175th Anniversary Edition March 15, 2018 Toll free 1-800-803-5201 Vol. 183, No. 11 Informing. Inspiring. Connecting. www.thealabamabaptist.org Celebrating 175 years of informing, inspiring and connecting Baptists A R 1843 Y E S 2018 Back cover of TAB book design by Bob Bubnis/Illustration adapted by Lauren C. Grim Editors of The Alabama Baptist (TAB) have ranged from Milo P. Jewett (top, left), who was one of the The Alabama Baptist celebrates, reflects four founders of TAB in 1843, to current editor Bob By Jennifer Davis Rash Jewett and three others — also part of Siloam Baptist Terry (bottom, right), who has led TAB to win more The Alabama Baptist — founded the state Baptist newspaper on Feb. 4, 1843. than 200 national awards and remain among the t only made sense for Bob Terry, current editor of Part of that founding group was James DeVotie, pastor of top-circulated papers in Alabama during his tenure. The Alabama Baptist (TAB), to preach at Siloam Siloam Baptist during the 1840s. Baptist Church, Marion, that day. And Siloam Bap- So much history tied into one location allowed Terry tist’s pastor, John Nicholson, knew why. I and Nicholson to reect on the conversations that must Not only was TAB planning a major 175th anniversary celebration two days later at nearby Judson College, but have happened around those church pews as their prede- the actual anniversary day was that Sunday — Feb. 4, cessors were envisioning what might be one day. 2018 — the Sunday Terry would preach at Siloam. What would they say about the 175 years that have Another special signicance was that the opportunity passed since they prepared those rst news stories and allowed the current editor of TAB to be back in the same introduced Alabama Baptists to a new communications church building and same town where the rst editor of ministry? How would they advise leaders going forward? TAB, Milo P. Jewett, worshipped and lived. (See ‘Signicant,’ page 3) PAGE 2 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / MARCH 15, 2018 COMMENT An Amazing Celebration orgive me if these words seem self-serving pers exceeded the word count of the new book. but I am as proud as a father holding a Thankfully, each of the papers was encouraging, F newborn baby. The reason? We just com- citing the important roles the paper played across pleted an amazing yearlong celebration of the the years. Perhaps that should not be surprising 175th anniversary of The Alabama Baptist. since one Baptist historian called my three imme- The celebration was two and a half years in diate predecessors — L.L Gwaltney, Leon Macon the planning. Staff worked on the project for two THOUGHTS and Hudson Baggett — the leading Alabama years. The celebration itself lasted 13 months. Baptists of their respective eras. It included three major events, two promotional By Bob Terry These successes did not just happen. Each videos, 55 associational presentations, two re- required tireless effort by staff members of The ports during annual meetings of the Alabama Alabama Baptist and a heartfelt “thank you” goes Baptist State Convention, more than 50 histori- to each one. cal vignettes drawn from the paper’s archives, Also, attendance at the birthday party was ve feature articles about major changes in the was rst published now sits on the Judson cam- more than twice what was originally anticipated. paper’s ministry, a podcast and scores of social pus. Four members of Siloam Baptist Church, The symposium attendance of more than 70 media posts featuring highlights from the minis- Marion, formed the Association of Brethren pre-registered participants nearly doubled initial try’s past. which founded the paper in 1843. projections. Fifty- ve associations inviting a his- Then on March 8 at about 12:30 p.m. the nal Siloam is a historical site in its own right hav- torical emphasis by representatives of the state words about the celebration were recorded for a ing played key roles in founding Judson College, Baptist paper is almost double the 30 or so asso- podcast by University of Mobile and the epic ef- Howard College (now ciations the paper usually fort was over. It was a good celebration, at least Samford University) and visits each year. in my judgment. Every part of it was good. This serving as the site of the All of this attests to issue of the paper provides a brief overview of the rst Home Mission Board the continuing interest year’s activities. of the Southern Baptist Alabama Baptists have Telling the story Convention. in the ministry of com- Yes, there were bumps along the way. For ex- Birthday party partici- munications through The ample, the book telling the story of this ministry pants were able to touch Alabama Baptist. This — the rst-ever published about The Alabama