REVIEW VOL, CXXXIX. DECEMBER 20, 1 946 3604 H English Electric Meters # « r iiiB m se Sem V f e W - 'T'U E manufacturing capacity of the Instrument Department has now reverted from the production of special instruments for the Services to that of meeting the National Housing programme. THE ENGLISH ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED London Office: QUEEN’S HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C/2 WORKS : STAFFORD - PRESTON - RUGBY - BRADFORD - LIVERPOOL N I N E P E N C E W F F K I E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w December 20, 1946 I E LECTRIC • C O • LTD PURLEY W AY • CROYDON • SURREY TELEPHONE . CROYDON 2268 TELEGRAMS! NEVELIN.CROYDON- s.’ uecerrwer ¿y), IV 46 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w Cbristmas “Tieùtwûw” by Heabtae For a few days at Christmas- tide we shall cease producing Electrical apparatus for giving physical warmth to human bodies. Surely that’s an appropriate occasion to concentrate all our calorific energy into WARMEST WISHES to our friends everywhere for A TRULY HAPPY CHRISTMAS leaders in electric water heaters HEATRAE LTD.. NORWICH GRAMS : HEATRAE, NORWICH PHONE HEATRAE 25131 IS IT ALIVE? PHASING RODS VACUUM TUBE THE “ FACILE to locate interconnections D ETECTO RS between two A.C. systems Range 6,600 to 35,000 V. TERMINAL Send for Prices and List of all kinds of Terminals ROSS COURTNEY &lt C d ° ' ASHBROOK ROAD, LONDON, N.I9 TiRMlNAl SCREWS to the spec­ ific require­ Sole Makers of :— ments of our ••WESTMINSTER" PATENT 1 No earth cu sto m e rs V A C U U M T U B E D E T E C T O R S ^ Connection ••PARTRIDGE” DETECTORS J required Makers of all EARTHING RODS types of repe­ tition products from the bar In Th. WESTMINSTER ENG. Co. Ltd. ________________ all metals Victoria Road, Wlllesden Junction, N.W.10 M C L*md r e p e t i t i o n l t q Te'ephone : Telegrams : POOL LANE • LANGLEY • BIRMINGHAM. Elgar 7372 (2 lines). “ Regency, Phone, London A 2 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w December 20, 1946 EMPIRE RUBBER pftei*0* MOULDINGS FOR THE ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY For current insulation and oil sealing we can apply specialised knowledge gained by long ex­ perience, constant research and concentrated study of war-time problems. Let us keep your rubber technique up-to-date. Consult our laboratory! ★ EMPIRE RUBBER COMPANY DUNSTABLE ■ BEDS ■ Telephone DUNSTABLE 53 J December 20, 1946 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 3 G izich ew cifSeam i I je a i C fie e tin a i to 2iloatjjtienJk ihtouqhout l l e m t l d S. WOLF & CO. LTD PIONEER WORKS HANGER LANE LONDON, W.5. Telephone: PERivale 5631/4 BIRMINGHAM 47, Barker Street, Handsworth. Birmingham. 19. T el.: Northern 29S4/S MANCHESTER 5, Blackfrlars Street, Salford 3, Manchester. Tel. : Blackfrlors 8426 LEED S 2. Park Square East. Leeds. I Tel. : L ee d s 27981 7043 4 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w December 20, 1946 Rothitiill CABLE INSULATING PAPER AUCHMUTY » LONDON MANCHESTER BIRMINGHAM TuiU f fy ttse il lC o .$ id . M?LLJ,EM#FKA|N(.HSCOHAKD I TudorE.C.4 Street Coroorat:on372 Viangs* treet "** Colmors"4 Row December 20, 1946 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w B A INDUSTRIAL T-h J ELECTRIC TIMER Designed to with­ stand frequent and ar­ duous service in indus­ try, the BTH Timer has two ranges, namely from 5 seconds to 5 minutes (in 5 sec. steps) and 20 seconds to 20 minutes (in 20 sec. steps). It is controlled by any form of pilot switch or push button and will give lasting, trouble-free service. Write for list No. 5642-5 1 i ilr ■àD i n I R U G B Y 6 E lectrical Review D ecem ber 2 0 , 1 9 4 6 A RAN G E O f 'P & ’k m S V IE S E L ELECTRIC SETS * F. Perkins Ltd., maintain a highly trained technical electrical staff whose services are at the disposal of enquirers. 4* Perkins Engines are designed for much higher speeds and much higher ratings than those used in their Generating Sets. Perkins Diesel Electrical Sets are light in weight and thereby easily transportable. •fr Starting can be by hand, electric motor, or automatic. 