View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by OpenSIUC The Open Court. A WEEKLY JOTTENfAL DEVOTED TO THE RELIGION OF SCIENCE. 1 Two Dollars No. 307. (Vol. VII.— 28.) CHICAGO, per Year. JULY 13, 1893. Single Copies, Cents. I 5 Copyright by The Open Court Publishing Co.— Reprints are permitted only on condition of giving full credit to Author and Publisher. AN ALIEN'S FOURTH OF JULY. an anarchist-sympathiser, who would substitute the flag red for the American stars and stripes ; a rene- BY HERMANN LIEB. gade ; a traitor ; a rascal ; a scoundrel ; and horresco Until quite recently I thought myself entitled to refereiis an "alien"; "a man without a drop of the denomination of "American," with all the title American blood in his veins." The identical breath implies : not an aborigine of course, but a full-fledged which denounces him as an arrant demagogue pro- citizen of the American Republic, being a devoted ad- nounces him a political corpse ; in other words, a schem- herent to the principles underlying its constitution ing politician committing Jiari-kaii \n\\.\\ " malice afore- and laws, and, having faithfully served the country all thought." through the late war together with 275,000 others of 1 never had much faith in those who boast of their the German tribe to which I owe my origin, I con- American blood, but I do believe in the common sense sidered that title honestly earned. I was about to cele- of the average American which generally asserts itself brate the "glorious Fourth" with my fellow citizens after a short period of bluster I excitement and ; be- at Jackson Park, but having read the sermon of a pious lieve it will do so in the present case. For instance, patriot, the thought struck me, what interest have I he will readily perceive the hollowness of the charge in that celebration? I may be a spectator, but with- that Mr. Altgeld pardoned these men to discharge a out a drop of "American blood in m}' veins," in short, political debt, when the fact is considered, that the an "alien," what business have I there? So, hanging simple act of liberation cancelled that debt if any there out the American flag, to show to my native neighbors, was ; he will neither be long in discovering that Alt- whose houses remained undecorated, the loyalty of geld could not have been actuated b}' any other selfish my sentiment, I concluded to stay at home and send motive in charging the trial judge with prejudice and the reasons for my absence from the place of patriotic the jury with having been packed to convict, for the rejoicings to the readers of The Open Court. following reasons : Of all the privileges a man (alien or native) may Governor Altgeld has never been charged with enjoy in this country', I consider that of free speech the being an idiot ; on the contrary it is generally admitted most precious ; true, it may not alwaj's be good policy that he is an able jurist ; that he acquitted himself cred- to speak the truth ; but it gives me infinite satisfaction itably upon the bench, and his recent action with the to freely express my sentiments whenever I feel an im- state legislature, show him to be a level-headed ex- pulse to do so, and since m}' people without distinc- ecutive. Again, the socialist vote in this state does tion, have lately been made the subject of abuse and not amount to twenty thousand all told, and that was vituperation on the part of the "American" press and assured to him by the mere act of clemency ; they did the "American" pulpit, I feel as if I must "talk not expect more. Moreover, he must have known, and back." in fact he did know, what the immediate effect of such " " The land of the free and the home of the brave a letter as he wrote would be upon the rural population has again been thrown into a paroxysm of fear b.y the of the state, and, as the astute politician that he is, he anarchistic phantom, resurrected, I apprehend, for a also knew that the republican press would make, which purpose. I may be mistaken in my views concerning it did make, all possible political capital to be made Governor Altgeld's action in pardoning the anarchists out of it ; that thousands of Democrats would either or condemn his course as suicidal and his letter of explanation ; but if I am, my friends disagree with him certainly are aware of the fact that these views are not the re- from a political standpoint ; in short, he was sult of a bias, neither for the pardoner nor for the par- convinced that under the most favorable circumstances political prestige doned. I merely state them as I understand the case. it could not possibly improve his own Mr. Altgeld distinctly asserts in his letter his opposi- or that of the democratic party, while it might play tion to anarchistic doctrines ; nevertheless, he is called havoc with both. —; 3728 THE OPEN COURT. Now, is it not barely possible that Mr. Altgeld anarchists in Chicago are mostly foreign-born, the ag- might have been actuated by some other motive than gravated kind of anarchism, which finds expression in those of a political huckster? I do not hesitate to say "prejudiced judges, packed juries, or police ready to that I share with the Governor the opinion that Judge furnish perjured testimony," is not to be charged to Gary was prejudiced, as thousands of others were, but aliens, but almost exclusively to distinguished citizens who to-day have changed their opinions. The honor, to the manor born. integrity, and uprightness of Judge Gary has never The anarchists who advised and encouraged the been questioned, and I think the Governor does him use of dynamite to destroy society must be held mor- injustice by charging him with ferocity. ally guilty of the act which they advocated, and neither There is nothing ferocious about the Judge, and if they nor their friends can complain, if society, with like he were a private citizen I would call him a "weak disregard of the forms of law, and with similar indis- sister," without a backbone ; without that power of criminateness in the selection of its means, by violence resistance so essential in positions of responsibility at and force destroys them. times of momentous emergencies. He was imbued But it is different with the rest of the citizens permeated is better—with the prevailing spirit of, whose safe-guard for life, liberty, and property is the "hang them anyhow"; he considered himself there to confident assurance that the most abject criminal, who punish, not to judge, and unfair rulings were the con- is arraigned before the bar of justice, will have a trial sequence. However, these shortcomings of the Judge as fair and impartial as human institutions can make would have been of little consequence with an intelli- them, according to the settled forms and precedents gent, impartial jury. This body of twelve men, sup- which are the result of the experience of centuries. posed to be good and true, the Governor charges with This great republic is too firmly rooted in the af- great positiveness, were packed to convict. With his fection and interest of its people to be in any manner experience at the bar and upon the bench in Chicago, endangered by the plotting of any handful of conspira- he ought to know, and I dare say he does know, what tors. Judges are subject to the same passions as other he so boldly assumes to assert in an official document citizens, and it is to be regretted that Governor Altgeld as the governor of this state. could not have found some excuse for Judge Gary, on It is an open secret that jury-packing has been car- the ground of the panic prevailing at the time. But it ried on in Cook County as a regular business by a cer- cannot be denied that this daring rebuke, by a man tain class of "successful lawyers"; that instead of whose judgment and patriotism cannot be seriously placing the seal of public condemnation upon the in- questioned, will do more to create a proper respect for famous practice, the scoundrels who have grown law and the institutions of the United States than any wealthy at this scandalous prostitution of justice have act of a public official in recent times. been rewarded with positions of trust and honor. Jury-packing and jury-bribing have thus been made THE POPE'S PONTIFICAL LETTER ON FREE SCHOOLS. respectable in Chicago. It is the boast of our civilisa- BY G. KOERNER. tion that trial by jury is the palladium of our civil rights what if Governor Altgeld took the course he did to The Catholic clergy of the United States has for arouse public opinion to a full contemplation of the many years carried on an unremitting war against the awful consequences of tampering with the sacredness public free schools. According to the immemorial of the jury! The anarchy of Spies et al. is child's play, rules of the Catholic church, all schools, high or low, when compared with judicial lawlessness. had to be confessional. Non-confessional ones were, in From the mass of senseless and malicious twad- the eyes of the faithful, endangering the souls of the dle against Governor Altgeld, gathered and reprinted young. Consequently, where there was a Catholic in the Chicago dailies, I pick the following kernel of settlement of any considerable size, parochial schools wisdom, by The Detroit News : were established.
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