2019/20 VISION To be one of the best school rowing programmes in New Zealand, which enables students to succeed in the sport of rowing. MISSION To foster and encourage participation of students in rowing at St. Paul’s Collegiate. To build excellence through the development and implementation of first-rate programmes and services. ST PAUL’S ROWING CLUB | 2020 HANDBOOK Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................. 2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Recent History .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Goals and ObjectIves ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Our Programme ................................................................................................................................................ 6 What does St. Paul’s expect from your son/daughter? .................................................................................... 7 Who helps to delIver the St. Paul’s RowIng Programme? ................................................................................ 8 How can you help as a new parent? ................................................................................................................. 9 GuIdelInes for Parents ...................................................................................................................................... 9 The RowIng Season ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Coaching Team ............................................................................................................................................... 14 RowIng Club CommIttee ................................................................................................................................. 15 Contact, CommunIcatIon and LIaIson ............................................................................................................. 16 How much does It cost to Row? ..................................................................................................................... 17 FundraIsing ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 RowIng for BoardIng FamIlIes ......................................................................................................................... 18 Training ........................................................................................................................................................... 19 Boat Park Protocol at Regattas ....................................................................................................................... 21 Glossary of Rowing Terms .............................................................................................................................. 22 2019/20 season calendar ............................................................................................................................... 23 2003 MaadI Cup wInners – St Paul’s PAGE | 2 ST PAUL’S ROWING CLUB | 2020 HANDBOOK Introduction Hi everyone! To all new parents and new rowers, It Is wIth great pleasure that we welcome you to St. Paul’s Collegiate RowIng Club. To those parents and rowers returning for another season, welcome back! This handbook Is designed to assist you throughout the season and contains Important Information you require. Please take a moment to read through the handbook and keep It In a safe place for easy reference. You can download here: https://www.stpauls.school.nz/page/rowIng-at-st-pauls-collegiate-school RowIng Is a unique high Intensity sport whIch demands high degrees of endurance, strength, teamwork, technical expertise, mental toughness, and an abIlIty to contInue on when your body Is tellIng you that you can't. RowIng races (a regatta), held in sleek narrow boats on the water, in changing water and wInd conditions, are held over a distance of 2000 meters. All these challenging factors mean that the rowers work together and support each other. WhIle It Is Important that the rowers enjoy theIr rowing experIence, we also expect them to work hard, be committed and have a good attItude towards each other. For parents, the sport of rowIng Is also quite demanding, but can be extremely fulfIllIng. You can expect to be a taxi driver, help out at events, assist In fundraising, but mostly hear constantly about your child’s rowIng progress, technique and erg scores. Further, the demands of rowing provide healthy challenges to your son/daughter, so they may need some guIdance to become self-relIant In an