8 8 " F i r k i n s DIESEL ENGINES I FOR COOPS AMP PASSENGER VEHICLES, 1H0 USTRIAI HMD WUHWE *PPLtC»T10WS 1 F. Perkins Ltd., Dept.E.R, 73 Lincoln Road, Peterborough. Phone: 4201 December 20, 1946 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w Llynfi Power Station where a Sturtevant Central Tur­ bine Vacuum Cleaner installation allows the whole interior to be kept clean and Sturtevant Electrostatic Precipitators ensure only clean gases pass up the stack STURTEVANT ENGINEERING CO. LTD., 25 WORCESTER RD„ SUTTON, SURREY. LONDON OFFICE : VICTORIA STATION HOUSE, VICTORIA ST., S.W.I 8 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w December 20, 1946 An actual untouched magnified photograph o f the teeth o f a 2- inch gear wheel after hardening by Redifon Heating 2-in. gear wheel case-hardened in 2i seconds by Redifon Heating SIN G a 25kW Redifon Model R .H .4 joints, the plasticizing of moulding powders U radio heating set, it is possible to and preforms, and many other applications place a hardened “ skin ” over the bearing where heat has to be applied either, in the surfaces on the teeth o f a 2-inch gear wheel case of metals, to the outer surface, or, in in 2 i seconds. The teeth, approximately the case of non-conductors, throughout the £ in. by « in. cross-section and § in. long, entire thickness of the material. are water-quenched. Full details of the process and advice as An outstanding advantage of the Redifon to its suitability for use in any particular Heating process is its ability with suitable industry can be obtained from our Indus­ steels to control the depth of the case- trial Electronics Sales Division. hardened “ skin” applied, without carburiz- ing. The high speed of heating so reduces scaling and the consequent grinding or Redifon Heating cleaning off, that Redifon Heating can BY REDIFFUSION LTD. increase the output of perfectly finished Designers and Manufacturers of articles very considerably. Industrial Electronic and Redifon Heating can also be used for Radio Communication Equipment special drying processes, the setting of glued BROOMHILL ROAD, LONDON, S.W.18 December 20, 1946 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 9 RUBBER INSULATED CABLES The results of unrivalled research and manufacturing experience are embodied in B.I. Callender’s post-war types of rubber insulated cables now at the service of the electrical industry. BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDER’S CABLES LIMITED NORFOLK HOUSE, NORFOLK STREET, LONDON W.C.2 1 0 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w December 20, 1946 Perm anent For over 40 years we have been making permanent magnet alloys. To-day we are equipped to handle competently any problem of magnet design, manufacture and supply. A com­ prehensive research and advisory department exists at our works, and is at the service of those with specific magnet application problems. + Write for Permanent Magnet Booklet, naming firm and position, to :— IIM.AH ALLEN & CO, LIMITED. IMPERIAL STEEL WORKS!- SHEFFIELD.9 December 20, 1946 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 11 RECOGNIZED STANDARDS OF EXCE • • • I::;;-:.-““---"'" br1TKH STM*D*R° SPECIFICATION FM 78 FERRANTI LTD., Hollinwood, LANCS. London Office, Kern tlouse, Klngaicay, W.C.2. 12 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w December 2 0, 1946 c/aaaX AMO COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES' AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRĘ D COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING 1C FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COO: LING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC 5.ND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS LING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES KERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND CO O KER BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING 1RES A N D CO O K ER S BEL lP g ELECTRIC FIRE? AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOI LUNG ELEC TS FI5Ä AND COOKERS BALING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRF si G AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKER! col RIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AN IIG— CT» Fi BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES A N D C O O K ER S B ELLIN G ELI CeWRIĆ" FiRI ND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKER' FÎ1TES AND COOKERS BELLU ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC ES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC RRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRTC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELUNG ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC RRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELLING ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS BELUNG ELECTRIC FIRES BELLING & COMPANY.
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