ALOHA TO SWEDISH ROYALTY-1926 by EDWJN NORTH MCCLELLAN Sweden and Hawaii long have been friends. The "Sweedish (sic) bri Brill," commanded by Captain Wrengren, arrived at Honolulu, Septembe 21, 1845. The schooner Sola, "commanded by a Swede," teas at Honolul in May, 1849. His Majesty's frigate Eugenie, commanded by Captain C. A- Virgin, was the "first Swedish man-of-war" to visit Hawaii. She entere. Honolulu Harbor, June 22, 1852. Her captain negotiated a treaty and af pointed Captain Hackfield the Swedish and Norwegian Consul (Sxcede and Norivay were united until 1905). The Eugenie sailed August 27, 1851 Waikiki and Hau'aii alohaed Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf and Crow EDWIN N. MCCLELLAN Princess Louise of Sweden in 1926. President Calvin Coolidge invited Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf (born 1882) ant Crown Princess Louise (nee Lady Louise Mountbatten, born 1889) to be guest of the United States at the unveiling of a monument in Washington City to |oln Ericsson and constructed the Monitor during the Civil War. King Gustaf V noe Club; but not the Royal Hawaiia* (born 1858; ascended throne 1907, mar- for it was under construction. ried Princess Victoria of Baden; died 1950) accepted the invitation and a HONOLULU'S HOSPITABLE ROYAL ALOHA round-the-world tour for Gustaf Adolf A large group, including many o and Louise was initiated. l he Royal Swedish Ancestry, were gathered on th Couple arrived at New York aboard the Pier to extend a cordial aloha to the at Gripsholm. They were present at the un- riving Royalty. l he Royal Hawaiiai veiling, were guests of the White House, Band was there to give forth Aloha O visited many parts of the United States and Hawaii Ponoi. Hnla Maidens ex and, at last, after a very strenuous two pressed Hawaii's greeting. Official months, rested a couple of days at San brought formal aloha. l he Palm Dec Francisco preparatory to visiting Hawaii, again was the place of exchange of senti the Orient and other places, enroute ments. Lovely leis of fragrant flowers a i Stockholm. most smothered the distinguished guests Soon they rested in their hotel. I wa SAIL FOR HONOLULU living at Pearl Harbor at this time ant "Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden recall the visit of the Prince and Princess i and Crown Princess Louise ended their visit of two months in continental United ALOHA-FLORAL-DECORATIVE GREETING States when they sailed on the Japanese At their request, plans that had bee'1' liner Shinyo Morn lor Honolulu and the laid for an official reception and entei Far East," reported the New York Times, tainment of Crown Prince Gustaf Adof August 5, 1926. "There was an elaborate and Princess Louise were, in a measure showing of Swedish, American and Japa- set aside, to afford them a period of re nese colors as a final brief reception was laxation. "Their welcome, however, wa held on the Palm Deck of the big liner." one of those characteristically Hawaiiai Starting with August fifth, when they left r//o//<7-floral-decorative events, extende( San Francisco, the Prince and Princess them on arrival, again at their hotel, ant were not only Royal but democratic, as on various occasions during their twelv they mingled freely with the other pas- days visit," reported the Hawaiian Ar sengers and participated in deck sports. nual 1927. ROUNDS LEAHI AND SEES WAIKIKI MINGLED WITH ALL CLASSES As the Shinyo Marti rounded Diamond Save lor a few official courtesies, th Head and steamed beyond the Reef to- Prince and Princess mingled at wii wards Honolulu Harbor, the Royal Pair among the people with perfect freedon saw Castle Point, the beautiful beach to learn at first hand the charm of Hawa> area with its rugged mountainous back- and her people. Space denies adequat ground of the Koolaus, the Moana and description but the Honolulu newspapei Old Moana Pier, and the Outrigger Ca- give all the details. (Continued on page 2t [12] The Capps are getting ready for the sub-zero UNITED STATES ARMY PACIFIC weather (last year 30° below) to come, snow COMMANDER IN CHIEF suits, long handled underwear, mittens, ear Dear Mr. Magill: muffs, four buckle arctic overshoes, snow tires for the Hearse and other necessary