DOCUMENT RESUME ED 384 360 IR 055 538 AUTHOR Fairbanks, Gretchen, Ed.; Jaques, Thomas F., Ed. TITLE Book Beat: A Young Adult Services Manualfor Louisiana's Libraries. Face It: Read a Book: Be Somebody. [Updated Edition.] INSTITUTION Louisiana State Library, Baton Rouge. PUB DATE 95 NOTE 264p.; For the 1992 edition, see ED 364252. PUB TYPE Guides Non-Classroom Use (055) Reference Materials Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MFO1 /PC11 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Adolescent Literature; Adolescents; Books; Childrens Libraries; Evaluation Methods; Films; Library Collection Development; *Library Services;Library Surveys; *Reading Programs; SecondaryEducation; Teaching Methods; Workshops IDENTIFIERS *Book Talks; *Louisiana ABSTRACT Libraries need to reach out to teens and enhance their skills in serving the teenage population.Through the Louisiana Young Adult Services program, it is hopedthat all staff working with young adults will be reached toaccomplish the following:(1) promote a better understanding ofthe psychology of this age group; (2) increase skills in approaching and responding to youngadults; (3) increase knowledge of young adult literature andreference tools; and (4) increase success in attracting young adults topublic libraries. This manual contains information on understandingthe nature of young adults and developing a young adult servicephilosophy for a library. Ideas are provided for programs, activities,and workshops. Ready-to-use book talks and publicity materials areincluded, along with bibliographies for young adult collectiondevelopment. Introductory materials include suggestions for a surveyof teen users, an assignment alert packagefor teachers, community resources, and young adult service goals and objectives.Twenty-eight activities are described. In addition togeneral information on book-talking, ideas are provided for 7 thematic booktalks;13 workshop ideas are outlin(d. The "Good Reads and Good Looks"section contains bibliographies that list hundreds of books and manyfilms for young adult patrons. A listing of titles is providedfor librarians and others working with young adults. The publicitysection contains 10 sample releases, letters, and announcements. (MAS) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that canbe made * from the original document. *********************************************************************** READ A .111001c BE SOMEBODY- I U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and improvemen EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 0 This document has been reproduced as received from the person or aganization °roweling d 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction dualtly Points of view or oprnions slated in trios docu- ment do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy 1...."/ "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY ON, Gretchen Fairbanks TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) A Young Adult Services Manual for Louisiana's Libraries 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE BOOKBEAT A Young Adult Services Manual for Louisiana's Libraries Gretchen Fairbanks Editor Thomas F. Jaques State Librarian STATE LIBRARY OF LOUISIANA Library Development Division P.O. Box 131 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-0131 1992 with 1995 updates published at a total cost of$1,087.18. 300 copies of thispublic This public document was of $1,087.18. The total costof all prints document were publishedin this first printing at a cost $1,087.18. This document waspublished by the Office of this document,including reprints, is Department of Culture,Recreation and Tourism,P.O. Box 131, Baton of the State Library, information regarding library programsand Rouge, Louisiana70821-0131 to disseminate printed in of Public Law 91-600, asamended. This material was projects under authority agencies established pursuant toR.S. 43:31. accordance with the standardsfor printing by state 4 PREFACE 1995 The mission of the publiclibrary is to provide materialsand services public library service is to that educate, inform andentertain. The idea behind draw patrons into the library,and then to interest themenough with collections and services that they return tobecome regular library users. We attract and keep manykinds of patrons inlibraries--children, genealogists, to parents, investors, carrepairers, dog trainers, businessmen, not so skillful atattracting and keeping teenagers. name a few--but we are failure is According to the American LibraryAssociation, the reason for this fear and loathing of that we suffer from a diseasecalled EPHEBIPHOBIA--a young adults. Unfortunately, that is indeed an aptdescription of how many adultsfeel about adolescents. We fearthem and we are frustrated bythe difficulties of We really