
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 3900 Arthur Drive, P. O. Box 10 “But the tax Delta, B.C. V4K 3N5 Telephone 946-4522 collector, standing Fax: 946-4533 Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.saCreDheartparish.Ca far off, would not Clergy Serving the Parish: even look up to Fr. EdGar Polotan, OSA Fr. FranCis Galvan, OSA DeaCon Dileep AthaiDe heaven, but was Priest in ResiDenCe: Fr. Leo Cameron, OSA Parish Office Hours: TuesDay to FriDay 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (MonDays CloseD) beating his breast Baptism……….………...Sunday @ 12:15pm (Call office for appointment) and saying, “God Baptismal Class…………Third Wednesday of the Month 7:00pm Monastery Confirmation………… …Call PREP Office be merciful to me, a sinner!” Holy Eucharist: The Lord’s Day……........Saturday 5pm / Sunday, 9am, 11am & 5pm (Church) Luke 18.9-14 Weekday Mass……….…Monday to Saturday, 9am (Chapel) Spanish Mass…………… First Saturday of the Month 7pm Except May/June Filipino Mass…………….Last Saturday of the Month 7pm Except July/August Eucharistic Adoration …...First Friday of the month 10am to 5pm (Chapel) Confessions…… .............Saturday: 10am to 11am (Chapel) or by appointment rd Marriage ………................Call Office at least six months prior to the date desired Sunday, October 23 , 2016 Holy Order……………….Becoming a priest /deacon: see Pastor th Anointing of the Sick..…Call Office / Pastor 30 Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C Funeral …………………..Call Office Mass Intentions: See office Co Counseling……..……......Call Office Blessings: (House, Car etc.) Call office PARISH COMMITTEE AND GROUP MEETINGS (SEPT to JUNE) Sunday Reflection TBA TBA St. MoniCa GuilD TBA Augustine 3rd MonDay of the 7:30 pm KniGhts of Columbus House Month (Sept to June) Only those who truly know they neeD GoD will Come to trust in His WorD. When we approach the LorD in Augustine 12:15 pm TuesDay at 12:15pm Bible Study Group House prayer, whether it be for help, Comfort or strenGth, we 6:15pm TuesDays PREP School shoulD avoiD false pretenses. Instead, we should 7:00pm November Parish CounCil MeetinG Monastery reCoGnize who we are - in our struGGles anD suCCesses Monastery anD achievements – anD stanD before the LorD in 6:30pm Monthly Parish Ed. Committee honesty. This posture allows us to reCoGnize our neeD TBA TBA Parish Faith Formation TBA for GoD’s Grace anD merCy, Grow in faith, anD Give a WEEKLY PRAYER GROUPS- ALL YEAR more faithful witness to the Gospel. The first readinG toDay from Sirach reminDs us that GoD has a speCial 9:30am Mon to Sat Holy Rosary Chapel love for the weak, oppresseD, the orphaneD anD 7:30pm MonDay Taize Chapel wiDow. The seConD readinG urGes all of us to persevere in faith anD keep our eyes fixeD on heaven. 9:30am TuesDay MeDitation Group Monastery Library 7 p.m. TuesDay Spanish Holy Rosary Chapel “The Church must consider it one of her principal duties – at Sacred Heart Prayer every stage of history and especially in our modern age – to 7:30pm WeDnesDay Clubhouse Group proclaim and to introduce into life the mystery of mercy, 6:00pm ThursDay Legion of Mary ChurCh supremely revealed in Jesus Christ.”- St. John Paul the Great PARISH CONTACTS BAPTISMS DouG Lynes Parish FinanCial Manager 940-0583 Ella Isabelle anD Avery Marie, DauGhters of John anD Barry Marshall MaintenanCe/Rentals 319-4740 Tanya RAPIER. DeaCon Dileep Athaide R.C.I.A. Coordinator 940-2396 John Barker Choir DireCtor/MusiC Ministry 943-7558 Alexa Summer anD BrayDen LuCas, ChilDren of Christine Erin SeDDon ReliGious Education 946-2618 anD CraiG VETTER. Parish OffiCe Junior Altar Servers 946-4522 Kelly Kozack School PrinCipal 946-2611 Brandy Grund ViCe-PrinCipal Congratulations and Mylene Lock Lil’Saints PresChool 946-4525 God’s Blessings. + + + + + + + Sunday, October 30th Archbishop Miller has approved a special second Death: MiChael Galbraith of our parish DieD on collection for Haiti in response to the devastation FriDay, OCtober 14th at the age of 57. MiChael’s caused by Hurricane Matthew. More than 1,000 Funeral Mass was CelebrateD on ThursDay, OCtober people have been killeD by the hurriCane anD the 20th in our ChurCh. We offer our Deepest sympathy UniteD Nations OffiCe for the CoorDination of to his wife, Alisa anD entire family anD pray for his Humanitarian Affairs estimates that more than eternal rest in heaven. 