winter clothing. This is to thank you for your kind letter o< Have already put three gallons of Prestone in October 9 informing me that I have been electec the radiator and an anti freeze compound in the an honorary member of the Outrigger Canoe windshield water reservoir. Club. It is with much pleasure that I accept the priv- Susan started the first grade at East Hill School ilege of becoming an honorary member. I shall and Bill enrolled at Boynton Junior High look forward with keen anticipation to using the School, both are within shooting distance of the well-known and excellent facilities of this famous house. club. This form letter has been drafted to enable us Please convey my sincere appreciation to the to let our friends know where we are and briefly members of The Board of Directors. what has happened since we left the Islands. With best wishes and warm personal regards* There was so much to do in so short a time, wre didn't have an opportunity to write from the Sincerely, time the move orders were received until the I. D. WHITE ship sailed. General, United States Army We all hated to leave Hawaii but we departed Commander in Chief knowing that we will return. We leased our home at Wailupe Peninsula to a grand couple, We are honored by having you as a member Ethel and Ed Willard, who had recently mi- H e trust that you will make use of the OCC fo) grated from Walnut Creek, California. recreation and entertainment. Just a note to say hello in addition to trying to bring you up to date on the Capp's here in Lower Slobovia for the winter. It won't be living WILLIAM B. LEEDS as we knew it in Hawaii Nei, it wall be just NEW YORK 22, N. Y. existing until we can return to our home in the Outrigger Canoe Club Islands. So far the weather has been fairly good, Dear Sirs: only down to freezing a couple of times in I received a letter today from Mr. Boys telling,, September. me how kind everybody was to him at the Out Sure envy you lucky buggus being able to rigger Canoe Club and I want to express my ap stretch out on the beach every afternoon. What preciation for everything you did for Mr. anc spot have you let brother Chase have since he Mrs. Boys. has practically given up volleyball. I was count- Thanking you, I am, ing on his keeping volleyball alive until I return. Sincerely yours, We are all just getting over the Asian Flu which is no more than a bad cold. WILLIAM B. LEEDS Keep everything under control. Boys, girls, men, women—they all like it hen and we try to help make their stay enjoyable. Aloha Nui, BILL This letter speaks for itself. Aloha, Bill, Mrs. CALLE SANTA RITA 48 Bill and Burrhead! PALMA DE MALLORCA SPAIN Outrigger Canoe Club, DR. H. ST. CLAIR TAIT Dear Mr. Magill: PORTLAND 5, OREGON Enclosed is my check for 1957 inactive dues "Forecast," Outrigger Canoe Club Thank you for writing me the amount. Dear Mr. Stenberg: Europe is interesting, but Diamond Head—a It was most thoughtful and kind of you to seen from the Outrigger—will be a welcome send me the September issue of the "Forecast" sight. with the article in it by Colonel Edwin North Sincerely, McCellan telling of my activities at the Outrigger MRS. ARTHUR VAN DUSEN Canoe Club some forty years ago. Lots of water has gone under the bridge for Yes, Diamond Head is always a welcome sigh all of us mentioned in that article. I trust the and so will you be on your return. "Aloha." old timers who read it will be reminded of as happy memories of that era as I was. I'm greatly indebted to them all for their many kindnesses to me and their aloha over all SWEDISH ROYALTY these years. Believe me, they were a great bunch, none better any place, and it was a great priv- (Concluded from page 12) ilege for me to work with them and gain their Meeting their desire, several entertain friendship—I enjoyed every minute of it!! Aloha Nui Ix>a, merits, illustrative of Oldtime Hawaii CLAIR TAIT were given them, with special referenct to Ancient Court Life and Customs Actually your thanks should go to our fine mutual friend Col. Ed McClellan. Your many amusements and the passing industry o friends here remember you with great aloha. community fishing (hukilau) . 1 26 J .
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