tend dealing with them. Accordingly, wedon't treat them very well. attention. They to ignore them in ourlibraries.But, young adults deserve our nurtured is very are a vital componentof library patrons. That they are of leaders, and, important to society's well-being.They are our next generation bottom line, they are our nextgeneration of tax payers. We need to get overEPHEBIPHOBIA--our fear and ourbiased attitudes toward teens. We need to reach out tothem and to enhance our skillsin serving them. And this is the purposeof the Louisiana Young AdultServices program--the manual, the workshopsand other activities. Throughthe program, the YoungAdult Services Committee hopes toreach all staff working with young adults to accomplishthe following: -promote a better understandingof the psychology of this age group, -increase skills in approaching andresponding to young adults, -increase knowledge of youngadult literature and reference tools,and -increase success in attracting youngadults to Louisiana's public libraries. The vision statement regarding youngadult library service adopted recently by the American I ibraryAssociation's Young Adult LibraryServices Association is appropriate to includehere.It is as follows: In every library in the nation,quality library service to young adults isprovided by a staff that understandsand respects the uniqueinformational, educational and recreational needs of teenagers.Equal access to information, services and materialsfor young adults is recognized as a right not aprivilege.Young adults are 5 actively involved in the library decision-makingprocess. The library staff collaborates andcooperates with other youth-serving agencies to providea holistic, communiv- wide network of activities and servicesthat support healthy youth development. We hope that through the Young AdultServices Program you are encouraged in your efforts toserve young adults and that you find the inspiration, guidance and assistanceyou need to reach the YALSA vision in your library. The 1995 Louisiana Young AdultService Committee membersare: Debra Adcock, Shreve Memorial Library,Chair James Frey, St. Bernard Parish Library Rhonda Lightfoot, Sabine ParishLibrary Bethany Ponder, Rapides Parish Library Roslyn Rhodes, Lafourche ParishLibrary Myra Seab, East Baton Rouge ParishLibrary Nancy Solomon, Shreve MemorialLibrary Gretchen Fairbanks, State Libraryof Louisiana Note: Bookhcat: A Young AdultServices Manual for Louisiana's ERIC database. Libraries is included in the TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY MATERIALS IM I Adolescents Need Libraries & Librarians by Patsy Perritt IM 3 Teen Survey IM15 Community Resources IM17 Teen Organizations IM17 Assignment Alert Packet for Teachers IM19 YA Service Goals and Objectives IM25 Young Adult Summer Reading Program IM29 Teen Volunteer Recognition IM34 Summer Reading and Riding Program IM36 ACTIVITIES A 1 Murder in the Stacks Mystery Party A 3 Dinner Theatre A 11 Teen Summer Troupe Al3 Teen Sleep-Over or Camp-In Al5 Scavenger Hunt Al7 Fashion Show A 19 Start a Teen Library Club! A23 Teen Talk Magazine A27 Auction A29 Black His'nry Program A31 Autograph Party A33 Japanese Bookbinding A33 Teen Volunteer Program A39 Teen Volunteer Application A41 Louisiana Hot Stuff/Louisiana History: A Survival Guide for Students of Louisiana History and Social Studies Fair Projects A43 Young Adult Critical Analysis: Face It!Read A Book! Be Somebody! A57 Random Kindness A58 Games, Trivia and Other Activities A60 Young Adult Vampire Treasure Hunt A61 Incognito Young Adult Book Titles #1 A67 Incognito Young Adult Book Titles #2 A69 Stephen King Incognito Book Titles A71 Totally Tremendously TerribleTrivia Test A73 A77 1994 Best Books ScrambledTitles Couples: Find the Match A79 Characters: Find the Match A81 Library Dating Game A83 Other Game Ideas A85 B 1 BOOKTALKS Don't Let Booktalks Scare You B 3 Booktalks (General) B 5 Booktalks with Themes B 9 B 9 African-Americans B11 Trapped B15 Survival Mystery BI9 Booktalks (General) B23 Booktalks with Themes B32 B32 Romance Warn Torn Teens B32 Teens in Other Times B33 WORKSHOPS WI Conducting Workshops for Young Adults W 3 Workshops Suggestions and Instructions W 9 Tutoring Workshop W 9 Papier Roule' Craft Workshop W II Baseball Card Collecting W13 How To Get An Awesome SoundSystem For Your Car That Is TotallyBad!! W15 What To Do When All Of The FastFood Delivery People Are On Strike or QuickNutritious, Delicious Snacks Anyone Can Prepare WI7 Learn How To make Summer Bucks W21 More Workshop Ideas W25 Four Wheeler Safety W3I Sports Nutrition & Injury Prevention .W33 Model Making W35 Play Writing & Pioduction W37 Drawing Caricature W39 Picture This T-Shirts W42 GOOD READS & GOOD LOOKS GRGL I Young Adult Titles GRGL 3 Ethnic Titles GRGL 7 Genre
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