Curriculum Vitae Lucas Coelho Ambrozio 11 de Outubro de 2020 Informa¸c~aopessoal Nome: Lucas Coelho Ambrozio Data de Nascimento: 17 de mar¸code 1988 Nacionalidade: Brasileira Endere¸coprofissional Instituto Nacional de Matem´aticaPura e Aplicada Estrada Dona Castorina 110 Horto Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil 22460-320 E-mail: [email protected] Forma¸c~ao 2010 - 2014 Doutorado em Matem´atica IMPA, Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil Orientador: Fernando Cod´aMarques T´ıtulo: Constant mean curvature foliations and scalar curvature rigidity of three-manifolds. Bolsista do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient´ıficoe Tecnol´ogico (CNPq) / Funda¸c~aoCarlos Chagas Filho de Amparo `aPesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ - Bolsa Nota 10) 2008-2010 Mestrado em Matem´atica IMPA, Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil Orientador: Marcos Dajczer Bolsista do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient´ıficoe Tecnol´ogico (CNPq) 2006-2008 Bacharelado em Matem´atica UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil Empregos 2020 - Professor Adjunto, IMPA, Brasil 2019 - 2020 Warwick Zeeman Lecturer, University de Warwick, Reino Unido 2018 - 2019 Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, EUA 2017 - 2018 Research Fellow, University of Warwick, Reino Unido 2015 - 2017 Research Associate, Imperial College London, Reino Unido Visitas Acad^emicas 2016 - 2017 University of Chicago (oito meses) 2014 - 2015 Imperial College London (um ano, bolsista de p´os- doutorado no exterior, CNPq-Brasil) 2014 IMPA (seis meses, bolsista PCI, CNPq-Brasil) Interesses de pesquisa Matem´atica Geometria Diferencial An´aliseGeom´etrica Artigos aceitos para publica¸c~ao - (com R. Montezuma), \On the two-systole of real projective spaces", Re- vista Matematica Iberoamericana (no prelo). - (com R. Buzano, A. Carlotto e B. Sharp), \Bubbling analysis and geomet- ric convergence results for free boundary minimal surfaces", Journal de l'Ecole´ polytechnique - Math´ematiques, 6 (2019), p. 621-664. - (com A. Carlotto e B. Sharp), \Compactness analysis for free boundary minimal hypersurfaces", Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equa- tions, 57 (2018), no. 1, 1-39. - (com A. Carlotto e B. Sharp), \A note on the index of closed minimal hypersurfaces of flat tori", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146 (2018), no. 1, 335-344. - (com I. Nunes), \A gap theorem for free boundary minimal surfaces in the three-ball", to appear at the Communications in Analysis and Geometry, manuscrito dispon´ıvel em arXiv:1608.05689. - (com A. Carlotto e B. Sharp), \Index estimates for free boundary minimal hypersurfaces", Mathematische Annalen 370 (2018), no. 3-4, 1063-1078. 2 - (com A. Carlotto e B. Sharp), \Comparing the Morse index and the first Betti number of minimal hypersurfaces", Journal of Differential Geometry, 108 (2018), no. 3, 379-410. - (com A. Carlotto e B. Sharp), \Compactness of the space of minimal hypersurfaces with bounded volume and p-th Jacobi eigenvalue", Journal of Geometric Analysis, 26 (2015), no. 4, 2591-2601. - \On static three-manifolds with positive scalar curvature", Journal of Dif- ferential Geometry, 107 (2017), no. 1, pp. 1-45. - \On perturbations of the Schwarzschild Anti-de Sitter spaces of positive mass", Communications in Mathematical Physics, 337 (2015), no. 2, 767-783. - \Rigidity of area-minimizing free boundary surfaces in mean convex three- manifolds", Journal of Geometric Analysis, 25 (2015), no. 2, 1001-1017. Manuscritos submetidos para publica¸c~ao - (com R. Montezuma), \On the min-max width of unit volume three- spheres", manuscrito dispon´ıvel em arXiv:1809.03638.v2. - (com R. Buzano, A. Carlotto e B. Sharp), \Geometric convergence results for closed minimal surfaces via bubbling analysis", manuscrito dispon´ıvel em arXiv:1803.04956. Palestras em confer^encias 2019 2o Encontro em Geometria Diferencial no Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brasil. 2019 1st Joint Meeting Brasil-France in Mathematics, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 2019 RTG Conference on Geometric Analysis, Princeton University, EUA. 2019 Mathematical Relativity: A Riemannian Approach, CIMAT, Guana- juato, M´exico. 2019 IX Workshop on Geometria Diferencial, UFAL, Macei´o,Brasil. 