Intense sporting environment. As a parent you wIll also become a member of a much larger famIly and develop new frIendshIps wIth other parents…and have heaps of fun also! Our Coaching team bring wIth them extensive rowIng experience and coaching credentials. This team Is coupled wIth a proven governance framework delIvered through a strong partnership between the School and the Club. We look forward to have you all on board for another enjoyable and successful season. Kind regards, St Paul’s CollegIate School RowIng Club Inc St Paul’s RowIng Club maintains a polIcy whereby All who are prepared to commit to rowing will get the opportunity to row PAGE | 3 ST PAUL’S ROWING CLUB | 2020 HANDBOOK Recent History 2019 AlIson MIlls selected for NZ junIors NZ came fIfth at World JunIor ChampIonshIps Boys U18 NovIce Coxed Four Gold MaadI Cup Regatta Boys U18 NovIce Coxed Eight Bronze MaadI Cup Regatta Boys U18 NovIce Coxed EIght Gold NISS Champs Boys U18 NovIce Coxed Four Gold NISS Champs NZ Indoor RowIng ChampIonshIps Gold - Mens 2000m – Seth Peake, Sam Harcourt, Isaac West, Max Maclean-Bluck (NZ record) Gold - u17 – Sam Harcourt 1000m, Sam Harcourt 500m (NZ record) Gold - u14 - Logan Spencer 500m, joe Harcourt 1000m, joe Harcourt 2000m 2018 Girls U17 Coxed EIght Bronze MaadI Cup Regatta Girls U18 Coxless PaIr Silver MaadI Cup Regatta Girls U18 Coxless PaIr Gold NISS Champs Girls U18 NovIce Coxed Four Gold NISS Champs Girls U18 Coxed EIght Bronze NISS Champs Girls U17 Coxed EIght Bronze NISS Champs Girls U17 Coxed Four Silver NISS Champs Boys U17 Coxed EIght Bronze NISS Champs Boys U16 Coxed Eight Bronze NISS Champs Grace Watson selected for NZ junIors. JeremIah Macdonald, Max Dobbe, Gus Hanham selected for NI U18, Sam Harcourt trIalled NI U18 2017 Boys U15 Double Sculls Gold MaadI Cup Regatta Boys U15 Coxed Four Gold MaadI Cup Regatta Girls U18 Coxed Four Gold MaadI Cup Regatta – Dawn Cup Boys U15 Coxed EIght Bronze MaadI Cup Regatta Boys U18 NovIce Coxed Four Bronze MaadI Cup Regatta Girls U18 Coxless PaIr Bronze MaadI Cup Regatta Girls U18 Coxless EIght Bronze MaadI Cup Regatta Boys U15 Double Sculls Gold NISS Champs Boys U15 Coxed Four Silver NISS Champs Boys U18 NovIce Coxed Four Silver NISS Champs Girls U18 Coxless PaIr Silver NISS Champs Girls U18 Coxed Four Silver NISS Champs Girls U18 NovIce Coxed Four Bronze NISS Champs Girls U18 Coxed EIght Bronze NISS Champs Kate Littlejohn, Grace Watson selected for NZ junIors; VictorIa ChanwaI trIalled for NI U18 2016 Boys U15 Double Sculls Silver MaadI Cup Regatta Boys U18 NovIce Double Sculls Gold MaadI Cup Regatta Girls U18 NovIce Four Silver MaadI Cup Regatta Girls U18 LW Double Sculls Gold NISS Champs Josh Balme selected for NZ junIors TrIal PAGE | 4 ST PAUL’S ROWING CLUB | 2020 HANDBOOK Goals and Objectives Strategic Aim St. Paul’s CollegIate RowIng Club seeks to create an envIronment and culture that challenges the rowers to become better athletes and better people. We also wIsh to buIld and support hIgh qualIty programmes and resources that promote access to rowIng, promote excellence In rowIng, and use rowIng as a means to foster physical activIty, health, leadership, and community engagement. We base our programme In strong “famIly” values as well as respect and trust, teamwork, communIcation and athlete focused approach. The goals and objectIves of the Club are to facilItate and support the followIng: • Athlete development – assIstIng athletes to reach theIr next level and produce crews capable of wInning at NZ Secondary Schools Championships (Maadi Cup). • High standards of effort and dedIcatIon at all levels. • SpecIalIsed traInIng programmes at each level to develop consistent rowIng skIlls. • High standards of behavIour and conduct In all aspects of rowIng and sport. Success IndIcators • AchIevement of personal bests • Athletes chosen for hIgher honours • Improvements from one season to the next • Number of A fInalIsts at MaadI Cup regatta. 2018 – Indoor rowing - u18 2000m team winners 2018 – Alison Mills – NZ Juniors representative and new NZ record of 5:37:7 PAGE | 5 ST PAUL’S ROWING CLUB | 2020 HANDBOOK Our Programme Novice – First year Rowing | Introduction to the Sport • Learn the basic of the rowIng technIque • Enjoy the sport and have fun • Induction to (maInly) a scullIng programme • ImmersIon in to the St Paul’s RowIng Culture • Induction to a fitness programme • AchIeve the challenges wIthIn the programme • Goal for the season: achieve
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