350,000 neeD immeDiate humanitarian assistanCe. + + + + + + + Proceeds from this ColleCtion will go to the Canadian CatholiC OrGanization for Development anD Peace- Monday, October 24th Caritas Canada, whiCh is launChinG an emerGenCy appeal to responD. You Can also Donate DireCtly riGht nd Divine Mercy in the 2 Greatest Story Ever now by visitinG http://www.Devp.orG or by CallinG 1- Told with Fr MiChael Gaitley. Join us for toniGht’s 844-480-DEVP (3387). If you wish to Give to this presentations: “The SufferinG Servant” & “Faustina ColleCtion anD want a tax reCeipt please mark your anD the Spread of Divine MerCy” from 7 - 8:30pm in envelope Clearly with your name anD adDress. Please the ChurCh. Refreshments to follow. No pre- make Cheques payable to SacreD Heart Parish. reGistration neCessary. Contact Erin SeDDon: 604.946.2618 [email protected] Please note, All Souls Day Wednesday, November 2nd there is no session next MonDay, OCtober 31. We The Commemoration of all The Faithful Departed resume the followinG MonDay, November 7. Tuesday, October 25th Mass times at Sacred Heart 9:15am and 7:00pm Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) All Both in the Church ChilDren attenDinG Elementary PubliC SChool are welCome! Join us TuesDays, 6:15 – 7:30pm, in the school. Contact Erin SeDDon, PREP CoorDinator, 946.2618 or [email protected] Wednesday, October 26th November is the month of souls. We pray anD offer Wedgwood Room open from 9:30am till 3:00pm in Mass for all our DeparteD loveD ones on the Altar of the Parish Center. Stop by anD CheCk out our new fall the LorD. Envelopes are available in the foyer of the anD winter arrivals of ClothinG, acCessories anD ChurCh anD Chapel. (Please hanD in to the offiCe or footwear. Contact Willie Cote at 943-1528 or Leona reGular ColleCtion basket on SunDay). Also available at De Caire 946-2098. the parish offiCe DurinG reGular offiCe hours. Alpha Series – Talk #6: Why & How Should I Read the Bible? We meet in the sChool @ 6:15pm. VARIA Contact Erin SeDDon 604.946.2618 [email protected] Annual Mass for Deceased Bishops, Clergy and Consecrated Men and Women of the Archdiocese of Vancouver will be held at Holy Rosary Cathedral on Thursday, October 27th Thursday, November 3rd at 12:10pm. All parishioners are most welCome to attenD this speCial LiturGy Morning Mass and School Mass will be today at ConCelebrateD by the priests of our ArChDioCese. 9:15am in the Church. Please note that morning KinDly remember in your prayers DurinG the month of Mass will not be in the Chapel but in the Church. Nov. those who have laboreD for the ChurCh in VanCouver anD throuGhout the worlD anD pray that the Saturday, October 29th Lord will senD more DeDiCateD men anD women to Continue their ministry. Filipino Mass will be toniGht at 7pm in the ChurCh. Confirmation Parent Meeting ThursDay, November 3 Mexico Pilgrimage with 9-Day Mass Novena - Dec. 1- (7-9pm) in the Chapel. An overview of the Sacrament 10, 2016. Led by Deacon Dileep Athaide. HiGhly is presenteD by our pastor & viDeo for parents of spiritual with reliGious activities, Visits to CatheDrals, ChilDren preparinG for the Sacrament of churches, Chapels, holy sites, the ruins, museums etc. Confirmation. Contact Erin SeDDon: 604.946.2618 We have the permission to visit the Crypt unDer the [email protected] BasiliCa of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Cost: $2,395.00/ person. For more information: Teresita Nixon 604- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followinG the 868-2354 or [email protected] th morninG Mass on Friday, November 4 in the Chapel. SiGn up sheet at the back of the Chapel. Touring from Australia, Fr. Rob Galea will Give a ConCert that is sure to inspire youth anD the younG at We are Collecting Candy for Agape heart. Immaculate ConCeption ChurCh, Delta on Street Ministry Each year the AGape Thursday, November 10th from 7:00 to has over 45,000 street enCounters 9:00pm. ProCeeDs in part will help support the work of where the women are GreeteD with a Luke 15 House, ministerinG to men with Gift of a little bag of assorteD CanDies anD small adDiCtions. TiCkets at Luke 15 House 604-930-4884. ChoColate bars alonG with a prayer CarD insiDe. The AGape Ministry invites you to share some of your St. Peter’s Parish Bazaar Saturday, Oct. 29, from 9 leftover wrappeD Halloween CanDy or even perhaps a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the ChurCh hall, 330 Royal Avenue, buyinG extra CanDy to Donate to this ministry. Share New Westminster. Enjoy huntinG for barGains at our Jesus’ messaGe of love, hope anD acCeptanCe. Candy various tables filleD with knittinG anD sewinG items, can be left in the Agape Candy Box in the back of jewelry, Christmas DeCorations, bakeD GooDs, anD a the church. silent auCtion table. For more info, please Contact Anne at 604-526-6602. Oct 29/30 Proclaimers of the Ministers of Word Communion Advance Care Planning: Think, Learn, Choose, Talk & Sat Fran Padilla Cletus Samsom Record PlanninG ahead before a health Crisis is 5pm Bruce Rapier Gail MaGee somethinG all of us shoulD Do. Yet less than 50% of Canadians have had Conversations with their family SunDay Sahron Ruehs FranCisCo DaCruz Roger Forster Maura DaCruz anD frienDs anD even fewer have spoken with their 9am DoCtor.
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