchasing plan impact, played with towering vir- church in Jamestown, Gary Auditorium. The subject of h r College ~aculty m 195~ he taught Whereby seats may be obtained tuosity. A memorable dramatic gave another recital on the or- ." . e at the Tilton School, Tilton, N. H., lecture will be Culture, Society, and Rensselaer Polytechnic In- via a special mail order blank experience, a dramatic triumph." gan. Every Friday morning dur- and Politics." stitute, Troy, N. Y. ~ithout using the regular, more Performances of The Ander- ing the school year she has play- unpersonal, box-office channels, sonville Trial at Henry Miller's ed for the meditation services in Since her arrival in the United These mail order blanks have Theatre, 124 W. 43rd St., are the chapel. When Gary gradu- States in 1940 as it political refu- Personnel Bureau been sent to the heads of the nightly (except Sunday) at 8:40 ates this June, she plans to con- tinue her studies in music at gee from Germany, Dr. Arendt English, Drama and American and on Wednesday and Saturday has served as chief editor of a Announces Several History Departments and may be afternoons at 2 and 2 :40 respec- graduate school in either New York or Boston. She will, at that publishing firm. and as a teacher obtained from them, or from the ttvely. Summer Positions time, be working toward her mas- at the University Of Chicago, the producers, Darrid _ Saidenberg . Georgia, was tried for conspiring University of California at Berke- The Personnel Buteau an- Hollywood. 137 W. 48th St.• N. Y. against the United States. ter's degree in music. 'C. 19. ....:... _ ley, and at Brooklyn College. The nounces many openings for sum- publication of The Origins of To- mer jobs for girls during this The Andersonville Trial is a dy- talitarianism, in 1951. and The coming season. namic and exciting drama which Glamour Awards Toodie Green Human Condition, in 1958, es- Camp Severence in New York embodies all the elements of im- tablished her as an outstanding has openings for counselors in portant theatre, dealing with the writer in the fields of politics and archery, tennis, golf, waterfront most romantic era in American Honorable Mention Placement philosophy. (Water Safety Instructors need- history and presenting a. melo- ed), trips, and campcraft. This Toodie Green '60 has recently t,., Princeton Professor drama tic trial, possessing moral camp runs for a nine week sea- been named one of the Honorable At present, Dr. Arndt is asso- son and offers a starting salary and ethical questions of enorm- ciated with Princeton University ous stature. It takes place during Mention winners in GLAMOUR of $200. Anyone interested in this magazine's "10 Best Dressed Col- and the Institute for Advanced the hot summer months of 1865, camp should see Miss Gorton. lege Girls in America" contest. Study. She holds the distinction when this nation was rising from She was selected from applicants of being the first woman to re- Two child care jobs are cur- a bloody and shattering Civil from several hundred colleges , ceive an appointment as full pro- rently available. A college girl is War and was stirred to wrath across the nation and in Canada. fessor at Princeton. wanted in a family in Stoning- when Captain Henry Wirz, Com- , Plans are being made for 'I'oodie ton, Connecticut, 0'1 three girls, mandant of the infamous confed- Preceding the lecture the an- the nine other Honorable ages 13, 9, and 6. to cook, do erate prison at Andersonville, and nual Phi Beta Kappa dinner will laundry (no ironing), swim, play Mention winners to be featured be held in honor of the'>newly Directed by Jose Ferrer. The in a fall issue of GLAMOUR. tennis, sail, and drive. She would elected members. have Mondays and Thursdays off. To help GLAMOUR find these The salary is $40 per week. young women, . the following Those interested should apply Smith College Alumna, judging joints were-used: 1. Good Smith and Burdick through the Personnel Bureau. figure, beautiful posture. 2. Clean, Dr. J. Johnston Elected A job is offered at Boulders shining, well-kept hair. 3. Imag i- Financially Adopt Inn, New Preston, Connecticut, Phi' Beta Kappa Member nation in managing a clothes to care for two boys. 5'1.. and 1'h. Dr. Jean Vance Johnston, As- budget. 4. Good grooming-not Korean OrphanGirl She would care for room, clothes, sistant Professor of Chemistry at just near but impeccable. 5. Ap- The students of Burdick and and personal clothes of the par- Connecticut College, has been propriate campus look (she's in ents, and have one-half day off line with local customs). 6. A Grace Smith have financially elected an alumnae member of "adopted" Moon Kyong Ja, a fifo per week, and two hours each Phi Beta Kappa, Zeta of Massa- clear understanding of her fash- afternoon.
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