this history before gather- ministry has been vital to Baptist — was supposed to be released in Sep- ing for worship with the Alabama Baptists in days tember 2017. Instead it was released in January Judson family and then past. 2018. But the nal product was every bit as good focusing on the ministry Today the ministry is as we hoped it would be. of The Alabama Baptist. equally vital to individual Several readers called the book a history of It was an exciting time readers as it helps them the major milestones of Alabama Baptists that complete with an original grow as Christian dis- intertwined the story of The Alabama Baptist birthday song and a variety ciples. The ministry is newspaper. That was the goal. We wanted readers of delicious cakes. equally vital to churches to see how the history of Baptists in Alabama was People left calling it as it lifts up what Bap- inexorably tied to the state Baptist paper. a “historic day.” What a tists believe and how we compliment. do church together. The A special blessing is the wide distribution this Photo by Pat Terry story will have among Alabama Baptists for A serendipitous experi- paper remains vital to the years to come. Thanks to the generosity of Bap- ence for me personally Bob Terry, editor of The Alabama Bap- wider family of Baptists tist Health Montgomery, Birmingham’s Brook- occurred two days earlier tist, preaches at Siloam Baptist Church, expressed through the — Sunday, Feb. 4, which Marion, on Feb. 4, the actual 175th birth- state and national con- wood Baptist Health and Samford University day of the state Baptist paper. in Birmingham, a copy of the book titled “The was the actual anniversary ventions as The Alabama Alabama Baptist: Celebrating 175 Years of In- date of the rst publica- Baptist helps bind us to- forming, Inspiring and Connecting Baptists” has tion. Siloam Baptist Church was kind enough to gether in the common cause of sharing the gospel been provided to the library of every cooperating invite me to preach that Sunday morning. We had of Jesus Christ. church and association in the state. a birthday cupcake with a candle and the congre- ‘Because You favored them’ On Feb. 6 more than 200 Baptists from across gation sang “Happy Birthday” to the paper. Yes, I am proud of the yearlong 175th anniver- the state joined the Judson College family in I will long remember that special day and the kindness of the church. sary celebration. I hope you are too. But we must Marion for an of cial birthday party for The Ala- not forget the words of the Psalmist as recorded bama Baptist. The building in which the paper Then came the symposium co-sponsored by in Psalm 44:3, “They did not gain possession of Samford University and the Alabama Baptist the land by their own sword, nor did their own Historical Commission which re ected on the arm save them; but it was Your right hand, Your Follow Bob Terry ministry of the publication. A symposium is a arm and the light of Your countenance, because more critical, more academic examination of the You favored them.” assigned topic. Often the presentations can be This ministry has survived for 175 years be- Twitter critical because every undertaking has its warts. cause of the favor of God and the favor of God’s @drbobterry Each presenter took his assignment seriously. people called Alabama Baptists. May it continue In fact, the combined word count of the four pa- to be so. MARCH 15, 2018 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / PAGE 3 “If ye continue in My word, then ... ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31–32 (ISSN 0738-7741; USPS 011-080) © The Alabama Baptist, Inc. is published weekly except for one week in July and December by The Alabama Baptist, Inc., at 3310 Independence Drive, Yearlong anniversary celebration reminds staff, others of important role Birmingham, AL 35209. Phone: 205-870-4720. Statewide (continued from page 1) phone: 1-800-803-5201. Fax: Life was different in 1843. The pages of 205-879-6026. Website: www. thealabamabaptist.org. Email: the newspaper were few in number but large news@thealabamabaptist.org or in size. And they were jam-packed with text circulation@thealabamabaptist. org. Periodicals postage paid — no photos, no graphics, just text in those at Birmingham, Ala., and days. at additional mailing of ces. And while a text-heavy design isn’t appeal- PRINT ing by modern standards, those early layouts SUBSCRIPTION RATES of TAB were cutting edge at the time. Church Budget — $13.75 Signi�icantcontributions Individual — $22.25 Through the years, the paper has worked to offer the latest in design elements, many DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES times being ahead of the curve.
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