2018 A Pan-Hemispheric Celebration of Mathematics in Miami, ICM satel- lite meeting, EUA. 2018 Mass in General Relativity, Simons Center's Workshop, EUA. 2018 XX Escola Brasileira de Geometria Differencial, Jo~aoPessoa, Brasil. 2017 31th Col´oquioBrasileiro de Matem´atica,Se¸c~aoGeometria Diferencial, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 3 2017 32nd Geometry Festival, Duke University, EUA. 2016 XIX Escola Brasileira de Geometria Differencial, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 2015 End of Year London Geometry Conference, Reino Unido. 2015 AMS/SPM International Meeting, Geometric Analysis Section, Porto, Portugal. 2014 Junior WIC Geometric Analysis Seminar, London, Reino Unido. 2014 XVIII Escola Brasileira de Geometria Differencial, Bras´ılia,Brasil. 2014 IV Workshop on Differential Geometry, Macei´o,Brasil. 2013 29th Col´oquioBrasileiro de Matem´atica,Se¸c~aoGeometria Diferencial, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Palestras em semin´ariosde pesquisa 2020 Semin´ariosde An´aliseGeom´etrica& Geometria Diferencial (webinar) - UFAL, Brasil. 2020 Geometry webinar AmSur/AmSul (webinar) - Unicamp, Brasil. 2020 Analysis and PDE Seminar - University of Sussex, Reino Unido. 2020 Joint Geometry and Analysis Seminar - University of Leeds, Reino Unido. 2020 Analysis and Geometry Seminar - University of Bristol, Reino Unido. 2020 Semin´ariode Geometria em Lisboa - Instituto Superior T´ecnico,Portu- gal. 2020 Analysis Seminar - University of Warwick, Reino Unido. 2020 Geometry Seminar - Universitat Aut`onomade Barcelona, Espanha. 2019 Semin´ariode Geometria - USP, Brasil. 2019 Semin´ariode Geometria Diferencial - IMPA, Brasil. 2019 Geometric Analysis Seminar - University of Notre Dame, EUA. 2019 Geometric Analysis Seminar - University of Chicago, EUA. 2019 Geometric Analysis Seminar - CUNY, EUA. 4 2018 Variational Methods in Geometry Seminar - IAS, EUA. 2018 Geometric Analysis Seminar - Rutgers University, EUA. 2018 Geometry-Topology Seminar - UPenn, EUA. 2018 Geometric Analysis Seminar - University of Chicago, EUA. 2018 Seminario de Geometr´ıa- Universidad de Granada, Espanha. 2018 PDE Seminar - Oxford University, Reino Unido. 2017 Geometry and Analysis Seminar - QMUL, Reino Unido. 2017 Differential Geometry Seminar - UC Irvine, EUA. 2017 PDE and Differential Geometry Seminar - University of Connecticut, EUA. 2017 Geometry and Topology Seminar - University of Wisconsin, EUA. 2016 Semin´ariode Geometria - UFF, Niter´oi,Brasil. 2016 Geometry Seminar - Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, It´alia. 2016 Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis Seminar - Princeton Uni- versity, EUA. 2015 Differentialgeometrie Oberseminar - Universit¨atM¨unster,Alemanha. 2015 S´eminairede G´eom´etrie- IMJ, Paris, Fran¸ca. 2015 Semin´ariode Geometria Diferencial - IMPA, Brasil. 2014 Semin´ariode Geometria - UFMA, Brasil. 2013 S´eminairede G´eom´etrie- IMJ, Paris, Fran¸ca. Palestras especiais e mini-cursos 2019 Palestra especial \A Matem´aticade Karen Uhlenbeck" - IMPA, Brasil. 2016 Mini-curso \Minimal hypersurfaces: index and topology" - KIAS, Coreia do Sul. Palestras de divulga¸c~ao 2020 Student's Warwick Maths Society Talk: \A spectral story" - Warwick, Reino Unido. 5 2018 Student's Warwick Maths Society Talk: \A story of the Willmore func- tional" - Warwick, Reino Unido. Ensino Advanced PDE, University of Warwick (2019/2020 Term I) Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, University of Warwick (2017/2018 Term I) Supervis~aode trabalho Luca Seemungal - Summer Research Project, University of Warwick, 2020. (N´ıvel: inicia¸c~aocient´ıfica). T´ıtulo: Analysis of a PDE related to the open problem of uniqueness of free boundary minimal annuli in the unit ball. Diego Soligon - Research project, University of Warwick 2017/2018. (N´ıvel: mestrado). T´ıtulo:Spinors and the Positive Energy Theorem. Organiza¸c~aode semin´ariosde pesquisa - University of Warwick, Analysis Seminar (2019/2020, Term 2) - Institute for Advanced Studies, Variational Methods in Geometry Seminar (2018/2019, Term 2) - University of Warwick, Analysis Seminar (2017/2018, Term 3) - University of Chicago, Geometric Analysis Seminar (2016/2017) - Imperial College, Geometric Analysis Seminar (2015/2016) Pr^emios 2015 Pr^emioCAPES de Teses (Matem´atica/Probabilidadee Estat´ıstica). 2015 Pr^emioCarlos Gutierrez, USP-S~aoCarlos. 2012 Bolsa Nota 10, FAPERJ. 6.
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